Chapter 53

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We'll Always Have Bourbon Street

Klaus was leaning against the doorframe between their bedroom and the bathroom, already dressed for the day. Watching Lola's chest rise and fall with every delicate breath. Klaus walks back towards the bed, slowly lowering himself back down attempting to not wake Lola up.

But the dip in the bed makes Lola stir awake, her drowsy eyes open slowly, slightly flinching at the sunlight beaming through the windows until her eyes meet Klaus'. A smile crept onto her lips, "Good morning."

Klaus pulls Lola closer to him until there was no space at all between them, his arms gripped around her waist, "Good morning, my love."

Lola runs a hand through Klaus' hair, "How did you sleep?"

"Hmm," Klaus hums, "Like a baby."

It's as though the ability to speak leaves Lola's body as Klaus' lips trailed along her jaw and down her neck until he reaches her collarbone, "You're distracting me from showing you the surprised I've had planned downstairs." Klaus mumbles between kisses, creating goosebumps all over Lola's body.

Lola bites the corner of her lip to try and conceal her growing smirk, "I'm just simply laying here."

Klaus breaks away from Lola's skin, looking up at her with a mischievous smirk, "Exactly."

Lola props herself up with her elbows, looking at Klaus inquisitively, "What's the surprise?"

Both of their attention goes to Lola's phone on the side table that begins to ring. Klaus looks back over to Lola leaving a soft peck against her lips, "Come and see for yourself once you've answered that."

Lola's smile beams as she watches Klaus leave their room before sinking back into the pillows, bringing the phone up to her ear, "Hey, Stef."

"How you doing, Lo? I've been worried after our call last night."

"Oh, I'm great." Lola emphasises as she pulls the sheets off her, climbing out of the bed, "That was just a momentary blip of madness. Are you okay?"

"Uh, I've been better."

Lola mentally slaps herself, for a second forgetting what is going on with her brothers, "Right, the whole Damon/Elena thing." She places her phone on the dresser on speaker as she gets dressed in the bathroom, "So, you've really moved out?"

"I didn't see any other option. There's something else Caroline and I figured out last night. We think Elena is sired to Damon."

"Sired?!" Lola exclaims, popping her head out of the bathroom, half dressed, looking towards her phone. She purses her lips, walking back into the bathroom as she shrugs, "Huh, that makes sense. She will literally do anything he says."

"Yeah, I've told Damon but he isn't convinced."

"Well of course he isn't, he's stubborn."

"He's gone to the school now to try and get Elena to feed from a blood bag again. Damon said to her to not drink from it so she didn't. Maybe if he tells her to try again she will."

Now fully dressed, Lola looks in the mirror as she fixes her hair, "Well we both know she will. The sire bond is rare but if it's true, Elena will do anything to please Damon."

"Are you doing anything today? I'd appreciate it if you could be here when he comes back so we can both gloat about this."

"You know I'm a sucker for gloating." Lola boasts as she takes her phone off speaker, now walking down the stairs, "I'll see you soon."

She walks into the dining area, walking behind Klaus who is sat at the table and snakes her hands around to his chest. She leans down, pecking him at the corner of his lips, "Hey." She stands up straight, smiling at the array of food that is laid out on the table in front of them, "What's all this?"

"This is your surprise." Klaus stands, taking Lola's hand and guiding her to the seat beside his, "A breakfast of all your favourite things, including..." Klaus places a cloche in front of Lola, removing it to reveal a plate of beignets, "These."

"Beignets for breakfast?" Lola questions, amusement in her tone, "If I didn't know any better I would think you don't want my clothes to fit me anymore."

A low chuckle rumbled through Klaus' chest as he leans down, his lips hover over Lola's ear, "What would be wrong about that? I prefer you without."

Lola turns to face him, their lips practically touching, "Smooth."

Klaus kisses Lola's forehead then takes a seat beside her, "Was that Stefan on the phone earlier? I do hope he has young Jeremy working hard to complete his tattoo."

"Well if he wasn't, my bet is he definitely will pick up the pace now. He thinks Elena is sired to Damon."

A smirk grows on Klaus' face as he glances up at Lola, "Wouldn't that be an interesting turn of events."

Lola purses her lips as she puts a half eaten beignet back onto her plate, "You already knew."

