06 ; dragons

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The stands were filled with cheering students of all ages - from all schools. They each held up banners supporting the champion representing their school. It was no doubt everyone was excited to watch the first task. Even those who hated school events showed up to witness the task the three champions were forced to face. James' name was chanted in the middle section of the stands where Hogwarts' students were located. Even some of the Slytherins were caught chanting the young wizard's name. The houses forgot about their hatred towards each other for the first time, all they wanted to see was Hogwarts winning the cup - even if that meant the win had to come from a Gryffindor.

Although the stands were filled with students cheering and yelling, the inside of the tent that withheld the champions was a whole different story. Ivy watched as James paced around the room while she continued the awful habit of hers - biting off her nails. At this point it seemed as Ivy was more stressed than James, and she wouldn't be fighting anything. James rarely experienced fear, unless it was caused by his mother. He hated the feeling, but it spread through out his body like forest fires.

Ivy stood up deciding to peak through the curtains curious over the loud cheering coming from the students. She skimmed over the crowd noticing all the banners and posters in the air for James. She also noticed her group sporting a small amount of Gryffindor accessories, such as Harlow and Daisy's red and gold scarfs, and Albus' beanie that read Potter across the rim. Of course Scorpius wouldn't be caught dead in the colors, but deep down she knew he was cheering on the inside for his school. Ivy herself had been wearing a Gryffindor jumper that Molly had made for her and Albus as a joke one Christmas eve. As Ivy continued to look around she noticed two figures seated behind Headmistress McGonagall.

No parents were allowed during the first two tasks, but Ginevra and Harry Potter were the only exception. Ivy wasn't too surprised if she was being honest with herself - Ginny was former star of the Holyhead Harpies and Harry... well he was just Harry. Ginny and Harry Potter hated these games with all of their hearts, but they loved their son. They didn't inform James of their presence, but were determined to watch their son compete, even if it hurt watching.

Ivy turned around grabbing James' attention. "James look who came." She called out towards him. She hoped this would calm his nerves before the task began.

James made his way towards where Ivy was standing. He towered Ivy's short frame as he peaked through the curtain. He looked down at Ivy with a confused glance. "What are you talking about Lennon? All I see are students and three fire breathing dragons - thanks for the help."

Ivy rolled her eyes before replying. "Not there dimwit," Using her pointer finger she pointed towards where the three Headmasters were seated. "up there where Headmistress McGonagall is seated. Look who she's talking too."

James followed the direction Ivy was instructing. His eyes widen once he saw his father and mother engaging a conversation with their Headmistress. He didn't know whether to be happy or scared, fearing the Headmistress would tell his mother of his latest pranks with Fred. "Blimey, they actually showed up." James said combing his hand through his hair in shock. "I though they didn't want a thing to do with this bloody tournament."

"They don't," Ivy replied looking up at James' shocked face. "but for some odd reason they love you. Crazy right?" Ivy finished sarcastically while James rolled his eyes.

"Oh shut your trap-" James replied before being cut off by the minister.

"Hello Champions," He greeted sending a quick smile to the three champions and their companions. "in this bag are three dragons. Depending on which you pull out determines which you will be facing. Your task will be too receive the gold egg in the middle of the arena - in the egg holds a clue to your next task." The minister stated causing the champions to tense over the sound of a second task they had forgotten about. "Do not worry your second task will not be till after your Christmas break." He said once looking at the champion's faces. They all let out a breath thankful for the break they'd have in between.

The minister grabbed a small bag from his pocket, the animals inside were squirming kicking against the cloth. "Very well then, our first competitor will be... Alec Bram representing Durmstrang Institute." He finished motioning the boy to come closer.

Alec let out a sigh as he made his way towards the minister reaching his hand into the bag. He let out a hiss as he felt a pair of fangs bite his fingers. He pulled out a tiny black dragon with dark scales and an arrow shaped tail. "Mr.Bram you have pulled out the Hebridean Black, what a unique dragon indeed." The minister finished giving the boy a small smile.

"Hmm next we have," The minister started taking a look down at his notebook reading the next name. "Felicity Lyan, representing Beauxbatons Academy of Magic." Felicity nodded taking a step towards the man. She reached into the bag pulling a sparkling white dragon.

Ivy looked in awe of the beauty of the tiny beast. It had a pearly shimmer memorizing everyone. "That right there Ms.Lyan is the Antipodean Opaleye, a beauty isn't she?" Felicity gave a short nod towards the minister still examining the dragon.

Ivy was also examining the dragon from afar, until she noticed the minister heading towards James with the last dragon in hand. "Last, but not least we have James Potter representing Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." He finished handing the bag over to James. James hesitantly pulled out the last dragon, it had copper-colored scales, and short horns on its head.

Ivy gulped remembering the dragon from her studies in Romania. The Peruvian Vipertooth was known as the fastest breed of dragons. One of its favorite meals were humans, making it the deadliest dragon in the Wizarding World. The dragon was also infamous for being known as the breed that started Dragon pox. The Dragon Pox disease was thought to have started with wizards who worked with Peruvian Vipertooths. Why would they enter such a dragon in this tournament? Surely they knew of the danger it withheld. If it got lose if could start attacking all the students on the stands.

"That right there Mr.Potter is the Peruvian Vipertooth... good luck - I mean good luck to all of you." The minister corrected himself with an uneasy laugh. "First up we have Alec Bram.


