Chapter 24**✿❀🌼🍀❀✿

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You are my penicillium, saving me, saving me
My angel, my world

Jimin pov

The management conversed with the Main Editor-in-Chief, Mr Alex Downer, relaxed and professional. The graphic designer for the publication joined in his office. Mr Wang and Ms Cheong gave Jimin a worried look.

They nodded as Mr Alexis went over the interview questions Jimin and the company had already gone over to finalize his quoted answers. Jimins' mind was elsewhere as his management dealt with all the other legal matters. After everything was completed, Mr Alex gave them a copy of the article to check over and make changes where necessary. When he saw the rumoured girls he was apparently with, Jimin sat expressionlessly. Ariana's celebrity will grow.

She is already well-known, so being connected with a BTS member will only increase her fame. He kissed her briefly as if she was a friend. Jeez. The "idol" girls were just friends he met a few years ago during the Idol Olympics. Some of them he knew from school or dance class. The only one who will be affected is Ruby. She is not used to this lifestyle.

There was a knock on the door, and Jimin and his managers were surprised to see a blonde female peeking through the door when Mr Alex motioned for her to enter.

She smiled as she met the Management. The Asian crew stood up and politely bowed to the stunning woman. Her eyes sparkled at the sight of the celebrity. Jimin merely sighed and wished they could just leave...but what she said surprised the Asian crew into stunned silence.

"Ms. Wallace has done, Sir. She has already signed; can she come in so that the pics can be finalized with Mr. Parks' management... I'll then meet with Ms. Cheong and Mr. Wang in my office to go over the remaining details—- "She informed and inquired and consult with her senior editor. Mr. Alex nods and smiles.

Jimin noticed the puzzled expressions on his managers' faces. His heart began to thump erratically against his chest. Oh, my Goodness. Red has arrived. She is, in fact, the same office. His palms began to sweat, and his mouth began to dry out. Ms. Cheong's eyes were tense as she glanced at him. Will their Chimmy be able to handle seeing the girl he's been pining for years?

"Will you be okay, Jimin?" she asked in Korean.

He turned to face his manager and nodded silently. Will he be all right? Inside his head, he yells. No, he won't! How can he sit here and not come up to her and kiss her with all his need and yearning for her?

Jimin wiped his eyes, trembling slightly. His sunshade is securely placed on his beanie. Ms Charlene left the office to get Ruby for the final image selection...

—-A few moments ago

While Ms. Charlene was leaving the office after giving you some time to read a copy of the article, your eyes began to well up in pools again as you sat alone in her office. Your head feels like it's going to spin like a toll. She just revealed a disturbing fact: Jimin and his entourage are in the meeting room. Your legs began to shiver as a result of the shock. Your stud-muffin is close by. Oh, Lord! You're not prepared to meet him face to face. How will you be anything besides an emotional jello girl in front of the superstar?

Your heart is racing faster in your chest as the lump in your throat tries to suffocate you. You took a deep breath to calm your thinly wired nerves.

 Your eyes began to focus on the swimming letters in front of you as they moved down on the page in front of you.

You shook your head vigorously, trying to focus and get yourself together. You read that article nervously, your gaze fixed on Jimin's photographs. You could feel your heart racing. You saw pictures of Jimin with Ariana Grande...your eyes widened...but it's just a rumor...two stunning Asian "idols" of South Korean girl groups. You can't even pronounce their names...and when you moved your gaze down, you noticed the heading that will appear beneath your "images" 

"Exposed! Jimins' real girl, and she's an Aussie."

With shock, your breath became stuck in your throat.  The story included a photo of you during your recovery period...a few days after you were discharged from the hospital... holy Flippen Dooley!

You're not his "real girl," but it'll help the magazine sell. This is typical of the media. There was a brief description of where you were reportedly caught dating. One of the less revealing photographs they chose was one of the two of you walking on the boardwalk with his arms around your shoulders, and your faces turned towards each other. They will keep some empty slots for the images that you both approved. The short paragraph was written in the style of a rom-com.

It made you think back on your time together two years ago. FATE brought you together today to finally say your goodbyes. You're not sure if you're truly ready to let go. However, time will heal all wounds. You may attest that your life as you know it will end once this article hits the shelves. And now your new life begins in Seoul, where most people will recognize your face.

