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I yawn and scratch my head, blinking rapidly, hoping the words and equations stop swimming before my vision.

A quick glance behind my shoulder confirms Melody is still studying, pacing up and down the living area with an absurdly thick book in her hand, muttering stuff I can't hear.

I let the pen slip from my grasp and rub my eyes. Even my hand aches. In fact, I can feel each and every layer of my brain aching from exhaustion. I hold my head with both hands.

"Hey, Gray, I'm going out to grab a coffee, wanna come?" Melody calls from behind me.

I shift on my seat and turn to her, resting my upper arm atop the backrest of my chair and plant my chin on it. "Nah, but will you get one for me?"

Melody drops her books on the coffee table and presses two fingers to her forehead in a mock salute. "Anything else officer?"

I chuckle, "That's it for now comrade."

We both burst into giggles. She picks her keys but before stepping out, she looks at me and says, "Next time you'll be getting the drinks and I'll stay in."

"Done deal."

With that, she heads out and I sigh as the door slams shut.

I get to my feet and stretch my hands over my head and then twist and stretch my back, earning the satisfying pops.

Who thought two college girls would be spending their Sunday night like this? Studying like maniacs instead of partying like there won't be a tomorrow. Not me.

I pull off my scrunchie and bend down, letting my hair fall over my head to tie it up higher and at least make a good use of the gravity. Just as I secure my bun, the doorbell rings.

I straighten myself and glance at the digital clock placed on my study desk. Did Melody forget something?

But she picked up her key.

Nevertheless, I shrug and get the door.

My eyes widen and I hold back a gasp when my eyes land on, the last person I expected to see. "Dad!" I gasp.

He looks at me and offers a small smile. "I hope I haven't come at the wrong time."

I shake my head, "No, no, not at all." I step aside for him to enter the house and close the door behind him.

As the surprise fades, happiness swells in me and tugs my lips into a wide grin. "I'm so glad you came." Without waiting for an answer, I throw my arms around him and hug him, relishing in the comfort of being close to him a sense of safety and security only a father can provide.

He embraces me and at that moment it sinks in how truly I've missed him.

Nothing's been the same after the bankruptcy. To have Dad come all the way over here, to me, without even asking it from him, allows me to cherish the small flicker of hope igniting in me, leading me to believe, he's getting better. Once Dad gets over the shock, everything will fall into place.

I step away from him. His blue eyes are tired and dark circles are painted underneath his eyes. His skin is paler, the old clothes he's wearing don't help either. It's like he has aged over ten years in these few months.

But Dad's here and that's all it matters.

I try to stop grinning, but can't, instead, I ignore how my cheeks start to hurt.

"Sit, I'll bring you something to eat," I point at the couch behind me.

"No need for that, we just had dinner." He sits on the sofa.

I turn to him, and ask "How about tea? Or coffee?" Dad loves espresso, maybe I have some left at the back of the cabinet.

"No, I came here to talk to you for a few minutes," he pats the spot next to him.

I frown and settle on that place. "Is something wrong?" I try but fail to hide the worry in my voice.

A half-hearted breathy laugh stumbles out of him. "In fact, I came to ask the exact same question. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah," I reply instantly. He furrows his brows and searches my eyes, as though trying to catch a lie.

"You can tell me." He grasps my hand and whispers, "I'm still your dad you know." His shoulders drop, making him appear much smaller than the broad man I used to know, who was always my wall of protection from the cruelty of the world.

My heart clenches and a lump blocks my throat. "I know," I chock out and blink back the forming tears. "But I'm doing fine."

He sighs and nods. "Mason was talking about you," he starts and my eyebrows jump up.

The sudden urge to kick him fills me and then second thought, him on his wheelchair pops up in my head and I push them away.

"He thinks you're doing something that might get you in trouble... and he also said he thinks you're not focusing on your studies because of everything that has happened and you can't adjust to this life," he speaks as he keeps his gaze trained on me, ready to catch the smallest change in my expression.

"Mason's wrong."

He stares at me as if struggling to believe I'm telling the truth.

I look away and from the corner of my eye, I catch him giving in after a few seconds and gazing at the floor.

