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[ 4.09 ]


JORDAN PARRISH WAS BURNED ALIVE, BY HIS PARTNER HAIGH. BUT WHAT HAIGH FOUND OUT LATER WAS THAT PARRISH DIDN'T DIE IN THE FIRE HE SET. Of course Jordan was mad so, when he woke up again he went back to the sheriff's station and beat the crap out of Haigh.

Lydia and Stiles were already at the station when they saw the whole thing go down. So when they saw him covered in char and ash they knew that he had to deal with whatever supernatural creature he was.

Inevitably, they took him to Derek to see if he knew what supernatural creature he was.


Hearing a knock on Derek's loft door, Isabella went to go open it.

Opening the door, she was met with a strawberry–blonde girl, a brown eyed boy and Deputy Parrish.

She was about to ask why they were there, when she got interrupted by the strawberry–blonde.

"I thought you were dead." Lydia blurted out. "I don't know about you, but I look pretty alive don't you think." Isabella quirked back, with a sly smile.

Shaking her head, she then asked "I'm sorry this might seem insensitive, but do I know you guys–besides Parrish I mean, cause you're looking at me like how Derek looked at me when I saw in the woods."

Scott was just wide eyed the whole time she was talking, he saw her name on the list but he didn't actually think she was alive.

Before anybody could say anything, Isabella shouted "Derek, I think some people are here for you." her voice rang throughout the entire loft.

Coming from upstairs, Derek walked down to the door and saw Scott, Lydia and Jordan standing there. Then he looked from her to them again, upon seeing Scott and Lydia's that were both as equally shocked as his was when he saw her again.

Not saying anything about Isabella's appearance yet, he just invited them into his loft to talk about why they were actually here and then later they would dive into how Isabella was alive.

Now standing in–a–sorta circle, Derek took Parrish's hands in his, observing them.

"He covered you in gasoline?"  Derek asked, while he was still inspecting Parrish.

"It's the hair and nails, isn't it? The parts of the body that are essentially dead." Lydia asked, curiously.

"Well, they should be gone."

"I was set on fire, all of me should be gone." Parrish stated, surly.

"Not if you're like us." Scott told him.

"Like you?" Parrish questioned.

"I don't think he's like us." Derek said.

"Then what is he?" Lydia asked.

"I'm sorry but I have no idea." he answered.

"But you knew about Jackson and Kira." Scott reassured.

"This is a little out of my experience, there might be something in the bestiary. Did you try Argent?" Derek stated, truthfully.

"I don't know where he is." Scott said.

Setting her book down that she was reading Isabella interpreted. "Nobody asked me, but I think Parrish is a hellhound." she stated plainly.

"Okay, hold on. Hellhound? And what is a bestiary?  Actually, those aren't even my first questions. Just...just tell me one thing. Are all of you like Lydia." Parrish asked, rapidly.

Everybody just looked at him waiting to elaborate.

"Are you all psychic?"

"Psychic?" Derek asked, seeing if he was hearing him right.

"I thought she was a banshee?" Isabella asked chiming in once again.

They all looked at her. Scott, Derek and Lydia because they didn't know how she knew what Lydia was. And Parrish because he was confused with everything that was going on.

"What?" she questioned, seeing the looks.

Knowing they had bigger things at hand they turned back around to Parrish, but weren't to let the subject go on how she knew.

"Not exactly." Scott answered Parrish's previous question.

"Okay, then what are you?"

Scott looked at Derek to see if he should tell him, all Derek did was shrug his shoulders.

Scott then closed his eyes, and then opened them back up showing his bright red alpha eyes.

"Huh, I didn't think I'd see an alpha this young." Isabella remarked, causing Derek to look at her playfully.


Now sitting on the couch, Parrish asked "What's a kanima?"

"A giant lizard that has no free will." Isabella answered quickly.

How she knew about all these supernatural creatures no one knew but she wasn't wrong when she came to stating them.

Wanting to move on, Scott answered "We'll go back to that stuff, but just know that everyone like us, everyone supernatural with some kind of supernatural ability is on the Deadpool."

"Just like me, but I happen to be worth the most." Isabella said to herself mostly, but everyone still heard her.

Ignoring what she said, Parrish spoke up, "But I don't even know what I am."

"You're a hellhound." Isabella sang.

"Whatever you are, I'm pretty sure they don't care." Derek said, bluntly.

"He's right, they tried to kill me in my own home, to bad they didn't make it" Isabella said, looking off into the distance with a nonchalant fake pout.

Parrish looked at her a bit frightened, but then moved on to ask "How many professional assassins are we talking about?"

"We're starting to lose count." Lydia answered.

"But is it still just professionals?" Scott asked, questioning everything.

"No, the guy who tried to kill me didn't even hold up a fight." Isabella answered.

"She's right, I don't think Haigh's ever tried anything like this. I think he was taking a chance." Parrish agreed.

"Well that means anyone with a deadpool could take a chance." Derek said.

"But if Haigh had it, then who else does? How easy is it to get this thing now?" Parrish questioned.


After Parrish's q&a meeting, Scott Lydia and Derek turned around to look at Isabella who was currently playing with a switch knife in her hand.

Feeling eyes on her, she looked up to see them just standing there just looking at her.

Raising her eyebrow she asked "What's up with you guys?"

Being the first to ask, Scott walked up to her. "You died."

