06 | this is halloween

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It had been two weeks since Dean's second time being on the chopping board and now the day before Halloween. A day that Delaney never really got into and only really ever dressed up when Will had asked her to. It was a holiday that never had good memories for her, much like Christmas. The only good day in the past two weeks was Delaney's birthday and Dean had let them have a full weekend off from hunting down things to celebrate her being twenty-three now.

Her last birthday got overshadowed by Dean's rapidly approaching trip down to Hell so it wasn't really celebrated in the race against the clock. She had even gotten a call from Randy and he felt bad he couldn't be there with her. He really wanted to give Delaney more time with Dean and Sam, especially with things still being a bit tense with the boys knowing Delaney had been using her abilities the whole time Dean had been in the pit. Plus, Randy knew Dean would try to kill him if he saw the dark haired demon so he was keeping his distance and continuing the search for Lilith for Delaney. A manhunt that Delaney momentarily forgot about with the past hunt of Dean nearly dying. Again.

Now they were on another hunt that Sam noticed in the papers of a man dying from razors in his stomach. All he had done was eat four pieces of candy that his wife had gotten from the store to give out to the trick-or-treaters on Halloween. It was definitely a bit odd and sounded like it could be something that the Winchesters could look into.ย 

The case turned out to be exactlyย up the Winchesters' ally when Dean pulled out a hex bag underneath the fridge in the Wallace's kitchen. Just what Delaney loved... witches.ย 

While the boys went out to do some research on Luke Wallace, Delaney had stayed back at the motel room to research what she could on the velvety hex bag left behind. She had opened up Sam's laptop and three lore books on the coffee table in front of the green floral couch in the corner of the room. She picked up the leaf inside of the hex bag, inspecting it closely as if that would give her the answers she needed on what witch they were dealing with.

The door opened to reveal the boys and Delaney raised her eyebrows at Dean who popped a piece of chocolate into his mouth. She would have thought the fact that some guy just died from doing just that would have turned Dean off from eating any type of chocolate or candy until they were done.

"Really? After that guy choked down all those razor blades?" Delaney asked in disbelief.

"It's Halloween, baby girl," Dean replied around the piece of chocolate in his mouth.

Delaney scrunched up her nose at the sight and turned away from Dean with a shake of her head. "Every day is Halloween for us, Dean."

Sam sat down on the couch next to Delaney and picked up one of the small bones from the hex bag. "Anything interesting?"

"Well, we are definitely on a witch hunt, unfortunately. This isn't your typical hex bag," Delaney explained, gesturing to the opened bag on the coffee table. She picked up a piece of gold plant and held it up for her brothers to see. "Goldthread - an herb that's been extinct for two hundred years" She then picked up the gold coin that had been next to the plant, twisting it between her fingers. "This is Celtic and I don't mean some new age knock off. Looks like the real deal - like six hundred years old real."

"So what's this then?" Sam asked, holding up the small bone between his thumb and pointer finger.

Delaney smiled in amusement at Sam, knowing fully well that he wasn't going to like what he held in between his fingers. "That's, uh... that is the charred metacarpal bone of a newborn baby."

"Oh, gross," Sam gasped and quickly dropped the bone back onto the opened hex bag, wiping his hands on his jeans.

"Relax, you big baby. It's, like, a hundred years old."

"Witches... they're so freaking skeevy," Dean shuddered, dropping down onto the chair across from the couch.ย 

Delaney sighed and sat back on the couch, running a hand over her face. "Yeah, takes a pretty powerful one to put a bag like this together. More juice than we've ever dealt with before, that's for sure. What about you guys - find anything on the victim?"

"This Luke Wallace - he was so vanilla he makes vanilla seem spicy," Dean replied with a scoff. "We can't find any reason why anyone would want this poor guy dead."


A few hours later, the Winchesters had heard a police call over the police scanner that some girl had somehow gotten her face burnt to a crisp while bobbing for apples. An odd occurrence for sure since the event never happened in water that was anywhere near hot or even in a tub or small bow up pool that could suddenly heat up. The witch was at it again, but the question was why.

The three siblings arrived at the teen boy's house to find police swarming the small basement space. A blonde girl with blue eyes and dressed in a slutty cheerleading costume stood with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders as she spoke to one of the officers.ย 

"I'll handle this one," Dean offered, stopping Sam or Delaney from taking a step towards the young girl.

"Dean, I have two words for you - jail bait," Delaney warned, shooting Dean a look to not even think about it. The girl couldn't be older than sixteen or seventeen and nearly ten years younger than Dean. Gross.

"I would never," Dean argued.

Delaney snorted and walked away from Dean to inspect the basement for any hidden hex bags. She took over the sitting area while Sam searched around ย across the way in the bookcases and shelving. She moved the cushions up and out of the way, but came up with nothing under either seat cushion. That is until she shoved her into the back of the couch and felt a piece of fabric beneath her palm, pulling her hand out to reveal a tan hex bag. She pushed herself to her feet and held it up for both Sam and Dean to see who had both looked in her direction.ย 

Yep, definitely a witch.


