Do No Harm

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A/N: just wanted to start off with a thank you to you lovely readers! I just transferred all my stuff from ao3 a couple of weeks ago and we are already at 11K on here it's crazy!! Your comments make me giggle so much, I love reading them!! From the bottom of the shriveled heart of a very busy stem uni student who escapes through my writing; thank you 🫶 hope you enjoy! :)

***Also possible trigger warning: a brief but negative mention of suicide***


- Cass's POV - three and a half years ago

Slinging my heavy bag over my shoulder, I turn to my father, the worn leather strap digging into my skin, only adding to the anxiety twisting deep in my stomach. My dad has been sitting in the dimly lit living room, studying one of his upcoming cases. His dark brows are furrowed deeply, his hand to his mouth in thought, the nearby dim light reflecting on his glasses.

I let out a quiet and shaking exhale, attempting to give myself the strength I don't have. "I'm leaving, Dad," I announce softly, my voice trembling, my stomach fluttering with nerves.

"Leaving?" My dad repeats with surprise, his eyebrows raised as he looks up at me from his armchair, his gaze searching mine. I don't blame him for being surprised, it's only day 3 of my week-long visit.

Standing awkwardly by the front door, I nod, swallowing the lump that's formed in my throat. "I have to go back to Atlanta. Phillip called, and... I just need to get back," I explain briefly, my stomach twisting into knots with each passing second I waste not getting back to Phillip.

My father lets out a slow exhale before his expression crumples with anger. "Goddamnit, Andy," he swears under his breath, his brows furrowed as he shakes his head. I raise my eyebrows in surprise at the rare display of anger from the usually composed man.

"Dad-" I begin, confused, but he cuts me off, his mouth set in a firm line, his eyes blazing.

"-You're smarter than this, Andy," My father persists, his voice simmering with disappointment. "You're goddamn brilliant. Yet, here you are, staying with him." He snaps, his harsh words piercing the air, making me flinch involuntarily. My father's lawyer voice, that commanding tone of intelligence and authority, always made chills run down my spine.

His words of disgust hang heavily in the air, a harsh truth that I've been avoiding confronting, making my heart ache. Torn between the man I love and the man who raised me- who taught me what love was.

"You don't get it-" I begin, my voice quivering with raw emotion, pushing past the sensation that my throat is made of sandpaper, grating every syllable.

"No, you don't get it." My father snaps powerfully, getting to his feet with determination, taking off his black-rimmed glasses and tossing them on the side table with a clatter. "Once you have children of your own, you'll understand. You only want what is best for your kid, no matter what. And this is not your best, you know that." My father argues passionately, his wise words carrying the weight of his own experience.

I lower my gaze to the hardwood floors, feeling overwhelmed. "I'm not gonna have kids, Dad," I tell him quietly, shaking my head firmly. I may care for Penny as much as a soon-to-be stepmother can, but Phillip only has partial custody. She's not really my kid.

"What?" my father breathes with disbelief, catching my attention and making me tear my gaze from the herringbone to meet his eyes. "B-But you love children, Andy. You're a pediatric surgeon for Christ's sake!" my father insists, his voice twisting with confusion.

I sigh as I look back at his incredulous expression, my inner turmoil making me feel sick. "That's why, Dad—after what I've seen, I couldn't bring a child of my own into this world," I mutter, a shiver of repulsion coursing through me at the thought. Seeing all the horrific things happen to children and imagining that happen to my own- absolutely not.

"Don't be ridiculous," my father mutters, his patience clearly wearing thin. "You're going to meet a man who makes you happy, you're going to marry him, and you'll realize how much you want to have a child with him." My father lectures me, making me roll my eyes, anger rising up through me.

"How many times do I need to remind you that I'm in that process? I'm engaged to Phillip! And he already has a daughter!" I snap impatiently, holding up my left hand to show off the silver engagement ring, the large diamonds glinting in the low light.

Disgust flashes over my father's expression, and he turns away, his mouth turned down. "No. Not him. He's not the one for you." Dad mutters, shaking his head stubbornly. "Your husband will not beat you." my father spits with disgust, his words hitting my skin like shards of glass.

"That was one time-"

"-It's never one time, Andy." My father reminds me harshly, the experience clear behind his eyes. He saw it more than enough in his career.

But he doesn't understand Phillip like I do, my relationship isn't one of his fucking cases.

Shaking my head, I bring forth the same stubbornness my father passed down to me and stand my ground. "That's not what this is. You don't get it. You don't understand how good it is between us!" I defend myself and my relationship, my voice trembling.

"Andy, you are an Adams. We are a family of strong people. You are stronger than this!" my father insists, his green eyes, mirrors of my own, boring into mine as I shoot him an annoyed look.

"'Strong'" I echo with a bitter scoff, shaking my head ruefully, defensiveness and anger surging up my spine.

"And what exactly does that mean?" My father demands, his frustration clearly growing as mine is, making me turn to face him, my hands planted firmly on my hips.

"Mom." I growl, making him freeze- a rare sight for my father. "It wasn't very strong of her to kill herself when she had a husband and a nine-year-old at home!" I snap furiously, venom dripping from each word.

Immediate regret slams into me as I watch the physical recoil of my father's expression. His brows furrow deeply, accentuating the wrinkles on his forehead. His mouth, hidden behind his brown and grey beard, turns downward into a grimace of pain.

And his eyes - my eyes- once burning with anger, now smolder with anguish as he looks away from me.

"Get out," he mutters, his voice heavy with a sorrow that cuts deeper than any anger ever could.

"Dad-" I begin, the weight of my words hanging heavily in the air, my stomach twisting as I take a step towards him.

"I said- get out, Cassandra," my father repeats sternly, his voice wavering slightly with raw emotion.

My chest shudders as I take a staggering step back.


He never calls me Cassandra.

I stare at him, horrified, watching his expression of pain remain unchanged, my stomach wrenching.

"I'm sorry," I breathe, the words feeling painfully inadequate for the cruel things I just said. Dad had always been strong, about everything. But when it comes to Mom...

With a heavy heart, I turn and open the front door, making the cold Seattle air wash over me as I place my suitcase on the stoop. Before I step outside, I cast one last look over my shoulder to see my father standing in the living room, his head bowed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

I'm an awful daughter.

For a moment, I consider staying, wanting desperately to fix the rift I've caused within seconds. But then my phone vibrates, so with trembling hands, I quickly fish it out to check the text. It's from Phillip.

' Get home. Now. '

So with one lingering and broken-hearted glance at my father, I turn and leave, the weight of what I did weighing heavily on my shoulders as I step out and shut the door behind me.

Unknowingly leaving my father for the very last time.


