( scene two. )

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โ”โ” tribulation.
( SCENE 2 ) โ”โ”›

THE time for war had come. Henrik and Lukas gathered nearly nine hundred foot soldiers to contribute to the army that Darik was rallying at Winterfell, which the Estemore's were finally arriving to after a days ride. With Lukas and his father heading the battalion of Estemore men, a wheel house followed close behind containing Ismene, Evolet, and the twins while the massive Fenrir loped beside it. Lukas had been weary bringing along his wife and newborn sons, but after Ismene had rightly demanded she join her brother in his war time expedition of revenge, he couldn't refuse her. Even Evolet had begged to come along, wishing to stay within Winterfell while the war raged on.

As the heir sat in his saddle with Winterfell growing closer and closer, he could remember the first time he'd journeyed to his wife's home a little less than a year before, when he'd come to marry Ismene and fulfill the deed he'd been tasked with for the better part of his life. How simple things had been, when marriage was his only concern rather than a war that was breaking out and things became far more dire. His wishful thinking was simply that, wishful. Things most likely wouldn't be the same when they were finally able to return home, however far away that was.

"So this is how you felt during Robert's Rebellion, huh?" Lukas asked his father without a hint of enthusiasm and his tone rather bland. His father had fought closely with Eddard all those years ago, when the dragon Prince Rhaegar had kidnapped Ismene's aunt, Lyanna Stark. When Lukas was a boy and his father was a happier man, he would tell him about the battle of the Trident and the warring that took place. The decisive battle that had ended the rebellion had been what killed his uncle Tobias, the original heir to House Mandal and his mother's elder brother.

"I suppose so," Henrik replied bluntly. "Perhaps then the objective was a little clearer. Of course, Lord Stark is being held hostage for treason, but I can't put myself to believe that man would do anything as such. That's not like him."

Lukas had to agree with his father. Ned was an honorable man, there was no question. "You don't suppose there's more to it?"

Henrik sighed a tired sigh that would be expected by someone many years his senior. It was known that he did not live up to his age, rather seeming worn out and cold.

"There's always more, Lukas," He replies. "There's always more."

With the war party growing closer, it was obvious that they wouldn't be staying at Winterfell very long. Already, waiting armies were stationed outside the walls of the keep. An array of banners with dozens of sigils dotted the grey sky and through the window of the wheel house, Ismene was able to spot the familiar archer of Mandal. Even if it was a worrisome time of war, Ismene was still excited to present her sons to her twin brother and dear friend. She looked down to Damon, who was nestled warmly among woolen blankets in her arms. Sitting a crossed from her was Evolet, who had graciously taken Rowan for the duration of the ride despite she herself nearly about to burst.

"Do you think he'll hate me?" Evolet's soft voice spoke up as her brown eyes focused on Ismene's. She could see how pained her good-sister was, knowing the father to her bastard was just outside the walls of the wheelhouse.

Ismene shook her head. "If he has any reason to hate you for bearing the shame he caused, then he's a fool. And I'll give him my two sense if he says anything unkind."

Her enthusiasm seems to brighten Evolet's mood as she flashes a weak smirk. "So... you think staying in Winterfell would be best for me, then?" She asks softly. "Even when he's there."

Ismene nodded. "Darik will be able to speak with my father about your marriage once this is all over," She assures her. "I'm sure with time, you two will forge things back the way they were. With a child, it shouldn't be all too hard."

Soon enough, the wheelhouse stopped and Ismene knew the time had come to step out in front of her family with her sons. Outside, she could hear the shouts of men and the neighs of horses, the noise of a gathered host. Once the door was opened, she sucked in a breath and gave Evolet one last glance before stepping out with Damon cradled in her arms.

Terran kindly helped her to the ground as she held Damon, feeling the eyes of those around her. Soldiers and lords alike looked upon the former Stark with admiration as she held her babe. Evolet followed behind her, spurring whispering in the crowd that had gathered from the host. Ismene could only imagine the embarrassment her good-sister felt and it truly pained her.

