𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐘 𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍, the sinners are waiting

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Omg I haven't written a chapter in WEEKS since school started and I began playing Genshin 😭😭 Forgive me, I've been so busy with lab work (and gaming) BUT IM STARTING TO WRITE AGAIN SO THERE'S THAT :D

Also, did you read jjk 200?? Gege wrote the Americans so accurately 💀💀

WARNING: unedited because I was tired af

MIZUHIME WANTED TO GO HOME, but at this rate, she might end up going to heaven instead.

As fun as it was to watch Yuji pummel Mahito with his fists, she knew she needed to focus on herself first. Her head was bleeding, her shoulder was busted, her leg was full of holes, and she was nearly cut in half. She needed medical attention fast, but there was no one around who knew how to do Reverse Cursed Technique and she didn't think a trip to the school's nurse's office would help much.

Yuji was aware of it too.

"Senpai, stand back!" He called out to her. "I can handle this!"

But he, unfortunately, could not handle it. Mahito smacked him with an elongated whip which sent the boy flying through the building's walls and into the air.

Mizuhime tensed up when the dust blew away and Mahito locked eyes with her. But he merely smirked before jumping out of the building after Yuji.

He didn't attack me...? She blinked. I was right in front of him and I'm super injured too! He could've easily finished me off, and yet...

She shook her head. Now wasn't the time to get distracted over that. Quickly, she approached the large hole on the side of the building and made a slide out of water so she could safely get to the ground.

By the time she got down, Yuji momentarily had the upper hand. Mahito had tried to impale him with a drill, but Yuji managed to dodge and grab the long, flimsy handle.

Wait, Mizuhime paused. Flimsy?

She analyzed Mahito's stretched arm. It looked softer now, like putty being stretched too thin. It no longer had the same sturdiness and durability as before.

"You can't keep stretching forever!" Yuji shouted, and something clicked in her head. Spreading his shape too much might cause it to lose its strength and make it harder to move around. That could explain why he's shifting a little slower than usual!

She turned her attention back to the fight, only to grimace when spikes shot out from Mahito's stretched arm. It pierced through the boy's hands, similarly to how Mahito managed to pierce several holes through her leg.

But unlike her, Yuji didn't allow the pain to deter her. He tightened his hold and threw Mahito in the air as if he was a ragdoll. The curse crashed against the side of another building.

"Most people would let go, you know," Mahito chuckled from afar, his arm returning back to its original shape.

He started to get back up, and that was when she finally made her move despite how terrible she currently felt.

She darted forward, arm pulled back and ready to summon a wave to slam into Mahito. He spotted her too, but his next move was what surprised her.

Rather than attacking her in order to stop her attack—because she knew he very well could in the state she was in—he dodged the incoming wave first and jumped to the other side of the area. Even then, he didn't launch an attack at her.

She watched with furrowed brows as he frowned in frustration. He had plenty of time to retaliate, yet he didn't.

It's just like what happened in the building, she thought to herself. He could've finished me off after throwing Itadori-san out, but he didn't do anything. Why is he refusing to attack me all of a sudden? What changed?

Since Mahito was distracted by her, Yuji used that chance to deliver his own attack. He punched the ground a second later, creating violent tremors in the air and a huge crater on the surface before running after him. Mizuhime couldn't see much going on after that thanks to the dust cloud, but when it cleared, she stiffened.

Mahito created even bigger spikes from the front of his body, each of them impaling the younger boy.

"YUJI!" She shrieked as Mahito placed a hand over his heart.

"Idle Transfiguration," she heard the curse say, and that was when she knew they were doomed.

But that turned out to be the other way around. Mahito had only touched him for a brief second, but in that second, his smug face turned into numb horror as he gazed upwards, like some puny mortal looking up at an invisible deity she couldn't see. She had no idea what was going on, but she was just relieved that Yuji hadn't turned into some weird mutilated creature like Junpei had.

Despite being impaled several times over, Yuji moved to grab Mahito by the head.

"I'm not swapping out..." He rasped. "I already told you... I will kill you."

He slammed the top of his head into the curse's face over and over and over again, with blood gushing everywhere. The spikes receded as the attacks grew more violent with every hit, and Yuji pulled away to kick him straight in the face.

