1: Painting

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New story hope you guys like it and enjoy it!




I walk with my little sister, Mia, to the family cafe that we own and help our parents out in. My pink-haired sister looks up at me. "Iri when we get home can you draw me?" She asks. "Of course I can!" I smile. We were walking home from school and mom had asked me to pick up Mia 'cause they were busy at the cafe. My phone buzzes and I take it out to look at it. "Is that Pony?" My sister asks holding my hand. Pony Tsunotori was a friend of mine that I knew since I was very little. "Mhm, want me to tell her you said hi?" I ask looking down at the smiley girl. She nods excitedly. 

I send the text just before we come to the cafe. "The Cotton's Cafe" the sign reads as usual. We enter the cafe to my mom cleaning the counters and my dad cleaning one of the booths. I turn around to flip the open sign to closed. "Ricky!" My sister says running to my older brother. "Hey, Mi how was school?" He says picking the little girl up. "Hey, mom! Hey dad!" I say hanging my jacket and taking off my shoes. "Hey sweetie how was your day?" My mom asks. "It was good Ms. Tamayo taught us a new drawing technique in art today," I say taking a seat at one of the counter stools.

"Well that's nice, Hey Mia how about Iris takes you upstairs gets you ready for dinner, and then plays with you until dinner's ready?" My mom says turning to my sister who is held by my brother. "Ok!" She says. "Hey dad, busy day?" I ask sitting across from my dad in the booth he cleans. "Yup you'd think on a Tuesday there'd be fewer people." He says wiping his forehead. "Sissy, can you take me upstairs now?" My sister asks pulling on my uniform skirt. "Of course let's go!" I say standing up. I take my sister's hand and we ascend up the stairs.

Our house was above the cafe and was small for a family of five but we managed. It was cozy and my brother says it reminded him of our old home back in America. I'm American because both my parents are and they had my brother in America but then had to move to Japan and decided to settle here and have me and my sister. I never saw our old house in America, but we go back every summer to visit family there and typically stay with my grandma and grandpa. We enter my room and my sister plops down on my bed.

"Ok let me just get my stuff ok?" I say walking over to my closet which is where I keep both my clothes and art stuff. "Otay!" She says. I walk into my closet and grab my art apron, charcoal, sketchbook, and pencil. I tie the apron over my uniform and sit in my swivel chair that sits at my desk. "Ok ready?" I ask turning to my sister. "Yuppy!" She says. She holds my bunny that I had gotten for my tenth birthday and the only pet I will ever have since it's kinda hard to have a dog or cat in a small house like this which is also a cafe with people eating in it. 

"Can I use my quirk?" Mia asks. "Yeah sure let me just grab you a piece of candy. My sister got her quirk not too long ago like last year. It's called Light and she can admit light from her body with the power of candy to help her. I grab a jolly rancher (her favorite) and hand it to her. She eats it and creates light balls around my room. "Pretty!" I say smiling at her. "Ok now stay still ok?" I say to her. "Oki!" She responds. My quirk is called Animate and Sheep. I have both my parents' quirks which is apparently pretty rare to have both your parents' quirks. My mom's quirk is called Animate and when she draws something or writes something she can control it and even bring it to life for protection or battle. 

I can hold up to three creations for about 30 minutes. My father's quirk is a mutation class quirk called Sheep. It is a self-explanatory quirk with me having curved sheep horns and sheep ears as well as a small tail. One part of my dad and I's quirk is that by singing we can put someone to sleep and I call it Counting Sheep. The only downside is that the longer the person is asleep the less energy I have. My dad and I both have fluffy white hair that surprise surprise makes us appear more like sheep since it is super curly.

My brother has a really cool quirk called Mimic and can mimic someone's quirk for up to 20 minutes making them quirkless. My mom says he got it from her father our Ganpa. My brother is currently a third-year student at UA. He has the most amazing friends their names are Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire. They are known as the top three students at UA the Big Three. They come over to the cafe every so often. My brother wants me to attend UA like him to become a Pro-Hero. I told him I would try and enter when the entrance exams come around.

I finish the drawing of my sister and outline it with charcoal. I drew her with my brother both smiling. I drew the moment when we got home and Ricky was holding Mia. "How do you like it?" I ask showing her the picture. "It's beautiful!" She says big smiling. She jumps off my bed and sets Rosey (my bunny) down on the bed and gives me a hug. "I'm glad you like it now let's get ready for dinner." I said standing up. I tor the drawing out of my book and we walked to Mia's room. I pin the drawing to her bulletin board that hangs on her wall with drawings that I have made for her and drawings she has made along with family pictures and other things. 

I help her take off her school uniform and I put her pajamas on her. She wears a Miruko onesie that she got for her 6th birthday because Miruko is her favorite Pro-Hero. "I'm Miruko and I'm gonna kick bad guys' a-" I cover her mouth before she can finish the sentence. "Butt the word is butt." I say removing my hand. "Sorry." She smiles. I put her bunny ear headband on her head over her long white hair and we walk downstairs. "Here's Miruko I gotta go get ready BRB." I say as my sister runs to our dad. I run upstairs to my room and put on a pink T-shirt with some white and pink polka-dotted pajama shorts.

I walk downstairs to eat dinner with my family. In the cafe area we have a closed-off room that is where we eat our dinner and is our little dining room. I sit at the table next to my brother. "Yay spaghetti!" I cheer sitting down. "Hey, so the entrance exams are coming around soon. You thinking of going?" My brother asks. "Yeah are you going to be a hero like brother?" My sister asks mouth with noodles. "Mia no talking with food in your mouth." Our father says. "Sworry." She says. "Yeah, I do think so actually." I respond to my brother. "Hey, I heard from Pony's parents that she got recommended for UA." My mom says. "Really!?" I ask almost jumping out of my seat. 

"Mhm." My mom says. We talk more about it and how the cafe is doing and then all go upstairs. We all go through our usual routine for the night. "Hey hey it's your turn to put Mia to bed." My brother says as I exit the bathroom for him to enter it. "Coolio." I say. I walk to Mia's room where she lays in bed waiting for me. "Can you tell me the story of the Hero?" She asks. I tell her stories at night whenever it was my turn to put her to bed. And she always liked the one I told about the Pro-Hero All Might and fell in love with it. "Aren't you getting tired of that one?" I ask pulling a chair up next to her bed. 

"Nuh-uh!" She says. "Ok," I say sitting in the chair. "A long time ago people started to use quirks for bad things and did things that weren't good. The citizens put their trust in Pro-Heroes to protect their city. The world needed a symbol, a symbol of peace. So one hero named All Might rose to the occasion and helped people in need. He became the world's Symbol of Peace! Gaining the citizens' and other's trust he became the symbol that the world needed. He then went on to become Japan's number one Pro-Hero! The End." I say. I look at my sister who is now passed out asleep and cover her with her blanket.

I quietly walk out of her room shutting the door behind me. I walk to my room and collapsed on my bed. I'll become a hero for you Mia to protect you and make sure you're never hurt again. I fall asleep and think of fluffy clouds and bright blue skies. 


The first time I've finished a book/chapter during the daytime!!

Word Count: 1595

Be kind❤️

Be safe😷

And don't forget to smile😊

Bye lovelies ᚛✨❤️✨᚜

-✨🦋ricey 米っぽい🦋✨

PS: When I was searching for the butterfly emoji I found this one. 🧈? Why apple why?

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