9 - breaking rules in a school

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"there are certain rules one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie. rule number one: you can never have sex"
-randy meeks, scream

song to listen to: to build a home by the cinematic orchestra

warnings: mentions of death, injury, mentions of blood/blood itself, mentions of weapons, weapons use, swearing, sequences of action & terror, lightly-described flashing sequences, mentions of throwing up, kissing, some more stuff i'm definitely forgetting but just be careful, okay? okay.


All of us grabbed whatever clothes we could find from the lost and found box Simon had gotten at the high school. Being in school with all the lights off while possessed dead killers are after us was definitely worse than school itself, although I know some people who would like to debate that. I had in hand a dark magenta shirt with black stripes going across it, and a pair of black trousers that definitely weren't from this time period. And then I grabbed a pair of Timberland's, because if I survived this night, I had an outfit they would look really good with.

"Alright, we need to decontaminate. You can't have any of Jen or Sam's blood on you." Josh stated the obvious.

"Well, not much I can do about that," Sam's face portrayed sadness as she walked away from the group.

Deena followed her, and it was at that moment that I knew they were going to have sex. So they are back together, cool. Or they're about to be.

"Deena, you have to get clean too!" Josh called out to his older sister. "Not a single drop, okay?!"

Deena didn't reply, she just kept on walking with Sam only a few feet ahead of her. "Rub-a-dub time!" Simon declared, causing me to laugh.

I was behind Kate as she stopped outside of the bathroom door, looking at Josh. What. The. Fuck? This shit is not happening, no fucking way.

"Hey, wait." She called out softly, and anybody that wasn't Kate could see the terror on the boy's face. "I don't wanna go in by myself."

"You won't be by yourself, Kate, you'd be with me," I squinted my eyes at her, and she squinted right back.

"I hate to break it to you, but you're a target to all of those psychos that are coming after us, so I really wouldn't feel comfortable with just you. Understand?" Her friendly banter almost got on my nerves, but I let it out with a laugh instead.

"Loud and clear, ma'am." I nodded, and with that, the both of us walked in, Josh following behind a second later.

I didn't waste anytime at all, undressing from the outfit I'd thrown on before leaving the house and rushing into the outfit I'd grabbed from the lost and found. Cleaning myself up wouldn't do me any good, unless cleaning myself up meant there was a safe way to draw all my blood from me and still be alive. That, whether possible or not, was not something I'd be willing to do tonight.

"Do you really think this is going to work?" Kate asked from her stall as I got out of my own.

"It fucking better," I directed my words towards both people in the bathroom, fixing my hair a bit so I wouldn't feel disgusting.

If I die tonight, I need to make it look pretty. I will not be taking any questions or comments. I ran out of the bathroom as Kate called out Josh's name, not wanting to be in there for anything and everything that could and would happen between the pair. Hopefully nothing would happen, the pairing felt odd, but it's out of my control, and if Kate's happy, I'm happy. Most of the time. I stood out in the hallway for about thirty seconds before deciding to check on Simon with no warning at all.

"Holy shit!" His hand came out of his underwear, and I just crossed my arms, staring at him in both disappointment and amazement. "Oh, gee, Jen, you can't just sneak up on somebody like that! I thought you were one of them! I almost...tossed toilet paper at you."

"Oh really? I think you were a bit preoccupied, babe." I smirked and wiggled my shoulders, walking over to him slowly.

"Aw man, you saw that? For my own sake, I'm gonna ask you to pretend like you saw nothing." He crossed his arms over his bare chest, and to be honest, he looked really cute right now.

"Saw what? I didn't see anything, what are you even talking about?" I played right along with Simon's little game.

"Uhhh...nothing, nothing, there are zero words that came out of my mouth before this." The dirty blonde had the cutest smile on his face; he began to pull on a pair of neon orange parachute pants that made me die a little inside.

"I'm uh, I'm sorry about what I said to you the other day. It was rude, and the anger was misplaced, and I didn't mean what I said at all, and I-" I began to ramble, but Simon knew the tricks to pull.

"Hey, hey hey hey, no it's okay, baby, it's okay." His hands scooped up my face, making me blush. "I accept your apology, and I'm gonna move us to an olive green flag, okay? That's good, but you know, with circumstances taken into where we are right now and what we're going through, it'll be olive. Is that okay with you?"

"Whatever's okay with you is okay with me." I shrugged it off, but the blonde shook his head.

"No, no I want it to be okay with you because of your own thoughts, not mine. Be independent, remember?" His small bit of laughter at the end of his sentence made me feel butterflies.

"It's okay with me." I nodded firmly, then kissing Simon sweetly on the lips.

It wasn't a make-out session for a number of reasons, primarily that the circumstances would cut us off and, well, there's the killers that could find us at any moment. Plus, seeing my mom die and having sex with my boyfriend in the boys bathroom at our high school in the same night really didn't sit right with me. So Simon put on an over-sized blue cardigan that clashed disgustingly with the orange pants, and we walked into the hallway holding hands. With the wait becoming longer and longer, it became quite obvious what everybody else was doing-and that was each other. Kate and Josh came out of the bathroom, and Kate could not have had a more awkward look on her face right now.

"No," Simon drawled out his surprise; I raised my eyebrows and allowed my jaw to drop to stop a smile from fully forming.

"Calm down." Kate stated in a way that made you realize she was seriously awkward. "It was barely first base."

Josh's smirk while he looked at my best friend said otherwise. Sam and Deena were more blatantly obvious, walking weirdly to us while holding hands.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait." Simon's eyes were lit up like a little girl seeing the newest Barbie. "Did you...all go to Pound Town?" The silence was confirmation enough. "Me too-"

"That's disgusting." I called them out. "You're all disgusting."


ending this chapter early so i have more than like 13 chapters in jen's first part

expect me to be on a roll with updating now cuz ur best bitch is in quarantine

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