𝟬𝟭𝟬 i just couldn't leave you

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chapter ten—i just couldn't leave you

They got on the ride and it was very awkward it took them on this boat and they were on water going through a tunnel. Just then not even ten minutes into the ride a song started playing. 

The song is "What Is Love" Adeline groaned "Can my life get any weirder??" Just then bright colors where in the walls there was shadows on the halls.

"Wait I know this.. this is Hephaestus's story." Percy said as they looked at the shadows dancing in the bright colors on the walls.

They watched the story and Percy spoke again "My mom told me these stories a lot she told me that.." he stopped.

Adeline turned to him why did he stop? "What?" Percy sighed "She said this is what the gods are like to each other."

Adeline wanted to know why he stopped and didn't wanna say it but she didn't question him.

Just then it all stopped it got dark and they saw a green light something pulled down on them and they start racing down this steep water fall I guess you could say.

Adeline and Percy yelled freaked out by what was going on they made it an end and now they looked a head of them.

Adeline looked to her right "Look! My dad's shield!" She said pointing. When they looked a head of them again they noticed another boat and if they went down there they would.. let's say fall to their death.

Percy yelled "Jump!" Adeline was freaked out but still jumped in the water with Percy. The water was going crazy and Adeline couldn't swim that well.

She was underwater and she yelled for Percy in a muffled voice. She reached out her hand and Percy tried to grab it.

Adeline thought she was gonna die but she felt something pull her out of the water.

She was safe she woke up fully breathing heavily since she almost drowned.

Her hair was all wet she looked at Percy "Did you just pull me out of there with that waterpower stuff?" Percy sighed "I don't know.. I'm figuring this out still"

They both got up and looked above them. There was the shield. "How are we supposed to get that thing down??" Percy said. Adeline spoke "I think.. someone has to sit on the chair it's like a machine.. someone sits and someone gets the shield."

Adeline walked towards it "I'll do it!" Percy grabbed her arm "No wait!" Adeline sighed "Whoever goes in, isn't coming out! That seems pretty clear."

"I know that's why I said wait!" Percy said but in a louder voice. Adeline sighed "Look.. seaweed brain. I'm not letting you do what you did for me at the Arch! Your not pushing me out again"

Percy interrupted her "Yes, I am! That's why you're here!" Adeline looked confused "What are you talking about?!"

"Adeline.. remember why I chose you. When we were fighting Clarisse together you always stood by my side. I needed someone who wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice me and that was you. There's no getting around this."

Adeline felt like crying .. "But the gods chose you! The oracle chose you!" Percy interrupted her once again "Stop.. It isn't about that!"

"Then what is it about?!" Adeline said. Percy shook his head softly "You know.. your smarter and better at this then me Adeline. You just are..."

Adeline didn't even know what to say. Percy spoke "I wish there was another way to succeed this quest. I just don't see it!"

There it was Adeline had tears in her eyes. Percy pulled out his pen from his pocket and gave it to her.

He walked up to the chair but turned around "I need you to promise me something.." Adeline spoke for him "I'm not leaving the underworld without your mom"

He nodded "Thank you but I was gonna say maybe you can swing back here and try and get me out of this thing?"

Adeline scoffed with tears down her face "You didn't even have to ask."  She also saw Percy's eyes were watering "Just making sure"

He sat down and he started to turn into gold? His full body wasn't covered yet. Adeline spoke "This is a bad idea! Stand up!" Percy didn't listen to her "I can't"

Adeline cried "Percy stand up! I mean it!" His body was almost covered "It's okay... I'm okay" and he was turned into gold.

Adeline couldn't believe it.. the shield fell to the ground and she walked over to it trying to take deep breaths but she couldn't let this happen.

She walked to the back of the chair and saw gears. She tried to move them but someone came in from a door above.

"Can I help you?" Adeline looked down and ignored still trying to get the gear to move she is not leaving without Percy. She ignored everything the guy said.

It was Hephaestus he told her now it wasn't gonna work and he build it and how he knows how her father is he also told her how she would be a worry and her father would love her how it should be.

"Well that isn't how it should be! My father doesn't deserve anything if I'm being honest he's lucky I'm doing this for him! All people care about is power and glory! It's how Zeus is! It's how my father is! But he! Isn't that way. We are not gonna be like all of you!" Adeline yelled in rage.

Just then she heard a flute she looked at the gears and they were moving. She went back to the front and Percy was transformering back.

She cried in relief and Percy breathed heavily. Percy quickly got out the chair and noticed the man. Adeline grabbed his arm and they looked up at Hephaestus "Your a good kid Adeline. I'll try and put a good word with your father for you" he walked away into the door he came from.

Adeline hugged Percy again "I just couldn't leave you." She said Percy hugged her back. He knew Adeline would save him.

They left that stupid ass amusement park and made it back to the diner. Adeline had the shield in her hand.

Inez was rested her head on Annabeth but she quickly picked up as she saw her friends.

"Here's your stupid shield." Adeline said putting it on the table. "You guys did it!" Inez said.

"Where's our ride??" Percy said looking at Ares. He took them to a truck outside. "Are you serious??" Adeline said

Area opened the back of the truck "Look this leaves in a few hours, this thing is gonna be at the lotus casino in Vegas. Hermes hangs out there! You play your cards right and his personal driver can get you to LA in minutes." He threw a bag at Adeline.

"Here. Clothes, cash, drachmas to summon Hermes I wish you luck but what good could it do?" He said.

Percy walked up to him "Look we're not gonna fail you think you know me and all but you don't. And if you aren't careful you're gonna find out."

Grover stood in front of him "Okay.. uhm thank you again for the cheeseburgers! And the ride I'll take you up on that too."

"Bye dad." Adeline said softly as they got in the truck. "Wait do you have any paper towels? It's messy back here!" Inez said.

But Ares snapped his fingers closing the truck door. Inez nodded "Okay then..."

"It smells in here." Adeline said. Annabeth sighed "At least it's gonna get us where we need to go" Adeline nodded agreeing.

Grover turned around "Look if you think Ares was telling the truth he wasn't not entirely at any rate. He was holding something back. And I think I got it out of him.. I know who stole the master bolt."

Back at camp with the others Victoria snuck out to the Lake with Clarisse. "Didn't think you'd do it.." Clarisse said.

Victoria sighed "Couldn't miss it! I got chocolates!" She sat down with her Victoria spoke "So why are you like so nice to me and mean to everyone else?"

"What are you talking about..?" Clarisse said. Victoria sighed "You just seem like so nice to me only? Do you not like anyone else or something?"

Clarisse sighed "Can I not be nice..?" Clarisse said. Victoria took a bite of her chocolate "So like.. why did you make me stop talking to that guy who came up to me?"

Clarisse was looking at the lake "What do you mean?" Victoria kept her eyes on Clarisse "Nevermind it was just a coincidence-" she was interrupted by Clarisse.

"I don't know maybe jealousy came through me.. but it's all good talk to anyone you want." Clarisse said.

Victoria didn't know what to say she didn't even wanna say anything.


authors note 💗:
okay one this part made me bawl my eyes out writing it an in the show like wtf man. and no we have to wait another ass week for a new episode 😞

thanks for reading love ya 💋

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