Chapter 9

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Flashback, 1887:

Lola has been driving Klaus crazy ever since she walked into the ball a month ago. She was a mystery, which he liked. Lola was playing hard to get, she knew Klaus was interested but she would never show how she was feeling, it was like she just wasn't interested in him at all. Lola just figured Klaus was trying with her because she wasn't showing that she was interested and the big ego of his didn't like it. She was right, it drove Klaus even crazier, he wasn't used to women not falling at his feet.

"You look beautiful today, Charlotte." Klaus smiles at Lola as they are both walking through a park in New Orleans.

Lola blushes at his comment, "Thank you. Please, call me Lola."

Klaus smiles and nods, "Very well, Lola."

"I must thank you, again. I've been with you and your family for a month now. I'd hate to over stay my welcome." Lola says as they continue to walk around the park.

Klaus laughs, "Nonsense, love. You could never over stay your welcome. I'm sure my sister would also agree."

Lola smiles, "Rebekah is a sweetheart."

As they continue to walk, they walk near a bench. Klaus takes a seat on the bench. Lola turns to see Klaus sitting down and smiling up at her, he motions for her to sit next to him.

"Why are we sitting?" Lola asks as she smiles at Klaus.

"Because I want to get to know you. As you said, you've been with us for a month and I don't know much about you." Klaus says smiling over at the beautiful blonde.

Lola smiles, takes a seat and looks down at her lap and then back up at Klaus, "What would you like to know?"

"So you have mentioned before you're from Virginia, do you have family?" Klaus asks.

Lola's smile vanishes, she notices Klaus looking at her concerned thinking he shouldn't have ask her, she reassures him with a quick smile.

"Yes I have two brothers, one older and one younger." Lola replies.

"Are they both...?"

"Vampires. Yes. We all turned the same night. My younger brother, Stefan, he, um, forced myself and Damon into turning." Lola says, she laughs, "Stefan and I aren't really on speaking terms since that night."

Klaus looks at Lola confused, "You didn't want to turn?"

Lola sighs and looks at the humans walking around the park going about their day, "I didn't know what I wanted. It was pretty much forced upon me."

Klaus watches Lola as she stares at a couple in the park, sat on the grass playing with their baby. Klaus looks at Lola as she smiles at the family, the smile was so sad.

"You wanted a family." Klaus says softly.

Lola jumps out of her day dream, she looks over to Klaus and smiles, "I did, once. Though I never found someone worthy of my time when I was human."

Klaus laughs, "What about now?"

Lola raises her eyebrow "What do you mean 'now'?"

Klaus smiles, he looks at the ground and then back up at Lola, "Have you found anyone worthy of your time now?"

Lola laughs and shrugs her shoulders, "Possibly."

Klaus blushes at Lola's response, before he can reply she speaks again.

"It's hard for me to open up after the last one." Lola says with no emotion on her face playing with her hands, she starts to dig her nail into the skin on her thumb.

Klaus looks down at Lola hurting herself and he grabs her hands causing Lola to jump.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you jump." Klaus says.

Lola clears her throat and moves her hair away from her face, "No, it's fine. It's not you, it's just-"

"He was your first love, wasn't he?" Klaus interrupts.

Lola smiles and then nods.

"You don't have to continue, love." Klaus says as he gives Lola a reassuring smile.

Lola tilts her head looking at Klaus, "Why are you so nice to me?"

Klaus just stares at Lola, a bit shocked, his mouth open slightly as though he's going to respond but he just can't find the words.

"I'm serious. I've heard the stories about you, this big bad vampire persona you have got going on. But, why aren't you like that with me?" Lola asks Klaus in a serious tone.

Klaus laughs, "Well, isn't it obvious, love."

Lola raises her eyebrow and shrugs, signalling Klaus to continue speaking.

"I fancy you." Klaus simply states.

It was Lola's turn to be speechless. I mean yeah, Klaus always flirted with her but she never had expected him to actually have genuine feelings for her.

"You look surprised, love. Have you not noticed the way I have been around you for the past month? There is just something about you, Lola. Something I've never seen before, the way you are so confident." Klaus says as he is smiling at Lola.

Lola laughs and playfully rolls her eyes at Klaus' comment.

"I'm serious, you're just different. In a good way, it's refreshing." Klaus continues. He stands up from the bench and leans out his hand for Lola to grab.

Lola looks up at Klaus and smiles, she holds onto his hand and stands up, not letting go of each other.

Klaus places his other hand on Lola's cheek and smiles, "He was your first love, I intend to be your last. However long it takes."

Lola can feel her cheeks burning from blush after Klaus' comment. She smiles up to him not knowing what to say, she links his arm and they continue to walk around the park before heading back to the house.


Present Day:


God I really need to stop dreaming about Klaus.

I wake up in my bed confused. How the hell did I get here? Last thing I remember was we were all walking back towards Damon's car after we saved their damsel. I look down and see I'm still in yesterday's clothes.

