|Life is a collection of moments|

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Welcome to this story. Dear, if you haven't noticed yet, this is a one-shot story. It is not specific to one member. You can imagine yourself in any girls' place you prefer. It talks about a few days of the reader's life with her best friends and how she reaches her crush. We hope you all enjoy these pieces of comedy and happy moments of Y/N's life with a few members of our kings (BTS).

Our only goal is for you guys to enjoy and at least smile while reading.

-story by Taehyung's SoulMate and XSHIMIN . Go check our other story (Short Hair Creatures) in her account.

Leave some love in your way.


"Can anyone control this big-mouth girl for me?!" Yoongi yelled, his eyes closed and fists clenched close, his voice echoing in the big hall provided for tomorrow's wedding.

The boy was annoyed. Completely.

He didn't like the way Y/N was voicing out her opinions which were always the opposite of his ones. He didn't like it one bit. If Yoongi said that yogurt is white, she'd say that it's black.

"Look Yoongi! These chairs should be on the right side, so the guests can see them more clearly!" Y/N whined, her heartbeat increasing at the amount of annoyance the cold guy gave her.

He just looked at her without any expression shown on his face, then went back to putting the chairs on the left side of the area. Y/N huffed a huge amount of air out as her eyebrows were knitted together. Her cheeks were red, flames of fire coming out from her ears - if it was possible - like the ones from the cartoons.

The two continued arguing, not knowing that Jungkook and his girlfriend were shooting videos of them while laughing. "Look at Hyung's face!" Jungkook managed to say in between his waves of laughter, eyes crinkled. "Just his face is enough for Y/N Noona's nerves!"

"I know right," Yaran agreed to her boyfriend's words as they watched the video they took. However, they stopped when a voice came from behind; "Why are you guys laughing like idiots?" Asked Sava, Yoongi's wife while holding their one-year-old daughter.

"Just look at your husband and Y/N, separate them or they'll eat each other alive," Yaran told her friend, making the woman walk towards World War Three between her husband and her friend.

Sava was always quick and smart in these situations. She was used to it, anytime they'd see Y/N, an argument would happen. So Sava's role was always being the superhero. She'd always find an excuse to send her husband away. It was the only way the two stopped arguing about nonsense things.

"Yoongi! Look Sato is asking for ice cream. Go buy her one," Sava said. The arguing man turned his head around and looked at his wife then smiled at her. Sava smiled back at him.

Her smile. Her eyes. The way she laughed. The way she talked. The way she walked. Yoongi could look at her forever without a break.

He then shifted his gaze from her to his daughter, who has her hands curled into tiny fists, throwing them in the air almost jumping out of her mother's embrace to her father's. The father took her and started walking out without any word, causing Sava to do a victory dance for her success in sending her husband away.

Y/N looked at Sava and raised her index finger, anger still new and fresh, "You better keep your hubby locked somewhere when I'm around." She threatened and started arranging the chairs the way she desired.

In the other corner of the hall, were the two love birds who were busy working and arranging like the others for tomorrow. The day when they will enter a new life, open a new page, and write new moments of the new life they'll start tomorrow.

"Baby, you should go and rest. So you won't be tired for tomorrow." Jimin told Shayna, who was busy placing flower petals here and there. The girl's heart melted at her fiancee's words, but she kept it cool and knitted her eyebrows together.

"No. I'm just gonna finish these too."

Jimin agreed and placed a kiss on the side of her head. He went back to his work, but before he could even start, he saw Taehyung frozen on his spot while holding a chair, staring at something. Jimin frowned and followed his gaze and saw that 'something' is someone.

Taehyung was staring at Y/N, who was on her phone speaking while smiling and letting out a chuckle every now and then.

Jimin couldn't blame Taehyung though.

A girl, a single one to be specific. Beautiful. Long hair, bright and big eyes, perfect and all. Sweet and has an amazing personality. Giving you a warm and lovely vibe whenever you look at her.

The older male smirked. I knew from the beginning that this fool has feeling for Y/N. But what Jimin and the others -except the girls- didn't know was that Y/N was madly in love with Taehyung.