Later that night, Delaney and the boys holed themselves up in the motel room to do some research after they had gotten something to eat. She laid back against Sam's legs that were propped up while Dean sat at the table near the window with Sam's laptop opened in front of him. It been quiet between the three sibling as they all read from either the laptop or the lore books in front of them.ย 

"Sam, your knee is going into my back," Delaney whined, shifting herself so she leant back against Sam's calves instead of his knees.

"So get off, Squirt," Sam teased, wiggling his legs to annoy Delaney with an amused grin on his face.

"Sammy!" Delaney yelped as she nearly toppled over.

Dean merely rolled his eyes at the bickering duo, pushing Sam's laptop away from him. "I'm telling you guys, both of these vices are squeaky clean. There is no reason that anyone would have wanted either one of these people dead."

Delaney propped herself back up against Sam, making sure to put extra weight on his legs to give him payback for nearly knocking her off the bed. "Maybe cause it's not about that."

"Wow, Della, insightful," Dean quipped when Delaney didn't say anything more.

"Maybe this witch isn't working a grudge. Maybe they're working a spell. Check this out," Delaney said and flipped the page in her book to read from the excerpt she read over ten times in the past twenty minutes to try and understand it. "Three blood sacrifices over three days - the last before midnight on the first day of the final harvest.ย Celtic calendar - the final day of the final harvest is Halloween."

"What exactly are the blood sacrifices for?" Sam asked, closing his book over and tossing it onto the bed next to him.

"If I'm right, this witch is summoning a demon. Not just any demon - Samhain."

Dean furrowed his eyebrows at Delaney and twirled his wrist for Delaney to continue. "Should I be impressed?"

Sam chuckled and sat up on the bed, trying not to move his legs so he wouldn't annoy Delaney any more than he already had. "Samhain is the origin of Halloween, Dean. The Celts believed that October 31st was one night of the year when the veil was thinnest between the living and the dead. It was Samhain's night. Masks were put on to hide from him, sweets left on doorsteps to appease him, faces carved into pumpkins to worship him. He was exorcised centuries ago."

"So even though Samhain took a trip downstairs, the tradition stuck," Dean said.

"Exactly. Only now, instead of demons and blood orgies, Halloween is all about kids, candies and costumes."

"Okay, so some witch wants to raise Samhain and take back the night?" Dean questioned, not sounding like he believed any of it.

Delaney huffed and shot Dean a look to not play around. This witch was ten times more powerful than anything they had dealt with before and if she were to raise Samhain, it would only lead to even more problems. More problems that the Winchesters wouldn't be able to handle alone. "Dean, this is serious."

"I am serious."

"We are talking heavyweight witchcraft. This ritual can only be performed every six hundred years."

"And the six hundred year marker rolls around...." Dean trailed off, waiting for Sam or Delaney to fill in the pieces for him.ย 

"Tomorrow night," Delaney answered with a tight lipped smile.

"Naturally," Dean whispered and shut Sam's laptop closed. "Well, it sure is a lot of death and destruction for one demon."

Delaney pushed Sam's legs and sat up properly on the bed with her legs crossed beneath her. "Yeah, that's because he likes the company. Once he's raised, Samhain can do some raising of his own. Dark, evil crap and lots of it. They follow him around like the friggin' Pied Piper."

Dean rose his eyebrows and leant his forearms on the table in front of him, seeming to be in deep thought for a long moment. "So... ghosts?"





"Dean," Delaney snapped, not finding his joke funny when they had to start thinking about who the witch could be and why. She didn't even want to think about all the horror destruction that could come from Samhain being raised. The three siblings had less than twenty-four hours to get to the bottom of it and Delaney didn't want to spend it with Dean making jokes the whole time.

Dean held his hands out in a whatย sort of motion. "Della, those dudes are scary. Small hands."

Sam decided to ignore Dean and just continue with explaining things to Dean. "Look, it just starts with ghosts and ghouls. This sucker keeps on going, by night's end, we are talking every awful thing we have ever seen, everything we fight all in one place."

"It's gonna be a slaughterhouse."


The next day, Dean had gone out to sit in front of the Wallace's house to see if anyone who looked suspicious stopped by while Sam and Delaney stayed back to find any connection they could between Luke and the teen girl from the previous night. There had to be someone connected to both victims for the witch to be around and attack.ย 

Sam had taken a short break to call Dean and check in on him when Dean had suddenly hung up part way through after mumbling that he saw Tracy, the blonde haired cheerleader who he spoke to the night before. He didn't give much more input before he hung up with Sam and took his time coming back to the motel room.

"So," Delaney called to Dean as he walked into the motel room, tossing the room key onto the table she sat with Sam's laptop open while Sam laid on the bed with a book propped open in front of him. "Our apple-bobbing cheerleader?"

"Tracy? The Wallace's babysitter," Dean informed, walking over and taking a seat on the bed next to the one Sam lounged on. "She told me she'd never even heard of Luke Wallace."