Yuji's fist glowed with cursed energy. Just as Mahito began to fall, he readied himself with another attack but then—

"Watch out!" Mizuhime shouted, coming to the rescue to block an incoming hit from behind. In that instant, Mahito's body turned to goo and moved overhead in order to dodge Yuji's next blow, his body then reforming to perfect quality behind the pinkette.

Mahito was just about to bash his metallic-encased arm onto Yuji's back when Mizuhime came to deflect it. But just like last time, he didn't move to retaliate against her and only made some distance.

He really is trying not to hurt me, she realized. But I still don't get it. Why?

"Senpai!" Yuji exclaimed, looking both worried and relieved. "You're really really hurt!"

"Yes, I'm aware," she said tiredly. "Are you okay?"

That was probably a dumb question. He got stabbed all over. But regardless of that, he still managed to toss her a tiny grin that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Just fine."

"How touching," Mahito commented from afar. "But if you'll excuse me..."

His arm turned into a giant battering ram. He swung it at the kids, but at the last second, it thinned out and looped around Mizuhime and aimed directly for Yuji.


Another figure appeared, swinging his sword to deflect it.

"Nanamin!" Yuji uttered.

Mizuhime nearly cried tears of relief. She had never felt so happy to see someone before—even if that someone currently reeked of sewers.

"I'll lecture you two later," the blonde sighed, straightening up. "Tell me the situation."

"I couldn't save two people," Yuji murmured quietly, looking down.

"Two people?" Mizuhime wondered aloud. That was Junpei... but who else?

He grimaced. "Junpei told me that earlier this morning, his mom was found killed by a curse. I'm sure it has something to do with Mahito."

She was speechless at that. That kind woman who fed them dinner the night before and drunkenly told them jokes... she was gone? Just like that?

"Explain your physical state first." Nanami ordered.

"We're dying," Mizuhime said at the same time Yuji said, "I'm fine."

"I'm fine," Yuji repeated. "I'm full of holes, but I can manage. Senpai's the one who's hurt the most."

"There's nothing fine about any of your states," Nanami muttered.

"Also, everyone from this school is unconscious in the gym." Yuji added.

Mizuhime sucked in a breath. Oh god. The students and staff. She had completely forgotten about them! Her fight with Mahito had caused a lot of damage throughout the school, some of which she thoughtlessly caused without even thinking if there were any civilians around. The only thing that brought her relief was that the gym was on the other side of the campus.

"Hey, you're alive and well, 7:3 sorcerer!" Mahito smirked, his body repairing itself. "Glad to see we both survived! Shall we share a hug, in celebration of our reunion?"

As he spoke, his nose dripped with blood. Nanami zeroed in on it.

"Kids, why is his nose bleeding?" He asked immediately.

"Huh? I punched him." Yuji answered.


"At the start of our fight."

"Did his hand touch you?" He asked sharply.

"Yeah," he nodded.

"But nothing happened," Mizuhime supplied. "I saw it. His cursed technique has to be tactically applied, right? He touched Itadori-san, but failed to turn him into a transfigured human or even kill him."

"Uchiumi-san, you fought him, didn't you? Did your attacks work?"

She shook her head.

"Alright," Nanami began. "Neither of our attacks work on him—"

"—Huh?! But why?!" Yuji interrupted.

He raised a hand. "I'll explain while I'm lecturing you. I can halt his movements. Once we've both created an opening, we'll shower him with blows. As for you, Uchiumi-san, please stand back. You're in no condition to fight."

"Actually," Mizuhime said quickly. "There's another thing I noticed. For some odd reason, Mahito-san is no longer trying to kill me. I don't know what changed, but I noticed it sometime after I reunited with Itadori-san. He purposely avoids hitting me, so I think we should take advantage of that. Let me act as a support from afar."

Nanami looked like he had a lot of questions running through his head, but he simply nodded in acceptance. "Please don't strain yourself. Now let's make sure to exorcise him here."

Yuji wiped the blood off of his mouth. "Yeah!"

At that moment, Mahito prepared himself. One arm turned into a sharp blade, while the other had a blue eye centered in the palm of his head. He was most likely going to use the latter to maneuver around the battlefield and keep a closer eye on them.

His figure blurred as he sprinted around the field, jumping high in air with his blade out. He dove for Nanami, but at that moment something grabbed him by the hair and yanked him to the ground.

