Chapter 47

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The Rager

Klaus and Lola have been on the road for a couple hours on their way to Chicago when Klaus gets a phone call that makes him turn around and head straight back to Mystic Falls.

Lola wakes up shortly after, she narrows her eyes at the signs that say they are close to Virginia, "Where are we going?"

"Back to Mystic Falls." Klaus responds without moving his gaze from the road ahead.

Lola sits up properly in shock, "We're going back? Why the hell are we going back?"

"There's a vampire hunter in town."

Lola laughs nervously, "Okay so run me through why we are going back to a town where there's a vampire hunter?" Klaus doesn't respond, "Stop the car." Klaus continues to ignore Lola so she raises her voice, "Stop the car!"

Klaus slams down the breaks, pulling the car to the side of the road. Lola immediately gets out of the car but it fully comes to a halt and begins walking in the opposite direction.

Klaus rolls his eyes as he walks in the same direction, "Lola, get back in the car!"

"What happened to our fresh start?" Lola snaps as she turns to face Klaus who is standing a few feet away, "Why are we going back to a town where we are both so miserable?"

Lola turns to continue walking away but Klaus rushes in front of her, blocking her from doing so, "You don't understand, this vampire hunter isn't like the amateur human Alaric Saltzman vampire hunter. He tried to kill Tyler in the middle of the funeral for all the council."

Lola frowns at his words, "Why do you suddenly care about Tyler's life?"

"I don't." Klaus bluntly responds, "But I can't make any more hybrids, they're a dying breed."

"I thought you didn't care about making hybrids anymore?"

"I promise you, once this has all been dealt with we will leave and never go back."

"You said something along those line last time and look what happened."

Klaus notices the hesitation in Lola's voice, he places his hands on either side of Lola's face making her look up at him, "Nothing like that is going to happen again, do you understand?"

Lola moves Klaus' hands away from her and she starts to walk back towards the car, "We'll see about that."


Once Tyler is discharged from the hospital, Carol takes him back home. As Tyler walks in he notices two men standing in the foyer. He narrows his eyes to them both, "Who the hell are you two?"

"Tyler, it's okay." Carol assures her son, "They're here for your protection."

Tyler glares at his mother, "More deputies?" He says in an incredulous manner.

"Not exactly." Klaus says as he, Lola and another hybrid appear from a different room.

Tyler sighs as he rolls his eyes, "They're hybrids."

"I was halfway to Chicago when I heard you were attacked." Klaus says in an unamused tone, "I had hoped to leave Mystic Falls for good, but duty calls."

"Nice to know you care." Tyler retorts.

"I don't." Klaus responds back quickly, he begins to step closer to Tyler, "I should have killed you for the little stunt you and your friends pulled. Stopping my heart, leaving me in a coffin to rot."

Tyler leans against the table between him and Klaus as he glares at him, "Yeah, well you used my body as an escape hatch. So, maybe we're even."

"Not even close. But, you hybrids are a dying breed. I can't make more of you, and I won't have anyone taking liberties with the ones I have left." Klaus steps backwards and points between all three hybrids, "Consider them your new bodyguards." He turns and walks out of the room with Lola.

Lola walks over to the table and grabs her jacket, "I'm going out." As she turns around Klaus rushes in front of her, making her frown, "What are you doing?"

"You really think it's wise that you go out with everything going on right now?"

Lola rolls her eyes, "Relax, I'm just going to see Rebekah."

"Well, if she's living her teenage fantasy I suspect she will be at school." Klaus steps closer to Lola, wrapping his arms around her waist, "Perhaps we could go back home."

Lola kisses Klaus against his cheek, "Maybe later." She pulls away from him and leaves the house.


At the high school, Matt is putting things into his locker when Rebekah approaches him, "Hey, Matt."

Matt ignores her as he continues adding things into his locker, Rebekah shifts awkwardly before speaking up again, "So, I'm having a little party. You should ditch last period and come." Even though Matt continues to ignore her, Rebekah doesn't give up, "Look, I know you're still angry I ran you off the bridge, but you have to understand-- Alaric killed my brother. He was trying to kill me. I had to do something to stop him. I never wanted to hurt you."