You're well aware that the media will be looking for further information on your rumored relationship. Everything will be taken from context. Nobody will believe you and  Jimin are not soulmates. The affection you showed in each photo said a thousand words.

You can't imagine ARMY's reaction on every social platform. You're used to online bullying, but this will be taken to the next level. You thought you'd gotten over the mudslide. You must prepare for the worst internet onslaught ever. They will chew you and spit you out. Social media and fans will mock you for your looks. You're already self-conscious about your looks and freckles.

You'll be terrified if jealous Aussie fans and "saseangs" follow you home, pry into your past, and reveal your connection with Greg. Everyone who happens to be linked with BTS will achieve considerable exposure, and It will also help Greg earn more fame and recognition. He'll exploit your and Jimin's friendship to make him appear to be a helpless bunny.

You take another look at the photos on the table; those intimate photographs will be so damaging to Jimin's happiness with his future soulmate. Those images would haunt his poor sweetheart for the rest of his life. It will cause her excruciating anguish. You'll never be able to forgive yourself if such photos destroy his future relationship. Your stud-muffin was all over you like a rash in those most intimate images. You couldn't keep your hands from each other that day. That paparazzi sure had a good time watching you all hot and bothered. In embarrassment, your face flamed up again. It was pretty private.

You could feel your chest constricting again and the lump in your throat making it difficult to swallow. The severity of the situation hits you square in the face. How will you deal with all of this debacle? You know Jimin will always hold a special place in your heart. Even if he meets his soulmate and lavishes his love on her, you will endure the agony and move on with your life. Today, you and Jimin must say your final goodbyes and close the book on all of your memories together.

The blonde woman entered the room with a very excited grin on her face. Knowing she met the Bangtan Management makes you scoff inside. She had the giddiness of a lovesick teen. She smiles as she looks at you.

"I must tell you, your beau is quite gorgeous. Photos in magazines and newspapers don't do their true appearances justice. Jimin is so adorable."She giggles. You simply shook your head as she smiled down at you. Nobody believes you.

"Come on, dear...we're going to finalize the images with their management. You may be assured that We will include just the images you decided to reveal in the article. Please e-mail me your banking details so that we can transfer your gift by tonight." She gave you their e-mail address, which you instantly forwarded to her. She signaled for you to follow her to the meeting room once you were ready.  You take a deep breath as you follow her out of the office.

You took another flight of steps to the meeting room, skipping the reception area where Samantha was waiting for you.

You can hear some murmuring within the conference room as Ms. Charlene opens the door wider for you to enter. Six pairs of eyes were pulled to the door right away. You could feel the blood drain from your face as you looked at the management and the eyes of the one you missed so much. Your "stud-muffin" is hot.

Jimin felt his breath catch painfully in his throat as he gazed at the girl who had held his heart for two years in her tiny hands. As his gaze travels across your face, As his stare lingers over your calm demeanor, he notices how lovely you are. Your hair has become redder and longer. When he caught the freckles on your nose, his eyes gleamed like fireworks. Oh my goodness! She has grown into a stunning young lady, and even the bodyguards who had heard about her but had never met her were charmed by her fiery curls and lovely features. They finally realize why Jimin fell so hard. He never even made dating scandals like he used to.

Ms. Charlene introduced you to the management once more and motioned for you to sit next to her. You bowed respectfully and sat, reluctant to look at your stunning ex-beau. Your cheeks are flushed with the apparent adoration of the love of your life. You and Jimin were quietly eyeing each other as the management discussed the article and when it would be published.

Ms. Cheong could see the love and longing mirrored in both of your eyes, although you were both quiet and appeared indifferent. She was aware that you and Jimin had unresolved feelings for one other. Jimin's inner joy was too much to bear after seeing you after two years. Because of his presence, your face is red. 

Since you're nervous, you wring your hands on the table. Jimin's gaze was drawn immediately to the rings on your forefingers. When you caught his gaze, he smirked slightly. You bit your lower lip, trying not to smile at the sparkle in his eyes. You are still wearing his rings. His heart almost stopped when he noticed you discreetly rubbing your inflamed pinky finger. Is it possible ...she will... no, he doesn't want his dreams crushed...