When she finally looked toward the gates of the keep, she spotted Darik and Aubrey turning to face her after having been speaking to other lords. Aubrey was garbed in an unnatural outfit for a woman, but not for her. In leather pants and a cotton blouse covered in a cloak, she looked entirely in her element, save for the bow Ismene might had imagined her with.

Standing with them were two men that Ismene was only able to identify by the sigil that was emblazoned on their breastplates: the black horse on a brown field. House Ryswell, their birth mother's maiden house. The site was slightly surprising, considering they hadn't talked to their distant family in years.

Ismene assumes they had to be uncles of she and Darik, somehow related to their mother. Perhaps her brother's. One was taller, with broad shoulders and loose chocolate curls similar to Lukas'. He stood next to another, possibly a brother, who was shorter but looked similar with a short, groomed beard and surprisingly bright blue eyes. Neither she nor Darik had ever really gotten the chance to get to know their distant family and this was the first time any of them had visited Winterfell since they'd been born.

The small group that was gathered seemed to notice their approaching figures as they turned, causing them to lie their eyes on her. Immediately, Darik's gaze softened from what she could have assumed was the stress that the war was already causing him. His stormy grey eyes then landed on the babe in her arms and he immediately began making his way toward her, Aubrey following close behind.

"Ismene! By Gods, you make beautiful children!" Aubrey exclaimed as Ismene and Evolet stopped in front of them all. If Damon hadn't been in her arms, she would have immediately wrapped them both in an embrace. The blonde heir gazed down on the babe, who's grey eyes were actually open.

The heirs both were awestruck when Evolet appeared, another babe in her arms. It was obvious that the two noticed the distinct difference about Evolet since the last time they'd seen her, but it seemed they both weren't going to say a thing. Ismene even noticed the way Robb grew entirely rigid at the site of Evolet.

Darik looked to Ismene with the beginnings of a grin forming on his features. "Twins?" he states with a full blown smile. "I can't believe it."

Ismene nods with pleasure. "We received your letter just minutes after they were born. I didn't see any reason to send a raven. I thought a first impression might be better."

Darik reached his hands out, offering to take Damon from Ismene's arms. "May I?"

Ismene didn't hesitate to put her first born in Darik's arms, something she'd been imagining for moons. For a moment, Aubrey leaned in next to Darik and the two looked down on Damon as if he were their own. The way the stood close made her heart swell and Ismene could only pray for the day that they had a child. Not long after, Aubrey took Rowan from Evolet's arms.

"Who might I have the pleasure of meeting?" Darik coos at Damon in a fatherly way, it being a question more for Ismene.

"That is Damon," Lukas suddenly replies at Ismene's side with his father next to him. She looks to her husband, already knowing that the close proximity between he and Darik was not good. It seemed, though, that the two were able to shove away their differences for the presentation of the Estemore babes. She was thankful for that at least.

"And that is Rowan," Ismene tells Aubrey, who only giggles at the babe and smiles.

"I'm sure you're quite proud of Lukas, uncle," Aubrey says to Henrik with a grin. "His wife has certainly out done herself."

Henrik, being the quiet lord he was, nodded. "I am pleased to see two sons," he tells his niece. "Ismene has proven beyond a doubt she is capable of preserving our house. Now, Lord Stark," the older mans attention is turned to Darik, who had been doting on Damon with smiles. At her side, Ismene saw Evolet wince at the way her father praised her as if his own daughter was a common whore. Her heart ached despite the happy reunion she was having. "I have supplied nine-hundred and thirty five foot soldiers, well armed and trained. I bring plenty of rations as well as weapons if needed."

Darik nods his head thankfully to Henrik. "Thank you, Lord Henrik. We couldn't do it without you. Every contribution is a blessing. Oh, Ismene, I almost forgot, these are our uncles from House Ryswell, Gareth and Dalton."

The Ryswell men dip their heads in acknowledgment to the Estemore wife, whom they had never been able to meet. After the death of their older sister Ismene, contact with House Stark had been slim to none.