I look over at my phone and see it's 6:13am. I listen out to hear anyone, I can only hear both my brother's light snores but there's something else too. I can hear someone else downstairs, pacing, crying. It's not Elena, who is it?

I stand up and suddenly go all dizzy, I hold myself up against my wall trying to sort myself out, I need blood. I walk over to the door but I can't get out. There's some invisible barrier up stopping me from leaving.

"Seriously?!" I whisper to myself, I'm going to kill Damon.

I was just about to shout my lungs up to get Damon's attention but then I get an idea. He's done this to me before being the usual ass that he is. He did it in the late 90s to try and stop me from leaving Mystic Falls, he is so bloody annoying. I smirk to myself knowing exactly what to do.

I walk over to my phone and grab it and plug it into my speaker and I start to play the Spice Girls on full volume. Damon absolutely hates this girl band, I however, love them.

I still feel so dizzy, I figured out that those bastards injected me with vervain, so with that in my system still and the lack of blood I can barely sit up. I go and lay back down on my bed with the music on full volume and wait for Damon to come barging up to the door pissed.

I lay down with my eyes closed, I can hear storming footsteps coming towards my room, I can't help but smile as I recognise the footsteps as Damon's.

"Charlotte Amelia Salvatore!" Damon shouts.

"Good Morning Damon." I say without even bothering to raise my head.

"What the hell do you think you're doing having this trashy music on at 6am?!" Damon shouts over the music.

I lift my head up and glare at my idiotic big brother, "I could say the same about you. Why the hell have you trapped me in here?!"

"Turn the music off and I'll tell you!" He shouts.

I roll my eyes and slide off my bed and walk over to the speaker to turn it down, as I turn my head to face my doorway, Stefan has also joined.

"Hello Stefan, beautiful morning isn't it." I say with a smirk on my face.

"You're probably wondering why we've trapped you in here, Lola." Stefan says calmly.

God I am so sick of Stefan being the good cop.

I roll my eyes, "Yeah, no shit."

A new yet familiar voice speaks up, "Thank God that's stopped."

"Rose." I whisper to myself, but with everyone having vampire hearing, they all hear me.

"Nice to see you again, Charlotte." Rose speaks up.

"Will someone just please tell me what the hell is going on?! And tell me why the hell Rose is here after she kidnapped Elena?!" I shout.

"What do you know about the originals?" Damon bluntly asks.

I look at them all in shock. Shit. Why the hell did Elijah have to come into the picture, and why did Rose? Great, everything is going to come out now. Just great. That means he isn't that far from here. Double great.

"Is this why you've locked me in here? Because I know the originals?" I say in a very pissed manner. They could have just asked, they didn't need to make me a prisoner in my own house!

"Yes that's why Lola! You're keeping things from us and I'm sick of it!" Damon shouts.

"You didn't have to lock me in here to get some answers, Damon! Do the normal thing and ask!" I argue back.

"We did and you wouldn't answer us! You just gave us half answers!" Damon raising his voice even more.

"You asked about my ex! Not Elijah!" My God if this barrier wasn't here right now, Damon's head would be through the wall.

"What does Klaus want with you?" Stefan pipes up.

I look over to Stefan in shock, then I look over to Rose. They have clearly heard it from someone, how strange that it's came to light the minute she gets here.

Rose raises her hands in surrender, "I had no idea they didn't know about Klaus."

I roll my eyes, "Clearly." I mumble to myself.

"Damon, I told you I didn't want to say much because I was trying to protect you. But if you want to know more, then fine." I say trying to stay as calm as possible.

Damon looks up in shock, "Really?"

"Yes." I say bluntly. I start to walk towards my bathroom to have a shower and get into some clean clothes, "As soon as you have dropped this barrier! I also expect a blood bag waiting for me once I'm out the shower!"

Damon groans and walks away and Rose follows. Stefan dials Bonnie's number to get her round here to release Lola so they can hear more.


Once I've had a shower and freshened myself up, I start to feel better. But I still need blood. I get changed before walking out of the bathroom to see Rose looking around my bedroom.

"Can I help you?" I bluntly ask her.

Rose turns around holding a blood bag, "Here." She throws it over to me and I catch it and drain every last drop of blood within seconds, my god I needed that.

"Thanks." I say as I throw the empty bag into the trash. I look back over to Rose, "I'm guessing with you being in here the Bennett witch has removed the barrier?"

Rose nods.

"Great." I mumble and I turn to walk out the door.

"I'm sorry for telling your brothers about Klaus, I honestly thought they would have known." Rose says in a sympathetic tone.

I stop walking but don't turn around to face her, I sighed, "They were going to find out eventually, I just hoped it wasn't this soon."

Rose walks up to me and places her hand on my shoulder, I look over to Rose with a raised eyebrow. I can see the sadness in her eyes from losing Trevor.