Klaus shrugs as he sits back in his seat, not even bothering to try and hide his smug grin, "It was fairly obvious, love. The doppelgänger will do anything your brother wants her to do."

Klaus watches Lola continuing to have breakfast, pleased that something so simple could make her this happy. Klaus would always wonder if Lola knew the lengths he would go to just to ensure her happiness blooms. From the moment he set eyes on her, he came to the conclusion he would do just about anything to make sure he kept her this way.

"What's that look for?"

Lola's question makes Klaus jump out of this thoughts, he smiles over to her, "You're glowing."

"Hmm," Lola hums, a hint of a smirk appearing as she stands up from her seat, "You arrange this array of food that's large enough for a family just for the two of us and then you say I'm glowing. Do you know something I don't? Am I pregnant?"

"As impossible as that is, there's no harm in trying." Klaus quips as he takes hold of Lola's hand, pulling her down towards his lap, she laughs as he does so.

Any attempt of moving away disappeared from Lola's mind as Klaus crashes his lips onto hers. She tangles her fingers into his hair, Klaus gripping hold of Lola's thighs, both pulling each other closer if that was even possible.

They both pull away breathless at the sound of Lola's phone ringing, without moving off Klaus' lap she reaches over the table grabbing her phone, "Hey, Stef." Lola closes her eyes tightly to try and control herself as she feels Klaus' lips against her neck, "Yeah, I'm on my way." Lola hangs up the phone and sighs, pulling Klaus away slightly from her, "I'll be back soon." She pecks his lips as she moves off him, "I love you."

"I love you."


Lola is greeted by silence as she enters the boarding house, "Anyone home?"

"Sister!" Damon yet again sneaks up behind Lola making her flinch, her first instinct to throw the apple that was in her hands at Damon's chest. Damon chuckles slightly, "Ouch."

Lola glares at her brother unamused, "Why are you the way that you are?"

"What way?" Damon retorts as he begins to circle around Lola, "By being talented, extremely good looking, a great sense of humour?" He stops as he stands behind her, "Or being the better sibling?"

Lola elbows Damon in the stomach, "Being a pain in the ass."

Damon starts to walk towards the library gesturing for Lola to follow, "Drink?"

Lola cringes at the thought of alcohol, "I really shouldn't, can't exactly hold my drink as much as before. I'll get a water."

She eventually heads to the library once she grabs a bottle of water from the kitchen. As Lola walks in she notices Damon looking through a chest full of papers, she leans over the couch, intrigued, "What you looking for?"

Damon laughs slightly as a photograph catches his eye, "Remember this?"

Lola looks at the photograph disgusted, it's from the sixties not long after she and Damon reunited, "I can't believe you kept that photo." She walks around the couch, trying to grab it but Damon pulls it away, "I told you to burn it!" Damon smirks over to his sister as he waves it around in his hand, Lola mimics the same smirk and focuses on the photograph, "Incendia."

The photograph sets alight from the spell, Damon flinches as he throws the photograph away, it soon turning to ash. Damon glares over to Lola unimpressed, "Really?"

Lola flashes a smug smile as she sits on the chair beside Damon watching him continue to rummage through the chest of papers.

"What are you doing?" Stefan questions as he walks into the room.

"Elena is sired. You were right, I was wrong." Damon grunts without looking up, he flashes an annoyed expression, "Happy?"

"No, I'm not happy." Stefan sighs, "But what are we gonna do about it?"

"Well, I'm working on it. Here." Damon holds up a photograph towards Stefan, "Remember that?"

Stefan flips it around in his hand as he glances at it, "New Orleans."

Hearing the name of the city Lola still classes as her true home ignites panic rushing through her. She starts to choke slightly on the water she ingested causing some confused stares from her brothers.

"1942, to be exact." Damon continues to look through papers before looking over to his sister again, "You good?"

"Yep." Lola assures which came out more like a squeak, she clears her throat, trying not to give eye contact, "Went down the wrong way."

Stefan takes a seat opposite Lola, "What was in New Orleans in 1942?"

"Other than bourbon and beads..." Damon looks over to Stefan, "Us, Stefan."

"You were both in New Orleans in 1942?" Lola questions, attempting to seem casual when in reality her tone was more shocked, she glances over to Damon, "I-I thought the only time you were there was in 1919."

