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Aurora was driving a ford fiesta blasting music from the cars speakers nodding her head to the beat as she started singing along to somebody by Natalie La Rose and Jeremih, " And at the end of the night When our love's going out we turn down, Oh no we won't, we'll never turn it down, we'll never turn it down, And when it try to make this leave we turn to say we never going home" Aurora gasped in shock as she slammed on the breaks when someone stepped on the road. It really paying attention only to wince as she hit them with her car, " Oh, my god. Oh, my god. I just hit a person"

Aurora unclipped her seatbelt climbing out of the car as she rushed towards the person she had just hit only for her eyes to widened in shock, " Jason?" Jason groaned in pain as he looked up at the blurry figure standing over him, " you just ran me over. Where did you get your license? Did you not see me in the street" Aurora rolled her eyes in response, " Dude, you just appeared out of nowhere. Ali is so going to kill me. We need to get you to the hospital"

"No, no, no, no hospital. I'm fine. I've been through worse" Jason shook his head in response as Aurora helped him up on his feet pulling him towards the passenger side of the car before she rushed back in her car reaching over to put his seatbelt on for him only he reached his hand forward pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear, " your so beautiful" Aurora rolled her eyes once again as she gripped the wheel pulling away from the pavement, " and your so out of it"

Aurora pulled up outside of the DiLaurentis residence grabbing her phone sending a quick text to Alison who snuck out of the house rushing towards the car as Aurora climbed out of the car, " oh, my god. What happened?" The Taylor teen helped Jason out of the car as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder with a smile on his lips, " she ran me over with her car" the blonde gasped with an offended look on her face, " I did not run you over! You stepped out onto the road like a total moron. I mean, who even does that and I tried taking him to the hospital but he wouldn't let me"

Alison couldn't help the chuckle that escaped her lips at Aurora and Jason who was bickering with one another as she couldn't believe her best friend had ran her brother over, " Oh, this is brilliant. I'm never going let this go you know that right?" Alison questioned raising her brows at her best friend who nodded her head in confirmation, " Yeah, yeah, I know. Will you help me get him inside before your parents find out" Alison snickered but nodding her head in agreement helping Aurora as she wrapped her arm around her brothers waist, " where did you even get the car? You don't even have your license"

" I kind of stole it" Aurora shrugged her shoulders as the two girls helped Jason up the stairs, "you did what?"Aurora nodded her head in confirmation, " Noel told everyone at school that I slept with him which i definitely didn't do so I stole his car. I'm planning a little bit of revenge before returning it. You in?" Alison laughed shaking her head at Aurora in amusement as her best friend was always up to something and was always dragging her into it not that she minded as out of all her friends Aurora was the most fun and outgoing.

Alison went to go distract her parents while Aurora helped Jason into his bed, "Are you my girlfriend?" Jason questioned as he grinned at the blonde beauty with blue highlights in her hair only for Aurora to snort in amusement, " Perhaps in your dreams Jason. I'm way out of your league" Jason frowned in confusion as he stared at his sisters best friend, " have you got a boyfriend?" Aurora rolled her eyes shooting him an annoyed look, " it's complicated"

"So you're single?" Jason questioned as he looked into Aurora's green eyes causing a small blush to appear on her cheeks, " you don't give up do you? Get some rest you won't even remember this conversation" Aurora sent him a small smile as she went to walk away only he grabbed her wrist stopping her, " I remember everything when I drink. I don't know what it is about you..." Aurora grabbed Jason's hand moving it away from her face, " don't go there. Your Alison older brother okay, nothing can ever happen between us"


Aurora stepped into her house with furrowed brows, " mom?" She called out her voice echoing through the empty house as she put her keys in the dishbowl that was sitting ontop of the kitchen island before she grabbed a cup from the cupboard filling it up with water taking a sip before she started to make her way upstairs but came to an stop when she heard the sound of sirens driving past her house making Aurora walk back down the stairs placing the cup of water on the side.

"What the hell is going on?" Aurora muttered to herself as soon as she stepped outside only to see police cars and an ambulance surrounded Alison's old house. The brunette made her way to stand beside Spencer only for tears to pool in her eyes at the sight of a gurney with a body bag on it, " is that who I think it is?" Spencer nodded her head in confirmation wrapping her arm around Aurora shoulder bringing her into a side hug as tears fell from her eyes feeling her heart break at the thought that her best friend is actually dead, that she's never see her again or talk about anything that comes to mind.

Aria was rushing down the street when she saw the flashing lights her eyes immediately landing on Aurora and Spencer as she made her way over towards the two girls, "heard the cops took Hanna to the police station today" Spencer had a worried look on her face as she looked between Aurora and Aria, "you don't think she'd ever talk about..." she trailed off as she didn't have the chance to finish her sentence when Hanna appeared next to Aurora and stated, "The Jenna thing? We made a promise"


"The discovery of her body rocked this community, and today, hundreds of mourners gather to say goodbye to Alison DiLaurentis." A male newscaster spoke outside of the church that was holding the funeral for Alison. Aurora adjusted Hope in her arms taking a deep breathe as Judy grabbed her daughters arm squeezing it in reassurance before the two made their way over towards Alison's mother, Jessica Jessica DiLaurentis.