"Sure," she answered.

"How are you here now?"

Before answering she looked to Derek, "I'm gonna have to do this a lot because if so, you guys should just hold a meeting and tell people. Cause I don't feel like doing this every time."

"Just answer him, Ella." Derek said.

"Fine," she said, turning back to look at the brown eyed boy.

"Seeing as you evidently know me, I'm guessing like Derek here you've run into Zella." she asked, raising her eyebrows for the boy's answer.

Both him and Lydia nodded their heads.

"Alrighty then, to make this quick and easy for you. Hi, I'm Isabella. I was the host for Zella, she was my entity, she was the one who died I guess you could say. If you want me to go into further explanation, I will not be doing that in 4–5 business days, so you'll have to be satisfied with what I'm telling you now." she said, blankly.

Processing what she just said, Lydia then asked "How did you know I was a banshee?"

"Darling, I can feel the death around you, and I haven't even heard you wail yet. You're a strong one for your age." she answered.

Lydia just nodded her head, not really understanding but at least she somewhat answered her question.

"My question is how'd you know what a Kanima is?" Derek questioned.

"That's easy, my family has like a ton of bestiaries."

"You'll have to show me one day." Derek said, and Isabella just nodded her head.

It didn't go unnoticed to Scott that Derek was freely talking to her, like he did with Zella. But he was happy that Derek was moping anymore.

After finding out this information, Lydia then went into depth on how her grandmother made the code for the deadpool.


Lydia left the loft, but Scott stayed behind. Walking over to Derek's bed he saw a gun sitting on his jacket. Picking it up he inspected it.

"Careful with that." Derek said, walking over to him.

"I thought you didn't like guns."

Holding his hand out, Scott passed Derek the gun.

"He definitely doesn't like guns." Isabella said, walking over to them, with a smirk on her face.

"Does this have something to do with your eyes?" Scott asked.

"My eyes, my strength, the healing...all of it."


"Whatever Kate did to me, it's still happening."

"When am I gonna get to meet this Kate, me and her have to have a few words." Isabella said, sitting down. Derek gave her a pointed look, she just shrugged her shoulders.

"If the deadpool really was made by a banshee, then there's something else you should know about." Scott said. "Your name broke the third list, it was the cipher key."

"And the two other keys were Erica and Boyd." Derek stated.

"And I....I don't want to make you nervous, but it kind of feels like there might be a pattern there, doesn't it. Erica, Boyd...you."

"Names picked by a banshee."

Isabella just sat there and watched the two state facts back to each other.

"It...it could mean that you're in danger." Scott said, trying to dim down the situation.

"Scott, banshee don't predict danger. They predict death." Derek told the boy, knowing what everything meant.


In the afternoon the next day, Isabella started to walk out of the loft when she was stopped by Derek.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"To get something to eat, I don't know if you've noticed but your fridge is bare."she said pointing to the direction of the fridge that was in the kitchen.

Derek gave her a weird look, "I thought you didn't eat." he said.

"Maybe you don't know this but I'm human, I eat food." she said without a care in the world.

"No, no I remember you telling me that you don't eat food." Derek said, very surly.

"Yeah, no, that was Zella who didn't eat. I, on the other hand, do eat, so if you're finished with this little chat, I'm going to go get something to eat. But if you want to tag along, be my guest." she said walking to the front door.

Thinking about it for a minute, Derek decided he would go with her to get something to eat. Even though he still thought it was weird that she ate food, because he had never seen Zella do that.


As it was now night time, Derek and Isabella had to make a pit stop before going home. Isabella had got a phone call from Braeden telling her that the kids at the high school that were on the hit list were going to get killed tonight.

Of course Isabella asked how Braeden got whoever she asked to talk.

Braeden just replied with 'the old fashion way', Isabella knew that meant she beat the crap out of them. Which also made her laugh just thinking about the poor person on the other end of Braeden's beatings.

Entering the school her and Derek got there just in time because they were about to be set on fire.

Elbowing a man in the nose, she got him away from Scott.

Derek went to work taking care of some other people who came at them.

Making a dagger from shadow's, Isabella sliced the one man in the abdomen and another on the arm.

Then deciding she wanted to box, she disintegrated the dagger and started laying punches on everyone who came at her until they were knocked out on the ground.

She saw one man still grappling to get the lighter on the floor. She walked over to him and kicked the lighter away and kicked him in the stomach.

Trying to get up, Scott asked "What happened to the gun?"

"You're covered in gasoline." Derek stated.

"Oh, yeah."

Isabella then looked over to Malia, "You seem oddly familiar, were you ever a coyote?" she asked randomly.

Malia knew who she was, and nodded her head eagerly.

"Thought so you guys have the same aura. How's human life treating you?" she asked, making conversation with the girl.

"It would be better if I had deer, and also if people stopped trying to kill me every 5 minutes." she answered.

"So no better than being a coyote then?"

"When I was a coyote I was warmer." Malia stated.

"Yeah, you don't have a fur coat anymore. That's gotta suck." Isabella said, nodding her head and Malia agreed.

Then they both turned around seeing Scott, Derek and a blonde boy that she didn't know staring at them.

"What?" they both said at the same time.

No one answered so they both walked out of the school, going into more depth about Malia's time as a coyote. While the guys were just standing there still trying to figure out how they even knew each other.


4 more chapters to go :( But I can't wait to write them.

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