- Cass's POV -
 a week and a half after the meeting

"Aw, baby girl," I murmur under my breath as I gently lift Judith from her crib into my arms, cradling her tiny body against my chest. Judith babbles as my fingers brush through her soft, blonde curls, my chest swelling affectionately.

"Mommy," Judith replies in her soft, little voice, a sound that never fails to melt my heart, filling my chest with warmth.

I hum softly in response as I carry her to her changing table, a morning routine that has become second nature over the past month. I reach for a fresh diaper, a set of cozy overalls, and a sweater to dress her for the day.

"I can't believe how big you've gotten!" I remark softly, raising my eyebrows in playful amazement as I peer down at Judith. Her beautiful brown eyes, filled with wonder, blink back up at me as smiles in response, showing off her few tiny teeth.

Once finished changing her, I carefully stand Judith up on the table, gently pulling the sweater over her little head and guiding her small arms through the sleeves. Next, I fasten the buttons of her purple corduroy overalls, securing it and tucking in her sweater.

Turning Judith around, I position her so she faces the small mirror on the wall, showing her the reflection of me standing behind her, grinning over her shoulder as she stares at us.

"Pretty girl," I coo fondly as I look at her through the mirror. Judith smiles widely, her eyes sparkling with innocence, and tilts her head to the side as if examining herself.

"P-peety," she repeats in a sweet, stumbling attempt at the word, her eyes lighting up with excitement.

"Yes! Judith, you're pretty!" I tell her with an excited grin, my eyes crinkling at the corners with pure adoration. Her cute giggle fills the room and her round, pink cheeks flush with happiness.

"Clever girl," I beam with affection as I hoist her up onto my hip, holding her with one arm.

As I turn around to leave, my heart skips a beat at the sight of Rick leaning against the doorway, a tender smile on his face as he watches us. Those beautiful blue eyes of his are fixed on me and Judith, a softness behind his gaze that makes my heart burn with deep love.

"My beautiful girls," Rick greets through his warm smile, tilting his head to the side, his soft eyes meeting mine. He looks unfairly handsome right now as the morning sunlight streams across those lovely features of his, igniting those blue irises.

"Hey," I greet through my bashful smile as I walk towards him, readjusting Judith against my hip. "You were asleep," I tell him softly as I walk over, my gaze locked on his rested face. For once, he's finally getting some well-deserved sleep and I'm eternally grateful for that.

"Not anymore," he breathes with a hint of amusement in his voice. He pushes off the doorway, meeting me halfway so his lips can find mine in a quick, tender kiss. The warmth of the connection seeps from his mouth to mine and spreads throughout my body, a comforting reminder of our love as Judith babbles between us.

"Oh- there's my big girl," Rick grins, his deep voice filled with pride as he takes Judith from my offering hands. With his effortless strength, he easily hoists her into his arms and she responds with a joyful giggle, her little hands reaching out to touch the scratchy stubble on that sharp jaw of his. The sight of them, together and happy, warms my heart.

Even after all the time that's passed, there's still a small part of me that's still there. Alone with Judith after the prison fell, endlessly praying for this. For home.

I cross my arms loosely, a wide grin pulling across my lips as I watch Rick beam down at his daughter. I'll never stop being grateful for moments like this.

"Mommy loves me, did you know that?" Rick asks Jude with a soft whisper, his perfect eyes briefly darting to meet mine, crinkling mischievously.

"It's been nearly two weeks and you still can't get over it, can you?" I question Rick expectantly, my grin growing knowingly, my chest tight with adoration.

"Mommy loves me so much, she was obsessed with me for years-"

"-Okay enough," I interrupt him dryly, playfully rolling my eyes but unable to fight my stubborn grin.

Rick grins widely, chuckling to himself as he bounces Judith in his arms. "But Daddy loves her even more," he whispers secretively to Judith, his voice just loud enough for me to hear.

"Really? Now you're just being unfair," I inform him with raised eyebrows, my heart fluttering.

"Who's unfair?" Carl's voice suddenly chimes in from the doorway, making me turn and send him a warm smile. As usual, he's wearing his father's old hat, his long hair flicked beneath the rim.

"Your father, that's who," I announce, making the teenager raise an eyebrow as he glances between Rick and me. "Someone needs to keep him in line," I add with a mischievous grin, to which Rick sends me a deadpanned look.

Carl furrows his brows slightly. "Isn't that your job?" Carl asks me, his quick retort making me snort with laughter.

"I like the way you think, kid," I tell him with a wink, reaching out to ruffle his hair affectionately, making him duck out of the way, batting my hand from his precious hair.

Rick shifts his weight from one foot to the other, leaning into Judith. "I think we're outnumbered," He whispers loudly to her, his eyebrows raised in mock fear.

I shoot Rick a playful grin, my heart swelling with love for the family I'm beginning to feel like I belong in.

Something I had always secretly dreamed of but never thought I would have.

"Cass?" Carl asks, his voice carrying a hint of seriousness, grabbing my attention.

Tearing my gaze from his father, I focus on Carl. "Yeah?" I ask.

"I wanted to know if you could teach me how to, uh- do medical stuff," Carl mutters, averting his eyes for a moment as if he's unsure how I'll react. Surprise flits through me at his request.

"Seeing what you did for Spencer a few weeks ago... it was cool. I want to do that. Help people," Carl explains, his blue eyes filled with a newfound determination as they meet mine.

My heart swells with pride and I smile widely, unable to contain my excitement. "Yeah, Carl, I'd love to teach you," I tell him earnestly, watching the relief flutter across his expression.

"Cool," Carl says, suppressing his own smile slightly to remain the ever-stoic teenager. "I'm going to head out, but see you guys later?" he asks, and I offer a nod in response.

Rick tilts his head to the side curiously. "Where are you going?" he questions, watching his son expectantly.

Carl freezes, his eyes darting between his father and me, looking like a deer caught in headlights.

"Just- gonna hang out with Enid," Carl finally responds with a nonchalant shrug, averting his gaze. Despite his attempt to seem casual, the slight blush coloring his cheeks says otherwise.


Rick, being the understanding and supportive father he is, offers a warm smile. "Oh, alright, have fun. Take Judith next door on your way for me?" Rick asks, handing Judith to his son.

Carl nods, taking his sister and sending us a quick goodbye before hastily heading for the door, his footsteps echoing through the house as he departs.

Turning to Rick, the corner of my mouth quirks up as I raise my eyebrows playfully, intrigued by Rick's calmness. Rick meets my gaze, confusion rippling across his rugged features.

"What?" He asks, his voice tinged with mild confusion as he crosses his arms.

Grinning widely, I can't resist teasing him a bit. "Carl is spending an awful lot of time with Enid," I comment knowingly as Rick just blinks back at me, clearly not catching on.

"He likes her," I emphasize with raised eyebrows, making Rick's eyes widen, his mouth parting in surprise.

