Part [14]

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Hailey helps Derek walk with her arm over her shoulders. She should've worn flats. "Hey, hold on." Hailey stops and lets Derek lean against a tree. Derek breathes heavily. "Something doesn't feel right." Hailey nods. She's hunted much weaker supernaturals and has had it harder than this. "What do you mean." Derek looks around. "I don't know. It was-- It's kind of like it was--" Scott interrupts him. "No! Don't say 'too easy.' People say 'too easy' and bad things happen. What, do you think finding you was easy? Getting away from Allison's dad? None of this had been easy." Hailey nods. He's got a point. "Fine. You're right." Scott nods. "Thank you." Two arrows whistle and hit Derek and Hailey. Scott looks over to see Allison with a bow. "Now the leg." She hits Hailey in the leg. "Flash bolt." Hailey scoots over to Scott. "Scott! Your eyes!" Allison fires the flash arrow and Scott falls to the ground. Hailey and Derek rip the arrows from their bodies. Hailey runs to Scott and grabs him. Her will to protect her little brother overpower her pain. "Come on! Let's go." Hailey drags Scott to the house, but her starts limp. "Scott go!" She throws him forward, but he's still unable to see.

"Allison, I can explain." Allison walks up to Scott. "Stop lying. For once, stop lying." Scott scoots back. "I was going to tell you the truth in the formal. I was going to tell you everything. Because everything that I said, everything I did--" Allison nods. "Was to protect me." Scott is finally able to see. Hailey groans in pain. "Yes." Allison starts to tear up. "I don't believe you." Kate walks up to them. "Thank god. Now shoot him before I have to shoot myself."

"No." Hailey inches closer to Scott. "You-- you said we were just gonna catch them?" Kate nods. "We did that, now we're gonna kill them." Kate shoots Derek and Hailey. Hailey wails in pain. "See? Not that hard." She walks up to Allison. "Oh, no... Tsk. I know that look." She turns to Scott. "That's the 'you're gonna have to do it yourself' look." Kate points the gun at Scott. "No!" Hailey throws herself over Scott. Allison tries to stop Kate. "Look at that. Adorable." Kate shoots Hailey again. She roars. "You..." She pushes herself up. "Are... not... Hurting him!" She lunges at Kate, but she shoots her again. She turns back to Scott. "Mm. I love those brown eyes." Hailey makes eye contact with Scott. She starts to cry. She never got to tell him. "Kate!"

Hailey takes this moment of distraction to start pulling the bullets out of her body. It begins to heal and Hailey pulls herself closer to Scott once again. "I know what you did. Put the gun down." Scott looks between the two of them. "I did what I was told to do." Chris shakes his head. "No one asked you to murder inocent people. There were children in that house, ones who were human." Allison glances at Kate. "Look what you're doing now, you're holding a gun at a 16 year old boy with no proof he spilled human blood. We go by the code-- Nous chassons ceux qui nous chassent." Allison's eyes widen. "We hunt those who hunt us." Kate goes to pull the trigger, but Chris points his gun at her. "Put the gun down." Chris fires just misses by a mere inch. "Before I put you down." Kate lowers her gun.

The Hale House door creaks open. "Allison, get back." Hailey and Scott jump to their feet. Hailey growls, revealing her werewolf face. "What is it?" Scott's eyes begin to glow. "It's the alpha." Allison readies an arrow. Peter runs out of the house in a blink of an eye. It runs around and trips Chris. Hailey stands back to back with Scott. Peter trips Allison, then does the same to Hailey and Peter. "Come on!!" Kate screams. Peter grabs her arm. She fires, but misses him. Peter hits her hand and grabs her by the throat, throwing her on the porch. Peter drags her inside and Allison runs in after them.

Peter stands with her claws at Kate's neck. "She is beautiful, Kate. She looks like you. Probably not as damaged, so I'm going to give you a chance to save her. Apologize" Allison begins to cry. "Say that you're sorry for decimating my family, for leaving me burned and broken for six years. Say it... and I'll let her live." Kate looks at Allison. "I'm sorry." Peter exhales and slashes Kate's throat. Allison gasps and Kate falls to the ground.

"I don't know about you Allison, but that apology... Didn't sound very sincere." Peter approaches Allison but Hailey stands in front of her. She nods at Allison, then turns her attention to Peter. Derek appears next to her. "Run." Allison takes off. The three werewolves attack Peter. He throws them all off of him. He tosses Derek at the ceiling and Hailey claws at his back. He punches her away and throws Scott off his back. Hailey decides to utilize her still in hand to hand and starts attacking him. He blocks her blows, but Hailey jumps on his shoulders and spins. Peter falls to the ground, but he jumps back up.

He grabs Hailey and Derek and throws the both at Scott. Peter struggles not to shift. Derek tackles Peter and Hailey helps Peter up. Hailey roars, her eyes blazing red. She and Scott go after him, but he steps away from Hailey and grabs Scott. He knees him in the stomach. Several times but Hailey gets back up and slams Peter into the wall. She and Scott start hitting him and his face starts to shift. Peter whacks Scott in the face and kicks Hailey away. He chokes Scott, but he punches Peter in the face. Every blow makes his face shift. Peter eventually throws Scott away. Hailey makes her way to Scott and they both watch as Peter shifts.

Scott and Hailey are thrown out of the window. Peter jumps out and grabs Scott. "No!" Hialey stands, but Peter backhands her, which sends her flying. Scott kicks off Peter's chest and flips to the ground. Stiles jumps out of the car and throws a Molotov Cocktail at Peter, but he catches it. Hailey spots Allison's bow and throws it to her. She shoots an arrow and the cocktail explodes. Peter tries to swat the fire off, but it starts to spread. Hailey smiles and Jackson throws another. Peter roars and tries to go after Allison, but Scott intercepts him, punching him away.

Peter stumbles away and the pain changes him back to human. He gasps for air, then falls backward. Allison walks up to Scott and bends down to him. Hailey stands and walks over to Stiles. Hailey smiles at Allison and Scott kisses. She elbows Stiles and he winces. "Young love, amiright?"

Chris stands up and Hailey watches as Derek approaches Peter. Her eyes widen, knowing exactly what his intentions are. Derek stands over him and Scott runs over. "Wait! You said the cure comes from the one that bit you." Hailey bites her lip. "Derek, if you do this... I'm dead. Her father, her family-- What am I supposed to do?"

Peter shivers. "You've already decided... I can smell it on you!" Peter's eyes glow red and Derek raises his hand and slashes Peter's throat.

Derek stands and turns around revealing his red eyes. "I'm the Alpha now."



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