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 Before I start this chap I want to convey  that this chap might be a little bit....scary.

 Like I told y'all that this story has TORTURE in it too please read it till the end  cuz the story is EPIC!!!  

Lets start!


"Enjoy because for next 24 hours...she's all yours."

Hearing this, Hazel froze; cold fear gripped her as she began to imagine all sorts of things that could happen to her in the devouring cell alone with this maniac man.

The venomous being inhaled deeply letting the aromatic fragrance, which Hazel wore captivate him, and then he raised his hand up and caressed Hazel's cheek still smiling at her darkly. 

Hazel feeling disgusted turned her face away from this man.

"Get away from me, you bastard!" these words amused the despicable man, who smiled wickedly at Hazel, immorality was clear the fierce glint of his deviant black orbs.

"You shouldn't have done that, my dear,"  the spiteful smile of the man doubled. In this dim light Hazel could see a shiny ring the glinted, the ring seemed very strange to Hazel as it had a snake-like face.

The man moved his hand behind as if asking for something from another person, who stood straight obediently behind him. When the man got the thing he was asking for, he moved it towards Hazel. 

She was hit by a realisation, that she had committed the biggest mistake of her life, and she started screaming because that thing was nothing other than  pliers.

He clamped Hazel's mouth open, and slowly put the pliers in her mouth. Slowly yet intentionally, he gripped onto her last tooth that was on the left side of her mouth and started pulling.

The pain Hazel felt was unimaginable as she felt like someone was taking her soul out. The pliers felt cold and her mouth started to fill with blood, then he yanked his arm and her tooth came out along with parts of her gums, still stuck on it.

He then crushed her tooth, pain......extreme pain burned her mouth, and spread throughout her body and her soul like wild fire upon which she gave a blood-curdling scream.

He did the same to the last tooth which was on the right side of her mouth, but this time instead of pulling, he gripped her tooth and hit the  pliers again and again. Her breathing hitched as the agony seemed endless, sharp, and jarring.

On his 7th stroke her tooth broke out as well as the tide of blood. Hot blood oozed out of her mouth and the crimson gore also dived its way down to her throat as well, creating a chocking obstacle for Hazel, she screamed incoherently due to the unbearable pain which sabotaged her whole being.

And this monster persecuted Hazel again by jerking her another tooth out, this time by twisting and compressing it harshly against her torn, swollen gums. This time the innocent victim blacked out due to the agonising soreness.

The scarlet shade liquid oozed from Hazel's mangled gums, and seeped down from her mouth till it dangled on her chin, then it dripped down on the ground colouring the surface with its harsh hue of red. 

Her neck was stained with the tinge of her blood, and this diabolical tyrant left Hazel alone like that.


When Hazel gained back her consciousness, her body was stinging due to the pain, her condition was utterly miserable.

Her hair were messed up, she was invaded by blood, and sweat. Her head resting on shoulder as she didn't even have the strength to hold her head up.

"I know you're awake," hearing that sinister voice, Hazel got scared and cried silently. 

Tears trickled down her cheeks, burning her skin. The pain totally shattered her, no words could express the agony she felt. She was nothing in front of his power.

"P...Ple..ase.....le....lea-ve ....mm......me,"  she couldn't speak properly as her mouth was swollen due to soreness, her tongue when ever touched her torn gums, a sensitive ache hit her like a lightening bolt, upon which she trembled.

The pitiless being gave Hazel a sickening smile before he purposely pressed hard on the swelled spot from which he had pulled her tooth out. The jarring torment doubled, upon which Hazel's vision became hazy, but how could this malicious man let her faint so easily.

"No, no, no, not now my dear...before this I have to give you...your birthday present,"  he smiled while glaring at Hazel with ruthless impersonality.

He placed his blade on her left cheek.


Hazel's dreadful screams penetrated the whole cell.

"I said open your eyes!" the vicious inhuman growled at Hazel.

Whenever Hazel would close her eyes due to severe agony, this madman would force her to open her eyes so that the blood could drip down in her left eye and colour in red, and this caused an extreme burning sensation upon which Hazel shivered fiercely in intolerable pain.

This tyrant firstly put the sharp nip of his blade the forehead of Hazel, and then started pulling. At first Hazel couldn't feel anything as her senses were numbed, but then she understood the true pain.

 It was searing hot and dull and Hazel could feel the it going through her skin, tearing the flesh apart.

The vile demon dragged his blade down to her left eye pressing the keen-edged nip of it harshly against Hazel's skin so the cut could be deep. 

When he reached above her left eye, he stopped and waited purposely for the blood to dribble into her eye so that Hazel could communicated with the piercing soreness.

She screamed till she ran out of breath due to the pain he was giving her. The baleful torturer continued slashing Hazel's skin from below her left eye, leaving it unharmed, piercing her cheek instead.

This insane person hummed in melody while doing the work he enjoyed the most.

 How could a 14 years old girl bear this pain?  

In this dark pit, his Lucifer eyes haunted her.          

She begged for death to get rid of this...pain.

But she was hopeless.

Blood, sweat, and tears was all that in which Hazel was drenched in, and this all burned her wounded face. 

When this demented man scarred her till her upper lip, he removed his blade. Tears streamed down Hazel's mangled face, even in half conscious state.

"D.....d..d-ad," she whispered shakily.

This wicked maniac still wasn't satisfied from his art work so he moved his blade again cutting Hazel from below her lower lip, leaving her bloody lips unharmed, and continued his voyage of lancing her flesh till her chin, devouring her whole face with a scar........which was unhealable.

He did it slowly so that Hazel could feel the intense pain he wanted to gift her. Before fainting again due to a lot of blood loss, the words Hazel heard were unforgettable.

  She could never forget those words....that became her scars.

"Happy birthday to you," 


       "Happy birthday to you,"                                                                                                                                                         

"My dear."


Hope u liked this haunting chap .

And another thing I want to say is amigos........that u know sometimes we feel like when is this gonna end. I want the actual scene, but trust me this story is NOTHING without the past events of the characters bcuz each character has a past that's linked with the other. 

Stay tuned 4 next chap!

 Till then bye!

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