Jimin with his infamous smirk started walking towards the busy girl and waited until she finished her call. "Do you want something?" Y/N asked the smirking man as she placed her phone in her pocket.

Jimin's body was facing where Taehyung was standing. He crossed his arms and looked at Y/N from the corner of his eyes. "Uh-huh. Looks like...."

"What's with that smirk, dickhead?"

"Looks like someone is crazily in love with you." Jimin finally said, trying hard to hide his smile. Y/N joined her eyebrows together in confusion, not getting what the guy was trying to say.

"I swear to God Jimin... What do you mean?"

Jimin nodded toward where Taehyung was and cleared his throat. All the poor girl could feel was her blood rocking up for her ears and cheeks, she immediately looked away. What the fuck is wrong with him? Why is he standing like a statue and looking at me?

However, she kept it cool in front of Jimin and looked at him with a death glare which sent a shiver down Jimin's spine. "Park fucking Jimin, if you want to have babies, run." That was all she said before Jimin started running for his precious balls.

Sunshine. That was how Hoseok saw Awin. And how Awin saw Hoseok.

"What are you looking for?" Yaran asked Awin whose eyes were roaming around the big hall, concerned. The girl was worried, it's been a while since he saw the guy who she has a huge ass crush on.

She stopped as soon as she heard Jungkook's girlfriend's voice. She looked at her, gulping. "I- Uh nothing."

When Yaran heard the girl's stuttering, she immediately knew what or who the girl was looking for. "Oh let me help you, sis." The golden-eyed girl said. "He and Jungkook went out to buy lunch, don't be worried." She winked.


"Oh, the one and only Jung Ho Seok."

They all were hanging out in Yaran and Jungkook's big shared apartment. Saying that they should hang out that night since Shayna and Jimin were going to enter a new life and will not have times like the old days.

The girls were all in a room, while the boys were in the living room.

"Ow!" Shayna hissed while rubbing the back of her head after getting slapped for the nth time by Y/N that night.

"I said listen to me!" Y/N whined as she looked at the girl hissing, wide-eyed. The other girls -Yaran, Awin, and Sava- laughed at the two, enjoying the snacks scattered in front of them.

"I am listening!" Shayna fired, annoyed by her friend's behavior. The girl just out of nowhere opened a conversation about Shayna having babies with Jimin and what she has to name them. Before Y/N could voice out the name she had prepared for Shayna's baby boy, Shayna started;

"Well, I think Toby will be very suitable for your future son. Because, you know, Taehyung starts with T and Toby starts with T too,... So..."

"That's true!" Sava beamed.

All of them burst into laughter seeing Y/N's red face. She yelled a few times to stop them, but they just laughed harder. "You all leave the girl alone... I have a brilliant idea bitchs.." Awin smirked, the others looking at her and immediately mischievously laughing afterward.

"Well, stop before I chop your beloved friend down there." Yoongi coldly told Jimin who didn't find any topic to tell the guys, except the day he fell in love with Shayna which was so sweet and all for himself, but cringe as hell for the others.

"Okay... Okay. I'm gonna stop...."

They soon fell into another conversation, each of them focused on the topic too seriously that they didn't notice the chain of girls coming into the living room quietly.

Shayna; had a big white sheet over her head, covering her whole figure, with two holes right where her eye were. She was a ghost.

Sava; wore a big Cow costume, the head of the cow looking very realistic.

Yaran; well she has prepared something very good that she's sure she'll succeed in.

Awin; was holding a bunch of plastic spiders, ready to throw them at her victim.

Y/N; she held a bowl of sliced mangoes and a plastic butterfly.

They all looked at each other and nodded, faces serious as if they were agents going on a mission.

Shayna walked towards Taehyung and jumped in front of him, making the sound of ghosts. Awin threw the spiders on Hoseok's legs and arms. Y/N placed the butterfly in Jimin's hand and shoved a few mangoes into his mouth. And Yaran screamed, "Jungkook the microwave exploded!" In Jungkook's ear.

All together.

All as fast as possible.