"Urgh!" Saliva and air was knocked out of him, and Mahito craned his neck to see a watery tentacle topped with a clawed hand grabbing his hair. He followed where it led to, and saw that it attached itself around Mizuhime's arms which were encased with water.

He gritted his teeth in frustration. I was hoping she would sit out...!

Yuji ran at him during his moment of distraction, but he quickly evaded the attack and his fist collided with the ground. Nanami swiped at him from behind, but he evaded that too and soon enough, he, Nanami, and Yuji were all engaged in a close fight.

Mizuhime made sure to provide as much aid as she could. Every time he would try to create distance between them, she would use her Extending Hands to grab him by the hair and yank him back to either Nanami or Yuji. And every time he would try to touch Nanami, she would swat his hand away as if he was a fly.

But his next move nearly got them. He jumped high in the air and curled in on himself, his body morphing into giant spikes. Mizuhime's Extending Hands just barely managed to grab Yuji and Nanami by the back of their clothes and yank them to safety.

"Did he get you?!" Mizuhime asked in alarm as she brought them to her side.

"We're fine! Senpai, he's reverting back! Throw us at him!" Yuji shouted.

Mizuhime didn't hesitate. Using her Extending Hands, she grabbed their bodies and flung them at Mahito just as he shrunk down to a regular size. She didn't see what happened after that because the second their attacks collided, a cloud of dust covered the area.

Both boys reappeared at her sides and they watched in annoyance as Mahito—now as a child—happily ran away.

Nanami eyed him. "Right before he changes shape..."

"He stores up cursed energy." Yuji finished.

"And the more he spreads his shape, the weaker his limbs become," she added.

"Good," Nanami nodded in approval of their assessment. This was honestly beginning to feel more like an exam than a fight to the death.

Their conversation was cut short by a gross retching sound. Mahito, who was now back in his older form, had spat out a bunch of familiar clay-like lumps that Mizuhime recognized. It looked exactly like the same things he had used to attack her.

"Those are transfigured humans...!" She gasped.

He threw them to the ground and they grew larger.

"Kill the short-haired brat," Mahito ordered, pointing at Yuji.

They ran for Yuji, who did his best to dodge their attacks without countering them. Meanwhile Nanami had to deal with Mahito on his own, with Mizuhime barely managing to help him. At this point, the cut across her waist was getting harder to ignore. The more she moved her arms, the more painful her injuries would be. She had completely bled through the sweater she had tied around her waist.

"I knew it!" Mahito laughed. "He can't kill humans!"

She glanced over at Yuji's direction and winced. He wasn't doing so well against his opponents. All he was doing so far was pushing them away and dodging their attacks. He jumped on the roof of a third floor hallway, but they just jumped right after him.

I can't help Nanami-san on my own, I need to help Itadori-san so he can assist Nanami-san! But... but I don't want to kill them... She thought, biting the inside of her cheek so hard it nearly drew blood. They're so small... were they kids before? Toddlers? What do I do? What do I do?!

She heard a loud crashing noise followed by Nanami's groan of pain and quickly looked back at them. Mahito had Nanami pinned against the side of the building, similarly to how he pinned Yuji before killing Junpei.

"Next, I'll have him attack you too," the curse was saying. "I wonder if he'll cry then. He's a foolish brat who can't reconcile reality and his ideals."

"You're wrong," Nanami denied. "He's right in the middle of making that reconciliation. If it were up to me, I'd say you're the fool."

Mizuhime made her decision.

With one hand thrust to the left, the water claws sliced through Mahito's arm and freed Nanami. With the other hand going right, she grabbed the head of one of the transfigured humans and ripped it right off.

"YUJI!" She shouted to the top of her lungs so he could hear her. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, but we need your help!"

Yuji's eyes widened at her words. They seemed to spur transfigured human standing on top of him too.

"Please..." It begged. "Kill me..."

"That's it!" Mahito turned to her. "No more interference from you!" His hand turned into a drill that shot right at her before Nanami could stop it.

Instinctively, she closed her eyes but all she felt was blood splashing her face. When she opened her eyes, she nearly choked on a scream. Yuji was now standing in front of her, the drill going straight through his stomach.

"Y-Yuji..." Her breath wavered. She had no idea if it was because she was losing consciousness or the horror of seeing her friend take a brutal hit for her.

Mahito let out a sick cackle. "Did you kill them?!"