Matt stops looking in his locker then looks over to Rebekah. There's a moment of silence between the pair, the glimmer of hope in Rebekah's eyes that Matt may say something back. But the glimmer soon leaves her eyes as Matt scoffs, slamming his locker shut and storming off.

"Ouch," Rebekah turns to see Lola standing behind her with a smirk on her face as she leans against a row of lockers, "That's gotta hurt."

Rebekah rolls her eyes and she starts to walk past Lola, "What are you doing here, Lola?"

Lola catches up with Rebekah with a skip in her step, "I came to make peace."

Rebekah comes to a halt, looking over to Lola with a raised brow, "What happened to you leaving here?"

"Plans have changed momentarily." Lola says nonchalant as she shrugs her shoulders.

Rebekah crosses her arms against her chest, looking at Lola unamused, "I'm still waiting for this peace you're claiming to make."

"Right," Lola exclaims as she claps her hands together, starting to cringe at herself, "...I am...sorry."

"That's it?"

Lola sighs, "No, that's not it. You know it's hard to admit when I'm wrong."

"So you are admitting it?"

"Yes, I am. You're not pathetic, Bex. I love you and will support you no matter what you decide to do with your life." Lola says sincerely, until a group of high schoolers go past the pair riding their skateboards through the hall almost bumping into Lola. Her glare follows them until they're out of sight, "Even if it's in a place that's full of pubescent teenagers." She turns back to Rebekah with a wide grin, "So, what do you say? Can we move past this?"

Rebekah tries to hide her smile as she begins to walk away, "I'll think about it."

"I'm taking that as a yes!"


When Lola arrives back at the Lockwood's, she heads upstairs to have a wonder around after she soon grows bored.

It's then she notices a new presence in the study, she peaks her head around the door and sees the last person she would have expected to see in Mystic Falls.

Lola quietly walks further into the room, but the brunette girl who has her back to Lola notices straight away and grabs a paperweight off the desk throwing it in Lola's direction.

Lola grabs the paperweight with one hand, inches away from her face. She moves the paperweight away from her face and looks over to the girl with a devilish smirk, "Hiii."

"Still like sneaking up on people, huh?"

Lola shrugs as she throws the paperweight up and catches it with her other hand, "Well, I didn't realise I was sneaking up on anyone." She places it against the desk, "What are you doing, Hayley? Why are you here?"

Hayley scoffs, "No nice to see you? Ty's a buddy."

"Tyler?" Lola blurts out as she laughs, "Really? You're friends with Tyler?"

"Is it so hard to believe I can't actually make friends? I'm not the awkward kid you took in all those years ago, okay? I'm helping people like me."

Lola crosses her arms against her chest, "No, actually I found it funny that Tyler has friends." But then something in her head clicks, "Wait. You're helping people? Oh my god, you're the one, aren't you?"

Hayley shrugs, "You'll have to be more specific."

"You're a new face." Klaus speaks up, Lola looks over Hayley's shoulder at him in shock.

Hayley turns around and looks at him, "And I take it from your accent you're an old one. Klaus."

Klaus smiles as he steps closer to the pair, "My reputation precedes me. Hopefully not all bad."

Hayley shrugs, "A little bad. Mostly repulsive."

Klaus glances between the pair, "Was I interrupting something?"

Lola smiles as she stands beside Klaus, "No, not at all. Hayley, uh, was just looking around in places she shouldn't be."

"So, you're a friend of Tyler's? That's strange, he's never mentioned you." Klaus is distracted by their conversation when he begins to overhear Tyler talking to Caroline in the front foyer.

"You should go to the party." Tyler says, "I'll be fine here."

Caroline voice now comes into play, "But, I'd rather hang with you."

"Trust me, I am no fun right now."

Klaus has a devilish look on his face as he looks back at Hayley, "And I think I know why. It's probably best you leave before any drama happens."