The guys all screamed, Hoseok jumping and falling off the couch, Jimin spitting out the mangoes as he hated it the most then letting out a blood-curdling scream, slapping his right hand which had the butterfly on with his other hand, Jungkook running out of the living room to his bedroom while hiding his ears with his hands, and Taehyung went after seeing the ghost in front of him.

The girls all laughed like there was no tomorrow. The only calm one was Yoongi, looking at the situation dumbfounded. "What the hell just happened?" He asked, stopping the girls from laughing.

Y/N, Shayna, Yaran, and Awin looked at him then frowned, finding him calm and all. He was supposed to shit himself after seeing the Cow/Sava. They all thought.

Then Y/N looked around and found Sava in a corner of the room, the realistic Cow costume nowhere to be found. "What the heck Sava?" Y/N screamed.

Half of the time was spent on preparing Sava to scare her husband as he was so scared of Cows, Y/N was so excited to see his scared face being pale and all.

"Well, I didn't have the heart to scare him...." Sava shyly accepted. All the girls whined at him, and Y/N was about to start her lecture of nagging when a hand caught her wrist and turned her around. She saw that it was Jimin and freed her hand from his grip with a death glare.

"Do NOT fucking try to speak with me! Our friendship is over you HEARTLESS!" Jimin shouted then walked out to go to Jungkook's bedroom where Jungkook and Taehyung were still hiding, Jungkook still thinking about the exploded microwave and Taehyung about the ghost.

Y/N watched in shock. "Don't mind him, he's on his period." Shayna awkwardly laughed it off.

Peoples. Laughter. Loves. Happiness.

All filled the hall which held the big wedding. People from Jimin's family, and Shayna's family. Their friends. Their co-workers. Anyone possible? You name it and they were there. All were happy because two of their dear ones were finally creating a bond that was stronger than a wolf's bone.

Both the groom and the bride were standing side by side in front of the priest, waiting for him to finish his speech, back facing the audience.

Sava ran quietly to Shayna and fixed the veil, then quickly ran back to the right side where the girls were. They all smiled at her.

Jungkook from the left side with the other boys, with a frown looked at the girls and scoffed. "Why are they so proud just fixing that thing?" Yoongi asked, annoyed by the actions the girls made for the bride.

"That thing is called veil you dumbo," Taehyung said.

"Whatever..." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Unfortunately Jimin's doesn't have it or else I would go and fix it," Hoseok commented.

Jungkook was still searching in his evil mind, trying to find something wrong with Jimin's back, so he can go and fix it. He wanted to show the girls that they were as smart as them.

Then the idea popped up. He took out the small hair brush he always kept in his pocket, and proudly walked towards the groom. He brushed Jimin's hair from the back.

Jimin suppressed a chuckle. He was aware of Sava coming and fixing his bride's veil, and he knew that his friends are jealous. Those kids.

Jungkook walked back and exchanged proud looks with his other friends.

"The fuck?" Yaran muttered and Y/N walked towards Shayna with anger. How dare they do things like us? She started fixing the bride's dress and walked back. She gave the boys an I dare you look and flipped her hair.

"Really?" Hoseok muttered and Taehyung walked towards Jimin, taking the handkerchief out of his black suit pocket. He bent down and cleaned the back of Jimin's tuxedo shoes, then walked back. When Awin was about to go and fix the bride's something, the priest said; "We should start vowing now or your friends will rip your clothes apart."

The audience laughed and the girls blushed in embarrassment while shooting death glares at the boys who were smirking.

"Do you, Lee Shayna, accept Park Jimin as your husband?"

"I do!" The girl happily screamed, and the girls shared squeals and yell and screams while clapping.

"I swear these girls aren't normal..." Yoongi said.

"Just wait till Jimin vows and we'll do the same but in a manly way," Hoseok smirked.

"Do you, Park Jimin, accept Lee Shayna as your wife?"

"I do." He then looked at Shayna. "I take you as my wife, my partner for life, as my best friend. I vow to love you more every day."

That was when everyone was startled by the sound of the guys. Yoongi yelling, Hoseok screaming, Taehyung swaying his hips in the center, and Jungkook doing a beatbox with his mouth.

The priest shook his head as he sighed."You may kiss the bride."

Go to Chapter 2 right away!

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