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"Dude, you're really a moron!"

Screamed Kihyun while landing his hand on the second oldest's broad shoulder. Joo-Hyuk caressed the spot where the other male hit him.

The black-haired male was about to hit his friend, but Yeosang interrupted them, with his cold and intimidating voice.

"Stop it."

He ordered without leaving his attention from the paper. Somehow, for how weirdly and ridiculous it was, it captured his curiosity. Though, something that disappointed him was the fact that there wasn't any explanation about Incubi, what they were, what were their powers, and where they came from.

For that reason, Yeosang thought that maybe an Incubus wasn't a dangerous demon, since there wasn't a description about it and, especially, the board could be easily found in a simple thrift store. Maybe it was one of those gnomes that stole cents when they fell between the cushions of sofas.

Joo-Hyuk, no matter Yeosang's admonition, threw a punch on Kihyun's shoulder blade, making the male deform for the pain.

"You're the moron here!"

Exclaimed Joo-Hyuk, pointing his index finger towards his friend that just hit. A "tch" left the oldest's mouth, before continuing his comments.

"C'mon guys, do you really think that we can actually summon a demon? We're not in some horror movie or book. This is reality. Demons, angels, vampires, werewolves, and so on and so forth, don't exist."

Added, then, Joo-Hyuk. Yeosang, who wasn't paying attention to his two friends bickering at all, was, instead, reading every paper that came with the board. There must've been also a paper that explained how to banish a demon, but unluckily it was missing. Yeosang didn't give it too much importance to that detail, since, for the first time in his life, he agreed with Joo-Hyuk.

Kihyun, on the other hand, didn't seem to be on the same side as his two friends. He wasn't scared of a mere board, just he wasn't understanding why Joo-Hyuk wanted to play with that thing so much, knowing that it was just a silly piece of wood.

"Then, why are you so excited to use that even if you know that nothing will happen?"

Asked Kihyun, pissed by his friend. Joo-Hyuk's eyes widened for the exasperation. The black-haired male just wanted to have fun with his friends while doing something "prohibited". Was that really hard to understand?

Joo-Hyuk groaned while lifting his head so that his eyes were looking at the ceiling for a brief moment. Then, his expression became suddenly blank, as if nothing happened.

"Can we start playing, now?"

He asked, shocking Kihyun and earning a surly glance. The blonde male had his lips parted, speechless by his friend's behavior. He didn't say anything, Kihyun just stood up to walk out of the living room.

"I'm leaving, bye."

He declared before waving his hand. Yeosang, however, was quicker and managed to grab Kihyun by the hem of the jeans he was wearing, stopping his steps.

Yeosang's too wasn't understanding Joo-Hyuk's excitement for a stupid replica of the Ouija board, but he cared so much about it. Plus, it was a way to spend some time together with his friends, which didn't happen frequently, even if they attend the same college.

And last, but not least, that board was a fake, so there was no reason for Kihyun to be scared of it since you couldn't use it to summon demons.

"Indulge him or he won't stop whining for the next three weeks."

Suggested Yeosang to the poor, scared Kihyun, because that was what he was: afraid. Kihyun didn't like to show that side of him to anyone, and having a demonic board right in front of him made him feel uncomfortable. Just by looking at it, Kihyun's skin filled with goosebumps. He didn't like that board at all.

The brown-haired male came back to his senses as soon as he realized that it was just a game. They were going to play truth or dare and the only thing he had to do was to always tell the truth and do what he was obligated to do.

Satisfied with his strategy, Kihyun sat back to where he was before, his feelings were different as if all of the fear flew away to be replaced by excitement.

Yeosang and Joo-Hyuk's were shocked by his quick change of expression. He moved from being half-sleepy and petulant to impatient to start. Kihyun was moody, but it never happened to change his humor that quickly.

The blonde male looked at Joo-Hyuk's face first and then at Yeosang's, not understanding why they were so shocked.

"Well? What are we waiting for? Let's play!"

He exclaimed, making Yeosang shake his head and Joo-Hyuk scoff.

And so they started playing. To their surprise, Kihyun was being really honest and sincere every time someone asked him a question after he decided truth. Joo-Hyuk chose only dares and soon he was drinking water while doing a handstand.

The poor make started coughing and spitting all the water out of his mouth, falling on his knees while laughing, along with the other two guys.

Until now, no one had to use the board, since every dare was carried out and everyone said the truth. It was Yeosang's turn and Joo-Hyuk couldn't wait to give him his special dare. The only thing he had to do, was to choose dare. And that was exactly what Yeosang did.

A smirk drew on Joo-Hyuk's lips, he couldn't handle it and the tingling sensation that was growing bigger and bigger in his chest. The real fun began now, for him.

"I dare you to confess your feelings to Park Jieun."

The air grew thick in the room, the tension was so heavy that you could almost cut it with a knife. Yeosang stopped breathing and Kihyun noticed it. The younger wasn't really sure if he heard it right or if it was his imagination.

Joo-Hyuk had a smirk on his lips all the time, enjoying how his friend was struggling with his emotions. The black-haired male knew that Yeosang wasn't able to confess to her out of nowhere, he didn't have any assurance that she felt the same way about him.