"Which is inconvenient because he's supposed to end up with Sophia," I add with a hint of frustration, crossing my arms with a huff.

Complete confusion washes over Rick's face as he blinks rapidly, seemingly trying to understand. "Sophia?" he questions, his eyebrows furrowing as he searches my gaze. Unable to help it, I snort at the sheer bewilderment on his face. It's oddly endearing.

"For such a smart man, you can be very clueless, Rick," I inform him dryly, making him narrow his eyes, playfully tilting his head to the side.

"Not clueless about everything though, right?" He questions lowly, a dirty grin pulling at his mouth as he takes a single step closer to me. I suppress my own knowing smile, excitement fluttering through me as I retreat a step, making my back connect with the doorframe.

Butterflies swirl madly in my stomach and longing pulls at my chest at the look Rick sends my way. We haven't exactly gotten a lot of alone time recently with all the stuff going on.

First, it was everything that happened with the meeting, then my wonderful time of the month that ended just a few days ago (Rick claimed he didn't mind one bit but I adamantly refused), and now, we're busy again. We're separated for most of the day and by the time we get home and go to bed, we're both exhausted.

Rick's been working with Abraham's construction team and a few other volunteers to construct the walls to handle the quarry situation. All the while he's making sure everyone knows their part of the plan before the dry run tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I've been mediating things back at Alexandria, helping Daryl with a couple of runs, and mentoring Denise.

I'm not sure how it happened, but since Reg's death, Deanna just- stepped down. As if too overwhelmed by her grief, she passed the leader position to Rick, and after the meeting, everyone just accepted it.

Well, mostly everyone. Rick had to make his point a few times until they started to understand. That may have included holding Carter at gunpoint. Which may have been extremely entertaining to witness.

But by extension, after publicly announcing that we're together, I've also somehow become a leader figure to them. It's strange, to have people look at me for answers, especially for non-medical related issues.

With so much going on, Rick and I haven't really had any time alone together. It's... frustrating, to say the least.

I lean against the doorframe, gazing up at the man I love knowingly, my lip curling into a smirk. "You have a dirty mind, Mr. Grimes," I inform him slowly, dragging my gaze across his handsome features, lingering on his lips.

Arousal flickers across Rick's expression and his jaw clenches. "Can you blame me?" Rick asks honestly, his voice low and rumbling as his hand reaches forward and grabs the doorframe behind me. He leans forward, his eyes never straying from mine, rapidly increasing my heart rate.

My stomach flutters and my chest tightens at the idea of us having a little fun after all the stupid shit we've been dealing with lately. God knows I've missed feeling him.

I reach up and gently grab his arm, wrapping my hand around his warm skin, and making his eyelids flutter slightly. "I'm sure we can-" I begin, but get interrupted yet again.

"-Rick? Cass?" someone calls from downstairs, "We need you!" They shout loudly. I lean my head back onto the doorframe, close my eyes, and let out a frustrated groan.

It never ends.

"For the love of God, do not make that noise," Rick orders under his breath, his eyes clenched shut. My smile grows further, my skin buzzing with adoration as I bite my lip, patting his arm once sympathetically before dropping my hand.

Rick opens his eyes and exhales deeply, his hand lingering on mine before he brushes past me to answer the person shouting for him.

Smiling to myself, I push off the doorframe and follow.


With a tender and hasty kiss that seems to linger in the crisp air, Rick joins the rest of the wall team in their truck so they can head off. Crossing my arms in the middle of the road, I watch the truck roar to life and pull away down the asphalt, the exhaust billowing.

Letting out an exhale, a strange feeling settles in my chest as they drive off, the tires kicking up loose dirt behind them. I watch them go, the truck getting smaller and smaller until Spencer drags the heavy gate closed with a decisive clang, obscuring my view.

As Spencer locks the gate and returns to his post, I remind myself of my responsibilities, reluctantly turning around and heading over the the infirmary.

Time to get to work. Unsatisfied- yet again.

As I make my way down the road, I smile and nod and the few passing people, my heart warming when I spot Beth, Sophia, and Noah playing with Judith on the porch, forever the perfect babysitters.

Rosita is nearby in one of the fields, instructing her class on self-defense for those who requested it. After Rick's speech, I think some people actually have begun to understand what surviving in this world requires. I spot Eugene stumbling in the back, looking completely lost in her lesson, making me snort to myself as I walk past.

While I'm continuing down the street, acknowledging the few people who wave at me, Denise suddenly intercepts me, flushed and out of breath. I blink at her in surprise, my eyebrows raised.

Denise begins rambling hurriedly, her cheeks flushed as she tries to explain.  "Hey, Cass- I was working on what you told me to practice on- but I- you know, was struggling and I really-"

I chuckle softly and stop her with a gentle touch on her arm. "Denise, breathe," I encourage her, my wide eyes filled with understanding as I watch her regain composure, her hands pressed firmly to her hips as she inhales deeply.

"Sorry, you know I get anxious," Denise pants, her eyebrows knitting together in nervous anticipation. Smiling warmly, I offer her a comforting squeeze of her shoulder as we ascend the steps to the infirmary.

"I know," I reply with an understanding smile, holding the door open for her as we enter the inviting warmth of the building. "But there's no reason to be worried around me, I promise," I remind her, prompting her to nod and take another calming breath.

"It's just- Pete never wanted to work with me, and I want you to want to, and I feel like I'm not good enough-"

"Denise," I interrupt gently again, causing her to stop her rambling and turn her attention to me, her eyes wide. "I want to work with you," I assure her calmly.

"We've worked together before, right? On Spencer, Tara, the appendicitis kid, and Glenn. They all worked out, didn't they?" I ask with raised eyebrows, reaching for some medical supplies that Daryl and Glenn had brought in from their run yesterday. Denise nods, looking down and taking a deep breath, fidgeting with her hands a bit.

While I go to organize our new medications onto our shelves, Denise comes over to restock a batch of gauze.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry. It's just that before I switched to psychiatry in med school, I wanted to do surgery first. I-I know your type- those who were just so smart and confident. it's what made me know I wasn't surgeon material. It's why Pete didn't want anything to do with me," Denise mutters, focusing on the supplies she's putting away as I turn to look at her, my heart aching that she thinks so little of herself.

"Denise, you went to med school. Not everyone can say that!" I enthuse, searching her expression as she focuses on the gauze, her cheeks pink. "You are smart and know what you're doing. The only thing holding you back is you." I tell her gently, making her gulp.

"And Pete was a piece of shit and a dumbass. You have no idea how relieved I am to have someone to work with who actually knows what they're doing." I tell her honestly with a smile, earning a sigh of relief from Denise, a reluctant smile of her own pulling at her mouth.

"Tara was right. You are awesome," Denise mumbles quietly, a compliment that spreads a wide grin across my face.