Yuji grabbed his drill arm before forcing it out of his stomach. At that moment, Nanami appeared from behind the curse, sword ready to slice his head off. Mahito turned his head too late, but he was quickly punched in the face by Yuji before getting smacked by Nanami's sword.

What proceeded next was a one-sided beatdown and Mizuhime had the honor of having front row seats for it. It was a flurry of violence, of stabs and slashes, and punches and kicks with Mahito completely unable to protect himself. He couldn't even shape anymore.

Not wanting to be left behind, Mizuhime ignored her injuries and jumped right in to join. Her Extending Hands disappeared, allowing her to deliver a satisfying punch to his chest with her bare fist. Nanami and Yuji didn't even bother chastising her for putting herself in danger, too busy pummeling the shit out of the troublesome curse.

As the three readied for their final attack (which would hopefully get rid of him for good), Mahito's mouth suddenly opened wide. At first, she had no idea what was going on, but then she saw two pairs of hands forming inside of his mouth, fingers positioned almost like... like hand seals.

She realized what was going on too late.

"Domain Expansion: Self-Embodiment of Perfection!"

Massive dark hands emerged from the ground, blocking their attacks and keeping them trapped. Yuji managed to evade them—or maybe Mahito was purposely pushing him out—but Mizuhime made the mistake of grabbing Nanami in a futile attempt to push him away. The pair ended up getting sucked into the Domain instead.

They were swallowed up by a large black environment that was full of giant hands. In front of them was Mahito, standing behind a bunch of hands that formed a flower-like shape. Connected to them were multiple arms that grabbed one another to form a net pattern that surrounded the unfortunate targets—Nanami and Mizuhime.

By then, the degree of pain Mizuhime was in was probably a hundred times worse than before now. It didn't help that she jostled them up too much by fighting against Mahito. Her knees felt too weak to help her legs stand, so they shook under her weight.

"Shit!" Nanami caught her just as she buckled. He kept her close to him, but he knew that no amount of help he could give her would save them from this.

What do we do? Mizuhime felt nothing but despair. She learned about Domain Expansions before, but she was too panicked to recall a single lesson. All she knew was that a Domain Expansion would increase the effectiveness of the user's Cursed Technique.

They were doomed. She and Nanami were literally in the palm of Mahito's hand. He could kill them in an instant now.

Mahito let out a long breath, a pleased smile on his face. He eyed Mizuhime. "Whoops. I meant to push you out too, but you latched on to this guy pretty quick. Oh well... that's your fault then. Surely that man won't miss you too much."

Mizuhime had no idea what man he was talking about, but before she could ask, he had already moved on to Nanami.

"Right now, I'm just... grateful to you." He smiled.

Nanami slowly took his glasses off. "I don't need your gratitude. I've already received it from lots of others. My only regret is..."

He faced Mizuhime, and his next action shocked her to the core. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in, hugging her tight.

"I'm sorry, Uchiumi-san," he murmured to her, hands trembling slightly as he held her. "I had you take on this mission because I wanted to keep you safe from Gojo. I ended up putting you in more danger instead. Please forgive me."

Mizuhime could feel tears stinging in her eyes. She looked up at him, the defeated tone in his voice not escaping her. "Nanami-san..." She croaked. "Are we going to die?"

"I'm sorry."

The tears fell down to her cheeks. "Nanami-san, I don't wanna die."

"I'm sorry," he said quietly, carefully pushing her face to his chest as if to shield her from witnessing anymore horror. He could only hope that they would be killed quickly, for her sake at least.

In front of them, Mahito let out a loud laugh, as if watching them was some sort of form of sick entertainment.

"How sweet!" He laughed, tears actually springing from his eyes. "Almost reminds me of a father trying fruitlessly to comfort his crying daughter! Too bad I killed them in the end though! They didn't even make good humans to use! Maybe you two will be different!"

Mizuhime let out a loud wail at that, clutching the front of Nanami's blazer as they braced themselves.

But then there was a crash sound, as if someone had broken through a glass window. A dull light shone over them and they instinctively looked up to see a fist punching through the top of the Domain. When it pulled back, Yuji's whole body crashed through afterwards.

"Ah..." Nanami breathed out in relief. "The more resistant the inside of the barrier is, the weaker it is to attacks from the outside."