The crowd let out a roar of cheer as Felicity caught the golden egg by distracting the dragon. Alec Bram had also successfully managed to grab the egg from the beast. This left James being the last champion to compete. The cheers from Hogwarts were heard from inside the tent, as they chanted James' name repeatedly.

"Don't forget to cast the fire repellent spell." Ivy said eyeing him.

"I know Lennon." He replied rolling his eyes.

"Don't forget your broom is your greatest advantage." She continued.

"For Merlin's sake I know."

"Also, don't forget to-" Ivy stated before being cut off by James.

"Lennon I know what I am doing." He said glaring down towards the witch. "Just trust me, I know what I am doing." He said calming himself down.

"I swear if you get eaten by the dragon James I will personally revive you from the dead and kill you all over again." Ivy stated with no hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"You sound like you care Lennon." He laughed messing with her hair, which he knew she hated. "Do you care about lil ole me?" James said attempting a puppy dog face.

"Oh be quiet you git." She said fixing her hair back into place. "If you die I'll be taken into fault, so do me a favor and don't die. That's the last thing I need."

"Don't worry Lennon, the only way I'll die is if either you or my mother kill me." He said throwing on his jersey with the number '4' on the back, along with his last name.

"That sounds quite tempting." She grumbled taking a seat on the bench.

Before James could make a sarcastic remark the minister came strolling into the tent. "Mr.Potter you're up. Now don't forget, you must grab the egg in order to move on to the next task. Also your Uncle Charlie is here, he asked you to try your best to not harm the dragon."

James let out a scoff before turning towards Ivy. "You would think he'd wish his nephew a good luck. I'm surprised aunt Penelope is still with him, all he cares about are those bloody dragons." James grumbled offended by his uncle's statement.

"Next up we have James Potter!" Vivian Jordan called out from the stands. She was known to be the commentator during the quidditch games, so she was given the same position during the tournament since quidditch had been cancelled. "Let's hope he knows how to do something besides play pranks, James if you can hear me just pretend the dragon is Ivy." The Gryffindor joked.

The Headmistress didn't find this amusing. "Vivian! Watch your mouth." She called out.

"Sorry Headmistress!" Vivian answered, she had been used to being scolded.

"That's actually pretty good advice." James said towards Ivy.

"Whatever advice you think will help you stay alive, just take it." Ivy replied. "Anyways I am much scarier than that dragon." She said jokingly.

"Can't argue with that."

"Mr.Potter I advice you to go before you are disqualified." The minister said informing James.

James nodded making his way towards the exit of the tent. "Wish me luck." He said glancing towards Ivy.

"I will, I believe you'll need it." She replied.

"Thanks for the reassurance." James grumbled as he made his way out of the tent. As he stepped out the crowd erupted in applause. James took a deep breath before looking around the pitch for the golden egg. It wasn't that hard to find considering it sat in the middle where the dragon stood. He inched closer quietly, but soon stumbled on one of the rocks alerting the dragon he was near. James quickly stood up hiding behind a rock slightly fearing for his life. He knew this dragon's favorite treats were humans, but he didn't plan on being its dinner.

Ivy watched closely from the tent awaiting the boy's next move. She watched as the dragon grew closer causing her to become anxious. Why wasn't he summoning his broom?

Seven minutes had passed as the crowd patiently waited for James to grab the egg. He had made his way closer towards where the egg laid, he was only about ten feet away, all he needed to do was distract the dragon. He remembered Ivy informing him that besides humans, the dragon enjoyed lamb. Using his wand he conjured a lamb towards the far corner of the pitch. This automatically caught the attention of the beast as it made its way towards the lamb forgetting about James and the egg. James quickly made a run towards the egg securing it in his arms.

Unfortunately, when James took ahold of the egg the crowd erupted into cheers alerting the dragon. James cursed as he watched the dragon quickly make his way towards him hungrily. The crowd gasped as James started running the opposite way. Ivy held her breath fearing for the boy's life. Luckily just as the dragon was about to make him dinner, James managed to summon his broom allowing him a quick escape out of the pitch.

The crowded cheered for the second time. They chanted James' name over and over again. "Looks like he took my advice!" Vivian cheered. "Always running from Ivy I'm telling you-"



James made his way into the tent falling on the floor out of exhaustion. Ivy ran his way standing over him concerned. "You look like you just fought a dragon." She joked.

"I do not need your remarks at the moment Lennon."

"Good thing you have ours." Lily Potter said as she came into the tent with the rest of the Weasleys, which included Fred, Roxanne, Rose, Hugo, and Albus. Harlow, Daisy, and surprisingly Scorpius followed in after the rest. "Mom and Dad said they were proud, but had to go back to work." Lily finished.

"Get up git, you aren't dead yet." Fred said lifting James from the floor much to his dismay.

"I was secretly hoping you'd get eaten, but I guess I'm glad you didn't" Albus said pulling his brother into a hug.

"Bloody hell Albus that hurt." James said after pulling away from the bone crushing hug.

"Let's thank Ivy." Rose spoke from the corner.

"I don't think James would be alive it weren't for her." Hugo said with a chuckle.

"I would have done fine without her." James replied.

The whole group burst out laughing as James rolled his eyes.

"We are having a party tonight in the Gryffindor common room to celebrate the win." Roxanne spoke up. "You all are welcomed to come as well, the password is Hippogriff." She finished informing the group.

"I won't be caught dead in the Gryffindor common room." Scorpius scoffed.


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