46 | Destruction of Emotions

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"Can I come in?" Tony asked, knocking on his adoptive daughters bedroom door although it was already open.

"Yeah, I'm just doing an assignment," Y/N said timidly, glancing up from her laptop in bed.

"This room is really coming together, you and Pep have such a knack for interior design..." Tony said sitting on the end of the bed and leaning back on his arms. She just nodded slowly, thanking him and telling him it still didn't feel like home.

It had been about two months since Tony had adopted Y/N formally and although they bonded so quickly, he had developed a fear that she didn't feel like she belonged. Especially since she only stayed with him on weekends now that the college term had commenced again. She stayed on campus throughout the week. He told himself it was his anxiety, but the multiple adoption websites he had browsed, told him the following things:

1) Stick to a routine, perhaps you could incorporate a family dinner where you all eat together at the table and share 'fun facts' about your day
2) Develop a sense of togetherness to bond with your child, share an activity with them! Take them to a park and kick a ball!
3) Try not to attack their blood parents, these children can sometimes come from troubled roots such as drug and alcohol abuse, or parents in the prison system
4) Make sure to keep an eye on their school report cards for any signs of behavioural or academic decline

As much as he found the tips cheesy and childish, he continued his research. Tony found it difficult to find accurate information on how to welcome an adult child into the home in which you were already their blood parents. He asked Jarvis to search Google for 'help I have a daughter now what do I do' and only subpar information returned.

Once over dinner, he asked about her grades and although she was confused, she told him her current GPA and he celebrated by ordering three different cakes from New York's best patisseries - all delivered within half an hour.

That was good parenting, right?

He took it upon himself to search further into adopted families and how they managed to settle in properly. He found even more information:

1) Get professional help, sometimes this is the best option to set up the ground work early on
2) Make sure you buy supplies before bringing them home, it makes it easier for everyone
3) Have lots of fun!
4) Keep them hydrated
5) Take them for walks daily

The fifth tip was when he realised he was on a pet adoption website and was reading tips on how to acclimatise an adult dog into the home.

"It will eventually feel like home to you kiddo, these things take time. How's the whole Pete situation? Do I need to disable the suit? I can do it right now from my phone," Tony joked, causing Y/N to laugh gently as he swiftly pulled his phone from his pocket.

"At the party the other night he told me he was still hurt and I guess it's over between us... And he called me a lying slut so, that was surprising from him," she shrugged, closing the laptop screen and sighing.

"He what?" Tony scowled.

"Yeah, I mean... Remember when I kind of hated you and ended up being some vigilante and got him shot? He thinks it's suspicious I changed my opinion about you so quickly and blah blah blah, ended up saying he can't trust me and yeah... Lying slut," Y/N huffed.

"Okay yep, I'm taking the suit," Tony scoffed, scrolling through his phone before Y/N leapt forward and pushed it out of his hands.

"No! He'll hate me even more!" She whined.

"Okay fine... Let's blow off some steam then. I'll have a word with the little prick don't worry," he said springing to his feet and putting his hand out for her.

"No, don't mention anything to him! Promise me you don't bring me up around him okay?" She said following him out of her room and shuffling down the long corridor.

Tony promised reluctantly and walked downstairs to the basement garage, asking Jarvis to prepare his suit and ask for diagnostics on his predecessor suit for Y/N to wear.

"What's happening?" She asked.

"We're getting in some suits and we're going to go blast some shit. Don't tell Pepper," he said with his suit forming effortlessly around him as the same happened to her.

"You remember how to fly?" He chuckled, the deep Iron-Man voice echoing in the large hangar.

"Uh, kind of?"  She shrugged.

"Jarvis, chuck Y/N's suit on auto pilot and keep the flight pattern locked on my suit," Tony said opening the sky hatch for them to both to fly up out into the sky.

The flight in the suits showed the city lights under them slowly disappear as they ventured further out past the city, past suburbia and into the middle of nowhere.

"You ready?" Tony said hovering down to the ground with Y/N next to him, aiming his hand in front of him and activating the blasters.

"Ready for what? Did you seriously just take me to a junk yard after all this time flying?" She said confused, looking around at trash for miles and miles. She couldn't see anything past the horizon but junk.

"Are you ready to get all your emotions out? Just start destroying shit, it's fun I promise," he said shooting at a large sofa and seeing it burst into a ball of fire.

"Holy fuck... That felt amazing!" Y/N said after she swung the suit arm into an old refrigerator and seeing it crinkle like a cardboard box.

Tony smiled to himself inside the suit. He was doing step two of the adoptive parent guide; bonding with your new child. Although they weren't particularly partaking in an activity best for kids like 'kicking a ball', Tony was welcoming his new daughter in an activity he enjoyed.

And now it was something she enjoyed too.

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