"Interesting look for a centuries old witch," Sam commented.

"Yeah, well, if you were a six hundred year old hag and you could pick any costume to come back in, wouldn't you go for a hot cheerleader? I would."

Delaney shot Dean an odd look, trying to rid the mental image of Dean as a cheerleader from her mind. The thought alone made her sick to her stomach. "Anyways, Tracy is not as wholesome as she seems. Did some digging. Apparently, she got into a violent altercation with one of her teachers," she informed, turning around Sam's laptop to show Sam and Dean the file she pulled up on Tracy. "Got suspended from school."


Delaney followed Dean and Sam through the high school towards the art room where the teacher that Tracy had the altercation was said to be. She glanced around the school hallways and it made her remember her own times in high school when all she had to worry about was getting good grades and what time cheer practice was. Now she had to drop out of college and worry about demons and not dying at the hands of Lilith while worrying about the apocalypse she and the boys started.

If only Delaney had a time machine to go back to when her life was simpler.

"Bring back memories?" Delaney asked her brothers, stepping into the art room and looking around at the creepy masks the students had made for a project. "You know, being a teenager with all the angst."

"Delly, you were a teenager like four years ago," Sam teased.

Dean turned and noticed the teen boy whose house they went to in order to talk to Tracy. He carried a massive sculpture he had made and tried to fit it in the kiln that was definitely too small for the sculpture. "Now, thatย brings back memories."

"You three wanted to talk to me?"

Delaney and the boys turned to see a middle aged man with long brown hair and brown eyes walk into the room, a box and coffee mug balanced in one hand while he reached out his other hand to greet the trio. "Hello, Mr. Harding."

"Oh, please, Don," Don said, shaking each of the Winchesters' hands and walking over to his desk that was under neath the hanging masks. "Even my students call me Don."

"Yeah, we get it, Don," Dean said, reaching into his suit jacket for his fake ID. "Uh, I'm Agent Geddy. These are Agents Lee and Miller. We just had a few questions about, uh, Tracy Davis."

"Uh, yeah, Tracy. Bright kid, loads of talent. It's a shame she got suspended."

"You two had a violent altercation?" Delaney prompted, hoping it could give them any other answers that they still needed about Tracy.

Don breathed out a laugh and crossed his arms. "Yeah, she exploded. If Principal Murrow hadn't walked by when he did, Tracy would have clawed my eyes out. I was only trying to rap with her about her work. It had gotten inappropriate and disturbing."

Dean rose an eyebrow and motioned behind him to where even more scary looking masks hung on the wall near the doorway to the art room. "More disturbing than - than those guys?"

Don smiled in response to Dean's joke and slapped a hand to his side with a shrug, just as confused as the trio it seemed. "I don't know. She would cover page after page with these bizarre cryptic symbols. Then there were the drawings - detailed images of killing, gory, primitive. She would depict herself in the middle of them, participating."

Delaney exchanged a look with her brothers, chewing the inside of her lip. "You mentioned symbols. What kind of symbols? Anything like this?" She pulled out the Celtic coin from her pocket that she had placed into a plastic bag before they left the motel room.

"Yeah, I think that might have been one of them."

"You know where Tracy is now?" Dean asked.

"I would imagine her apartment. She got here about a year ago alone, as I understood it, as an emancipated teen. God only knows what her parents were like."


After talking to Don, the three Winchesters split up in search of Tracy. She could make the third and final sacrifice at any time and they needed to find her before she did. However, much to the Winchesters' luck, none of them came up with anything on Tracy. She wasn't at her apartment, her friends didn't know where she was and she didn't have any parents to give them any ideas on where she'd hide. It was like she vanished and it was only putting more stress on the Winchesters' plate.

Delaney unlocked the door the motel room and froze when she saw a dark haired man in a tan trench coat sat on the bed with a darker skinned man in a suit stood with his back to the door at the window. She quickly pulled out her gun and held it up, aiming it at the man in the trench coat. "Who are you?!"

"Della!" Dean yelled, pushing down Delaney's gun as Sam rushed in behind them. "It's Castiel... the angel I told you about. The other guy.... we don't know."

Delaney's eyes widened as Castiel stood up from the bed and turned to face her. He had dazzling blue eyes and a five o clock shadow where a beard more than likely used to be. She almost reached out her hand to poke him and see if he was real. She had never seen an actual angel before and the fact she was faced with the one that pulled Dean out Hell was mind boggling.

"Hello, Delaney."

"Oh my God," Delaney whispered, but quickly back pedaled when she realized that might sound wrong to say in front of an angel. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to - sorry. It's an honor to meet you. Really, I - I've heard a lot about you from my brothers."

Castiel stared at Delaney's now outstretched hand, tilting his head as if he didn't know what to do with the hand. She shook it once to show it was for a handshake and he nodded, taking her hands in his for a single handshake. "And I, you. Delaney Elizabeth Winchester - the girl with the demon blood. Glad to hear you have ceased your extracurricular activities."

"Let's keep it that way," the man at the window chimed in.