"Hmmm, Tara. So how's that going?" I inquire, a mischievous grin growing on my face as Denise momentarily fumbles with the gauze. Her face flushes beet red as she deliberately avoids meeting my gaze.

Denise clears her throat, shaking her head slightly, making her blonde ponytail shift from side to side. "I...uh, don't know what you're talking about," she mutters under her breath, her eyes fixed on the white gauze in her hand as if it holds all the answers.

With a playful grin, I gently brush past Denise, offering her a reassuring pat on her back. "Mhmm, right," I muse, my voice laced with amusement as I reach for one of Pete's old textbooks.

As I open the book and start flipping through its pages, I begin to methodically catalog the topics. I wonder what might be the best way to teach Carl, considering he technically didn't finish middle school. Maybe I just focus on the techniques and go lighter on the science behind it?

"Finding me new homework?" Denise asks, her tone light, seemingly relieved to shift the conversation away from her love life.

"No, actually," I respond with a smile that holds a hint of excitement as I hop onto the counter behind me, my legs hanging over the edge. "Carl came to me asking if I could teach him some stuff. Said he wants to help people like I do," I explain, my pride in Carl evident in my voice.

Denise hums, looking back down at the suturing kit in her hand. "You should see if anyone else wants to be taught as well. You know, just in case we need help?" Denise suggests, making me look at her thoughtfully.

"That's a good idea," I mutter as I mull it over, already envisioning potential classes for our community members. "Even if some are just for basic first aid- If they find themselves in a tough spot, they might be able to help themselves or others if we aren't there," I think aloud, nodding as I close the textbook, holding it close to my chest.

The thought crosses my mind to approach Beth and Noah, but I hesitate. Considering what they went through at the hospital, I wouldn't blame them if they never wanted to deal with healthcare again.

And I'm pretty sure I saw Noah working in Reg's old architectural studio the other day.

The rest of our day is somewhat slow. We get one lady coming in after mildly burning her hand grabbing a casserole dish, a quick checkup with Nicholas to see the progress of his healing ankle, and more restocking.

In the afternoon, the door opens, and I look up from my charting, hoping to actually help someone. Yet a perfectly healthy Gabriel walks in, smiling nervously.

Strong distaste floods through me seeing that bastard's face. The man who tried to rat out us to Deanna- to get the people who saved his pathetic life exiled out of the community we got him to. We only found out everything he did after the meeting and when I did, I nearly strangled him. Daryl had to hold me back as I thrashed, shouting at the priest about the kids and screaming at him repeatedly about how much of a coward he was.

"What do you want." I ask him impatiently, placing down my pen and tilting my head expectantly.

Gabriel gulps, glancing at Denise, who's been practicing suturing a banana near the window. She looks up curiously, but I send her a subtle look, letting her know I'll handle it.

"I-I was hoping you could put in a good word for me with Rick, he seems to be angry at me," Gabriel says, twisting his hands as he looks at me hopefully, his eyebrows turned up in the middle.

I scoff, shaking my head, anger surging through me. "Not sure why you're coming to me. I thought I made myself clear about how much I don't respect pathetic cowards who think it's okay to go behind the backs of the people who saved your ass or think it's fine to try to kick out children from the first safe place we've had in a long time." I snap, crossing my arms tightly.

Gabriel sighs, looking down. "Cassandra,-" He begins.

But before he can continue with his undoubtedly irritating sentence, the front door of the infirmary slams open with a thud. I jump out of my skin, whipping my head to the entrance to see Daryl storming in, his eyes immediately locking onto mine with an urgency that makes me feel sick.

"They need you," Daryl blurts before I can say a word, his eyes boring into mine. His words make my stomach throttle. "The walls- there's been an accident," Daryl explains briefly, making me inhale sharply, deep worry cutting through me, my thoughts immediately turning to the man I love.

I take a nervous step forward, worryingly searching his expression. "Rick-" I start, my voice trembling, my stomach knotting with fear.

"He's fine, he's the one who radioed me" Daryl assures me quickly, his words washing over me and I feel a slight release of tension, my body sagging with relief.

"Right- let me grab my bag."


On the back of the roaring motorcycle, I hold onto Daryl with an iron grip as I battle my innate aversion to the two-wheeled machine. The engine's rumble beneath me sends unpleasant vibrations through my body, a disconcerting sensation that I reluctantly bear.

Despite my discomfort, I remind myself that I need to get used to it. When we do the quarry plan in two days, I'll be riding with Daryl. So far, he's maintained an impressive safety record and the stubborn man insists that he's a good rider.

At this point, I don't think I really have a choice.

I grit my teeth and bear the quick ride until we reach our destination, my hair whipping violently around my head, only making the experience more annoying.

The motorcycle finally slows to a stop as we reach the wall.

The collection of sheet metal is supported by an RV, constructed in the shape of the bend of the road, serving as a bumper to guide what will be a massive herd of walkers far from Alexandria. The team has been working on it for days, trying to finish it before the dry run tomorrow.

Usually, the site is alive and bustling with workers, usually managed by Rick as Carol serves as a second pair of eyes, pretending to be the nice lady serving lemonade. But now, it's quiet apart from the worried mumblings and occasional cry of pain, coming from the crowd gathered in the road.

Grateful to be done with the ride, I quickly clamber off the bike, grab my bag, and sling it over my shoulder, determinedly stalking toward the gathered people.

I push my way through the concerned crowd, maneuvering past the numerous men and women to get to whoever needs help. As I shove past the last layer of people to reach the middle of the crowd, my stomach drops when I spot Tobin sitting on the unforgiving asphalt, cradling his left foot.

A metal pole, looking around 3 inches in width and a foot in length, is gruesomely impaled through the middle of his shoe, near what must be his metatarsal bones.

The sight sends a shiver down my spine, and I briefly scan the crowd, acknowledging Rick's nod of greeting with a quick one in return before inhaling deeply.

Jesus Christ.

"Okay, what happened?" I inquire gently as I kneel beside Tobin, deftly unzipping my medical bag.

"I-I was trying to help Francine move the sheet, and I tripped backward, and... I don't know, it was just there," Tobin stammers, his face twisted in pain.

Leaning closer, I examine the wound as close as I can with his boot mostly obscuring it. Tobin's breaths come in shallow gasps, the pain evidently intense. Despite the severity of the injury, there's minimal blood present thanks to the pole securely holding it in place. I gingerly grasp the side of Tobin's shoe, carefully angling it to the side to inspect the damage further.

Carter, standing behind me, interjects impatiently, "Can't we just yank it out and patch it up? We're almost done here."

Carter's careless suggestion makes me whirl on him, my expression a mixture of disbelief and frustration at his oversimplification of the situation.