Ms. Charlene made sure that you and Jimin picked the four images for the final draft. You were both satisfied with the results. Although you could tell Jimin didn't want the image of the  "kiss with his hand in your hair "to be published since it was too painful for him.

You understand that if he meets his soulmate, his genuine love for his ex-lover will hurt her. She will be highly insecure.  You sigh quietly, but you were pleased when Jimin insisted that the most intimate one be removed. Ms. Charlene's demeanor is a little disappointed, so he smiles slightly at you.

 You breathed a sigh of relief when the final four were indeed something you could handle: holding hands at the food market, one with his arms around your shoulder at the boardwalk, Jimin chose one of you sitting with your head on his shoulders at the harbor, and the cute one where Jimin wiped the caramel from your mouth. They're all adorable photos. It will undoubtedly be an entertaining read. It will also be published in Korean and Japanese. This is the end of your anonymity in Seoul.

At the very least, these photos were innocent dating, and everyone seemed to be happy. Mr. Alex then requested that the management accompany him to his office to discuss the remaining financials. The Editor-in-Chief stood up and thanked you and the entire team of Bangtan Management for all your kind cooperation. You were tempted to scoff. Please, you were forced to come. You all rose to your feet. Ms. Charlene thanked you and informed you that you would receive a complimentary copy of Esquire magazine.

Jimin is still sitting when he sends Ms. Cheong a question without saying anything. She nodded and followed the management out of the room, quietly closing the door behind her. Outside the doors, the Bodyguards were stationed. You gave Jimin a quick bow, grabbed your purse, and dashed out to the door.

A startling movement caught your attention behind you as you felt two strong hands grip your forearms from behind, causing you to come to a halt. You took a deep breath while closing your eyes.

"Are you  going to walk out on me again....without saying goodbye?"A gentle voice reached your ears. You didn't turn around, But just turned your head sideways without looking at Jimin.

"Everything that needs to be said has already been said...I have no more business here—- "You speak softly yet firmly as if your heart is about to burst. You must make a fresh start. You need to forget about him right now.

With his hands still tightly gripping your arms, you could feel the heat of his body at your back and his warm breath fanning your neck—

His voice was strangled as he whispered in your ear, "Did...did you mean what you said in your last text to me...Ruby?"

You breathed deeply, but you didn't turn to face him; your back was still turned away from him. "Jimin...whatever feelings I have for you right now is unimportant-you are soul marked-you have someone out there waiting for you to love and protect them...I've already been punished for loving you, so let this be our final farewell ", uttered you, a slight trembling in your voice.

You both noticed how the air around you began to shift. Jimin's breathing became more apparent as he immediately twisted you around to face you. Both of your eyes were wet with unshed tears and intense emotions. Nothing is "finalized" with you, you realized.

His eyes have a slight flash in them, "Ruby...the hell with the soulmark! I told you, I don't want anyone else except you—I'll never stop loving you—-you broke up with me," he says quietly, his gaze firmly set in your warm brown irises. He stares at you intently and asks in a troubling voice, "Do you still love me—?"

Your tears began to flow freely down your hot cheeks," Jims —-please—please don't put me in the situation to confess—-you... you are soul marked. I don't deserve you!" You exasperatedly fling your arms in the air.

Jimin pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes'—I don't care... all I want is a simple yes or no! If you look me in the eyes and If you reject me right now, telling me straight in my face that you don't love me, I'll walk out of your life and leave you alone. I'll try to move on from you," He replies, challenging you to confess. You just can't tell him as he stares intensely into your watery eyes. You simply couldn't.

You pursed your lips and kept your face expressionless. It is better this way. He has a soulmate somewhere out there. You can never willfully place yourself in a position like your parents. Even though your heartaches in your chest right now. You want him, but he is not legally yours.

Jimin wiped his eyes, looked up heavenward, closed his eyes for a second, and looked sadly back at you before turning his back on you to walk to the door, sighing heavily. That's it. She made her choice.

He heard a quiet voice behind him as he was ready to turn the door handle to exit.

"...I never stopped loving you Jims—-it was always you and no one else," you finally said, deeply regretful.

