15: Festival News

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The next day and we were back in school. It was a rainy day so I walked with my white umbrella held above my head. I walked with Ricky today which was a first. He was worried about my safety after what had happened with the USJ and after I told him, yesterday, and he's being a bit overprotective. But I know he's just being a good brother. We make it to the UA gate and Nejire stands by the third-year door waiting for Ricky. "See ya!" I smile waving to my brother as I close my umbrella under the balcony. He sends me the peace sign before I walk in. I place my umbrella in the stand and walk to my locker.

I put my shoes into my locker and take out my school ones. I slip them on and then proceed to my classroom. I walk in and take my seat. I lean slide over to Jiro's chair to ask her a question. "Hey, you think we'll have a sub since Mr. Aizawa is still in the hospital?" I ask. "I don't know maybe-" She says before being cut off. The door opens to our homeroom teacher walking in covered in bandages. He was there in the flesh just covered bandages from the USJ incident. I was shocked but I wouldn't expect anything less from a Pro-Hero. "Let us not waste time and just get it over with," He says. Get what over with? I ask myself. "The UA Sports Festival is nearing by." He says. Oh! Ricky told me about this he got I think third place during his second year.ย I think to myself.ย 

"But what about the risk?" Midoriya asks. "We are still going to take precautions during the festival but the Sports Festival has gained more popularity than the Olympics and canceling it would ruin UA. And the festival is more than just a time for you students to show off your quirks to the public...it's also a time for agencies to look at students for internships." He says. "My brother told me about those they're basically a time for students to study under Pro-Heroes to gain knowledge about how to run an agency and how to be a Pro." I pipe. "Correct but it's also a time for you all to gain popularity which you might need for when you go Pro." Our teacher replies.

After that morning classes begin and then after it's lunch. I walk with Ochaco and her friends to lunch and we take a seat at a table. "Hey what was it you were saying in class about your brother?" Midoriya asks. "Oh yeah! My brother's a third-year here it's one of the reasons that I wanted to come to UA." I smile. "Woah! That's so cool! Oh, can I ask some questions about your quirks??" He asks. "Uh, maybe later sorry." I say rubbing the back of my head. I feel a tap on my shoulder and look up to see speak of the devil my brother. "Hey, Iris wanted to sit with you for lunch! That cool?" He asks. "Sure why not." I say pulling the empty chair out next to me.ย 

"So you're the third-year Cotton was telling us about." Iida says. "Yeah the names Ricky Cotton." My brother says introducing himself. "You don't look related. Ribbit!" Tsu says. "He dyes his hair like a dork. Says his naturally white hair makes him look old." I say calling my brother out. "Oh! Let me introduce you. This is Tsuyu Asui, that's Tenya Iida, Todoroki, and Izuku Midoriya." I say pointing to my friend. "Ribbit!" Tsu says. "H-hello." Midoriya says. "Greetings." Iida adds. And Todoroki stays silent. "Pleasure meeting you all." Ricky says. We all talk and then afternoon classes.

School ends and I walk out with Ochaco, Midoriya, Iida, and Tsu home. "Hey, you guys wanna hang out at my house?" I ask. "My parents own a cafe and I thought maybe it'd be time to get to know each other." I smile adding. "I have to get home but you guys can and have fun." Iida says. "Well then looks like to the cafe it is!" I say putting a fist in the air. "IRIS!!" I hear a high-pitch voice call my name. I turn to see Pony running after us. "Pony!!" I shout waving in my direction for her to come over. She makes it over and my other friends look at her in shock as she just ran like a whole block in 1 minute. "Guys, this is me and Ochaco's friend Pony Tsunotori!" I say helping the girl up as she pants from running.

"She's in Class 1-B of the Hero Course." Ochaco adds. "Hello, it's nice to meet you." Pony says catching her breath. The others look at her strangely as if she just spoke another language. "Oh, Pony Japanese not English." I whisper to my friend. "Oops sorry! It's a pleasure to meet you." Pony says in the language the others can understand. "So do you speak English too?" Tsu asks. "I was born in the states and moved here when I was younger like Iris." Pony responds. "Woah you're American? I thought you were Japanese." Midoriya says. "I am fluent in both English and Japanese growing up here and stuff my parents taught me and I heard it a lot so wasn't that hard to learn." I say.

We all walk to the train station Iida leaves us at his stop and the rest of us go to my house. "Here we are!" I say. It wasn't quite closing time yet so the cafe had like three people. "Hey, mom! Dad! Mia!" I say opening the door. "Iri!" Mia says running to me. She stops though when she sees I have brought guests. "Woah! People!" Mia says in awe. "Guys this is my little sister Mia." I say. "Mia these are my friends Tsu and Midoriya." I say squatting to my sister's level. "Hello, you remind me of my little sister. Ribbit! So cute!" Tsu says. "Good Iris you're home." My mom says walking out from the kitchen area. "Oh, you've brought friends well never mind then hang out with your friends I'll get your brother to help." She says. "Ok." I smile and my friends and I take seats at the counter and my mom brings snacks which are some small pastries she made.

"So Cotton can I ask you those questions about your quirk?" Midoriya asks pulling a notebook out. The notebook is in really bad condition like it was blown up by a small explosion or something. "Yeah sure." I say. "So your Animate quirk does it only work on you? And can it work on skin aswell?" He asks. "She uses it a lot to write notes to herself and it works on skin she makes funny doodles on her arm when she's bored." Ochaco pipes. "Interesting...your sheep quirk what other things can you do other than the sleep part?" He asks. "Anything a sheep can, oh and my hair is really soft aswell." I add. He asks more questions which I answer then we all talk to get to know each other.

After that everyone leaves and I eat with my family going through the nightly routine. And imagining my first sports festival.


Hey guys hope you liked this chapter I think I might add a short story before I do the Sports Fest Arc but IDK depends on how I feel. ๐Ÿคท

Word Count: 1226

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