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"Even thought I don't really get a long with him, I hope Derek gets better."

[ 4.01 summary + 4.02 ]


THE DAY DEREK GOT ADULT-NAPPED BY KATE ARGENT, THE MCCALL PACK WERE SAYING GOODBYES. At the airport everyone was saying good bye to Allison, Isaac, Aiden and Ethan as they were all leaving Beacon Hills for a while.

Allison and Lydia were saying their goodbyes to each other, "Since you're leaving for a while, you do know when summer comes around I'm going to visit you so we can have a girls trip." Lydia said as she was facing Allison.

"I know, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm kind of glad we're leaving for a while, I mean almost dying really makes you want to live a little. And besides I kind of miss Zella, I know that I barely knew her but it still feels like she should be here." Allison said thinking of the woman who had saved her life.

Nodding her head, "She made a big impact on us, even thought we barely knew her. I mean I felt her leave and when she disappeared it felt like something was missing." Lydia stated thinking back to that night.

"Even thought I don't really get a long with him, I hope Derek gets better. She died in his arms and I don't know what that feels like, but all the death he's had to endure makes feel for him." Allison said, realizing just how much pain the man had been through.

"Yeah, but let's move on to something less morbid like how you're not only going to France with your dad but also Isaac." Lydia asked, with an eyebrow raised.

Laughing she answered, "Yes we're taking him along with us. He doesn't really have a guardian but my dad already treats him like a son so it makes since for him to come with us."

"Yep, and I bet you're super excited to spend some time alone with him."

Blushing, Allison didn't say anything just lightly laughed.

With the boys, Stiles was talking to Isaac.

"Look I know we hardly get along, but since you're going to France I'm going to give you one huge tip that will probably save you and your social status."

Raising an eyebrow Isaac asked, "Alright you've got me attention, what is this one huge tip that would save me?"

"Never mention, being locked up in a freezer for most of your childhood, you've already milked that statement here. They don't need to hear it in France." Stiles said to the blue eyed wolf.

Rolling his eyes, "Really that's what you had to say. I'm going to be in France that is the least of my worries." Isaac said, while fixing his scarf.

Scott standing by and listening to the whole conversation finally spoke up once he finished laughing at the two.

"Look Isaac have a good time you deserve it. Also give Allison the best love in which I couldn't, she deserves it and nothing less." Scott said making the conversation go in a serious route.

"I wouldn't dream of doing anything less." was all Isaac said, then smiled at the alpha.

Saying their goodbyes to each other, Scott walked over to Aiden and Ethan as they were about to board their flight.

"You sure you guys want to leave?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, we think it's time for a fresh start, we don't want drama or be the bad guys we just want peace now." Ethan said.

"Since we've been in Beacon Hills we've always followed behind someone which isn't bad, but we think going off on our own would benefit us more, that's why we're going to London. For a fresh new start." Aiden said, as he and his brother had planned this new leaf .

"I'm glad you guys finally know what you want, if you ever need anything don't hesitate to call. Even if it's something small." Scott offered.

"Thanks," Ethan said.

And now everyones flight was being called, Lydia walked up to Aiden and they said their goodbyes. And Danny walked up to Ethan saying his goodbyes.

Danny had found out about werewolves and wasn't scared, but he also didn't want to deal with all that came along with it so he and Ethan parted ways.

Scott walked up to Allison saying his last goodbye to her.

"I know a lot has happened with us, but I don't regret it and I hope you can be even happier with Isaac in France, because I know he's good for you." Scott said truthfully, as he had now moved on with Kira.

"Thank you Scott, and whatever happens you'll always be my first love and for that I will always be grateful to you." Allison said, with a small smile on her face showing her dimples.

Hugging her, Scott then turned away and meet up with the others and everybody waved each other off as Aiden, Ethan, Allison, Isaac and Chris boarded their separate flights.

Chris looked back at the group of kids and nodded to Scott, giving a signal of appreciation to the young boy. And Scott nodded his head back and watched them leave.

"All right since they've left lets get back home before my dad notices I'm missing." Stiles said, scratching the back of his neck.

Scott laughed at his friends antics and got in the keep, with Lydia getting in the back.

And drove right back to their small town called Beacon Hills.


[past tense]

Weeks had passed by and Scott McCall noticed Derek hadn't gotten back to any of his calls or texts. So he stopped by his loft to check up on him.

Scott knew Derek was still grieving the loss of Zella. He saw the two grow close in only the matter of a few months. So he wanted to give the older wolf some space, but then after a few more weeks passed by and he hadn't heard a word from him he started to worry.

