9 - all alone

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"i know everything happens for a reason. but sometimes i wish i knew what that reason was"
-some picture quote from google i have saved

song to listen to: soldier by fleurie

warnings: frequent swearing, injuries, mentions of death, blood, descriptions of pain, ears ringing, mentions of a hot bloody ax murderer running around camp nightwing


Everyone was screaming bloody murder, and I mean that literally. 'Jeremy's dead,' 'he's dead,' 'holy shit,' 'what happened,' and 'who did this,' are just a few of the many things I'm able to hear. Still shaking with sobs as Gary ran over to me, the ringing in my ears finally began to go away. Cautiously, he rested his hands on my shoulders and lightly shook me.

"Hey! Hey, are you alright?! Mia, what the hell happened here, who did this, are you hurt?" Gary's questions came one after the other, causing me to shake my head in slight pain.

"It was Tommy..." I whispered, not wanting to scare the campers any more than they already were.

His eyes widened in disbelief and he stood back up, yelling for all the campers to get out of the shed. Ziggy ran over to me as I began to stand up again, taking one of my hands. I was shocked by that; whenever I saw or talked to Ziggy, she usually made rude jokes and shot glares my way. If a massacre was all it took to change that, then maybe she had some serious issues.

"Mia, Mia what happened? Where's Cindy?" She asked, and tears started to flow freely once more.

"I don't-I don't know where-where she is," I stuttered out; future sheriff Nick Goode came over to us. "I don't know if she's still alive. But it's Tommy."

"T-Tommy? As in Tommy Slater? Mia, this isn't the time to joke around-" Ziggy shook her head in disbelief.

"You really think I'd joke around about my boyfriend murdering someone who looked up to him?!" I whisper shouted to the young ginger, who was one of the few people that knew about Tommy, Cindy, and I's relationship.

"She's not joking, Ziggy," Nick spoke up, and I looked over at him in shock.

His tone had been serious, his face seemingly stuck in a grim expression, but his eyes...something was off about how his eyes looked. Something was off about the entire thought of Nick Goode defending me, especially when it was on the topic of who murdered Jeremy, but I pushed those feelings aside. I couldn't focus on conspiracy theories that popped into my head, not right now. Right now, all I needed to do was find Cindy.


Almost every single camper and counselor was in the mess hall, including the five kids I'd told to go to the bus area. Ferris gave me a salute and mouthed 'I'm sorry,' and I gave him the unsatisfactory response of no reaction. Nick counted everyone; Gary rang the bell to get everyone inside, and I found myself barely able to catch my breath. 

Looking over to the right of me, I can vividly recall Nurse Mary attacking Tommy and me mere hours ago. Looking to the left of me, I remembered sitting with Gary, Joan, Cindy, and Tommy, debating about whether the witch was to blame or not. The lights turned off, and everybody in the Mess Hall-myself included-let out screams of fright. I speed walked my way over to Nick, hoping he'd take on his Sheriff responsibilities already.

"Everyone stay calm! Everything's alright!" Nick shouted, and I couldn't help but smile.

Hoping got me somewhere, right?

"Uhhh, how many?" Gary asked as he jogged over.

"Twenty-three," Nick responded quickly, and my eyes widened at the number of kids we were missing.

"That's thirty missing, at least," I spoke up. "Where's Kurt, Joan, Sheila?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen them." Gary ran a hand through his hair. "O-or Tommy or anyone."

Did this dumbass friend of mine already forget what I told him about Tommy? If he saw Tommy at any point this night, that meant death was stalking his way to him. The lights came back on, and I looked to Nick as he held the phone up to his ear, hopeful once again. He slammed the phone back into its place, and I jumped back a bit as my source of hope depleted.

"It's dead."

"Well, we have to go. We have to warn people." Ziggy spoke up, starting to walk over to the door.

"I'm sure they heard the bell," Nick said to the ginger at the same time as I spoke words of my own.

"We have to find Cindy." I started to walk towards the door, but Gary held me back as Nick held Ziggy.

"Hey, listen, love that final girl blood coursing through your veins right now, but you can not go out there, it's way too dangerous." He tried to reason with me, but I tried to shove past him.

"No, no the campers, Cindy, they're still out there! He could find them, we have to do something!" My voice raised with those last couple of words.

"Save her." The accented voice made its appearance again, causing me to pinch the bridge of my nose, squeezing my eyes shut and shaking my head.

"Shit," I muttered under my breath, and when I looked up again, Gary seemed frozen in horror as he looked in Nick and Ziggy's direction.

"What?" The curly brunette asked for unknown reasons.

I didn't pay attention to what Nick was saying to Ziggy, I tried to figure out where I had heard that voice in my head before. When I was younger, I had heard that voice, although I couldn't recall why or what circumstances it was under. This voice was saving me-it must've been what Nurse Mary heard. Why she tried killing me too. But...if this voice was helping me to survive, why did Mary try to kill me?

"Mia, you head to the lake area, I'll head to cabin nine, Gary, you head up to cabin one. Alright? We'll all come back here with the campers. Sound like a plan?" Nick spit-fired his plan, and I nodded in response.

The lake. I had to go to the lake. How hard would it be? There couldn't be too many people at the lake, could there be? If they were at the lake, there couldn't be any good reason behind it.


I changed my route, running towards the infirmary instead of the lake. The infirmary might have answers-more answers than the book Cindy and Alice had with them. If they were still alive. Plus, just by eyeballing the lake, I couldn't spot any campers or counselors there. So that meant the lake was all clear to me!

The infirmary door, although unlocked, had to be kicked down by none other than me. It had been jammed shut, and I had no other choice! I didn't want to bust down the door, but I had to. To find answers. To maybe get Tommy back from the witch's grip. To save Shadyside. Starting to pull out all the drawers and look for anything to help; for a long time, I could only find medical slips and different medicine. A stethoscope, a thing for blood pressure, small cups for water, syringes, and much more. Nothing could help me to stop the curse in here, the book must've been the only thing she kept in here that involved the Witch.

There was a goldish-silverish locket in the last cabinet I'd torn through, and it stopped me. The recognition stunned me. I picked and opened up the locket to satisfy my curiosity, and sure enough, it was the same locket I'd seen on my babysitter's neck exactly thirteen years ago. Ruby Lane used to babysit me from the time of my being a baby to about four years of age. She'd been supposed to babysit me the day after she got possessed, but clearly, that didn't happen. The last time my young self had seen her was two days before she snapped. To the best of my memory, she was one of the sweetest young women I've ever met in my life. She'd always sing 'You Always Hurt The Ones You Love' by The Mills Brothers to sing me to sleep, little did I know she'd use that same song to sing her friends to their last breath.

I wouldn't just do this for Arnie, or Jeremy, or Cindy, or Alice, or Tommy, or for Shadyside. I'd do it for Ruby Lane. For what Nurse Mary couldn't do. For every single killer, their victims, and the victim's families. I had to. I needed to.

At the same exact moment that I'd made up my mind on what I'd be willing to do to end this curse, the sound of the bus driving away sounded loudly in my ears. It was as if the sound was amplified, like how my ears had been ringing, but the sound of wheels on dirt. I winced at first, and as the sound faded, I swiped everything off of Nurse Mary's desk in frustration.

"Son of a BITCH!" I cursed, slamming my hands down on the now-empty desk.

My only ticket out of here was gone. For all I knew, Tommy and I were the only ones left in this camp. This wasn't just a fight for survival-it was the game of survival. With that in mind, I started to make my way to the mess hall.



i'm on a roll with updating in these past couple of days wow

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