It was like a tornado as you saw Jimin turn around, the light of happiness flood his eyes, and the most charming relief smile adorn his lips as he rushed back to you, wrapping his arms tightly around you in a warm embrace. As he looked down at you, you melted into his arm. Your love for each other was reflected in your eyes as you felt his arms tighten around. You felt shivers run down your spine as his nose glided along your jawline and his lips caressed your ear, and you both felt content in each other's arms. You breathed his scent, which caused you to snuggle up closer.

He looks into your lovely eyes with his moist eyes that are full of inner joy." are the center of my universe. I've never wanted a girl as much as I wanted you. I've never loved a girl as much as I love you—please let me pour all of my love onto you—-my fame, wealth, status, and brand rankings mean nothing to me, but having your love will keep me breathing." You were in awe at his English skills...

You took his hands in yours and gently stroked the back of them. Jimin felt tingles in his pinky finger due to your gentle touch.

You raise your gaze to his big eyes, " are my first and last true love, and there will be none other than you. You are my lifeline. I wanted to be strong enough to love you from afar because I love you so much." This is a point of no return.  He smiled contently as he cupped your wet cheeks with his thumbs, wiping the tears from your smiling face. And with a single movement, his hands make their way into your red locks, delicately pulling your head to meet his and slowly savoring the softness of your lips, overflowing with untamed passion.

You kissed him back feverishly, gripping tight to his waist as your legs began to feel like jello. Your lips savored the comforting feel of his soft ones. As he kissed your neck, you let out a moan. His breath felt hot against your skin. Jimin kissed your jaws, and your eyes, and then re-captured your warm, swollen lips.

He peered intently into your hooded eyes as he slowly released your lips after a few intense kisses. "Our connection is strange,, If you obtain a soulmark in the next months, please send me a screenshot...I'll be here until the end of time waiting for you'.

You furrow your brows and lick your lips as you say, "Jims—-"

"No, baby... I mean it. I'll wait for you for as long as it takes. If, by some miracle, we turn out to be soulmates...I'm coming back to you, and I'll make sure you stay by my side. I can't stand leaving you after today, darling...could you just be mine again?" His voice trembles a little. How will he leave you...again? He can't lose you again.

You gently nod and smile, "I'll be yours...again." His eyes sparkled with joy. You dried your eyes, knowing you couldn't let Samantha see you like this. When you both heard a knock, you both turned to the door. His bodyguard signals that the meeting with the rest of the management appears to be over.

"Ruby, please take out your phone; is your phone number the same?" You nodded and got it from your bag and swiftly scrolled down to unblock his, frowning. He got his SAMSUNG phone from his pocket and promptly texted you. When you receive a notification, your eyes widen.

"It's my private number- don't block me ever again," he said hastily." It was agonizing. I'm very sorry for causing you so much grief, darling...please forgive me.  Never doubt my love again, okay?" You nod.

The faint knock was back.

"I won't ever block you again," you say quietly as you caress his cheek." I'm just afraid of ARMY, and when the magazine hits the stands, "you tremble at the impending doom.

Jimin smiles and gives you a sweet, lingering kiss, saying, "I'll protect you...remember you are my love Ruby  I'm head over heels in love with you. So take care," he says as he caresses your arms.

You glance up at him, saddened, and say, "Goodbye, Jims...I love you too."

You both make your way to the door, and when you get there. Jimin was standing behind you, whispering, "Remember your promise."

You nod as you take out and put on your sunglasses. You smiled and walked away from him as he opened the door for you. The bodyguard stared at you and led a happy smiling Jimin to the Editor's office while you pulled out your lip gloss and dabbed a bit on your swollen lips before heading down the stairs to where Samantha had been waiting for you for nearly two hours at the reception.

You realize you and your superstar stud-muffin have just started a long-distance, secret relationship...

A/n:  I hope you love the surprise update for all my Mochi-stans. I know we are all super excited that our Jimin is safe and sound.

Question 1: Did you expect to make up again?

Question 2: Will Jimin be able to keep your relationship a secret from his brothers?

Question 3: Do you believe they'll meet again, or will he return to Sydney?

Question 4: Are you prepared to feel the sting of fame once more?

Question 5: What will Greg's reaction be if your rumored relationship is disclosed?

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