"Yeah, okay, chuckles. Who's your friend, Cas?" Dean asked, eyeing the other man suspiciously.

"This raising of Samhain - have you stopped it?" Castiel asked instead, ignoring Dean's previous question.


"Dean, have you located the witch?"

Dean blinked at Castiel, wondering why he was so adamant about getting the information on the witch. All they had to do was gank the bitch and be done, right? "Yes, we've located the witch. We know who she is."

Castiel frowned and walked over to the nightstand next to Sam's bed, picking up the hex bags on it and held it up for the siblings to see. "Apparently, the witch knows who you are, too. These were inside the wall of your room. If we hadn't found it, surely one or all three of you would be dead. Do you know where the witch is now?"

Dean glanced over his shoulder at Delaney and Sam who both merely shrugged. He couldn't possibly suggest that they would lie to an angel. "We're working on it, Cas."

"That's unfortunate."

"What do you care?" Dean challenged.

"The raising of Samhain is one of the sixty-six seals," Castiel explained.

Sam blinked while Delaney watched on in confusion. Sixty seals for what? "So this is about Lucifer?"

"Lucifer is no friend of ours," the man at the window replied.

"Lucifer cannot rise. The breaking of the seals must be prevented at all costs," Castiel stated.

Delaney furrowed her eyebrows and her eyes bounced between all four men in the room. Lucifer was on the path to rising? Was this the thing that Dean and Sam had been hiding from her since they fought off the witnesses back at Bobby's house? Every bad thing they fought was another seal that broke? Just another thing Delaney would have to add to the things that progressively made her anxiety worse and worse.

"Okay, great. Well, now that you're here, why don't you tell us where the witch is? We'll gank her and everybody goes home," Dean suggested, wanting to end this thing just as much as the next person. The thought of Lucifer breaking out only worried Dean more because he was worried he'd have a scent out for Delaney. If all the other demons, including Lilith, wanted her dead... then who was to say that Lucifer wouldn't want her dead also?

"We are not omniscient. This witch is very powerful. She's cloaked even to our methods," Castiel replied.

"Well, we already know who she is," Delaney spoke up, feeling some of the stress roll of her shoulders now that they had angels here with them. Maybe they'd be able to find Tracy quicker and get rid of her quicker than they could previously. "So, if we work together - "

"Enough of this," the man at the window snapped.

"Who are you and why should I care?" Dean hissed, sounding annoyed with the man's presence and constant chiming in.

Castiel gestured to the man at the window who had finally turned to look at the siblings. "This is Uriel. He's what you might call...a specialist."

Dean eyed Uriel as the man made his way over to the siblings and Castiel. He looked like the type of person to do whatever it was it would take to get rid of an issue no matter the cost. No matter the consequences. "What kind of specialist?"ย 

Delaney's face fell when neither Uriel or Castiel made a move to respond. It only set a heavy stone in her stomach that something bad would happen to this town. That the angels didn't necessarily have the type of plan that would sit well with Delaney, Dean or Sam. "What are you gonna do?"

"You - all three of you, you need to leave this town immediately," Castiel informed.


"Because we're about to destroy it."

Dean's wide eyes bounced between the two angels, waiting for one of them to call a bluff. However, it was obvious this was the true plan that the angels had for this town and it wasn't the type of plan that any of the siblings agreed with. "So, this is is your plan - you're gonna smite the whole town?"

"We're out of time," Castiel responded and he at least had the decency to sound sad over the plan of action. "The witch has to die. The seal must be saved."

"There are a thousand people here," Sam argued.

"One thousand, two hundred and fourteen," Uriel corrected as if that made the situation any better. If anything, it just made the whole thing even worse because of how many people would be wiped from existence.

"And you're willing to kill all of them?" Delaney asked in disbelief. She couldn't even fathom the idea of allowing this to happen. Weren't angels supposed to be just and fair? To bring peace to the world not to end a part of it?ย 

Uriel didn't even seem to be phased by any of it. He actually didn't even look like he cared about what he had to do. It was almost like he wantedย to do it, whether it would have been God's orders or not. "This isn't the first time I've... purified a city."

"Look, I understand this is regrettable," Castiel said.

"Regrettable?" Dean echoed with a scoff.

"We have to hold the line. Too many seals have broken already."

"So you screwed the pooch on some seals and now this town has to pay the price?" Dean barked, face slightly red in anger and annoyance.

Castiel seemed confused on why the Winchesters were so against their plan to smite the town. "It's the lives of one thousand against the lives of six billion. There is a bigger picture here."

Dean scrunched up his face and crossed his arms, his shoulders tensing up. It was usually the signal that Dean's anger was boiling inside of him and he would probably explode sooner or later. He had spoken so highly of Castiel so far to Delaney from the few times he spoke to Dean and Sam, but now it was as if that veil was slowly breaking in front of Dean's eyes. Like he had rose colored glasses over his eyes until now when they fell slightly and showed the true nature of an angel.

"Right... 'cause, uh, you're bigger picture kind of guys."