"Lady Ismene," Dalton Ryswell, the heir to his house, greets. "I must say it is a pleasant site to see our niece is nearly a spitting image of her mother, your brother inheriting traits of hers as well."

Ismene dips her head in acknowledgment, feeling her heart ache the slightest bit as she thinks of her true mother. These men, though they were her uncles by blood, seemed like mere strangers. She pitied the thought, wishing that there had been more connection throughout she and Darik's childhood.

"We give our condolences for your father's capture. We know that she loved your father dearly when she was alive, so we here to help her children," their other uncle, Gareth, added.

"It's a warming site to see family coming together," Darik admits as he looks to Dalton and then Gareth. "We can use all the help we can get."

"Of course," Henrik agrees. "What the Lannister's have done is unacceptable. The North will not rest until we have Lord Stark safely within the walls of Winterfell."

Darik looks to Robb, who is standing nearby. "In my absence, I entrust Winterfell to you," the eldest Stark says. "While we are away, you will watch over. Believe me, this is not a task to be taken lightly. While I am away, you are the lord."

Robb nods silently in understanding, most likely still stunned after learning about the condition of his former lover, and it's product.

"I hate to cut the introductions and greetings short," Lukas speaks up. "But we must be on the way. We need to be on the move if we plan on having the element of surprise."

Darik agrees, which causes the group to disperse as the lord's assume command over their forces once more. Darik wanders away with a few of his advising lords that consist of Gareth and Dalton, while Henrik and Lukas wander in the opposite direction. Those left standing together are merely Aubrey and Ismene.

Aubrey's features are no longer happy once she looks to Ismene. "It's Robb's, isn't it?" she utters.

"Yes," Ismene answers for Evolet, who fled toward the open gates of Winterfell, with Estemore guards carrying her belongings. She takes Rowan from her arms with Lukas retrieving Damon from Darik without a word. "I don't see a problem with her staying in Winterfell while we are away, so I told her to bring her belongings."

Darik nods. "Of course. I trust that Robb will be able to handle it all while I'm away and I'm sure he can handle her as well."


THE host set out not long after in a giant, colossal mass that seemed as if it could conquer the world. Darik rode at the head, as expected, with Aubrey at his side and Lukas at hers. The wheelhouse rolled behind them, holding Ismene and the twins alone. The three dire wolves that had joined the host trotted ahead, Luna and Fenrir side by side as if they were the ones leading the army.

When Lukas had told himself he wouldn't feel sorry for Evolet if she fell with child, he'd been wrong. He truly felt horrible for the way she'd been treated and wished there was something he could do. He was thankful that Robb had been forced to stay home so that he wouldn't have to see his face, but he wasn't pleased that Evolet was staying behind with him.

"So, Lukas, how does it feel finally having your heirs?" Aubrey asks him, breaking the tension that had been caused by Lukas and Darik. Aubrey knew, obviously.

"I am more than pleased," he replies without another word.

"Damon is a strong wolf," Aubrey grins as she swaps her reins from one gloved hand to another. "He definitely inherited the Stark traits. Rowan on the other hand, he's pure fox."

It had been exactly what Lukas had thought.

"Indeed. Though, we may be expecting another wolf as of soon," Darik mutters, referring to Robb and Evolet's actions.

"Ah, things happen," Aubrey tries saying in a playful manner. "She'll face many challenges in life, it's true, but there's nothing stopping the two from wedding now."

"I must admit I would rather see her marry someone else," Lukas comments, mostly to Aubrey. When he said 'someone else', he mostly referred to anyone other than a male Stark. "But she's gotten herself in a bind. This is all that she has now and she will have to work with it."

"If marriage is what is best," Darik says, referring to the two back in Winterfell. "It will make a way. If a babe is what draws the two together, then so be it."

Lukas notices a glance from Darik that was directed toward Aubrey, one that was all to familiar. Darik lingers for Aubrey, and it was entirely visible to the world.

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