Oh. She forgot about that important fact too.

That was right. Domains were advanced barrier techniques solely made to trap targets inside, which made them easy to invade. There wasn't really a point to breaking in though, since most Domains guarantee an immediate victory once the targets were trapped. Self-Embodiment of Perfection was an even deadlier one to invade, but for Yuji...

He has Sukuna inside of him, she realized.

Before Yuji could even land, the whole scene changed.

"I warned you," a familiar voice said, followed by a dreadful chime. The massive hands surrounding them were gone, and they were thrust forth into a familiar Domain Mizuhime would see almost every night. Before them was Sukuna, who sat casually on his throne of bull-shaped skulls. "That there wouldn't be a second time."

With a simple flick of his hand, Mahito was gushing red, a slash appearing on his shoulder and spilling with blood like a water fountain. Mahito screamed, placing a hand over the wound while writhing in pain.

But apparently the king wasn't done. Rather than standing by to watch Mahito scream in pain, he flashed forward to where Nanami and Mizuhime stood. Nanami, who was still holding her, stepped back in alarm.

Sukuna just smirked at the action. "I'll kill you another day, sorcerer." He promised, before turning to Mizuhime with a weird look in his usually cold red eyes. "As for you... that curse was weak but... you did alright, I suppose."

She would've retorted that, but gasped in surprise when her body actually started to repair itself. Shoko had healed her countless times before, but Sukuna's Reverse Cursed Technique was somehow faster than the other woman's. All of her injuries, the pierced leg, the almost severed shoulder, the head wound, and the sliced up waist, were all healed within milliseconds.

She stared at him in amazement. "You—you—"

His smirk only broadened. "Goodbye for now, melons." He waved at her, and the whole domain shattered to pieces.

They were now back at the school. Sukuna was gone, but Mahito was still there... albeit in a very pitiful state. He dropped to his knees, his grievous wound still gushing with blood like a cheap gory movie come to life.

Mizuhime pulled away from Nanami, grinning brightly as she surveyed her perfectly intact body.

"I'm alright now," she assured Nanami, who gave her a look of concern.

Mahito was still on the ground making pained noises. He looked much too distracted by the large cut Sukuna gave him, so Yuji took his chance and sprinted right at him before anyone else could make a move.

Mahito realized what he was doing and quickly transformed himself, his body becoming swollen like a large balloon. When Yuji punched him, his body simply popped. Thin pieces of his skin being scattered every which-way.

"Over there!" Mizuhime shouted, pointing ahead. One of the pieces already morphed into Mahito's body and he was running for the sewers.

He slipped through the drains, waving mockingly at them. "Bye bye!"

Without another word, Mizuhime brought a hand up and the sewers exploded with dirty water. She had hoped that Mahito had gotten sucked in it, but when the water rained down, there was no sign of him.

Nanami cursed and whipped his phone out, "Ino-kun, the core has escaped into the sewers... Yes. Please scour everything from my current location to the southeast. Even you could exorcise him right now." He turned around to face the kids, "Let's pursue him too!"

"Right," Mizuhime agreed. Mahito had just used a Domain Expansion, and those sorts of things would always take a toll on you. Now was the perfect chance to kill him, especially since Sukuna had completely healed up her body too.

But then Yuji began swaying and her determined look turned into panic. "Yuji!" She yelled, grabbing him just in time before he could hit the ground harshly. "Yuji!"

"Itadori-kun! Itadori-kun!"

They were shouting his name, but Yuji's eyes drooped closed.

As carefully as she could, she set him down and placed her ear over his chest. His heartbeat was still going at a decent rate, which comforted her.

"He's just unconscious," she informed the blonde, who was already calling for Ijichi to come pick them up.

"Good. Ijichi's on his way here, let's carry him over at the gate," he ordered.

Meanwhile, deep underground, Mahito was hiding in the sewers, his back against the wall as he struggled to recover from their fight and Sukuna's one-shot attack.

So that was the King of Curses, Ryomen Sukuna. He mused. He should have less total cursed energy than Jogo at this point in time, and yet... That presence... His soul's on a different level. I'm certain of it. Even if we're all wiped out, so long as Sukuna is resurrected, the age of curses will come.

It was a relieving thought, but he couldn't help but think back to how Sukuna reacted to him touching his soul not once, but twice. He had angered the king, and that wasn't good.

