Chapter Forty-Seven

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Chapter Forty-Seven

Wednesday, May 15th, 2047

Waking up the next morning, my head was pounding from a massive headache. Groaning, I sat up and glanced at my bedside clock.

8:45 a.m.

Picking up my phone, I noticed more messages from Apollo. My heart sank, wanting desperately to respond, but I couldn't. In order for this plan to work properly, I had to fully commit myself to the long term goal. I had complete faith in Scarlet, and even Axel, to at least keep him mentally stable for the time being. Despite what's to come, my heart was confident in my bond with Apollo and he will somehow see that this whole ideal was just a publicity stunt.

I just hope he's just as confident in me as I am in him...

However, I noticed one message from Sebastian from an hour ago about his plan to arrive at ten, leaving me with only an hour or so to make myself presentable.

"Time to get ready..."

Slowly getting out of bed, I made my way to my bathroom. Breezing through the shower and oral hygiene routine, I styled my hair into a messy bun and dressed myself in just black jeans and a plain black shirt, anything that could remind me of the man I loved. It was the simple things that helped me stay connected to him, and I'll continue to do so throughout this entire fake relationship.

Making my way downstairs, I was greeted by Juliet and Tiana at the bottom with soft smiles. "Good morning, Miss Trinity." They both said in unison.

I smiled and shook my head disapprovingly. "You two know damn well I don't like formalities, especially when there's no strangers around. Stop it."

Juliet giggled, guiding me toward the kitchen with Tiana behind me. "We're just playing with you. Would you like some breakfast?"

"Yes, please. Thanks."

Entering the kitchen and dining room, I noticed James and my mother in what seemed to be lighthearted conversation at the table, something I knew she needed to have during a time like this. James was the father I never had, but someone I knew was trustworthy enough to share my innermost thoughts and feelings without any hesitation. "Good morning." I greeted them.

The two glanced up at me, my mother gracing me with a soft smile. "Good morning, sweetheart."

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but can I steal James away for a moment?"

Both of them exchanged looks before my mother nodded, standing up to give me a kiss on the cheek as she walked away. "I'll be in my room."

Walking over to her seat, I sat down and sighed. "I need to tell someone this before I lose my mind."

James raised an eyebrow. "What's going on, kid?"

"Sebastian, you know, Alfred Carter's son, is coming over in a bit to discuss legalities and a proposal of sorts...and there's pros and cons to said proposal."

"I'm well aware of the legal side of the plan, as your mother already explained it to me." He said stoically, leaning back in his chair while crossing his arms. "But I'm not aware of this proposal you're talking about."

Sighing again, I murmured. "The proposal is to fake a relationship for a week."


"Listen!" I cut him off. "I'm not exactly pleased with the idea, considering that I'm already in a relationship. However, the idea of it? It would make the whole 'giving the role of CEO to my partner" much more believable. I'm just sad that I can't even tell Apollo or the others."

James nodded. "I do get the plan to an extent and I'm not exactly proud of it either. However, he did say you shouldn't say anything to them. That doesn't mean I can't."

Raising an eyebrow, I looked at him skeptically. "What?"

"Kid, things like this deserve a loophole. I can either explain the whole plan to them for you, or you can write a letter only to Apollo, since he's your main concern. Technically, you didn't say anything." He smirked, patting my head gently. "I taught you better than this to not think outside the box, considering how you grew up as a child."

A letter...? That could work.

Jumping into his arms for a hug, I smiled. "This is why I love you. Thank you, I'll do the letter option."

James chuckled. "I know, I know. I suggest you get working on it before that lawyer kid gets here."

"Already got a paper, pen and envelope ready." Tiana smirked, placing the tools in front of me as Juliet served the breakfast food. "You have about...twenty minutes or so." She reassured. "We'll leave you to your privacy."

The three of them made their way out of the dining room, leaving me alone to gather my thoughts to scribe onto the paper. Without wasting another second, I began explaining the entire situation and process in elaborate detail, not forgetting to mention how I was managing dealing with it all. From the ploy of the faux scandal to the long term end goal, everything was to be written just for his eyes only to see. This was necessary to at least give him reassurance about what's to come, as well as keep him sane until I was back in his arms. It also was a way to calm his mind and fears, knowing that his IED and PTSD could be triggered from the slightest of shocking news.

It wasn't until I heard the doorbell ring that I finished writing everything, quickly sealing the letter inside the envelope filled with hope. Knowing that I had the support of James, Tiana, and Juliet behind me, I knew this was the right decision.

"Thanks you guys..." I smiled to myself.

"Miss Trinity, Sebastian Carter is here!" Juliet yelled from the front door passageway.

"Guide him to the dining room please, thank you!"

The sight of the platinum blonde male dressed in a suit entering the room made my breath hitch. Today was the time to discuss everything that needed to happen the next upcoming days, including the legal documents to sign and the game plan for the week-long facade. "Good morning, Trinity."

I nodded, gesturing for him to take a seat in front of me. "Good morning. Take a seat."

He made his way as instructed and sat down, placing his briefcase on top of the table gently. "I have the contract for the distribution of shares for the company, as well as the contract for giving me the public position of CEO. As mentioned before, it's all just to provide a face that people can see, but everything will still be discussed with you at all times before any decision is made regarding company matters."


I watched as Sebastian opened his case and pulled out a binder, placing it in front of me. "Take a look and let me know if you see anything you want to amend."

Gently opening the binder by its cover, I began reading each line on each page meticulously. Based on the details enclosed, I could tell he took his time and care to make sure there wasn't any inflictions towards me or what we discussed prior to this morning. He even went as far of having us become Co-CEO's. "Sebastian...I don't know what to say."

He sighed. "I told you that despite us just meeting rather recently, I care about you as if you've been my family from birth. Yes, the initial plan was to be the sole face of the company. However, my boyfriend gave me the idea to share the role with you."

"Your boyfriend?" I asked wide-eyed. "He knows about this?"

"Not exactly. He just knows the basic terms without any names or information about the plan. This isn't my first rodeo dealing with dating rumors." Sebastian said with a slight chuckle.

I smiled. "For some reason, that doesn't surprise me...Give me a pen."

"There's nothing you want to change?" He asked in a surprise tone, and I shook my head.

Handing me a pen from his pocket, I quickly signed both documents and gave him the binder back. "Thank you again for helping me. However, I need you to do something for me."

Sebastian raised an eyebrow curiously at me. "Oh? What would that be?"

Giving him the prepared envelope, I smiled sadly. "Give this to Apollo for me as soon as you leave here...It's for his eyes only to see, understood? Other than that," I stood up and held out my hand for a handshake, a symbol of agreement, "I'll see you Friday for the press conference."

"Understood. See you Friday, Trinity."


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