"Absolutely not." I snap harshly, making Carter's eyes widen in surprise at my harsh tone. "I need him back in the infirmary so I can control the bleeding as I carefully remove it. The pole is holding all the blood where it is- so no, we can't just yank it out. Unless you want him to bleed out." I inform him sternly, making Carter nod with a gulp.

I make a brief eye contact with Rick, who's watching me carefully the same look I saw when I helped Spencer with his wound. My gaze drifts to Daryl and Carol talking by the motorcycle before moving to the construction truck everyone took to get here.

"You mentioned you guys are almost done?" I inquire, directing my question to the gathering of men surrounding Tobin.

"Yeah, just under an hour," Abraham responds on their behalf, providing a rough estimate, his eyes intense under his bushy ginger brows. I nod in acknowledgment, calculating the urgency of our situation against the pressing need to finish the wall.

"Okay. This is what we're going to do," I declare, my tone firm and decisive. "We're going to get Tobin in the truck and keep his foot elevated. After the work is done in an hour, we'll all head home, where I can tend to his foot properly. Taking him on the motorcycle is too risky," I conclude, rising to my feet and brushing off my dusty knees.

With a singular nod, Abraham takes charge, his authoritative voice resonating loudly. "You heard the doc! Come on, people! Let's get this shit done!" he calls out, rallying the group of workers to return to their task with renewed determination.

Tyreese, who has appeared by my side, assists Rick and me in carefully loading Tobin into the waiting truck. I hand Tobin some pain medication, using one of Carol's helpful lemonades as a chaser to help it go down more smoothly.

I offer Tobin a comforting pat on the shoulder. "Call out if you need anything. And try not to move to much, all right?" I speak softly, my words carrying a soothing reassurance as I meet Tobin's gaze. He nods in acknowledgment, his eyes reflecting both pain and gratitude as he looks down.

I take a deep breath as we leave him in the truck, placing my hand on Tyreese's shoulder to stop him from leaving. "Thanks, Ty, make sure to find me later so we can talk about your prosthetic," I tell him earnestly as I meet his deep brown eyes.

Tyreese smiles broadly, nodding. "Sure thing Cass," He responds, smiling at Rick briefly before going off to help the rest of the team at the wall.

Rick and I begin to walk away as I glance back at the closed truck door, thinking to myself.

"D'you think we're going to be able to pull this quarry plan off with these people?" I ask with wry amusement as I turn to Rick. His charming grin widens on his face, a flicker of optimism dancing in his lovely blue eyes.

"I hope so," Rick responds thoughtfully, placing his hands on his belt as he surveys our surroundings. There's a hint of contemplation behind his moving gaze that I don't miss.

"I wanted to talk to you about that," Rick tells me, making me tilt my head to the side curiously. Rick's striking blue eyes meet mine, searching my gaze for a fleeting moment before he shifts his attention to Daryl's motorcycle, parked nearby.

"When it's you and Daryl, you guys will come 'round here. Make sure to stay ahead but not too far or too close," Rick instructs with raised eyebrows, his voice carrying a note of seriousness as he leans in slightly. I nod in understanding, although I'm not entirely sure why he's reiterating information I already know.

"At that point, I should be behind this wall with Morgan and Michonne," Rick continues, turning his slightly squinted eyes toward me. I meet his gaze with a smile, appreciating the concern he's showing for my safety.

"I know," I say through my smile.

A flicker of amusement flickers across Rick's face. "Alright. I want to show you something, just in case something goes wrong," he declares before setting off toward the nearby woods, prompting me to follow him.

As we venture into the dry Virginian woods, the cool autumn air prickles my skin, causing a slight shiver to run down my spine. I wrap my arms around myself, securing my brown jacket tighter around me.

Rick's voice breaks the sound of our boots crashing through leaves. "You know, I still don't know why you have to go with Daryl," he says as we continue our journey into the forest.

I raise an eyebrow, a hint of a smirk playing at the corners of my lips as I carefully maneuver around a tree, following Rick's figure. "That's what this is about?" I retort, my tone light and teasing.

Rick comes to a stop, turning to face me. He cocks his jaw, a slight smile on his face despite the frustration I can tell he's feeling. "Well, you could come with me instead-" he begins, tilting his head to the side.

"I'm going with Daryl. That's the plan, we're not just going to change it now," I say with amusement as Rick lets out a sigh, his gaze shifting away from mine. "I don't know why you're worried. I mean, is there anyone more capable for me to be partnered with?" I question rhetorically, studying Rick's expression expectantly.

Annoyance briefly flashes across his face. "Me?" he suggests as if it's obvious, and I can't help but snort with laughter. I have to hold onto his bicep for support as I chuckle wholeheartedly.

Rick watches me, clearly unamused as I compose myself. "That's debatable honey," I inform him through my grin as I pat his arm, making Rick narrow his eyes playfully.

"And you're supposed to be on my side," Rick chides, clicking his tongue in mock disapproval, which only serves to elicit another snort of laughter from me.

"I don't remember agreeing to that," I reply cheekily, a mischievous grin tugging at my lips as I playfully tease him.

Rick shakes his head, fighting back his own smile before turning around and silently inviting me to follow him once more as we continue into the woods.

Rick leads the way, guiding me around and down a gentle slope to the left of what appears to be a small cliff. With each step, the terrain becomes slightly more challenging to navigate, especially with someone as clumsily inclined as me.

My boots unsurprisingly slip on the leaf-covered ground and my heart skips a beat as I stumble forward, unable to regain my balance. Before I can fully tumble down the slope, Rick's warm and reassuring hands swiftly grasp my sides, bringing me to an abrupt stop at the bottom.

My chest shudders with the residual adrenaline rush as I blink back at Rick, his hands securely wrapped around my ribcage, his thumbs pressing gently against the contours of my breasts.

The wonderful sensation of his touch, after far too long without it, sends a thrill through my body, causing me to shiver slightly. My eyes lock onto his as he finishes checking me, making sure I'm alright.

"You okay?" Rick asks, his voice a low and husky rasp.

Blinking past the lingering shock and adrenaline of almost breaking my neck in the woods, I manage a nod, a slight smile pulling across my face.

Rick's eyes trace a slow, deliberate path across my expression, lingering on my lips as he releases a long, measured exhale. As if somehow losing his resolve. I swear I see his pupils dilating as we wordlessly stare at each other, my heart hammering against my ribcage. He must be able to feel it through those hands of his pressed so securely against me.

Before I can say a word, Rick is moving me, guiding me with his hands on my torso. He pulls me to a large tree secluded behind the cliff and pushes me up against the wide trunk.

A gasp of surprise pushes past my mouth as my back gets shoved against the rough bark. "Rick?" I stutter with surprise, my chest heaving as I stare up at him.

Rick's darkened eyes, which have been scanning the hill behind us, snap back to my face. His deep blue irises, previously calm and warm, now burn with desire. They scan my expression once again, his breathing echoing the rapid rhythm of my own, laden with yearning.