"Mrs DiLaurentis" Aurora greeted the older women with a sympathetic look on her face only for Jessica to send the girl a small smile in return, " Aurora. I'm so glad you come." Jessica pulled the brunette into a warm hug before pulling away looking down at the baby in her arms with smile, " she's beautiful. What is her name?" Aurora looked down at her daughter before moving her gaze back to Jessica, " Hope Alison Taylor"

Jessica couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped her lips as she lightly grabbed Hope's tiny hand as whenever she looked at her daughters friends she couldn't help but think about her daughter, " Alison would have loved that you named your daughter after her. I remember all the times you used to come over gossiping, laughing or making me and Judy watch some dance routine the two of you came up with. I asked the other girls to sit together up front. It's what Alison would of wanted"

"Of course" Aurora spoke as she squeezed Jessica hand before she continued walking leaving her mother to give Jessica her condolences. Mr DiLaurentis gave her a reassuring smile when she passed him only for her eyes to lock with Jason's as this is the first time she's seen him properly since Alison disappeared, " Jason" Aurora greeted him politely treating him like he was just her dead best friends older brother.

Aurora gazed at him for a couple of moments before she continued walking forward as Jason looked different from the last time she had seen him but didn't look long enough to figure it out as she was still hurt and angry that he left without a goodbye and she was left pregnant and alone to raise their child he knew nothing about as no matter how many times she tried calling him it was clear he just didn't want to know so she gave up and promised herself that she would always be there for her daughter that she would grow up loved and surrounded by the people that loves her.

Aurora came to stop at the sight of Alison's coffin that had red and white roses laid ontop of it and beside the coffin was the photo that she took of Alison smiling brightly as she remembered that day as Alison knew Aurora was interested in photography and demanded the girl to take photos of her for practice and when Aurora showed her Alison was in awe at how amazing the photos turned out to be.

Aurora snapped out her her thoughts when someone grabbed her arm looking down at Hanna who sent her a sad look as she knew how hard this would be on Aurora as she knew Alison before the other girls and out of the five of them it was clear Aurora was the one closest to her as she had known her longer since they were in second grade. Hanna moved over as Aurora let out a sigh before taking her seat next to the blonde, " poor Ali" Emily muttered staring at the black coffin on the verge of crying.

"Can you believe what a scene this is?" Hanna asked with a smile on her face causing Aurora to let out a small chuckle at the thought nodding her head in agreement with the blonde, " Alison would have loved it" Spencer kept her gaze on the coffin nodding her head in agreement with the two girls and added in, "Popular in life and death." Hanna glanced towards Spencer only to notice that Emily had tears in her eyes and looked like she was going to burst into tears at any moment pulling out a flask and handing it discreetly to Emily, "No, thanks. I don't.."

Hanna shook her head as she interrupted Emily and softly told her, "today, I think you do" Aria phone began to buzz caught all of their attention causing them all to flinch as they all had the same look of fear on their faces, " anyone we know?" Aurora questioned silently wondering if she wasn't the only person that received a text from A only for Aria to shake her head in response and informed the girls, "No, it's just my mom sending me a text."

Aurora looked down at Hope in her arms who was looking around the church in wonder with a dummy in her mouth but when she looked back up she noticed that all her friends had the same expressions on their faces, "Emily and I aren't the only ones who got messages from A, are we?" Aria curiously questioned making the five girls glance at one another when suddenly the crowd started chatting among themselves at the new arrival, "Oh my god. It's Jenna." Spencer breathed out only for Aurora to follow her gaze as Jenna was the last person she would expect to see here seeing as Alison hated her and made her life a living hell.

The five girls had a shocked expression on their faces as Jenna sat down but they shared a guilty and horrified look that was until the DiLaurenris family slid onto the bench the girls was sat on and Aurora tensed when Jason took a seat next to her as Jessica looked over at the five girls and asked, " did you see that Jenna Marshall was here? I didn't realize she and Ali were friends." Spencer shook her head in response and informed, " they weren't"

Aurora could feel Jason gaze on her but ignored it as she forced herself to keep looking forward, " The Lord given and the Lord taken away" the priest started the service as she felt Jason slip his hand into hers and knowing she should of pulled away from him she entwined their fingers together squeezing his hand comfortingly letting him hold her hand through the service knowing how hard this is on him and his family who had lost Alison just as they have.


After the ceremony had finished, The five girls made their way out of the church as did everyone else that had attended when a police officer walked over towards them dressed in a suit and said, " Emily, Aurora, Spencer, Aria and Hanna" The five girls turned to look at the man with an confused look on their face as Aurora was the one who spoke up and asked, "Do we know you?"

"I'm Detective Wilden." The man introduced himself looking between the five teenagers, "I understand you were all good friends with the victim."Aurora furrowed her brows in confusion as she narrowed her eyes at the man and resorted, "Yeah, we were. She was our best friend" Detective Wilden looked between the five girls and told them, "I'm gonna need to talk to each one of you." Spencer furrowed her eyebrows and informed , "We talked to the police when Alison went missing."

Detective Wilden glanced between the five girls and informed, "And I intend to go over every one of your statements. This is no longer a missing persons investigation. It's a murder. Rest assured, I will find out what happened that summer." Detective Wilden then turned around walking away from them, leaving the girls to feel uneasy about the whole ideal only to watch as Jenna walked out of the church and got into a black car with the help of the same boy from before.

"Do you think he knows about..." Aria started to ask only to be cute of by Hanna who shook her head and said, "No. How could he?" There was a moment of silence before it was broke by all the girls phones going off at the same time only for them to pull out their phones as fear pulsed through their veins, "Oh, my god!" Aria exclaimed staring at the message with wide eyes as Aurora read over the text and softly muttered, "It's from"

" i got one too." Emily interrupted Aurora before Spencer started to read it out loud for the other girls to hear, "I'm still here, bitches..."The five girls then read out the last part in unison and said, " and I know everything -A" the five girls looked at one another before glancing around in fright now thinking who the hell could this be as they did think it was Alison and that before her body was found but now that she's dead someone else is sending them these messages and whoever it is knew all of the girls secrets.

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