22.Crazy for You

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Jimin: I appreciate you for last night. It was incredibly romantic, and I liked it. What are you doing?

Y/n: I am happy that you liked it. I am packing.

Jimin: Is it for your trip?

Y/n:No, I am going to my home.


Y/n: I came here to look after you. Now you are good. So, I am going to my home?

Jimin:Y/n, I will miss you a lot if you go.

Y/n: Don't stand in my way, Can't you see that I am packing?

(Jimin pov

She didn't even listen to any of my words. She kept on doing her work. When she was about to leave the house, I hugged her tightly, not letting her move.)

Y/n:Leave me, Jimin.

Jimin:I won't leave you. Just stay here with me.

Y/n:Don't be a kid.

Jimin:Then come on, let's get married. Then you will stay with me, right?

Y/n: Why are you in a hurry? We have more time to walk down the aisle and Stop dreaming. My mom is calling. I need to take this call. Can you stop squeezing me?

Jimin:I won't.

Y/n:Mom, How are you doing?

Y/n Mom: How can you hide such a big thing from us?

Y/n:What did I hide?

Y/n Mom:That you have a boyfriend.

Y/n:Who told you?

Y/n mom: Jimin's mom said to me I regret that we failed to care for you and express our
love for you.

We need to find out if your boyfriend is trustworthy. Even though I am familiar with him, I am unaware of his current behavior toward you.

Y/n:Jimin's Mom, She said to you, I forgot to say, Sorry, Mom.

Y/n Dad:Let me talk with her. How could you forget? It's such an important matter. You are staying at Jimin's house now, right? Put the phone on speaker. I need to talk with him.

Y/n: Yes, Dad, I did it.

Jimin: Hello, Uncle. How are you?

Y/n Dad: How can I be fine knowing that you are with my daughter?

Jimin:Uncle, I love her, and I swear I'll do everything it takes to keep her safe.

Y/n Dad:If you hurt her, I won't think twice about breaking your bone.

Jimin:I will prove to you that I am the best.

Y/n Dad: I and your mom will come to Korea within a week. Let's all celebrate Chuseok together in Busan, and I need to talk with you, Jimin.

Jimin:I will be waiting for you both.

Y/n:Dad, I am so happy. Love you.

Mom:We will hang up. Take care, dear.


Y/n:Jimin, stop hugging me.

Jimin:I can't. Either you stay here, or I will come with you and stay at your place.

(Jimin pov

She hugged me back. Using her little strength. She dragged me to the couch and pushed me.)

Jimin:Y/n, what are you doing? Why are you unbuttoning my shirt? (The way she looks at me, her smile, everything drives me crazy.)

Y/n:Jimin, Let me taste you and say whether you are sweet or sour.

Jimin:Y/n, are you going to Kiss me?

(Y/n pov

I just smiled at him and pecked his forehead, saying, "I am not going to kiss you". I could see his eagerness to kiss me, his eyes were glowing, and I found that he had taken his hand from me. I got up from him and said, "Just a peck and not a kiss," I said that and sprinted towards the door.)

Jimin:You can't do this, it's unfair. You made it even worse for me. You are going to Japan, and I can't even see you for two to three days. It's frustrating.

Y/n:It's all because of you, you were disturbing me. This is what you will get if you annoy me.

(Y/n pov

In the meantime, Jungkook came in, breathing heavily as if he had run a marathon, and hid behind the couch. Following him, Yoongi came running.)

Yoongi:Where is he? If I find him, he will be dead meat in my hands.

Y/n:He is behind the couch.

Jungkook:Y/n, How can you do this to me?

Y/n:Did I do something wrong?

Jungkook:Y/n, you

Yoongi: How dare you? Why did you give my number to Dal Rae?

Jungkook:She is freaking annoying, so to escape from her, I thought of giving her a boy's number. That number turned out to be yours.

Yoongi:You did it intentionally, Jungkook.

Jungkook:It's not like that, hear me, Hyung.

Jimin:Hey, Stop it. You can go outside and argue.

Y/n:Keep thinking about me, and I love you, Jimin. (Saying that I winked at him.)

Jimin: Everyone Quickly, Go out. Y/n, Stop winking at me. You are pissing me off right now.

Yoongi: Did you both fight?

Y/n:No, Why would we?
( I went near him and whispered in his ear, "Miss you, honey. Don't be mad at me. I was just picking on you")

Jungkook:Someone save me from him?

Jimin:Nobody is going to save you. You are making me crazy, Y/N. (She just giggled at my state and ran away. I ruffled my hair in dismay. Why is she doing this? She is affecting me even more. I will miss her a lot.)

Yoongi:Why is he acting weird?

Jungkook:Love makes one stupid.

Yoongi:Jungkook, Come with me right now.


(Y/n pov

I arrived in Japan after a two-hour journey. Mr. Choi resides close to the Shinkyo Bridge. The cab trip is relaxing. The babbling river beneath the bridge and the sultry scent of the woods helped me relieve my stress.

After reaching out to his place, we had a good discussion about the interior design. I found that Jimin suggested a mix of vintage and contemporary styles be incorporated. He must have gotten this idea from Grandma's house.

I got the draft and waited for my cab to pick me up. Mr.Choi suggested dropping me off, but I declined it because The hotel where I am staying is far away from the place where he will be going now.

My phone ran out of charge, and the cab has still not arrived. So I decided to take the bus. The bus is scheduled to arrive at 1:00 AM, according to the schedule. Now it's midnight. I have an hour to wait.

Suddenly it started raining, and I was the only one waiting at the bus stop. It looked like a desolate street. In the afternoon, everything looked beautiful, but now it's spooky. I started hearing the sounds of owls and mockingbirds, which gave me a dreadful fear.

Then a car came and stood in front of the bus stop. A person came out with an umbrella, he wore a long coat with a scarf. He looked genuine and handsome.)

....: Are you Korean?

Y/n:Yes, I am. You are a Korean too.

....:Yes, It's not safe for you to be alone here. How about you come with me? You can stay at my friend's house.

Y/n: Won't it be trouble for you and your friend? Thanks for inviting me. I will wait for the bus.

....:I am not sure if the bus will come.

Y/n: (Rain started pouring even more heavily, and thinking about being alone horrified me.)
I will come with you, and I am sorry for the inconvenience. Do you have a phone or charger?

....: My phone ran out of charge, and I didn't bring my charger. Get in.

Y/n: OK, Thank you. Can I know your name?

Seok:I am Hyun Seok.


Seok:Make yourself comfortable. Let me bring you tea to get rid of the tiredness.

Y/n:Thank you.

(Y/n pov

I started to take a look at the house, and then I found the same vibrant yellow-colored frame that I found at Jimin's house.

I just took a glance, it is a picture of a group of boys in their high school uniform.

Before I could take a look at the person's face properly. Seok grabbed it from my hand and handed over the tea.)

Seok:You can stay upstairs. The room is on the right side, the first one.

Y/n: OK (is that picture the same or a different one? Thinking about that, I went to sleep).


Happy 10th Anniversary to BTS! I'm happy to be a part of the Purple fandom.

- Shinhaari💜

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