In a matter of a second, his lips are on mine, kissing me passionately, taking me by surprise and leaving me breathless. His restless hands trace the curves of my body with hungry anticipation as his mouth presses firmly against mine, his broad nose nudging mine.

It takes me a second to get over my initial shock and eagerly respond, kissing Rick back. When I do, Rick groans into our kiss before deepening it further, pressing our bodies close together with relentless urgency.

The kiss isn't like our recent tired, quick, and loving kisses- this is ravenous. It's deep and intoxicatingly raw, an explosion of our pent-up desires that have simmered beneath the surface for too long.

Just feeling him again, his body against mine like this, is exhilarating. My hands roam under his sherpa jacket to find his back, scratching ever so slightly, earning a lovely sound that reverberates into my mouth. 

Rick breaks the kiss, leaving my chest heaving as he trails a cascade of fervent kisses down my neck and along my collarbone. It's his signature move, and each kiss sends vivid waves of arousal coursing through me, igniting my senses and overpowering any lingering restraint.

"Rick," I sigh, torn between the overwhelming pleasure of his touch and the nagging awareness of the group of people just beyond the treeline. We walked pretty far, but-

"Cass," Rick responds to my plea, his voice rough and filled with lust as his hands sneak under my sweater. I hiss at the sensation of his hot palms dragging over my torso, sending chills racing across my limbs. His hands leave a trail of fire across my skin before boldly palming my breasts over my bra.

"They're just over there-" I begin, my voice strained and words clipped as I struggle to process the intense sensations that Rick is awakening after a week and a half of unintentional abstinence.

"Then you'll just have to be quiet for me, won't you?" Rick answers quickly, his eyes darting to mine to watch the shock flash over my face. A mischievous grin pulls at his mouth as one of his hands ventures lower, pressing against the front of my jeans. My body responds with a jolt of pleasure, and I bite my lip to stifle a moan.

My eyes flutter closed, surrendering to the intoxicating sensations, my head lolling back against the tree behind me. I feel my hair snag against the rough bark, but I'm finding myself not caring very much at the moment.

"Unless you want me to stop?" Rick asks me, his hands beginning to retreat from my body, taking all the wonderful feelings with them.

"No-" I reply desperately, the word escaping my lips in a fervent whisper. My eyes fly open to meet Rick's satisfied expression.

"Alright then," Rick murmurs, his voice laced with smugness as he swiftly unbuckles my jeans and rips them down to my mid-thigh.

I clamp my hand over my mouth in an attempt to stifle the cry of pleasure that threatens to escape me as I watch Rick deftly remove my soaked underwear, clearing the way for his warm, dry fingers.

My eyes flutter closed once more, overwhelmed by the incredible sensation of finally feeling the man I love's touch once again. His fingers slide across my slick arousal, circling my clit with practiced finesse before applying pressure. A moan begs to slip out but I muffle it, my brows knitting together as waves of pleasure ripple through the nerves between my fidgeting legs.

My chest shudders as one of Rick's fingers slides inside me, expertly curling to find and caress my G-spot as if he's committed its location to memory. My eyes roll to the back of my head and I have to bite down on my lip roughly, restlessly shifting around Rick's finger, unable to comprehend how good this fucking feels.

"So beautiful," Rick murmurs, making my heart swell with love as my eyes open to meet his, watching me with unwavering attention.

With a newfound urgency, I loop my arm around Rick's neck, pulling him closer until our lips collide in another passionate, starving kiss. His thumb suddenly presses against my clit while his forefinger curls inside me. A muffled cry of please escapes me into Rick's mouth, only intensifying our kiss.

Desperate to feel more of him, my hands slide down his powerful frame until I locate the undeniable evidence of his arousal straining against his jeans. I grin into our kiss as Rick falters under the sensation of my touch, filling me with pride.

His breathing shudders in response, and I relish the effect I have on him as I continue to palm him through his jeans. But my desire to feel him is all-consuming, and I break our kiss to focus on the task at hand. With determination, I begin to unbuckle his belt and undo his jeans, my need for him overpowering me.

In a fervor, I rip down his jeans and boxers in one swift motion, earning a heavy exhale from Rick. His eyes, filled with unbridled lust, stare into mine unflinchingly.

Gently guiding Rick's hand off me, I step out of my jeans and underwear and toss them aside, leaving me bare. Rick, seized by a clearly urgent need of his own, wastes no time. He reclaims my lips in a fiery kiss and with a firm push, he presses me roughly against the tree once again. His strong arms hoist me up beneath my thighs, and I instinctively wrap my legs around his hips.

A slight moan slips from my mouth at the sensation, my arms folding around his neck as I pull myself close to him. It doesn't take Rick long to find the perfect position, and after quickly whispering to check that I'm okay, he eases himself into me.

Pleasure blooms within me as Rick melts into me, pressing against my inner walls. Pushing my cheek firmly against the side of his face, I let out a sigh tinged with a whimper of unbelievable satisfaction.

"Fuck, you feel so good," Rick groans under his breath, his words eliciting both pleasure and pride within me.

"So do you," I whisper, planting a tender kiss on his face.

After so long of barely having time to touch one another, the sensation of our bodies connecting like this is beyond incredible. My skin tingles with anticipation, my body aching with overwhelming desire.

Rick's breath, hot and fast against my neck, sets the tempo as his hips move with urgency, thrusting in and out of me quickly. After all this time, it's desperate- fast and rough, driven by an insatiable craving for that familiar feeling we give each other. Each thrust brings a wave of pleasure coursing through me, making my grip on his shoulders tighten as I bury my face into his sherpa jacket.

The people nearby don't matter. Neither does the fact that a walker could come by at any moment. All that matters is how Rick is making me feel at this very moment.

It doesn't take long before my orgasm approaches with rapid intensity, bringing with it that familiar tingling and aching of my nerves. One of my hands clutches Rick's curls tightly as I lean my head back against the tree, my breathing rapid and deep, the crisp air burning my throat.

Without time to warn Rick, I surrender to the impending climax, satisfaction crashing intensely over me, making my body shudder uncontrollably. I fight to suppress the cries of ecstasy that threaten to escape into the quiet forest as my body explodes with pleasure.

Rick groans under his breath, and I know he's come too. After we're left panting, our bodies still quivering from the intensity of what just happened. 

"Holy fucking shit," I mumble, my once red-hot skin cooling down rapidly in the autumn air thanks to the thin layer of sweat covering my skin.

Rick chuckles under his breath as he gently helps me stand on my feet, making me smile up at him appreciatively.

"Took the words out of my mouth," He mumbles with amusement as he pulls up his jeans and grabs mine from the ground, dusting them off- making sure they're free of dirt and leaves.

