44 | Importance of Checking Your Phone

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The college break had finally come to its end and after embarking through the freezing temperatures of the weather outside, thousands of students settled back into their dorm rooms.

Y/N, after being dropped to the college campus by Happy, pulled her suitcase through the halls and checked her text messages for two things:

1) Had Peter responded to any of her calls or texts over the past six days.

2) Had MJ responded to whether she had arrived back on campus or not.

Sadly, Peter had not replied to her numerous apologies and forlorn apologetic voicemails. He had even gotten to the point where he stopped reading her messages all together, and she knew this because the read receipts were dated back several days.

MJ hadn't responded recently either. She had advised Y/N that she was returning back to college the same day as her, due to the 'welcome back' party thrown by one of the fraternities and that everyone was invited. Although when Y/N asked what time, MJ didn't respond. This was only two hours ago though.

Y/N had beaten MJ back to college given the door was locked so she fumbled inside her backpack for the keys and turned the bedroom light on. This was however, a shock to all four people in their room; Y/N, MJ and the other two people in MJ's threesome.

MJ, lying on her back with a girl hovering above her face and a boy situated between her legs, screamed out in shock as Y/N instantly covered her eyes and turned to face the door.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," Y/N muttered, never having walked in on MJ with a sexual partner before, let alone two at once. Usually they both would send a text warning the other person not to come into their room, but MJ assumed Y/N wouldn't have arrived back to college at this time.

"Oh my god..." MJ whined, cringing at the situation as her two sexual conquests quickly got changed and left the room. Of course to do that, they had to pass Y/N who was still covering her face in the corner of the room to give them privacy. Why she didn't just leave, was the real question.

"Sorry about that again. I'm Liam by the way," the boy said to Y/N quietly as he left the room.

"Um... Good bye Liam," Y/N said, opening her eyes once again and closing the door behind them. Turning around she saw MJ hiding her naked body under the bed covers and smiling up at her awkwardly.

"Welcome back?" MJ grimaced, covering her chest with the blankets and screwing her face up at her shocked roommate.

"Dude, check your fucking phone next time," Y/N laughed, pulling her suitcase into the room and flopping down onto her bed.

"So... How's Daddy Stark going?" MJ cooed, grinning at Y/N.

She was so open about her attraction to Tony Stark, calling him a 'dilf'. Once Y/N found out he really was her legitimate father, MJ just responded with 'okay so that just makes the whole dilf thing more real', which made Y/N cringe.

"He's fine, we went to a driving range the other day but he had programmed the balls to become fireworks. Don't ask me how but it looked fucking sick," she smiled, leaning on her side to face MJ.

"Yeah I was wondering what that was on your close friends Instagram story the other night. So are you like, going to tell people he's your Dad?" MJ questioned, reaching down to grab her t-shirt off the ground and put it back on.

"I guess it's up to him. Nobody would believe me if I said it. Have you heard from Peter recently?" She asked timidly.

"He told Ned you kissed a guy you went on a date with and then Ned told me. But I chose to not believe anything until I spoke to you," she shrugged.

It didn't surprise that Peter had given Ned the entire run down of the events of that night. Peter and Ned are quite literally incapable of keeping secrets from each other. Plus, Peter probably needed someone to unload his anger, sadness and pain on.

"It was for a mission. One of the Revolutionists asked me on a date and I kissed him because he showed me like, the main headquarters," she sighed, rolling over on her back and groaning loudly.

"Right, so Peter is just being a little bitch because he's jealous? I mean, yeah it's technically cheating but it was an Avengers mission. You're helping him do his job," MJ reasoned.

"He won't even talk to me. He just sent me a thumbs up emoji," Y/N sighed.

"Immature prick... Do I have permission to hit him tonight at the party?" MJ joked.

"I don't even want to go to a party right now. I just want to lie in bed with Pete in his bed and watch the same Star Wars movie that we always watch," Y/N responded quietly.

"Empire Strikes Back?" MJ clarified.

"Of course," Y/N confirmed.

"Well if he's going, you're going. It'll be the easiest way to see him. Plus, alcohol makes everyone talk without a filter so at least you'll hear what's actually on his mind..." MJ huffed.

"He told me he loved me like two weeks ago and now he won't even speak to me... I don't understand why he's so upset. It was to help the Avengers! To help him take down these fucking Revolutionists threatening to eradicate superheroes!" Y/N said in exasperation.

"Just go to the party, look hot, remind Peter of the hot piece of ass he's currently choosing to ignore and then make out or whatever," MJ shrugged.

MJ always had a hyper-sexual view on things, but in this scenario, it worked.

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