"Lucifer cannot rise," Castiel stressed once again as if it didn't get through the Winchesters' thick skulls. "He does and Hell rises with him. Is that something that you are willing to risk?"

"We will stop this witch before she summons anyone. Your seal won't be broken and no one has to die," Delaney pleaded desperately, not wanting over a thousand innocent lives to be destroyed. They lost enough people on a daily basis as it was. She couldn't handle knowing they lost another thousandย in one day.

Uriel huffed in annoyance and clasped his hands together in front of him. "We are wasting time with these mud monkeys."

Castiel stepped back from the Winchesters, putting a bit of distance between him and then now when he was previously breathing their air. "I am sorry but we have our orders."

"No, you can't do this. You - you're angels. I mean, aren't you supposed to - you're supposed to show mercy!"

Uriel chuckled at Delaney's small rant and smiled condescendingly at her. She almost reared her fist back and shoved it right in his face. Angel or not, he was a dick. "Says who, sweetheart?"

Castiel held his hand up before Uriel or Delaney could make another snarky comment at the other. "Delaney, we have no choice."

"Of course you have a choice. I mean, come on, what, you've never questioned a crap order, huh? What are you both, just a couple of hammers?" Dean retorted.

"Look, even if you can't understand it, have faith the plan is just."

"How can you even say that?" Sam snapped.

"Because it comes from Heaven. That makes it just."

Dean's eyes narrowed into slits at Castiel and Uriel. A look that probably would have killed both angels if looks could do so. "It must be nice to be so sure of yourselves."

"Tell me something, Dean. When your father gave you an order, didn't you obey?" Castiel rhetorically asked, not actually looking for a response.ย 

Dean's jaw ticked and Delaney could tell he tried hard to keep what he really wanted to say from coming out of his mouth. "Sorry, boys, it looks like the plans have changed."

Uriel merely smiled at Dean, finding his threats amusing. "You think you can stop us, boy?"

"No... but if you are gonna smite this whole town... then you're gonna have to smite us with it because we are not leaving. You went to the trouble of busting me out of Hell. I figure I'm worth something to the man upstairs. You want to waste me? Go ahead. See how he digs that."

"I will drag you out of here myself," Uriel threatened.

"Yeah, but you'll have to kill me. Then we're back to the same problem. I mean, come on. You're gonna wipe out a whole town for one little witch? Sounds to me like you're compensating for something," Dean quipped, staring down Uriel for a moment before he turned to Castiel. "We can do this. We will find that witch. We will stop the summoning."

"Castiel, I will not let these - "

"Enough," Castiel cut Uriel off, holding his hand up to stop Uriel from arguing further with Dean. "I suggest you move quickly."


Once the two angels disappeared from the motel room, the three siblings made their way back to the Impala so they could go find Tracy and take her down. Delaney was lost in her own thoughts as she got into the back seat with Sam and Dean getting into their usual spots in the front. She barely even realized the egg splatters that covered the hood and driver's side window on the Impala or the way Dean yelled about some kind of astronaut. The only thing she could really focus on in the moment was that the angels really wanted to kill a whole town instead of just locating the witch and killing her.ย 

"What, Della?"

Delaney's head snapped up and noticed both Dean and Sam had turned in their seats to look at her. Her thoughts have been all over her face because they both stared at her in worry and sorrow. "Nothing... I thought they would be different, you know?"

"Who, the angels? I tried to tell you, baby girl."

"I know... I just - I mean, I thought they'd be righteous."

Sam lifted a shoulder in a half shrug and tried to smile as best he could at his sister. "Well, they are righteous. That's kind of the problem. Of course, there is nothing more dangerous than some asshole who thinks he's on a holy mission."

Delaney frowned and picked at a piece of string from her gray sweater, her head hurting from all the thoughts that pounded inside of it. "I mean, this is God and Heaven? This is what I have been praying to?"

"Look, Della, I know you're into the whole God thing and Jesus on a tortilla and stuff like that. You get that from Mom, but just because there's a couple of bad apples doesn't mean the whole barrel is rotten. For all we know, God hates these jerks," Dean said, squeezing Delaney's knee comfortingly with a small smile. "Baby girl, don't give up on the stuff is all I'm saying, okay? Babe Ruth was a dick, but baseball is still a beautiful game"

Delaney just nodded at Dean and took the hex bag that sat in between her brothers, opening it up to inspect the contents. It was the same one that had been in both Luke Wallace's and the one in the basement. She picked up the small baby bone and twisted it between her fingers, wondering where Tracy even got these bones from and how she even managed to char them so dark.

"Well, are you gonna figure out a way to find this witch or are you just gonna sit there fingering your bone?"

"Boys, you know how much heat it would take to char a bone like this?"

"Definitely more than a fire from a kitchen oven or fireplace," Sam replied, taking the small bone from Delaney and inspecting it himself. "I think I know what she could have cooked these bones in. Dean, we need to make a stop."