"You were too busy in New York, little sister, to even notice." Damon teases, "Spending all your time with that solider, James, was it?"

"Sergeant," Lola mumbles under her breath as she shrugs, "If we're getting technical."

"You had your fun in New Orleans, Lo. It was time for the Salvatore brothers to take part in the fun that is the big easy."

Lola flashes a smile, trying to hide her worry. Yes, it was an enjoyable city but that was up until the Opera House fire where everything went wrong from there.

Lola sighs with relief as Stefan speaks up, "Oh yeah." He frowns as he picks up his hat from the war as he reminisces, "What was the name of that girl you used to hang out with?"

Damon gives Stefan a pointed look, "That was no ordinary girl. That was Charlotte. She was crazy about me from the minute we met. So, of course, when she asked me to turn her, I did."

"Wait." Lola snaps as she sits up straight in her seat, "You had a girlfriend who had the same name as your sister?"

Damon shakes his head, ignoring Lola's question, "She wasn't my girlfriend."

Lola slumps back down in the seat, face full of disgust, "I think I've just threw up a little."

"Anyway," Damon glares at Lola, "As I was saying. There was one night in a bar when I started to think something didn't add up with her. She killed a guy because he spilt my drink after I told her to guard it." Damon smiles bitterly as he brings up his glass of bourbon to his lips, "That was my first clue."

Lola stands and begins to wonder around the room, not being able to keep still, "I'm just still trying to move past the fact you had a girlfriend who had the same name as me."

"She was sired to you," Stefan states, "And I can only assume you took full advantage of that until you got bored of her, right?"

Damon scoffs, "More like when she went all "Fatal Attraction" on me, then I had to make a clean break."

Stefan frowns, "How'd you do that?"

Damon continues to look through the papers, before sighing with relief when he finds what he needed, "Ah, phew, here."

He hands the card over to Stefan, "Who's Valerie LaMarche?"

"The witch that I found to help me break little Charlotte's sire bond." Damon turns to look at Lola who is glancing through a book from the shelf, "Did you ever cross paths with her, Lo?" Lola shakes her head as she purses her lips, flipping through the book. Damon finishes his drink and stands, taking the card from Damon, "Pack your bags, team Salvatore. We're going back to Bourbon Street."

Lola shuts the book, "Uh, yeah I'm not coming."

Damon stops in his step, looking at her confused, "What? Why? You used to live in New Orleans, you will be able to help."

Lola lets out a breathy, nervous laugh, "I, uh, yeah it's not a good idea I tag along. Both of you should...uh, brother bond." She starts to step backwards away from both brothers, "Yeah, brother bonding!" She exclaims excitedly, "Bond of the brothers. That needs to happen." She laughs again as she gestures between the pair, continuing to walk away, "You're all dark and gloomy. You need to be all bright eyed and..." Lola hits her shin against the coffee table, "Ow, uh, best buds again! I'm just, I'm just gonna go." Reaching the doorway she rushes out without even giving them a chance to say anything else to her, "Bye!"

Damon and Stefan both stay in their spot, staring at the doorway Lola just rushes out of, mouths agape as they look confused. "Was she this weird when she was human before?" Damon asks Stefan without looking away from the door.



Lola stays sitting in her car once she pulls back up at the mansion, not being able to shake away the thoughts of New Orleans. She wonders how different her life would have been if the fire never happened, would they still be living in New Orleans? Would she be on speaking terms with her brothers?

That horrific night had started out so different. Lola had finally got through to Klaus about Rebekah's relationship with Marcel and it seemed as though Klaus was gradually warming up to the idea. The night at the opera was Klaus' idea to starting fresh and showing to both Rebekah and Marcel he didn't want to be the reason nothing could happen between them. Yet it was Mikael who got in the way and ruined everything they had built.

Lola eventually steps out of her car but she jumps looking up to see Klaus standing in front of her with a large smile on his face, "Wonderful, you're back."

Lola smacks him against his chest, "I love you but if you sneak up on me any more I may have a heart attack. Were you just waiting out here until I got back?"

Klaus takes hold of Lola's hand and walks towards his car, "I have another surprise for you."

"You're full of surprises today. What is it this time?"

Klaus opens the passenger door and grabbing a piece of fabric, holding it out in front of Lola, "Put this on."