I sigh and give Rose half a smile, "I'm sorry about Trevor, he was a good guy."

Rose looks down to the ground, I can tell she is trying not to get upset. I cringe at what I'm about to do next but I pull her in for a hug and she returns it.

When we pull away from the hug Rose smiles at me, "Okay, just so you know, I don't do stuff like that unless you're my brothers. So count yourself lucky and never speak of it again." I say and then I walk downstairs and can hear Rose laughing.


I make my way downstairs to see both of my idiotic brothers waiting for me in the living room. They both look up at me with guilt covering their faces. I can't help but just roll my eyes at their pathetic faces.

I make my way over to the drinks table, the only way I am going to be able to get through this conversation is if I can barely see - and with being a vampire, that means I just need to drink, drink, drink and drink.

"It's not even 8am yet, you sure you should be drinking?" Stefan asks.

HA good one, "Last time I checked you weren't concerned about my wellbeing considering you injected me with vervain and trapped me in my bedroom." I snap back at Stefan with my back to both of my brothers, I can't even bare to look at them.

"We just want answers, Lola." Damon says as he walks over and places his hand on my shoulder.

Anything like this from Damon usually calms me down, I don't know why, it's been like this ever since we were kids. But then again, my anger isn't usually directed to Damon. I smack his hand off my shoulder and walk over to a chair and take a seat.

There's a knock at the door, "That will be Elena." Stefan says.

"I'll go let her in." Damon says as he makes his way over to the door.

Damon walks over to the door and opens it to see Elena standing there, "Hello, Elena." Damon says as he smiles at her.

"Is Stefan here? He called. He said it was important." Elena bluntly responds.

Damon gestures for Elena to come in, "Right this way." He says as he opens the door further.

Elena walks into the house avoiding eye contact with Damon. Stefan walks over to her with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey." Stefan says awkwardly.

"What is this about?" Elena asks.

Stefan turns around to see Rose walking up to the three of them. Elena sees Rose and tenses up at the sight of her kidnapper.

"You." Elena mumbles.

Rose awkwardly waves at Elena and then they all make their way into the living room. I'm still sat here, however I now have a bottle of Damon's favourite bourbon. Like I said, I need to be heavily intoxicated to be in this room right now.

Elena is sat on the couch, Stefan is sitting on the arm rest of the same couch. I'm sat on a chair near the fire and Damon is leaning against the chair opposite me. I was sat on that chair Damon was leaning on but moved over to the other one, I am way too angry to be near Damon right now.

Rose is stood up pacing and is about to explain what she knows about the originals.

"Okay, you have to understand I only know what I've picked up over the years and I don't know what's true and what's not true. It's the problem with all this vampire crap but Klaus, I know he's real. Lola can vouch for that." Rose says.

I can tell that Rose was looking at me as she said that, I refuse to look at any of them.

"Wait what? Lola knows Klaus? Who is he?" Elena asks confused.

"Clearly not sleeping with a Salvatore anymore means she only gets pieces of information." I mumble to myself and continue to drink from the bottle.

"He's one of the originals, he's a legend." Damon says smirking over to Elena.

Jesus Christ. If only he knew.

"From the first generation of vampires." Stefan speaks up.

"Like Elijah?" Elena asks softly.

I can't help but laugh, the Elijah I know is nothing compared to Klaus. Everyone is looking over at me with raised eyebrows. Oh for god sake.

"No. Elijah is the Easter bunny compared to Klaus." I say as I roll my eyes.

"He's a foot soldier. Klaus is the real deal." Rose adds on to my comment.

"Klaus is known to be the oldest." Stefan says.


"Okay, so you're saying that the oldest vampire in the history of time is coming after me?" Elena asks. 2 points to the doppelgänger, yet again, it's all about her.

"Yes." Rose says.

"No." Stefan says at the same time as Rose.

"What they're saying is, I mean if what she's saying is true..." Damon says as he walks over to stand next to Rose.

"Which it is." Rose says cutting Damon off.

"And you're not saying it so I don't kill you." Damon says looking over at Rose.

"Which I'm not." Rose cuts Damon off again.

"Then we're looking at a solid maybe." Damon says sounding unconvincing.

"Look, Elijah's dead, right? So no one else even knows that you exist." Stefan tries to reassure Elena.

I can't help but laugh, "Not that you know of."

"That's not helping." Damon says glaring over at me making me smirk.

"Look, I've never even met anyone who's laid eyes on him. I mean, we're talking centuries of truth mixed with fiction. We don't know if he's real. For all we know he could just be some sort of stupid bed time story." Stefan points out.

"He's real Stefan, believe me I know. I spent about 40 odd years with him." I casually say as I finish off the bottle of bourbon.

"Wait what?!" Damon shouts up looking over to me confused.

"He's real and he doesn't give up. If he wants something, he gets it." I continue as I walk back over to the bar and find something else to drink, hm, maybe tequila.