The Winchesters had gone back to the high school to investigate the art room. Sam had suggested that maybe it wasn't Tracy after all, but Don. The hex bag hadn't showed up in their motel room until after they talked to Don. Nothing happened when they spoke to Tracy the first time down in the basement and none of them had heard from her since that point.

Sam had proven to be right when they saw a locked cabinet on Don's desk that Sam had broken open with a hammer laying nearby. He opened the cabinet and pulled out the small drawer from inside to reveal a white bowl in side with multiple baby and children's bones littered inside. It was the bones that had been used inside of the hex bags placed in the Wallace's house, the basement and their motel room.ย 

Delaney had quickly hacked into the school's system to get Don's address and the Winchesters hadn't wasted any time in driving the ten minute drive over to Don's place. The streets were a bit crowded with trick-or-treaters now that it was darker and parents were home from to work to take their kids out. It made it a bit hard for the Winchesters to sneak into Don's house, but Delaney had quickly picked the lock on the front door and they rushed their way down into the basement where Tracy was tied to the ceiling with a black gag around her mouth. Don stood in front of her with the knife raised high in the air, getting ready to plunge it into Tracy's chest.

Each of the siblings shot off a round into Don's chest and they lowered their guns once Don had collapsed to the floor along with the clatter of his knife. Delaney ran over to make sure Don was really dead while Dean and Sam cut Tracy down and removed the gag from around her mouth so she could speak.

"Thank you. He was gonna kill me. Ugh, that sick son of a bitch," Tracy growled, glaring down at Don's lifeless body. "I mean, did you see what he was doing? Did you hear him... how sloppy his incantation was?" She scoffed, her face morphing from a glare to one of disgust. "My brother always was a little dim."

Before the Winchesters could pull up their guns again, Tracy shot her hand forward and yelled something in Latin which sent the trio onto their backs with a groan. Delaney coughed and wheezed as she tried to get the air circulating in her lungs again, wincing when she rolled onto her side and a sharp pain shot down her back.

"He was gonna make me the final sacrifice. His idea, but now that honor goes to him. Our master has return? This spell work's a two man job, you understand?" Tracy explained while the Winchesters continued to groan on the ground, not being able to get back up onto their feet. "So for six hundred years I had to deal with that pompous son of a bitch. Planning, preparing - unbearable. This whole time, I wanted to rip his face off."ย 

Delaney watched as Tracy squat down next to Don, taking the golden goblet from the ground and the knife. She held up the golden goblet underneath one of the bullet wounds in his chest to catch the blood that poured out from it, using the knife to expel even more blood into it to fill the goblet.ย 

"Yet, you guys get him with a gun. Oh, I love that," Tracy taunted, standing back up and making her way over to the altar just a few feet from where she had been previously hung. "You know, back in the day, this was the one night you kept your children inside. Well, tonight, you'll all see what Halloween really is."

As Tracy began to chant again in Latin, Delaney pulled herself over to Don's body and placed her hand in the blood, smearing it over her face before smearing the rest over of Dean and Sam's face. If Samhain really came back, then they needed masks to hide from him and at least try to look dead and like the sacrifices. She just hoped this plan worked because if she smeared blood on Dean's face for no reason, Delaney would be the fourth sacrifice.

"What - what are you doing?" Dean whispered low enough for just Delaney and Sam to hear.

"Just play possum," Delaney replied back quietly and rolled onto her back to try and appear dead.ย 

Tracy had eventually finished the ritual and Delaney felt the floor beneath crack, the rush of wind at her feet proving Tracy had done the ritual correctly. Delaney had her eyes closed so she couldn't really see what happened, but she heard Tracy call Samhain my love. She wanted to assume that they were some sort of couple which only solidified her assumption when she heard the two kiss. However, the kiss was followed by the sound of bones snapping and then Samhain mumbling about Tracy being a whore.

Samhain's feet stopped right by the trio and they all held their breath in anticipation, hoping he didn't notice they were alive. For once, luck seemed to be on the Winchesters' sides and Samhain's feet retreated out of the basement. They waited for the sound of the front door opening and closing upstairs before the trio got up from the floor and dusted themselves off.

"What the hell was that?" Dean whisper-yelled, trying to keep his voice down even though Samhain was now gone.

"Halloween lore. People used to wear masks to hide from him, so I gave it a shot," Delaney sheepishly replied, smiling innocently at Dean.

"You gave it a shot?" Dean repeated and he stared at Delaney incredulously.

"Gotta admit, whenever Delaney gives anything a shot... it tends to work," Sam defended Delaney, grabbing a nearby rag to wipe off his face and handing it over to Delaney next. "Remember the possessed truck?"

"You mean where she gave it a shot that the church ground was holy land still?!" Dean huffed, snatching the towel out of Delaney's hand when she held it out to him so he could finally clean off his face. "Both times we could have died."

Delaney placed her hands on her hips and puffed out her cheeks. "Can't you just be happy that I just saved your ass, Dean?"

Dean grumbled and wiped his face off from the blood and threw the rag across the room, walking out of the basement and leaving behind Sam and Delaney. The duo rolled their eyes at Dean's edginess and made their way back out to the Impala where Dean now stood. "So.. how are we gonna find this mook?"