A blanket of silence falls over us.

Minutes tick by before finally Dad begins, "I tried, Gracie. The first month I went to all of my friends, asking them to give me a job. They told me to give them time and they'll call me with the right spot in their offices for me. All of them said the same thing. None of them called. I went to job interviews too, but I was too old for them. I really tried."

"I know Dad." I turn to him and squeeze his hand.

"I'll do anything for you." His eyes lock with mine. "If you're in trouble, need help, or anything that's bothering you, you can tell me... or if it's too hard... if this way of living is too hard and unbearable for you, I-" he pauses and draws a sharp breath. I squint at him, tilting my head to the side, waiting for him to continue. "I can talk to him... try to work something out with him."

My eyes widen and I back away.

Him! There's no need for Dad to say the name for me to instantly be aware of who's he referring to. My uncle, his brother. The man who stole everything from us and ruined our lives. The person who I hate the most in this world.

"No, Dad! How can you even consider that! I won't ever want you to go to him and beg him for scraps of something that truly belongs to you while he stole it. I won't ever let you bend your head in front of him. Ever!"

"Gracie," he starts but I interrupt him.

"No, in fact, I have plans, okay? I'm going to learn some of these useful programming languages and maybe even convince Mason he can start one too, with that we can perhaps set up a new business. You can kick off a new business with Mason and me at your side. You're literally the best businessman I've ever seen, and this is what you do best. We'll rise up again and even go much higher than where we were before and everything will go back to normal." I ramble in a high-pitched voice, trying to show him what I'm seeing. To give him strength and hope for a better tomorrow.

But Dad stares at me, sadness floods his dull blue eyes.

"It can happen." I slowly say, hoping the words sink in. "We just have to stay strong."

A sad smile curls his mouth. "When did you grow up so much?"

"Dad." I lean into him for another hug.

I need him to stay hopeful. In fact, I need all three of them to stay hopeful.

I don't care about the trouble I might get into, with Dad so dejected and Mason hopeless, I have to persuade Professor Wright to give that problem to me and only guide me through it for publishing the paper. I have to do that. That's the only thing it'll fix everything.

Dad holds me tightly and I close my eyes, pushing aside my worries.

The sound of a key jingling comes from the hallway outside of my apartment. A second later, the door opens. He and I part just as Melody shuts the door and turns.

She halts the two cups of coffee in one hand and her key in the other. Her eyes widen with surprise. "Hi," she awkwardly says, her gaze jumping between us.

"Hello, I'm Gracie's father." Dad gets to his feet and I follow suit.

"I know," Melody mumbles and slides the key into her pocket.

They shake hands. She glances at me before adding, "I didn't know you were coming, I only got two drinks."

Dad chuckles and shakes his head. "I was just about to leave."

My focus jumps to him but there's nothing left to say. I can only hope he believes my words.

He quickly bids his farewell and we head to the door. Dad opens it and strides out of the flat. "Take care."

"You too."

He nods and with that, he walks away. I watch his form as he descends the stairs and when he disappears from my view, I shut the door. A heavy sigh falls from my lips and I press my forehead to the door.

Exhaustion wears down on me, every limb feels too heavy for my legs to keep upright.

"You okay?"

I jump and turn to Melody, nodding my head a few times, I weakly say, "Yeah."

She plops down on the sofa and I next to her. Her arms wrap around me and I lean into her. "Everything will be fine. It'll work out Rae, you just have to survive and make it through this rough phase." She coos.

"I know," I mumble.

"Well at least you have me and coffee!" she jokes and I giggle, straightening myself and picking the cups she has placed on the table.

We sip our drink and she fills me in with the literature department's latest gossips, making me forget all my problems temporarily.

∞ ∞ ∞

Thank you for reading this chapter!

I hope you're enjoying the story so far =) And for those of you waiting for a Gracie & Wright moment, you don't have to wait much because the next chapter will be loaded with that ^^

Meanwhile, tell me what you think about this chapter and her dad!

Next chapter will be up tomorrow ^.^

Stay safe, lots of love, happy reading <33

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