"If you're not afraid of Klaus, then you're an idiot." Rose says.

"Alright, we're shaking. You made your point." Damon sarcastically says to Rose, he turns to face me with a raised eyebrow, "Lola how do you know Klaus?"

"Um-it's a long story." I say in a slightly high pitched voice looking down at the bottle of tequila in my hands.

"We've got time." Stefan says as he sits back down waiting to hear my story.

"He's the ex." I bluntly say with a blank expression on my face. I try to hold back my smile as I see everyone's faces trying to figure out what I've just said.

"WHAT?!" Damon shouts and takes a couple of steps towards me.

"Oh shut up Damon! It's not like you haven't had your fair share of idiots over the years!" I shout back.

"Yeah but not one that wants to kill Elena!" He argues back, slowly making his way closer to me.

I can't help but groan at the stupid love glasses he has on when it comes to Elena, "Only because none of them knew she existed!" I look over to Elena and shrug my shoulders, "No offence."

Elena looks away from me, she really is pathetic. I look back at Damon who is staring at me as though he is trying to figure something out. It's easy to point this out because that stupid vein above his left eyebrow tries to pulse straight out of his forehead.

"I know exactly what you're thinking Damon and the answer is no. I'm not a spy for him!" I start raising my voice again.

"It's just a bit strange you come back and within a matter of weeks the originals start to pop out of nowhere!" Damon says with an attitude waving his hands around like an ape.

I look over to Damon, I'm pissed but also surprised. Does he really think I would do that?!

"Ugh I'm not doing this." I say as I raise my hands up in surrender and make my way to the front door.

"Lola get back here right now!" Damon shouts as he follows me.

"Shut up Damon! You are not my father!" I shout as I turn to face Damon with tears in my eyes pointing at him causing him to stop walking.

I look around the room to see everyone else watching me, "I'm not going to explain anything else because clearly none of you trust me." I say through gritted teeth, I glare at Damon once last time before I turn on my heel to continue walking out.

"Lola, wait!" Stefan shouts trying to calm the situation down.

"Nothing else matters when it comes to PRECIOUS ELENA!" I shout back at the group as I walk out the front door and slam it shut behind me.

I stand on the gravel taking deep breaths to calm myself down. I know where I need to go.


Stefan sighs and looks over to Elena, "Sorry about that."

Elena shrugs her shoulders, "It's fine. Lola is right."

Damon scoffs, "Right about what?"

"She is right that neither of you trust her. She's your sister, shouldn't you have at least heard her out first before having a screaming competition?" Elena says as she glares at Damon.

Damon glares back, "Don't tell me how to deal with my own sister."

Rose chips in and stands between Damon and Elena, "Alright, that's enough."

Elena sighs and stands up, she grabs her bag and starts to walk out.

"Where are you going?" Stefan asks.

"School. I'm late." Elena bluntly responds.

"Let me grab my stuff, I'll go with you." Stefan says as he starts to stand up and walk over to Elena.

"It's okay, I know where it is." Elena says and she turns away and walks out of the house.

Damon looks over to Rose, "She's in denial."

Stefan turns around to face Damon and glares at him, "Shut up, Damon."



I'm walking through the woods trying to remember where the tomb was. It was dark when I was here last time. I finally find the Fell's Church ruins and make my way down the steps towards the tomb.

I move away the stone door to the tomb, Damon will kill me for being down here, but you know what? I don't care what Damon thinks anymore.

I remove the tomb door and look into the tomb and can't see anything, I know she's in here still, she will be sulking in classic Katherine style.

"Yooohooooo, Katherine!" I sing out.

I can hear her dragging her feet across the ground and suddenly she appears. Yikes, she does not look good. Her skin is turning grey and she looks like death, the lack of blood really isn't making her look her usual sassy self.

"Lola. What are you doing here?" Katherine coughs out as she slides onto the ground and sits near the barrier.

I sit on the ground opposite her and sigh, "Oddly enough this is the only place I could think of coming to."

Katherine smirks, "So, they found out about you and Klaus didn't they?"

I don't reply, I just sigh and shrug my shoulders. I grab the bottle of tequila that I brought with me and start to drink.

Katherine weakly laughs, "Wow, the conversation must have ended really badly."

I laugh, "You have no idea. Damon accused me of spying on them for Klaus. Elijah is back and Rose has joined team wannabe superheroes."

Katherine laughs but then looks back at me with a blank expression, "Why are you here Lola?"

I look over to her with the same blank expression, "How much do you know about me and the originals?"

"Pretty much everything. I know how you met them, I know you and Klaus fell in love, I know he broke your heart in the 20s, then you got back together in the 50s and then it was your turn to break his heart." Katherine says in her croaky voice.

"Hm, so you're my stalker." I say sarcastically.

Katherine smiles, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I could see that you were. But what I don't know is, why did you leave Klaus in the 50s? You really pissed him off."