Walking to his loft Scott heard Derek's alarm going off but saw that everything looked normal. Then he noticed shell casings on the ground so he sent a picture to Deaton and Deaton replied back saying that the mark on the shell casings was from a family of hunters based out of Mexico, named 'The Calavera's'.

As he found this information out he told his pack and asked Lydia to see if she could get any readings off the casing, she eventually couldn't tell if he was a live or dead which lead the the group going straight to Mexico to get Dererk themselves.

The group consisted of Lydia, Stiles, Malia, Kira and Scott.

As Stiles and Lydia talked to the head Calavera 'Araya' to see if they could exchange Derek for money, but saw very soon it was a dead end seeing as she didn't know where Derek was either.

Through torture and a whole lot of questioning Scott finally figured out who took Derek. (Kate Argent)

Wanting to find where Kate was keeping Derek, the pack got help from a mercenary they've met before 'Braeden'.

She took them to a church named 'La Igesia' to find Derek buried in a tomb of wolfsbane. But that's not the only thing they found when searching for Derek, they found him in his teenage body.


Driving out of Mexico they took younger Derek to Deaton.

Deaton didn't actually know what happened to Derek so he suggested they leave him at the clinic where it was safe and they get some sleep for school. Before leaving, Scott suggested that someone stay with Deaton so Derek wouldn't freak out. Lydia offered and Scott agreed, but Stiles did not want to leave her with younger Derek, but had no choice seeing as Scott dragged him out of the clinic.

Morning time came and in the clinic Derek was still unconscious. Deaton however kept checking up on him. Noticing he was getting warmer and his heart rate was more elevated, Deaton wanted to do some tests on Derek. As he had tested Derek's arm he noticed his wounds healed unusually fast.

Seeing as that had never happened before, Deaton wanted to do more tests so he asked Lydia to get a syringe from across the room, while Deaton also moved away from Derek to get drugs for the syringe.

As they both had their back facing Derek, they didn't notice him wake up in a rather hostile manner. As they both heard heavy breathing they turned around to see Derek half shifted and growling lowly.

Trying to get him to snap out of it, they called him by his name but nothing worked. And Derek lunged at Deaton, scratching him then leaving abruptly in a panicked manner.

In class, Scott got a call from Lydia but couldn't answer it because Mr.Yukimura told him to turn his phone off. Seeing as Lydia couldn't reach anyone she called Mr.Yukimura to inform them.

Stiles and Scott made their way to the clinic to only find Derek gone and Deaton sporting a new injury.

Figuring out that not only was in his younger body he also had his younger mind. So they tried to figure out where he would go, at first Scott thought he would go to his loft but seeing as Derek was in his younger mind there was only one place Derek would go, his old house.


Derek was making his way to his old house, but on the way there he kept seeing flashes of a green eyed girl laughing. He didn't know who she was, he had never seen her before since he was in his younger mind the girl was a stranger to him.

But he soon stopped thinking of the woman in his flashes when he noticed his house had been torn down.

Soon after his arrival the police showed up and told him he had to leave, but Haigh decided to take a hands on removal approach with Derek, and it ended up with Derek not taking it too well. After Derek put hands on the cop, Haigh tazed him and arrested him.

While in the patrol car, instead of getting another flash of the woman, Derek got her saying something, but unbeknownst to him it was a memory. "Oh come on Derek, don-t be such a–, wait what did that spastic kid call you? Oh yeah, sourwolf." the woman said laughing.

Shaking his head to get rid of the woman, he noticed he arrived at the sheriff station.

Walking in he sat down in one of the chairs waiting to be processed. While he was there he felt this unbearable wash of sadness go over him but he didn't know what it was from. The only other time he felt like this was when someone close to him died, but from what he knew only Paige died and he was starting to move on from it. So why did this sadness seem so fresh?

A minute later Parrish walked over to him and uncuffed him, then went back to the computer for his prints only for it to come up as an older looking Derek Hale.

Noah walked in hearing the familiar last name, looked at the screen then looked back at the kid who was supposed to be Derek. Then called his son to the station to see if time travel was real. Stiles ended up confessing that it wasn't and they had found him buried in a tomb of wolfsbane in Mexico.

Getting the green light to go talk to Derek from Noah, they explained to him that he had lost some memory and that he should trust them. Scott showed him he was an alpha and Derek told him he was fine not wolfing out unless it was a full moon.

But Derek, still not trusting them, asked Scott where his family was. Scott started off by telling the truth but couldn't once he saw the emotion in Derek's eyes so he lied and said they moved.

