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Help Wanted

"She might have told them to leave, but she's probably also the one that told them to attack us in the first place, so since this is our first experience with demonic ninjas, we're thinking we should play it safe."

[ 3.17 ]


Scott rolled up to school on his motorbike and noticed Ethan and Aiden beside him.

"You guys going to be doing this all day?" Scott said as he looked at Ethan

"All day", "All night" Ethan and Aiden said

"Is this about being in my pack?" Scott questioned because he really didn't feel like being bothered all day everyday.

"This is about you being the target of demonic ninjas." Aiden said as he leaned against his motorcycle.

"You mean the demonic ninjas that pulled swords out of their chests, and completely kicked out asses? Ethan concurred

"Yeah those demonic ninjas."

"I don't need anyone to protect me." Scott said as he turned to look at Ethan

"They were looking right at you when the sun came up."

"And they also disappeared when Zella told them to. She's in control of them and until I see that she's not, I'm not really worried. And besides, Argent thinks they could just come out at night." Scott explained as he recalled seeing the oni disappeared when Zella told them to stop and leave.

"She might have told them to leave, but she's probably also the one that told them to attack us in the first place, so since this is our first experience with demonic ninjas, we're thinking we should play it safe." Ethan backfired as he tried to get Scott to see things differently.

"All day," Aiden stated again.

"And all night," Scott said as he recalled what they first said to him when they pulled up.

As they entered the school Scott went to his locker and Ethan and Aiden stood behind him as he put his things away.

"Okay, one thing first I need to talk to Stiles and let him know everything that happened last night, without you." Scott said as he was focused on grabbing his things out his locker that he needed for the day.

"No," Aiden said flat out.

"Yes, and I don't want you listening in, no wolfโ€“hearing."

"How would you even know?" Aiden questioned

"I'm a true alpha, you have no idea what I can do." Scott stated as he was still facing his locker, then closed it.

Scott walked away to go find Stiles, but when he found him Stiles had something else that was way too important so he let him talk first.

Walking in the chemistry room Stiles explained, "So then she starts talking about phosphors and the key having chemicals on it, right? And so that made me think of the chemistry closet and the fact that someone had to let Barrow in.."

Then when Stiles turned to show Scott the blackboard that had his writing on it he noticed something, "It's gone" as he referred to the blank board, it was wiped clean.

"Okay, it doesn't matter though. It doesn't matter, I still got the key." Stiles said as he ran to the chemistry closet.

But when he got to the door to put the key in he noticed it was missing from his key ring. "What the hell?" Stiles whispered to himself as he tried looking for the key through his key ring full of other keys.

"I had it..I had it here, I had it here this morning, I swear to God, I had it this morning." Stiles said as he fumbled through his key ring.

"The key you were talking about last night?" Scott questioned his friend

"Yeah, I showed it to you, right? Didn't I show it to you?" As he looked up to see Scott.

"No, you just told me about it, I never actually saw it."

Stiles felt like he was losing his mind as he knew he had written the message on the board and had the key, but as he was trying to prove himself to Scott and didn't have any evidence he felt like he was in a losing game.

"I was here a couple hours ago, and the message left to Barrow spelling Kira's name was right here on the board in my hand writing and I had the key to the chemistry closet." Stiles explained as he walked back up to the blank chalkboard again.

"So you unlocked the chemistry closet so Barrow could hid in it from the cops and then you wrote him a message to kill Kira?" Scott said as he restated all of the facts Stiles had just told him.

"I know how it sounds, but look at this," Stiles said as he pulled a piece of paper from his pocket.

"This is a news report that came out about Barrow when they caught him, okay? About the shrapnel bomb that he used. See this? See what he did? He put nuts, bolts and screws, and then he hid the bomb and the detonator in a box that he wrapped as a birthday present. What does that sound like to you?" Stiles said as he put all the facts out on the table.

"Coach, the joke we played on coach," Scott said as he remembered what they did for Mischief Night.

"That was my idea, you remember? That was my idea, that's no coincidence it can't be." Stiles stated as he didn't like how similar the two situations were.

"I don't want to sound like I'm trying to tell you that you're wrong, but I don't think you're trying to kill people either." Scott said as he tried to get Stiles to see that maybe it was just a coincidence.

"It was here, It was all here" Stiles said as he turned to look at the chalkboard again.

"Dude are you feeling okay, you're looking really tired?" Scott questioned as he was worried about his friend's mental and physical help as he saw him spinning out.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just haven't been sleeping really." Stiles confessed

"Why don't you go home? Take a sick day or something." Scott said as he patted his friends back.

After Scott left the Chemistry room, Ethan and Aiden met up with him in the hallway.

"Did you tell him?" Ethan questioned as they walked down the hall.

"No, he's got enough on his mind right now."

"If they're coming for you in a few hours then so do you." Aiden stated as he was talking about the oni and Zella.

"What if it's not me? Okay what if I'm not the one they want." Scott said as he turned away from them to look down the hall.

"Who else is there?" Ethan asked

And as Ethan said that Kira walked down the stairs of the school, and Scott realized he also wasn't the only one left to be tested by the oni.


As Isaac, Allison and Chris were at the Argent's residence Chris was explaining the plan to get in and talk to Silverfinger.