I look away from Katherine not wanting to make eye contact, "It's complicated."

I stop speaking as I hear footsteps leading towards the tomb, and distant talking. It was Elena and Caroline, seriously?!

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Caroline asks Elena.

"Yes, I'm sure. She's the only one who knows the truth about Klaus, the only one who can tell me how to stop him." Elena replies.

Katherine and I share the same facial expression at each other which is annoyed and we both roll our eyes, they're coming in here to get answers. Great!

"But you're asking for the truth from someone who's probably never giving it. Are you sure about this?" Caroline says as they step closer to the tomb.

"Yeah. I can't just sit back and wait. I have to know, Caroline. Please." Elena pleads to her best friend.

They make their way down the steps into the tomb. I wish I took a picture of their faces when they seen the tomb door already open along with Katherine and I sat opposite each other talking.

"Lola? What are you doing here?" Elena asks looking at me confused.

I look up at her and smirk, "I could ask you the same thing."

"Hello Elena. You come to watch me wither away? Goodbye Caroline." Katherine says in her croaky voice.

Elena turns to face Caroline and smiles, "I'll be okay from here."

Caroline glances at Katherine and I and then looks back at Elena concerned.

"As long as I stay on this side of the door, she can't hurt me." Elena reassures Caroline, she then looks towards me and then back to Caroline, "I know Lola doesn't like me, but she won't hurt me either. Please."

Caroline looks at us all, she sighs and then speeds out of the tomb.

"Stefan know you're here?" I ask Elena as I take a drink from the tequila bottle. Elena glances at me but ignores my comment which makes me laugh.

"I brought you some things." Elena says looking at Katherine holding up a large brown bag.

"You came to bribe me? What is it that you want?" Katherine asks uninterested in what Elena has to say.

"I want you to tell me about Klaus." Elena bluntly responds.

"Hmm, you've been busy." Katherine says smirking.

"I also brought you this." Elena says as she takes out an old book from her bag, "It's your family history. It says in here that the family line ended with you. Obviously that's not true."

I scoff at Elena's attempt to act all superior, "You think that if you brought Katherine some family keepsake that she'd open up?"

Elena glares at me, I'm really getting on her nerves, I love it.

"I also brought this." Elena says as she takes a bottle of blood from her bag and holds it up to show Katherine. Katherine rushes over towards Elena but is stuck behind the invisible barrier.

"You don't look so good. How long before your body shuts down? 10, 20 years? It must be painful to desiccate and mummify. I can't even imagine." Elena says in a sarcastic tone. I can't help but smirk at Elena.

Katherine slides down the stone wall and sits on the ground again and stares at Elena with the bottle of blood. Elena pours some blood into a little plastic cup and pushes it towards Katherine with a stick. Hm, maybe she is smart after all. Katherine takes the drink and drinks it all at once, her skin starts to regain some of its colour.

"You have the Petrova fire." Katherine says as she puts the cup down near the barrier.

"More blood?" Elena asks. She takes the cup using the stick and pours a more of the blood.

"It's a long story, Klaus and I. It goes all the way back to England, 1492, after I left Bulgaria." Katherine says as Elena moves the cup of blood towards her.

"More like you were thrown out." I say laughing.

Elena looks over to me confused and then looks back at Katherine, "Thrown out?"

Katherine drinks the blood and sighs, "My family, your true ancestors, they disowned me. My indiscretions were not tolerated at that time. I had a baby out of wedlock. The shame."

"It was kept secret?" Elena asks.

"Mhmm. My baby was given away. I was banished to England and I had to learn to adjust. So I quickly became English. It was there that I caught the eye of a nobleman named Klaus. I was taken with him at first, til I found out what he was and what he wanted from me. And then I ran like hell." Katherine explains.

"So, what did Klaus want?" Elena asks.

"The same thing that he'll want from you. He wants to break the curse." I interrupt them.

"By sacrificing the Petrova doppelgänger?" Elena looks between the both of us with the same confused look.

"He wanted to drain every single drop of blood from my body." Katherine says as she puts the cup down near the barrier.



Back at the Salvatore Boarding House, it's just Rose and Damon that are left. Rose is still heartbroken by the death of her best friend, Trevor. She is in the library crying. Damon walks in and Rose wipes away her tears.

"All right Rosebud. I need some answers. Oh please don't tell me you're crying 'cause your buddy Trevor lost his head." Damon says sarcastically.

Rose laughs as she grabs a tissue to wipe away her tears, "You've always been this sensitive?"

"Full vampire switch for this very reason. Takes the emotion out of it." Damon says smirking.

Rose laughs again not believing Damon's emotions are off, "Yeah, you switch yours, I'll switch mine."

Damon scoffs, "Is that a dig?"

"It's an observation. Being in love with your brother's girlfriend must be difficult." Rose states.