Lola glances at the fabric, realising it's a blindfold, then back up at Klaus, raising her brow, "You're gonna blindfold me?" Klaus nods, Lola purses her lips, "So, you're either going to kidnap me or try some sort of Dom/Sub thing on me?"

Klaus slumps his arms down, trying to mask the growing smirk on his face, "Is it ever possible for your mind to not go to that?"

Lola leans closer to him as she smiles, "Never."

"Just trust me, you'll spoil the surprise if not."

Lola sighs giving in, she turns from Klaus to allow him to put the blindfold on, "Fine."

During the car ride, Lola soon grows impatient. She keeps trying to slyly tilt her head in order to see what Klaus is up to but he catches on straight away, "You'll ruin it."

"It's been two hours, Nik!" Lola exclaims impatiently, "Can I take this off yet?"

A smile crept onto his lips as Klaus laughed, "You're being dramatic, love, it's been 15 minutes. But, yes you can. We're here."

Lola takes off the blindfold as Klaus pulls up, her eyebrows knit together as she glances over to Klaus, "The beach?"

Klaus climbs out of the car, reaching Lola's door before she opens it herself. He holds his hand out for her, "After you."

Lola's mouth gapes open in amazement as she walks closer towards the beach, not realising that such a beautiful beach can be so close to Mystic Falls.

Goosebumps appear up her arm as she feels Klaus take hold of her hand again, he smiles over to her, "You always say, sunsets are proof that no matter how bad your day may have been."

"They'll always end beautiful." Lola finishes the saying, "How did you figure out this was here before I did?"

"When you asked where I was the night before Miss Mystic Falls, I was here by chance. After I spoke to you at the Lockwood's, I arranged to meet Kol."

Lola narrows her eyes at him when she sees troublesome grin on his face, "I know that face, have you daggered him?"

"Not on this occasion." Klaus laughs, "I asked him to arrange a meeting with the witch, Kate. I wanted to know more about your witch heritage."

The honesty coming from Klaus takes Lola by surprise, Klaus picking up on this takes hold of both her hands, "I'm going to be by your side as you learn to adjust to this new life and by doing so I wanted to learn more about it so I can help you."

Lola wraps her arms around Klaus' neck pulling him closer as she looks at him with nothing but love in her eyes, "You being here is more than enough."

Klaus wraps his arms around her waist, gazing down at her noticing there is something she's holding back in her eyes, "Penny for your thoughts."

"I was thinking about New Orleans." Lola admits, she can sense Klaus' posture stiffen, "Stefan and Damon are there now seeing a witch Damon crossed paths with in the forties. Damon wanted me to go with them but I couldn't face it."

They both pull away from each other, "Have you ever gone back there?"

Lola shakes her head, "Never. Have you?" Klaus also shakes his head. Lola sighs as she turns to face the sunset, "I've wanted to because I miss it so much, it's just too painful even still."

The expression on Klaus' face made Lola's heart hurt, the painful and heartbroken expression is the exact same one that would be on his face almost every day the year after they fled New Orleans. Klaus wouldn't even be able to say Marcel's name after it all, Marcel was like a son to him. He told Lola stories how he took Marcel in when he was a child.

Klaus wraps his arm around Lola, leaning closer to her and placing a soft peck against her temple, "I know."

"There's something I need to tell you." Lola breaks up the short lived silence, "It's about Hayley and how I know her. She was living on the streets because her foster family kicked her out after finding out she was a werewolf."

A hint of a amusement appears on Klaus' face, "I never expected you to take in someone off the streets."

"I wasn't going to, I was just going to give her money and be done with her. But that was until I seen her birthmark." Without even saying the exact words, Klaus can tell just by Lola's posture what birthmark she is talking about, "She has the mark, Nik. The Crescent mark."

"Are you sure?"


"Does she know?"

"I've never told her, I wanted to protect her. Over the years she would either stay with me or Adrianna; mainly Ade." Lola sighs heavily, "It was over a year since I last seen her until I seen her at the Lockwood's."

Klaus clears his throat, "So I take it she doesn't know your history with the Lebonair pack?"

Lola shakes her head with a somber look on her face as guilt begins to weigh heavy on her chest, "No, she doesn't. I can't keep it from her much longer, sooner or later I'm going to have to tell her."


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