The younger shook his head, hands trembling and the color of his skin slipped away to leave room to a pale shade. Yeosang tried to hide his discomfort by clearing his throat.

"You know I can't do that."

He quickly declared, piercing Joo-Hyuk with his eyes, his expression hardened when he noticed a smirk on his mouth. He, then, hummed.

"This is why you have to use the board."

He said, giving Yeosang a tight-lipped smile with malice and already positioning his fingers on the planchette. Kihyun almost seemed relieved that it didn't happen to him to be the one making the ritual. He, too, placed his fingers close to Joo-Hyuk's.

Yeosang observed their hands for a second, before moving his eyes on the board right under them. He didn't know why, but he was nervous. However, he'd rather take part in a demonic ritual than confess to the girl he loved. If the demon rejected to be summoned, he wouldn't feel bad about it.

"It's just a game." He said to himself. "Nothing is going to happen.", He added, trying to convince himself. He took a deep breath and placed his fingers on the planchette. The paper to summon a demon was on his knees, so that he could read the words while moving his hands.

The ritual began. Yeosang started asking the simpler questions like if there was anyone there, how the demon was feeling, and what was its name. Everything sounded so ridiculous to the younger male, but a sense of curiosity washed over him as time goes by.

Minutes passed and nothing really happened. Kihyun was the first to move away his fingers from the planchette, scoffing and standing up, ready to throw himself back on the couch.

"I knew it was just a replica."

He spat with an angle of his lips lifted, almost looking disgusted by the board. His face met the pillow once again, letting out a loud groan as if he hadn't slept for centuries.

"Well, at least we tried it."

Joo-Hyuk said, hiding his bother and trying to look mature. Yeosang hates when he acted like a spoiled child as if everything was due to him, acting like he was a prince.

"And we proved that you're an asshole."

Spat Yeosang, grabbing all the papers and starting to tidying them inside the box where he found them. What they just did was just a waste of time, in his opinion. He could've used that time reading one of the thousands of books he still had to read.

Joo-Hyuk rolled his eyes and scoffed again for the umpteenth time, that afternoon.

"And we understood that you're really and old, cranky and grumpy pensioned, Yeosang."

Commented the black-haired male whereas crossing his built arms on his chest.

Kihyun, that everyone thought was sleeping quietly, lifted his arm in the air, giving Joo-Hyuk a thumb up and screaming an "I agree" that was muffled by the pillow.

Yeosang decided that they didn't deserve his breath, so he preferred to stay silent. But, as he was about to close the box, something happened. Something that he would've never thought he could see. Something that should only exist in movies and books, as his friend said earlier.

The planchette on the board moved on its own.

The younger's action abruptly stopped when he noticed that. Before alerting his two friends, he decided to keep an eye on it, just to make sure that he wasn't crazy and that thing really moved.

And here it went, moving again towards one of the letters.

"Guys! Look at this!"

He called the other two males, in his voice there was a tip of shock and adrenaline and he could feel his throat tightening at the sight of the planchette halting on a letter.

It was the letter "Y".

Joo-Hyuk had his eyes widened and his mouth opened, forming an O shape. He didn't know what to say, nor what to feel. Should've he been happy or scared? Excited or worried?

The planchette moved again, this time on the letter "E".

Joo-Hyuk shook Kihyun by his knee, making the poor sleepy boy complain while lifting his head. His eyes were half-lidded and followed the direction of the black-haired male's finger, which was pointing towards the planchette that started moving again.

And it stopped on the letter "O".

Now, Kihyun's face was just like Joo-Hyuk's. Yeosang, in the meantime, had his lips parted a little and his eyebrows furrowed. The fear was creeping up on his shoulders, making them heavier and heavier.

The planchette reached the letter "S".

Yeosang's hands started shaking. He was pretty sure that the demon was writing his name, though he hoped to be wrong.

Kihyun gulped loudly. He wanted to scream to his other two friends that he was right, that the board wasn't a replica and that they were all going to die.

"Sh-Should we stop it?"

He asked simply, instead. His eyes never left the planchette, not even when he stopped on the next letter.

The letter "A".

No one replied, because no one knew what was going on, how could they know what to do?

Yeosang moved uncomfortably on the floor whereas staring at the next move of the planchette.

The next letter was "N".

And then, there was the "G".

The younger's name was completed and he hoped with all of his heart that the scene that went on until now was finished.

Little he knew that, actually, everything just started, once the board gave him the last word, which wasn't reassuring at all. Yeosang was sweating and not because he was hot, but because what he read on the board made him questioning what he and his friends had just done.

The complete sentence made all of the males shiver:

"Yeosang goodbye"


Ayo, I'm back! This time for real tho hehe.

Any thoughts? I feel this story is going to be a little more contorted than Incubus and I hope to don't mess anything up lmao. Also, probably there's going to be some disgusting detail and information, I hope you won't kill me for that, you'll find it out later in the story.

Well, I hope I didn't scare you with that and that you'll stick with me on this journey! Let's get it!

Thanks for your support, this book wouldn't exist if it wasn't for you!

Luv ya ♡︎

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