Damn, this sucks, he looked down at his stitched up arm. Right now, I want nothing more than to kill Itadori Yuji.

He stretched his arms out, trying to ignore the pain coursing through him. "It's so frustrating! But whatever. Unlike his body, I can kill his soul over and over again." He giggled.

Mizuhime's face flashed into his mind. "What an annoying girl. But..." A smirk crawled over his face. "At least I finally know who's on the other end of one of those chains."

━━━━━━・❪ 💧 ❫ ・━━━━━━

After taking Yuji back to Jujutsu Tech so Shoko could heal him, Mizuhime left once she learned that he would be okay. Rather than returning to her dorms, she went straight home.

"Mizuhime-sama," one of the maids working in the foyer stared at her in surprise. "Isn't it a school day?"

"Is my mother here?" She asked immediately, though she realized it was a stupid question. Of course she was home. Her mother had a little more freedom than she did, but even then she was rarely allowed out of the house.

"She's in the bedroom," the woman answered. "And your father is in the conservatory."

She thanked her before going straight to her parents' bedroom. Her mother was laying on the bed, wide awake but looking more exhausted and miserable than ever. The dull look in her eyes faded away slightly when she saw her daughter standing at the doorway.

"Hime?" She said in surprise, sitting up. "What are you doing here?"

Wordlessly, Mizuhime shut the door behind her and strode over to the bed, throwing her arms around her mother.

"Oh!" Sanyu widened her eyes, delicately placing a hand on her daughter's back. "Did... did something happen?"

Mizuhime didn't really know how to answer that. A lot had happened actually. The Yoshino family's deaths. Mahito at the school. She and Nanami nearly dying. It sent an onslaught of emotions straight to her chest, but one thing that really stood out was Yuji's wakeup call—his words that had forced a long-forgotten memory to her head.

"E-excuse me..."

"Is something the matter, Mizuhime-sama?"

"I... I saw mama packing her clothes. I think she's trying to leave..."

Her father's thunderous voice. Her mother's screams. The dead baby. They had told her that it was her mother's fault, but she knew, deep down, that it was really hers. Because she was the one who reported what she saw. She was the one who stabbed her mother in the back.

"I... remembered," she told her quietly. "Years ago. When you... when you were pregnant."

She felt Sanyu stiffen up in her embrace.

"I'm sorry, mama," she said painfully. "I told the maid that you were packing away, and papa punished you. The baby died because of me...!"

Sanyu couldn't believe what was happening. Mizuhime... remembered? That had happened so long ago but she had remembered...

An idea sparked in her head. If she... if she played her cards right then maybe...

A feeling that she hadn't experienced in years—a feeling that was cruelly taken away from her—began to blossom in her chest. Hope.

And then came the guilt. If she did this, then she would be using her daughter. It made her feel guilty, but she was desperate. She wasn't asking for much. She just wanted someone on her side because years of being trapped in this world where everyone either just didn't care or sided with Susanoo had driven her to the brink of despair.

After some time, Sanyu spoke up.

"No," she said carefully, violet eyes cautiously darting over to the door, fearful that someone would break in. "No, it wasn't your fault at all. You were just doing what you were told to do—what you were raised to do. You weren't the one who... who caused me to miscarriage. That was your father."

Mizuhime didn't respond right away. The longer she stayed silent, the more apprehensive Sanyu became. Had she said the wrong thing? Had she gone too far? Would her own daughter report her for her insubordination again?

"Mama," Mizuhime suddenly murmured.

She swallowed thickly, nervously running a shaky hand through her blue hair. "Yes, dear?"

Slowly, Mizuhime pulled away. There was a conflicted look on her face, but it all seemed to disappear when she locked eyes with her mother.

"I think I hate papa." 

— author's note —

Extending Hands: she can create watery extensions of her arms. The hands are clawed and able to rip through multiple materials

HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED THE FATHER-DAUGHTER SCENE BETWEEN HIME AND NANAMI 🥹🥹🥹 I thought it was sweet if you ignore the fact that they thought they were about to die... but hey, even Mahito saw them as father and daughter!

Also the thing Mahito saw from Mizuhime's soul with the chains thing... that'll be revealed waaay later, but I'll leave hints in the chapter that'll help you guys piece it together. 

Mizuhime punching M*hito in the tiddies:


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