Damon looks around avoiding eye contact, "I'm not in love with anyone."

"You want to try that again?" Rose asks.

Damon vamp speeds in front of Rose, "Don't get on my bad side." He threatens.

"Then show me your good side." Rose says softly.

Damon shakes his head, "What do you know about my sister and Klaus?"

Rose sighs and takes a seat as she speaks, "I don't know much. All I know is that there was a woman in his life that changed him for the better. But then once she left he changed again and got even worse. He's not just after Elena he's after Lola too. I don't know the reason why. Maybe you shouldn't have gave your sister a hard time about it all and just listened to her."

Damon frowns at Rose's response. He feels guilty for the way he spoke to Lola this morning, but he was just worried what kind of mess his sister got herself into.

"How do I find Klaus?" Damon asks.

"You don't find Klaus, he finds you." Rose responds.

Damon grows frustrated, "Come on. Somebody's got to know somebody who knows where he is, right?"

"Add another two hundred somebodies to that and you're still not even close."

Damon shrugs his shoulders, "Humour me. You got in touch with Elijah, how did you do it?"

"Through a very low somebody on the totem pole. A guy named Slater in Richmond." Rose says as she glances up to the ceiling and then back at Damon.

"Perfect. I'll drive." Damon says as he starts to walk out of the room.

Rose glances over at the window and back at Damon, "No. You forget not all of us can do sun."

Damon glances at the window also and then over to Rose, "Then you drive. Come on."

They both make their way to Rose's car and head off to Richmond. The car ride was mainly silent, Damon couldn't stop thinking about his sister and wondering what happened between her and the originals. He decides to try and get some more information out of Rose.

"So how do you know my sister?" Damon asks Rose as he glances at her driving.

"We met in the late 40s. Neither of us knew each other's history with the originals. Trevor and I became close friends with her. She's a lovely girl." Rose says smiling remembering her time with Lola.

Damon also smiles at the thought of his sister, but then starts to look concerned, "What happened?"

Rose shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know. One minute she was there and the next she's not. The next time I seen her was at that mansion."

"Do you think that has something to do with Klaus? She told me that her and her ex who I now know to be Klaus found each other again in the 50s." Damon says finding it hard to speak about his sister and Klaus in the same sentence.

"Possibly. But you should speak to Lola about this. Not me. But maybe don't be so aggressive towards her next time." Rose says with a half smile on her face.

Damon rolls his eyes, "Is he going to hurt my sister?" He asks in a worried tone.

Rose glances over to Damon and gives him a sympathetic look and then looks at the road again, "Honestly, I don't know. I'm sorry I can't answer what you want to know. From the stories I have heard she was the love of his life and vice versa. So I wouldn't have thought he would plan to hurt her."



We're all still sat here in the tomb, I'm start to get really bored of hearing the stories of the famous Katerina Petrova when I already know them.

I can see in between her questions to Katherine, Elena kept glancing over to me. I can tell she is trying to pluck up the courage to ask about my involvement with Klaus.

Elena starts to look over at me again, I roll my eyes, "Come on Elena. I know you want to ask me about Klaus, so ask me, you can ask me 5 questions."

"When did you meet him?" Elena asks in a sheepish tone.

"1887." I bluntly reply.

"What did he want with you?"

I scoff at that question, "He wasn't going to kill me or anything if that's what you're thinking. Although, he would kill me for ever saying this to anyone, but there is a soft side to him." I glance between Elena and Katherine and smirk, "Only a handful of people have seen this side to him."

"What happened between you both?" Elena asks me.

"Well, we met, fell in love, blah blah blah." I say motioning my hands around.

"You were in love?" Elena asks, almost shocked.

I look over to her and laugh, "Is it really hard to picture me happy and in love?"

"Yes." Katherine bluntly says.

I look over to her with a raised eyebrow which she responds with a playful smirk.

Elena looks away sheepishly, I roll my eyes and continue, "Yes I was in love. I thought he was the one. You only have one question left to think wisely."

Elena takes a deep breath and looks at me trying to show confidence, "Why are you running from him?"

My smirk turns to a glare, "It's a long story. I had to leave him, something had happened to someone else in my life and I had to go and fix it. Let's just say he wasn't too pleased that I left."

"Who did you have to go and see? Was it Stefan?" Elena asks getting more interested in my story.

I laugh and stand up and give Elena a cocky smile, "Oh, I'm sorry, we're out of questions for today, thanks for playing along."

Elena rolls her eyes, I start to walk out of the tomb when Katherine pipes up.

"Where are you going?" Katherine asks.

I turn to face both of the doppelgängers, "Kat I already know your story so excuse me for not wanting to hear it all over again. Plus, I'm bored. Ciao for now!"

I walk out of the tomb and make my way home, when I walk in I notice no one is home. This is literally music to my ears. I get to just relax in my own home without being interrogated for once!