"Where would you go to raise all the dark forces of the night?" Delaney prompted.

"A cemetery. Great."


Delaney sat in the back seat of the Impala, chewing her thumbnail in deep thought. All the information she read about Samhain in the lore and the few extra bits that Sam mentioned to her that he knew already kept bouncing around in her head. She knew they were already in the deep hole because Samhain returning already broke a seal with Lucifer. Now, if they let Samhain summon all the creatures of the night, then it would just make the situation worse. He was a pretty strong demon and something in the pit of her stomach told her she needed to use her abilities on him... possibly. She just wasn't sure how Dean or Sam would react to that.

"So... this demon is pretty powerful," Delaney eventually said to get the ball rolling on the conversation and both boys nodded in agreement. "It might take more than the usual weapons."

The Impala swerved for a second as Dean lost control of the wheel in his momentary shock. He was quick to right the Impala again and his disapproving gaze drifted to the rearview mirror. "Della, no. You are not using your psychic whatever."

"But - "

"Don't even think about it," Dean chastised, holding up a finger to the rearview mirror to show Delaney he wasn't joking around. "Randy's knife is enough."


"Because the angel said so, for one," Sam chimed in, clearly not liking the idea of Delaney using her powers on Samhain either. The ability scared both of the boys terribly because it just brought up what John said to them back in the hospital before he died. They promised him they would protect their baby sister and make sure she didn't go down the dark path.ย 

Delaney scoffed and crossed her arms across, pouting slightly. She really didn't want to use her abilities, not really. However, Delaney was always the type to think two steps ahead in every situation because she always needed to make sure she had a Plan B through Z if Plan A didn't work. Her abilities were worst case scenario, but the fact the boys didn't even want her to use it even then somehow bothered her. "Dean, I thought you said they were a bunch of fanatics. "

"Well, they happen to be right about this," Dean replied.

"I don't know, Dean. It doesn't seem like they're right about much."

"Look, forget the angels, okay? You said yourself, these powers - it's like playing with fire," Dean reminded, pulling Randy's knife out from his inner pocket and held it over his shoulder for Delaney to take. "Please, Della."

Delaney stared at Randy's knife that reflected the light from the street lights one either side of the road. She hadn't used the knife since Randy had split from them to give the Winchesters space. It felt weird using the knife without Randy there, but she took the knife anyway to appease her brother. Delaney didn't want to disappoint Dean or Sam and was the last thing she ever wanted to do. However, if worst came to worst, Delaney knew what she would have to do.ย 

She just hoped the boys didn't hate her guts for it after.

The siblings eventually made it to the cemetery where they heard screams come from the mausoleum just across the cemetery. They ran their way across the grassy area and down the stone steps to see a bunch of teens trapped behind a locked gate with the stone tombs behind breaking open.

"Boys, help them," Delaney instructed, shoving the duffle bag on her shoulder into Sam's hands and taking out Randy's knife.

"Della, you are notย going off alone," Dean ordered, grabbing her arm to keep her from running further into the mausoleum where Don hid.

"Do it, Dean," Delaney barked, ripping her arm out of Dean's grip and rushing off further into the mausoleum to try and stop Samhain.ย She walked through the short walkways of the mausoleum, stain glass windows on either side of her. She turned a corner and saw Samhain in a room facing the far wall.

As Delaney tried to quietly approach from Samhain and attack him from behind, Samhain turned around suddenly and threw up his arm, a bright white light coming out of it. Much like with Lilith, the bright white light effect had no effect on Delaney and she continued to slowly stalk her way towards Samhain with a smirk.ย 

"Whoops, did I forget to mention your demonic gun doesn't work on me?" Delaney gasped mockingly and lifted a shoulder in a half shrug. "Guess you'll just have to fight me like a man, huh?"

Delaney brings her fist up to connect it with Samhain's chin in an uppercut punch, sending Samhain stumbling back. The two exchange blows to each other, both switching between who had the upper hand. That is until Samhain blocked one of Delaney's punches and grabbed her by the throat, holding her up against the wall behind her. She coughed around Samhain's hold and reached into her inner jacket pocket for Randy's knife, whipping it out and holding the blade up against Samhain's arm.

The blade began to burn through the jacket that Samhain wore and tore through the material, causing Samhain to bleed a bit. He grunted and grabbed Delaney by the front of her jacket, flinging her across the room and into the far marble wall. Delaney yelped as her back slammed into the hard wall and crashed to the floor below while Samhain now blocked the only exit out of the room.