Derek soon got out of the station and was on to Scott's house since that's what Scott told Stiles to take him until he got back from asking Peter questions.

Getting to the McCall house they were met with Rafael bringing dinner home for him and Scott, Stiles lied to the man and told him that Derek's name was Miguel. And Rafael asked if they wanted dinner since they were waiting on Scott as well.

After the whole debate on if they were hungry or not they all ended up sitting at the dinner table eating, till Derek asked if Rafael knew anything about the Hale House Fire.

Eventually Derek found out that he was lying to told Stiles to go get Scott. Leaving Derek all alone in Scott's room, it got quiet and he started having flashes of the same woman with green eyes and brown hair, laughing and dancing.

But was interrupted when Kate Argent snuck in through the window.

Stiles going back up to the room and seeing that Derek was gone and seeing Kate sneak back out the window told Scott. Which caused Scott to tell Peter and Peter explained that Kate and Derek knew each other biblically when they were younger and that she turned Derek younger so she could get into the Hale vault and learn to control her shift.

Walking up to the vault Malia caught the same scent she caught in Mexico, seeing as they couldn't have followed them back to Beacon Hills, Scott came to the conclusion that Kate brought them here.

Hearing a growl Peter shuttered thinking of what it was and questioned Malia on what it looked like. Listing the features of the unknown creatures, Malia said it was the same or at least what she had seen.

As Peter was about to take a guess at what it was, he quickly stated that it was in fact Berserkers because he saw one behind Malia walking up to them.

Malia was about to attack the Berserker but was held back by Peter. She stated that it was just one of them and Peter told her that they still had a chance to survive.

And with that Peter took off running.


[present tense ]

Isabella had just gotten out of her car and was walking down towards an underground vault when she saw a man in a white shirt running away from the place she knew she had to go.

On her way there she saw two teenagers running as well, one female and the other male. She didn't know what they were running from but that was quickly corrected when she saw what looked like a man in a skeleton suit encasing his body running after them.

Not knowing that she took off after the unknown assailant, while running she created a sword in her hand by using her shadow manipulation power from the darkness around her.

Seeing the creature about to attack the girl while she was down, Isabella intervened and sliced the creature with the sword in her hand.

The creature stumbled, so she didn't waste any time fighting it.

Round house kicking it, she made it stumble to the floor.

Scott and Malia looked up to see the unknown person fighting the Berserker, and it looked like she was winning.

Isabella impaled the creature with her sword and retracted it before it even had a chance to claw at her.

A young girl with a katana came running in and started fighting another Berserker that was coming, but soon turned around to check on her friends and was blind sided an was struck by the Berserker.

It was like Isabella snapped and she went at the Berserkers with full force and created another sword in her hand to do more damage.

And was soon met with a kid running up and attacking the Berserkers with her, she saw he was wolfed out as well. The kid couldn't have been no older than 16 or 17.

Not wanting to lose focus she continued to fight the Berserkers and ended up killing one.

And as she turned around she saw the kid's face begin to morph while he was fighting the creatures.

The creatures soon stopped when they heard a loud howl and took off.

Seeing the creatures leave Isabella knew her work was done for the night and while the kids were distracted looking at the boy who was crouched on the ground she took off back to her car.

But the one thing Isabella kept hearing repeat in her head while she was fighting with the young boy was, "As long as I'm here Derek, I'm always going to protect you."

She didn't know what that meant, but she would figure it out later. Right now she just wanted to go home.


Seeing the older man with his back facing him, Scott stood up and asked, "Derek?"

Slowly turning around, Derek faced Scott but something was different about him his eyes didn't glow and electric blue they glowed and enticing yellow.

Malia at the moment didn't care about Derek turning back to his usual age, she wanted to know who the person was in black, that had killed a Berserker.

"Who was that, fighting with Derek?" Malia asked, Scott then realized that they had disappeared.

"I don't know but whoever it was, they were fast and stealth. I didn't even hear them come up and attack the Berserkers."

"Did anyone get a good look at their face?" Kira asked.

"I couldn't see anything, they had everything covered up." Scott said.

"Well then who was the masked vigilante who saved us?" Malia asked.

"We don't know." Scott said looking where they were last seen.

Derek on the other hand was not okay, when he was fighting along with the masked vigilante it was something familiar about them but he didn't know what.


Okay so if you guys were wondering, in the first book I put "Zella's" powers/abilities in the beginning and one of them was DARK FORM. But she didn't use it in the book because it's technically for Isabella since she has no actual experience fighting supernatural creatures. The dark form takes a hold of her and it's basically like Zella fighting.

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