They put an antique gun up for sale knowing it would catch Silverfinger's eye and that's how they would get into his estate.


Stiles went to the hospital because he felt like he was deteriorating mental. When he found evidence pointing to him getting Kira kidnapped and almost killed by Barrow already put him on the edge of the cliff, but when he went to go show Scott this proof and it was gone, he felt like he had already fallen off the cliff and nothing could save him.

So when he went to the hospital and Melissa told him that the doctor that he was going to go see was already booked, he didn't know what to do anymore.

And so Melissa decided to check him in and see what the problems were and try to help him get better.

"Blackouts, but not for that long. And sleep walking, which I used to do a lot as a kid.

"Also having some really bad anxiety." Stiles said as he listed out the things that were happening to him recently.

"Panic attacks?" Melissa questioned

"Yeah, a couple. Oh, and I temporarily lost the ability to read, but that might have had more to do with this giant magic tree and the whole human sacrifice thing." Stiles said as he recalled everything that happened over the past few weeks.

"I recall something vaguely about that, yes." Melissa said as she laughed a little.

"How many hours of sleep are you getting?" Melissa asked as she was feeling out the form for the hospital admission form for Stiles.


"A night?" She questioned

"In the last three days." Stiles said as he was looking down at his hand counting the hours he did get sleep.

And that concerned Nurse McCall, "Been feeling irritable?"

"Yeah, possibly to the point of homicide."

"Inability to focus?"

"No, the adderall's not working."

"Impulsive behavior?"

"More than usual? Hard to tell."

"Vivid dreams during the day?"

"Okay, basically all of the above." Stiles said as he knew if she continued to list out symptoms he would say yes to all of them.

"Do you know what this is?"

"I think so," Melissa said as she held a needle in her hand

"Uh, what's that?"

"Do you trust me?"

"When you're not holding a needle."

'It's Midazolam, a sedative." Melissa said as she had given Stiles the shot.

"Why'd you give me a sedative?" he questioned looking up at the woman.

"Because you, Stiles, are one profoundly sleep-deprived young man. You need rest and you need it now. Lie down" Melissa said as she spoke to the boy.

"Okay, how long does it take to.." And the medicine already hit him as he felt sleepy.

"Oh, not long at all." Stiles said as he laid down in the bed ready for sleep to overcome him.

"Get some rest," Melissa told him.

And before Stiles went to sleep he said, "Thanks, mom"

And Nurse McCall walked out, feeling her heart warm for the small boy she knew as like a second child.


As school was over Scott got on to his motorbike and as he ssaw the twins start to get on their bikes as well he told them, "Guys, I appreciate you wanting to protect me, but I have to be alone for a bit, so... sorry about this."

And rode off on his bike, but for the twins their bikes weren't going to be going anywhere.

And while Scott sped off the school premises with Kira, Isaac was working his magic with the dealer that led him to Silverfinger.

When Scott made it to his house with Kira, he locked all the windows.

"We're running out of time." Kira said as she was feeling scared for what was to come next.

"I know, but Allison, her dad and Isaac are working on something that could help."

"I don't want to sound pessimistic or anything, but do you really think that's going to keep them out? Kira said as he was referring to Scott looking through the windows of his house so the oni or Zella couldn't get in.

"Actually, we have a kind of security system. Things happened a couple weeks ago, a lot of things, and we had my boss help make a few changes to the house."

"Your boss? Do you work for a security company or something?"

"No, he's a veterinarian."

"You had a vet put in your alarm?" Kira questioned as she was confused about what Scott was talking about.

"Yeah, sort of, but I can't arm it. Only my mom can."

"Where's she?"

"Don't worry, she'll be here."

And as Scott finished closing and locking all the windows in the house, he and Kira talked about how they didn't want anyone getting hurt, but then the conversation took a turn and Kira asked "Have you ever heard of something called a kitsune?"

Scott sat down on his bed as Kira opened the book and started showing Scott.

"That looks like what happened to you at the power station." Scott pointed out as he was looking at an illustrated picture of a fox surrounded by lightning.

"When a kitsune rubs its tails together it can create fire or lightning. It's called foxfire." Kira explained.

"I don't have any tails." Kira also pointed out so Scott would know.

"How'd you know what I was thinking?" Scott asked as he was astonished.

"Because kitsune are also psychic, I can hear all of your thoughts." Kira said as she decided to play with Scott.

"Just kidding," Kira said as she saw the look on Scott's face and smiled.

And they both laughed, and looked at each other as tension filled the room.

"The sun's setting." Kira pointed out as she broke the moment they were having.

"Ah, yeah I know."

And both Kira and Scott got back into another moment, but then was interrupted again when Scott heard the front door open, so he went downstairs to see who it was.

But out of everyone he did not expect to see his father standing there.

While Scott was asking why his father was there and still had a key to the house, Rafael countered Scott with him asking why he caught them in his office late at night in the police station on his computer, which showed a picture of him and Kira on it.


I just wanted to thank all of you guys for 1k reads, and for taking the time out of your day to read my book :)

Please like, comment and share!

And again thank you all, have a nice night or day and tomorrow I will be posting another chapter.ย 

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