Rose and Damon arrive in Richmond and are in an underground car park. It's dark and the only light in the car park is through electric, no day light what so ever - which is perfect for Rose. They both get out of the car.

"Back entrance. How convenient." Damon says as he looks around the car park.

"That's the point. We can't all have little daylight rings." Rose says as she flashes up her bare hand.

Damon smirks flashing up his daylight ring on his hand, "How do you know this Slater guy is even here?"

"I called him. He's here. He's always here." Rose says.

"Good." Damon bluntly says. Damon vamp speeds to Rose and pushes her against the wall.

"Just one thing. If you're setting me up in any way, I will rip your heart out and shove it down your throat. It's something I'm very good at." Damon says as though he is proud of his psychotic self.

Rose smirks and grabs Damon and vamp speeds and pushes him against the car, twisting his arm behind his back.

"I'm older than you and stronger. Don't get on my bad side." Rose sarcastically responds smirking.

Rose releases Damon from her grip and he turns to face her and glares at her.

"You can trust me." Rose calmly states.

Rose turns on her heel and makes her way to the coffee shop, Damon follows. They both enter the coffee shop, Rose walks over to the counter as she takes off her jacket.

Damon looks around and sees the huge windows bringing in natural light, "Whoa. What about the sunlight?"

"Double paned and tempered. UV rays can't penetrate. You see the appeal now?" Rose says smirking.

"That and the free Wi-Fi." A new voice enters the conversation, it's Slater.

Rose looks over to Slater and smiles and they both embrace each other in a hug.

"Hey, how are you?" Rose says as the pair hug.

"Good. I saw you come, what are you doing here?" Slater asks.

"Mmm, it's a long story but I want you to meet..." Rose says and then looks over to Damon.

Slater looks at Damon in both shock and admiration.

"Damon Salvatore. Turned 1864 in Mystic Falls by Katherine Pierce aka Katerina Petrova. Big brother of Stefan Salvatore and the famous Charlotte Salvatore." Slater says smiling over at Damon. Damon looks at Slater confused, how the hell does he know who they all are?

Slater looks over to Rose, "So I take it I was right, what I told you about the tomb under the church was true?"

Rose smiles at Slater, "Yes. It was right. Thank you for the tip."

Slater smiles back and then looks over to Damon and holds his hand out, "It's nice to meet you..." Damon reluctantly shakes Slaters hand and doesn't say a word.

"...maybe. What's going on Rose? Where's Trevor?" Slater asks as he looks around in search for Trevor.

Damon looks away with his mouth in the shape of "O" and Rose looks at Slater awkwardly.

Damon breaks up the awkward tensions and tries to get some answers out of Slater about Lola.

"What do you know about my sister?" Damon asks Slater.

Slater nods, they all make their way over to a table and chairs by the window as Slater says what he knows about Lola, "Charlotte Salvatore. Now goes by Lola. Turned the same night as you by Katherine. Met Klaus in the late 1880s and was with him until the mid 20s. Found each other again in the 50s only for a short time until she disappeared."

Damon looks over to Slater creeped out, "That's creepy, why do you know so much about my sister?"

Slater smiles and shrugs his shoulders, "She's famous in the vampire world. She's the only one known to have got so close to the famous originals and survived. Including Elijah. Speaking of, you're sure Elijah's dead?"

"Beyond dead." Damon says smirking, proud of himself for killing an original.

"Trevor was a good man; he helped me with my dissertation on sexual deviance in the Baroque period. I was schooling for my Psych PhD." Slater says in a sad tone about their fallen friend.

"Slater's been in college since '74." Rose says to Damon.

Slater smiles, proud of himself, "When I was turned. I have 18 degrees, 3 master's and 4 PhDs."

Damon looks at Slater pulling an unamused face, "The point?"

"Exactly, I mean, what is the point? What should I be doing with my eternity? If you have an answer, please enlighten me." Slater snaps at Damon.

Rose places her hand on Slater's arm to stop him from saying anything further.

"We need your help. If someone wanted to get in touch with Klaus, how would you hook him up?" Rose asks her friend.

"Craigslist." Slater simply states.

Damon looks at Slater with his eyebrows raised, "Really?"

"Seriously. I respond to a personal ad to get sent to somebody who knows somebody who knows Elijah, who's dead and that's where my connection ends." Slater explains.

Little did they all know that Elijah was outside listening to their conversation. He grabs a hand full of coins out of a busker's guitar case and throws them towards the glass windows making them instantly shatter.

Rose and Slater start to burn from the daylight, Slater makes a run for it and Damon puts Rose's jacket over her and carries her out into the car park. Rose is distraught and says all of this is happening because of Klaus.

They make their way back to Mystic Falls.


Lola has had a great day not being bothered by her brothers. She compelled some guy to come back to the house with her so she could have a fresh drink, once she got bored she healed him and compelled him to forget.