Delaney stumbled to her feet, wincing as a white hot pain shot down her back. She had a momentary stare down with Samhain, thrusting her hand up when he went to make a move towards her. Squeezing her eyes shut, Delaney focused all of her energy on expelling Samhain from Don's body. She tried to think of everything Randy had taught her on making sure it worked right. To erase everything from her mind and just focus on the demon itself, picturing Hell in her mind so it could go back there for good.ย 

Samhain was a higher class demon so it took way more energy from Delaney than she was used, causing a pounding headache to form just behind her eyes. She could even feel the small trickle of blood come out of her right nostril at all the energy she used on Samhain who screamed in agony throughout it.ย 

Randy had used to have her drink demon blood before she used the ability to strengthen it, but she had given that up after a week because it just didn't feel right to do. Plus, the demon blood had quickly become like a sort of drug that Delaney felt herself getting addicted to. It was a frightening thought that had instantly turned Delaney off from drinking it again and she just focused on using her energy instead. It took more out of her without the demon blood, but she'd rather not be hooked up on the demon blood when she had enough in her body as it was. No need to any more fuel to that fire.

Samhain continued to fight against Delaney's power, but it eventually got too much and Delaney had finally gotten the demon out of Don bit by bit until he was completely gone. She gasped as her hand dropped to her side and she collapsed to her knees, breathing heavily from the amount of energy she needed to do that.

When Delaney finally looked up again, she saw both Dean and Sam at the end of the short hall leading up to the room. They both wore horrified faces, clearly having seen what Delaney had just done to Samhain. It showed just how strong her abilities had really become since Randy had convinced Delaney to start using them. Her eyes welled with the tears at the sight because she had never wanted to see that type of look on her brothers' faces.

They were scared of not only her... but what she could become and if Delaney was honest... so was she.


The next morning, Delaney had woken up to both of the boys gone along with their duffles. The Impala was still there and Dean had left her a note that he and Sam had gone out and would be back. Though, the tone of the note proved he and Sam were still shaken up over seeing her exorcise Samhain with her mind. The whole car ride from the cemetery to the motel was dead silent and Dean had tossed and turned in his sleep all night. It was a wonder if he got any sleep at all.

Delaney decided to just pack up her clothes and get it ready for when the boys came back. She didn't want to make anything worse between them by pissing Dean or Sam off. They were upset and worried, but at least they weren't pissed. That's what Delaney liked to tell herself, at least, so the anxiety that constantly clawed at her lungs wouldn't completely suffocate her.ย 

"Tomorrow is November 2nd."

Delaney screamed and whirled around, pulling her gun from her waistband to see Uriel sat on the couch behind her. She let out a heavy breath and stuffed the gun back into the waistband of her jeans. The sight of the angel actually sent a wave of annoyance through her and she had told herself back from doing anything. Uriel wasย an angel after all and Delaney was pretty sure that God already had enough against Delaney. Better not add any more by attacking one of his sons.

"That's an anniversary for you, right?" Uriel continued when Delaney didn't say anything to him.

"What are you doing here?" Delaney hissed since Uriel was the lastย person Delaney had ever wanted to see.

"It's the day Azazel killed your mother and, twenty years later, your boyfriend as well. It must be difficult to bear, yet you brazenly use the power he gave you, his profane blood pumping through your veins."

Delaney scoffed and placed her hands on her hips, wondering just who Uriel thought he was. Yes, tomorrow was a day that Delaney would rather try and forget because she lost two important people in her life. That didn't give Uriel the right to bring it up and throw in her face that Azazel was the reason for both their deaths and she still used his abilities.

"Excuse me?"

"You were told not to use your abilities."

"What was I supposed to do, Uriel? Samhain would have killed me and my brothers and everyone."

"You were told not to!"

Delaney laughed incredulously at the angel sat before her. She couldn't believe he tried to scold her for using her abilities when they single-handedly saved the whole town from mass destruction. Sure, Delaney wasn't supposed to be using her abilities, but they also just saved a mass amount of people. She had only ever wanted to use the ability for good and, eventually, to get rid of Lilith for good. What was so wrong with an ability that Delaney wanted to use to save people, not kill them?

"If Samhain had gotten loose in this town - "

"Been warned twice now," Uriel cut across Delaney, holding his hand up to show he wasn't going to listen to her excuses.

"You know, Dean was right about you. You areย a bunch of dicks."

Uriel shot Delaney a dark look before a whooshing sound was heard and he was suddenly right next to Delaney. Delaney had taken a small step back away from Uriel, not wanting to be anywhere near the angel. "The only reason you're still alive, Delaney Elizabeth Winchester, is because you have been useful. The moment that ceases to be true, the second you become more trouble than you are worth, one word - one - and I will turn you to dust."

"Thanks for saving my precious soul," Delaney quipped, eyes narrowed at the cocky angel.

"As for Dean, tell him that maybe he should climb off that high horse of his. Ask Dean... what he remembers from Hell. I can promise you that the high pedestal you hold Dean on will broken down so far it'll give you whiplash. He's not as innocent as he likes to pretend he is, Delaney. There are things about Dean that would make your skin crawl."


Hi hey hello

YA'LL, WHAT A FREAKIN' CHAPTER. Not only did the boys properly see Delaney expel a full HIGH RANKING demon from his meat suit, but Uriel just put Dean on full blast. I am so ready to get up to the drama and angst because it is RAPIDLY approaching, folks. So buckle up because it's only gonna get bumpier from here.

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