Fondness flowers in my chest as I take them from him with a warm smile. "Thank you," I tell him sincerely, stepping into my jeans and buckling them up.

"Of course." Rick breathes, his eyes warm and crinkling at the edges as he studies my expression. I can sense that something meaningful is on his mind, based on the look in his eyes.

I'm not sure why, but my heart flutters. "What?" I ask curiously, nervously brushing the stray hairs from my face, still catching my breath from our love-making.

Rick's thoughtful gaze maintains as a slight smile pulls at his lips. "Nothing. I love you," Rick tells me calmly, his eyes twinkling. His cryptic response prompts me to shoot him a suspicious look, all the while attempting to smooth my disheveled clothes and hair.

"Love you too, you dork," I mutter, smiling to myself as I adjust my clothes. Once done, I stand purposefully in front of Rick so he can assess how recently-fucked I seem.

"How do I look?" I ask, waiting expectantly, watching with amusement as he deliberately takes his time examining me, his eyes raking up and down my body.

"Perfect," Rick responds unhelpfully, making me roll my eyes and give his shoulder a playful shove.

"Very helpful Grimes," I retort with a sarcastic lilt as I start to walk back to the wall with the nagging awareness that we've been gone longer than we should have.

I only partly catch Rick muttering something under his breath, making me stop and turn to him with narrowed inquisitive eyes. "What'd you say?" I ask curiously, making Rick's eyes widen ever so slightly.

"Nothing," Rick replies innocently, despite the mischievous glint behind his gaze. I squint playfully at him, then continue walking, a pleased smile curling on my lips as I hear his footsteps hasten to catch up with mine.

We return to the wall as Rick adds some additional details about what Daryl and I need to do according to the plan. Knowing he needs to talk it over to calm his own worries, I nod to his instructions, only partially listening to the details I already know. I can't seem to stop my mind from wandering back to the stolen moment we just shared in the woods. The way he grabbed me, pushed me roughly against the tree, and fucked me in the middle of the woods because he just wanted me that bad... damn I'm lucky.

The moment someone by the wall spots Rick, they immediately call him over. With a slight sigh of resignation, Rick leans in and plants a quick, affectionate kiss on my cheek before promptly jogging over to help them finish up what they're doing.

I watch him go for a moment, a small smile remaining on my lips.

"Cass!" Carol calls to me from the other side of the road, rearranging the lemonades on her tray near the truck. Turning to her with a warm smile, I walk over.

"Hey, how's it going?" I ask cheerfully, gratefully taking the lemonade she offers me. Carol returns the smile, her blue eyes crinkling at the edges as she looks at me for a moment.

"Good," Carol smiles, and I nod, taking a refreshing swig of her delicious lemonade.

"You have bark in your hair," Carol states bluntly, making me choke. Carol chuckles softly as she pats my back to help me regain my composure. As she does, I feel her fingers deftly fixing my hair, removing the few stubborn pieces of bark and tossing them aside with a casual flick of her hand.

"T-Thank you," I manage to choke out, my throat stinging and my eyes watering slightly, my cheeks undoubtedly bright red.

Carol grins, seemingly quite pleased with her discovery. "Have fun?" she teases, raising an eyebrow playfully. I respond with a death glare.

"Don't say a word," I tell her sternly, my voice carrying a note of seriousness. Carol nods raising her hands in mocking surrender, her satisfied grin never wavering.

"My lips are sealed," Carol assures me with a quiet snort. "I just didn't know Rick had it in him," she comments through her pleased grin, her gaze drifting to said man, a hint of awe in her voice.

My cheeks are burning now as I purposefully don't look his way. "And me?" I ask with raised eyebrows, making Carol meet my gaze.

"Oh, I would never doubt you," Carol says with a wink, nudging my shoulder playfully before walking away, offering lemonade to the construction workers with that friendly act of hers.

Shaking my head and grinning, I find myself engrossed in my thoughts when the approaching footsteps draw my attention. I look up to see Morgan making his way towards me, making a slight surprise flutter through me.

"Seems like you two were having an amusing conversation." Morgan comments, his deep brown eyes flicking from Carol down the road back to me.

I offer a smile, determined not to let my cheeks betray my earlier embarrassment. "Mhm, we were. She's got some funny stories," I reply briefly with a nod, and Morgan watches me with a thoughtful expression.

"About her being a cop before?" he inquires curiously, catching me off guard with his comment. I blink at him in surprise, casting a look at the badass woman in her well-constructed cover.

"What? No, sorry, you're mistaken. Carol was never a cop," I correct him, watching as genuine shock flickers across his face.

"Oh. I had thought with her pretending so well that she must have had professional experience," Morgan explains, his grip on his long, polished stick adjusting slightly as he turns his attention back to me.

I observe him for a moment, taking in his deep, calm expression, so different from the man I'd seen before. "You're observant," I remark simply in response, a small smile forming on Morgan's lips at my comment.

"You have to be now, don't you?" Morgan offers, and I nod in agreement, recognizing the truth in his words. "I know you," he adds, prompting a faint smile from me.

"We met briefly. Back at Kings County," I confirm, and he nods, a distant look briefly flickering behind his eyes. "Seems like we've both changed quite a bit since then, huh?" I suggest.

Morgan chuckles softly, resting both his hands on that same polished stick as he gazes downward. "That we have," he agrees, the weight of time and experiences etched into his expression.

I watch him thoughtfully, curiosity gnawing at me as I wonder what has prompted this change in him. "I heard you've been going out looking for Spencer," I comment, my arms crossed as I assess Morgan's demeanor. He nods in confirmation, and I can see the earnestness in his eyes.

"I have. But found nothing yet," he informs me, his response hanging heavy in the air, making me exhale deeply.

"I'm not sure why you're wasting your time. He's gone," I tell Morgan flatly, my words cutting through the tension. Morgan's quizzical expression meets my eyes, clearly not expecting that.

"We survived together. I know he's not that capable on his own. Life is precious, he deserves safety," Morgan explains calmly, his brow wrinkled slightly as he shares his unwavering belief.

"He doesn't deserve to be in Alexandria. And he's much more capable than he tends to let on," I reply swiftly, a tinge of bitterness darkening my words, raising an eyebrow to emphasize my conviction at our clashing perspectives.

Morgan tilts his head, assessing me with a sense of genuine curiosity rather than judgment. "Rick told me about you two on my first night in Alexandria. I thought, as a doctor, you banished Spencer to save his life. You did make a vow to do no harm, did you not?" Morgan inquires, his tone thoughtful and genuinely intrigued.

I take a deep breath, momentarily shifting my gaze to the people finishing up on the wall. Rick's commanding presence stands out as he guides and directs them, pointing to sheets of metal and shouting instructions. Then, I turn my attention back to Morgan, meeting his patient gaze.