Hayley starts to walk out of the room, Lola begins to follow until Klaus blocks her path, "I need to talk to you."

"I'll be right back, I'll show Hayley out."


Lola takes Hayley to the grill. They both sit in comfortable silence as Hayley orders some food while Lola tries to figure her out which Hayley picks up on, "Stop doing that."

"Doing what?"

"The thing you always do when you're trying to figure something out." Hayley says, she gestures her fork to Lola, "That stare and head tilt, you're just like Ade."

Lola twirls her straw around in her drink then narrows her eyes at Hayley, "How did you break the sire bond?"

Hayley laughs, "Straight to the point, huh? Gotta say I'm disappointed in you, Lo." She drops her burger onto her place and wipes her hands, "I remember all the horrible stories you told me about that guy and here you are back with him."

"It's complicated." Lola rolls her eyes, "Does Adrianna know you're here?"

"Both of you seriously need to stop acting like I'm a kid!" Hayley snaps, she raises a brow at Lola's phone on the table that starts to ring, "Do you need to get that?"

Lola looks down and sees the caller ID as Stefan, she scoffs as she screens the call, "No I don't. We are just trying to protect you, Hayls. We're involved in this type of world because of who we are so we know how bad it can get and we didn't want you to be part of it."

"I wouldn't have to be if your little boyfriend wasn't turning my people into his little slaves. It's a good thing I am part of this world you claim you didn't want me to be part of because I was able to make sure I didn't become one of his slaves too."

"Actually it's because of me that he never found you."

"What?" Hayley questions looking at Lola confused.

Lola clears her throat, quickly look around to make sure no one is listening in, "In the summer when I was going around the country finding wolf packs with Klaus, I made sure he was never going to find yours. If he got any new leads of packs I would make sure I found out about them before him so I could avoid him finding yours."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because I care about you."

"You should really get that." Hayley says gesturing to Lola's phone that begins to ring again.

Lola sighs dramatically before picking up the phone, "What part of I'm done with you did you not understand?"

"Lola, this is serious. Where's Klaus?"

"Oh yeah no problem!" She answers in a sweetly voice before going back to her usual sarcastic attitude, "Let me just check my...oh wait, not his secretary."

"Please, I need your help."

"Does it have something to do with Elena?"


"Then no."

"Lola, come on. I think she's got werewolf venom in her system, she's got red veins all over her that were like the ones you had when you had the venom in your system. We need Klaus to heal her."

Lola scoffs, "That sounds like a you and Klaus problem, it has nothing to do with me."

"Okay, now you have me begging, Please, Lo, I can't lose her."

"But it was okay for me to lose Klaus?" Lola snaps back, "You know, when you all plotted to keep him at the bottom of the ocean and leaving me with a broken neck. No, I'm not helping you." Lola hangs up the phone without giving Stefan a chance to say anything back.

Hayley looks at Lola, confused, "What the hell was that?"

"Nothing, just Stefan." Lola brushes it off, "Where are you staying?"

"With Ty."

Lola's face squirms in disgust, "Really?"

Hayley shrugs as she takes Lola's bourbon, "Well I can't exactly crash at your place with you living with the hybrid."

"What's going on with you and Tyler?" Lola quizzes her, "Did something happen between you both?"

"No, nothing happened! We're just friends, okay?"

Lola's phone rings once more and she answers it in an angry manner, "What?!"

"Ouch, what have I done this time?" Klaus says in a mocking tone at the other end of the phone call.

Lola sighs as she rests against the back of her chair, "Sorry, I just thought you were someone else."

"I'm guessing by your snappy mood you've spoken to Stefan. Meet me at the boarding house."

Lola frowns, "You're not actually going to cure her, are you?"

"Yes I am. We'll talk about it later, I'll see you at the house."

Lola stares at her phone, taken aback slightly as she scoffs, "He is unbelievable."

"You need to go." Hayley assumes correctly.

"Just keep your distance from Klaus, okay?" Lola says as she puts her phone in her pocket, Hayley nods in response, "Call me if you need me."