Lola had drank most of Damon's alcohol supply while dancing around the entire house. She was now sat in the living room with her head arched back facing the ceiling just listening to the music.

Damon and Rose walk in and see Lola, Damon can tell Lola is in a bad way. Damon and Rose both glance at each other and Rose whispers, "I'll be upstairs." Rose makes her way upstairs and Damon prepares himself to try and make amends with Lola.

"Looks like you've had fun." Damon says as he looks around the empty bottles on the floor.

Lola lifts her head up and glares over at Damon, she doesn't say anything and just rests her head against the top of the couch again.

Damon sighs and makes his way over to Lola, "Lola, I just wanna talk."

As Damon takes a seat on the couch next to Lola, she vamp speeds across the room to get away from Damon, she is still angry about this morning.

"You wanna talk? Okay, that's fine. I'll tell you what you wanna know, but then it's only going to end up in an argument again because you don't trust me!" Lola shouts over to Damon.

Damon looks over to Lola with sadness filling his eyes, "Lo, please. I do trust you, it was just a lot to take in within 48 hours, ya know. You knowing Elijah, Rose and then the ex being this mysterious Klaus guy who wants Elena dead."

Lola sighs and shakes her head, "I shouldn't have came back here."

Damon vamp speeds over to his sister and places his hands on Lola's arms, "No don't say that. I want you here, Stefan wants you here."

Lola looks up to her brother with tears in her eyes, "If you want me here then why don't you trust me when it comes to Klaus?"

"Lola I just said I do trust you! You just need to tell me what you're hiding. Why are you running from Klaus?" Damon asks Lola looking worried at her.

Lola looks away from Damon and blinks as her tears fall down her face, "I can't."

Damon bends down slightly so he is face to face with Lola, he looks in her eyes with his own starting to fill with tears, "Lola, please just talk to me. I can protect you."

Lola grows irritated and throws her arms around causing Damon to lose his hold on her, "Don't you get it?!" Lola shouts as she puts her fingers through her hair, she looks over to Damon who is looking at her confused.

"It's because of you!" Lola cries out.

Damon frowns at his sister confused, "What?" He says quietly.

Lola sighs as she looks up to the ceiling and then back to Damon, "I left him because of you!"

The confused look never leaves Damon face, "I don't understand."

"I left Klaus in 1958." Lola says looking at Damon with a blank face.

Realisation covers Damon's face when he figures it out, "That's when I escaped."

Lola still with tears streaming down her face she looks over to Damon and nods, "I had some of Klaus' minions looking for you because I hadn't spoken to you in so long! Then I had that dumbass Joseph Salvatore trying to lure me out to Mystic Falls and I put 2 and 2 together once I hadn't heard from you in 5 years that they had taken you."

Damon now has tears falling down his face, guilt starts to overtake him. "Why does you coming to look for your brother make Klaus want to come after you?"

Lola laughs as she wipes the tears away from her face, "Klaus is one of a kind. He really really hates being betrayed. He thought I was betraying him. I never gave him the real reason for leaving. I was worried about your safety."

Lola takes a seat on the couch and Damon follows and sits next to her, "I told him that I never loved him and boy did that piss him off. He said to me if I left him he would stop at nothing to find me again."

Damon grabs his sister's hand causing her to look up at him, "Why did you say that to him? Why not just tell him the truth?" Damon asks.

"Honestly, I don't know. There was just this gut feeling that I shouldn't have told him." Lola says as she is shuffling around in her seat.

"There's something else you're not telling me, I can sense it." Damon says softly to his sister.

Lola puts her head in her hands and sighs, she sits back up staring into the fireplace, "Klaus is, was, really protective over me. You remember the huge fight you and I had in 1919? Well Klaus was the guy I went running and crying to after it as I was with him then. He was pissed, I mean I know we both made up since then but Klaus isn't one to forgive and forget so easily. He seen how shaken I was after the fight. I knew if I told him I was going to find you he wouldn't have let me go."

Damon remembers the fight they had very well. It was stupid fight. It's a long story but in the end, it ended up with Damon shoving a makeshift stake through Lola's stomach, so Klaus really wasn't happy the fact that the love of his life's brother almost killed her.

"Lola, I'm so sorry." Damon whispers.

Lola looks over to her brother and smiles, "Don't worry about it. It'll be fine, he had the chance to kill me a few weeks ago and he didn't. We just need to focus on helping Elena."

"What happened when you went to see him?" Damon asks.

Lola laughs, "Um, nothing really. He tried to speak and it ended with me stabbing him with a fork."

Damon can't help but laugh at his sister, she is still the same old Lola. He puts his arm around her and pulls her in for a hug and kisses her on her forehead.

"I'm glad we had this talk." Damon says softly.

Lola smiles, "I am too. I'm going to go up to bed."

Damon smiles at his sister as she walks out of the living room. He grabs the glass bottle of bourbon and starts drinking straight from it. The guilt was overwhelming him.

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