"I did make that vow. But that was in a different life. I've learned that sometimes doing harm is required in order to protect my family," I explain to Morgan, who listens attentively. "I wanted to kill Spencer. But I suggested exile instead, as that would be easier for the people here," I inform him calmly, prompting raised eyebrows from Morgan as he digests my words.

"I did not expect such harsh conviction from a doctor," Morgan comments, tilting his head to the side with a thoughtful expression.

I offer a wry smile in response. "Sorry to disappoint," I tell him candidly.

Before our conversation can delve any further, the sound of Abraham's shouting reaches my ears, notifying me that they've finished with the wall and it's time to head back.

With one last look at Morgan, I turn and make my way back to the group so we can get to Alexandria and save Tobin's foot.

- Rick's POV -
late that night

I fold our laundry and put it away, the peaceful rhythm of the task keeping me occupied so I can fight the urge to track Cass down. She's been busy all afternoon, and I've been myself, but it's getting late. I know she's able to handle herself, but I can't help the nagging worry as it's nearing midnight at this point.

I wonder if it's Tobin's surgery taking this long. Or something worse-

As if hearing my very thoughts, our bedroom door creaks open, and I look up to see Cass entering. My heart warms at the sight of her, and I can't help but send her a gentle smile.

Cass returns her own exhausted smile before she collapses face-first onto our bed with an audible groan. I drop the clothes, chuckling softly as I cross the room.  I drop down to sit on the edge of the bed beside her, taking in her form draped over the mattress.

Damn her ass looks good right now.

"Long afternoon?" I question playfully, my voice laced with amusement as my eyes roam across her body.

"Yes, it was. And stop checking out my ass." Cass grumbles, her voice muffled by our comforter, making me grin at her order. She really does know me too well.

"What happened?" I ask curiously, unable to resist teasing her further as I ignore her demand and gently graze her asscheek through her jeans. She squeals slightly, wriggling out of my grasp to sit up properly, her face flushed. I stare back at her with raised expectant eyebrows, grinning.

Cass lets out a sigh, her movements graceful as she crawls over to sit beside me, leaning her head on my shoulder. I reach my arm around to cradle her back and pull her into me, the warmth of her presence comforting as she begins to recount the events of her eventful afternoon.

"Tobin's foot was a nightmare. Despite the drug we gave him, he wouldn't stop fidgeting as I was trying to take it out, and then Denise fainted when I did. It was a bitch to stitch up, especially without help, but he's doing fine now," Cass rants, her hands gesturing animatedly as she recalls the hectic scene, her gaze fixed on the far wall as I watch her intently.

I find myself captivated by her, studying the way her green eyes dart back and forth as she remembers her day, the elegant movement of her hair as it shifts and sways with her gestures, and the way her lovely mouth moves as she explains the situation.

"... Tyreese's prosthetic. And then Sophia came to me, crying because she saw Carl and Enid kissing-"

"-Wait, you were serious about Sophia earlier?" I ask softly, my tone filled with genuine curiosity, making Cass turn to me with an exasperated expression.

"Yes. She's liked him for God knows how long and he's completely oblivious. Like father like son, I suppose," Cass muses, her twinkling green eyes meeting mine. I sigh, choosing to ignore her comment about me being oblivious, instead thinking about the two kids.

I can't believe Carl has a girlfriend now. He's so grown up.

"Anyway, I then went to find Daryl to get that CD player he found not too long ago and a couple of CDs that I gave to Soph that will hopefully cheer her up," Cass concludes, snuggling into my frame slightly. My heart warms with tenderness at the sensation of having the woman I love pressed up against me.

"What CDs did you get?" I ask curiously as one of my hands sneaks up to run through Cass's hair at her scalp as I know that's what relaxes her. She hums slightly with contentment, leaning into my touch.

"Well, Deanna offered me Aiden's old collection, and then Eric provided a few. I think Taylor Swift's album will be the one she actually listens to, though," Cass mumbles, her voice soft and soothing.

"Taylor Swift- that country singer?" I ask curiously, trying to recall. I vaguely remember my sister mentioning something about liking her music years ago.

"Yeah, it's her second album. She has a song on there called 'You Belong with Me' that I think Sophia will resonate with," Cass replies with a tired smile.

Leaning forward, I plant a kiss on Cass's head. "That was kind of you," I tell her, making her hum in response.

"I wouldn't have had to do it if your son wasn't an idiot when it comes to the love life that I've decided for him," Cass grumbles, making me chuckle and shake my head with amusement.

"Runs in the family, what can I say?" I quip with amusement, my eyes dancing with humor. Cass leans away, her lips curving into a playful yet annoyed look before she gracefully gets up from the bed. As she gets to her feet, Cass stretches, causing the fabric of her sweater to cling enticingly to her perfect body.

Thank God for our moment in the woods earlier, I don't know how much longer I could have endured our lack of sex.

"Well, you should talk to him," Cass decides as she walks past me, her fingers lightly grazing my back before she turns to the dresser, contemplating what to wear to bed.

"I should, should I?" I ask dryly, tilting my head to the side with a teasing grin, watching intently as Cass pulls off her sweater, revealing her bare torso, clad with her black bra and the numerous love marks I sneakily left on her skin earlier today during our wonderful moment in the forest.

Cass's eyes widen as she notices her reflection in the mirror above the dresser, gaping at the marks. "How did you-" She begins, turning to me, only to be met by my widening grin, a sense of pride swelling within me.

"I have my ways," I tell her smoothly, my voice laced with amusement which only makes Cass roll her eyes, though the blush that colors her cheeks betrays her feigned annoyance.

As Cass continues undressing, she engages me in thoughtful conversation about Carl and Sophia's budding love lives and how she can meddle to 'fix' it. I can't help but smile to myself as she does so, amused by her dedication to teenager matchmaking.

Familiar butterflies flutter through my chest, mingling with the warm love that swells in my chest as Cass pulls on one of my t-shirts to sleep in.

She's perfect

A contented smile takes over my face later on as Cass climbs into bed beside me after getting ready for bed in the bathroom. As usual, our bodies naturally gravitate together, seeking the comfort of each other's touch. Her smell wafts over me along with the citrus scent of the lotion she uses filling my nose as she snuggles into me.

We say goodnight and share a warm kiss that leaves a lingering taste of Cass's minty toothpaste.

As we finally settle down, I feel Cass's breathing slow to a steady pace against my chest. A warm smile spreads across my face, those lingering nerves stopping me from falling asleep just yet.

Through the darkness, I glance down at Cass's relaxed expression, my smile growing.

She has no idea.


A/N: hope you guys enjoyed! Would it really be a walking dead fanfic if there isn't at least one quickie in the woods? let's be real lol

And aw, everyone is so happy!!

... for now 😁

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