Lola reaches the boarding house the same time Klaus does, both appearing on either side of the road. They walk up to the door together, "Care to tell me why we are here helping them?" Lola questions him.

"Care to tell me what you were talking about to that wolf when I walked in earlier?"

Lola sighs as they reach the front door, "It's complicated."

Klaus smiles annoyed slightly as he opens the door, "I thought as much."

Both of them walk into Stefan's bedroom to see Stefan pacing around the room. Relief washes over his face when he notices Klaus, "You came."

"I did. And for future reference, one voicemail is just as effective as nine." Klaus retorts.

Stefan looks over to his sister and smiles sincerely, "Thank you."

"I had no input in the matter." Lola bluntly responds with no emotion on her face.

Klaus' attention moves to Elena who is squirming in discomfort on the bed, "What's wrong, love?"

"She has werewolf venom in her system." Stefan informs, "You know you're the only one that can heal her, Klaus. Please."

"And what would you have done if I were no longer here?" Klaus snaps angrily, "Hm? If you and your friends had succeeded in ridding the world of me? Let's play that game for a moment, shall we?"

"Whatever you want from me..." Stefan begins to raise his voice.

"I don't want anything from you!" Klaus interrupts him, he walks over to Elena and sits on the bed beside her, "Her, on the other hand... If you had told me a few hours ago, I wouldn't have cared a lick about her dying. But, as it turns out..." He bites into his wrist, he stands up and places his wrist against Elena's mouth and she begins to drink his blood, "You may be of use to me after all. Yes. There we go."

Lola and Stefan both glance at each other, wondering what Klaus means by his words.

Klaus stands up straight and glares over to Stefan, "You're welcome."

He walks past both Stefan and Lola and swiftly leaves the house. Lola hesitates from a moment looking over to Stefan before following Klaus out of the house.

Lola quickly catches up to Klaus, she speeds in front of him to stop him walking, "What did you mean back there?"

"What do you mean, love?"

"Saying Elena will be of use to you, why would she? And where have you been all day?"

Klaus laughs almost spitefully, "I didn't realise we were keeping track of each other's whereabouts now." He steps closer to Lola, narrowing his eyes at her, "How about you tell me where you took that wolf or more importantly, how do you know her?"

"What makes you think I know her?" Lola says casually as she crosses her arms against her chest.

"It was obvious, love."

"It's complicated how I know Hayley."

Klaus rolls his eyes, "There's that word again. Are you using the word complicated as cement to build up these walls you suddenly have surrounding you?"

"What are you talking about?"

Klaus throws his hands up in the air, growing impatient, "Well I didn't realise that we keep secrets now when it has never been like that between us before."

"You're the one who has secrets too, Klaus! My god can't you see it?" Lola shouts, she gestures where they are, "This town is making us toxic!"

"This town has nothing to do with how toxic we have became!" Klaus shouts back making Lola step back slightly in shock, "It all falls down to the loss of trust between us both."

Lola frowns, "Is that what this is about, you think I don't trust you?"

"Is that not what it's about?"

"Of course I trust you!"

"Then why do you keep pulling away from me?" Klaus questions as Lola looks away from him, running her hands through her hair. Klaus grabs hold of her hands, forcing her to look at him, "Talk to me!"

"You were dead!" Lola snaps as she pushes Klaus away from her, tears threatening to escape, "In that small space of time I was so alone, I had lost everyone I love. You, Damon, Stefan. You know, Elijah left, Rebekah was just as heartbroken as me."

"I thought we were passed this?" Klaus says softly as he frowns.

"I thought so too! But it's not just as easy as that. Okay, you're back and I am so happy about that but-"

"What?" Klaus pushes Lola to finish her sentence, she shakes her head looking away again making Klaus raise his voice, "What?!"

"It's not enough!" Lola shouts aggressively at him. Klaus looks at her stunned as Lola composes her self, lowering her voice, "It's not enough."

Klaus stares at Lola in distraught as he watches her walk away from him into the nights darkness, worrying this could be the end of them.

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