Chapter 14❁ ≖≖✿❁ ≖≖ ❁

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Your heart was aching when you got home. You just walked into your bedroom and fell flat on your face, whimpering. This was by far the most stressful and revealing day.

Suga, the one guy you really like...turned out to be none other than your boss'-the formidable, stoic, and intimidating CEO. How on earth did you not see this coming? Nothing could have prepared you for the impending shock. You couldn't say anything.

Suga...the guy you had been with doesn't exist. In his place, however, a more refined and attractive version appeared. You could feel tears welling up in your eyes. Oh my good lord! How dumb can you get? You sigh deeply as you groggily get out of bed and reach for a tissue to wipe your wet face. You sniff to keep the tears at bay, but you can't stop sobbing.

You stood up and shook your head, sighing deeply. You should forget him...but your kiss this morning made you realize you're in love with Suga...or is it the boss? You took a deep breath They are similar but not the same. How can you find yourself again in this position? You're relieved to be leaving Busan...maybe for Seoul...but you don't think you'll accept Mr. Mins' offer to work for him as a junior manager. . Seeing him around will make you yearn for Suga, and he will never come back.

Suga said he liked you and that what happened this weekend was genuine. It's very confusing. You were also with Mr. Min undercover.  Mr. Min Yoongi is a sworn bachelor who hasn't openly dated a woman in several years. But you've heard that a stunning model is set to marry him as part of one of the very wealthy Billionaire chaebol families that arrange marriages for their children. You can't think of a future with him.'

But, just as the thought of not seeing him slowly kills you, the thought of seeing him will gradually kill you. . You'll start loving him because you already adore his alter ego...his other persona.

You gathered your courage and returned to the kitchen to drink some medicine. You were still recovering from the flu. When you walk into the lounge, your eyes widen at the amount of work that still awaits you. You don't want your mother to come and  overworked herself with packing.

You've already wrapped up all of the picture frames and books from the book tables. You sighed deeply and decided to postpone it until the next day. You seem so out of your element right now. Your mind is in such disarray. You will be unable to concentrate.

Your phone began to vibrate on the side table in the corner. You sigh deeply as you pick it up. When you saw your mother's name, you furrowed your brows. You hope she is having fun in the United States with her old friends. She needs to unwind and relax a little. She was exhausted from losing your father, fighting for his inheritance for years, Running the wonton shop, and dealing with your troubles exhausted her and caused her to lose sight of who she truly is. You care about your mother and want her to be joyful.

She will now be able to visit any country she desires. She wants to go to Italy when she returns and after she settles into her new home.

"Hello, Eomma... aren't you sleeping?" you inquire, surprised.

Your mother sounds very upbeat, "Hello, baby... it's 9 a.m. in Texas. I just wanted to let you know that the Ulsan agent called me. We now own the house. The Seoul apartment was a little too small, and the garden required a lot of attention. She informed me that my Seoul neighbors are party animals. But Ulsan's neighborhood is fantastic. Quiet and upmarket. Oh, and one of my friends will accompany me to Korea. Her husband died three years ago, and her children are all married and living their lives. She was my best friend in college."

You were taken aback by the news, "Oh, long as Eomma is not alone. I still have two interviews to go to, so we'll see if I get it. If I get the job, I might have to relocate to Seoul—-I'll feel more at ease with someone living with you. So, are you still planning on coming on Friday?"

"Yes, the movers will arrive on Saturday. Why do you sound like you have a cold, baby?" She suddenly sounds worried.

"Oh, we went to Po- Seok's. They threw a going away party for me and...Suga. So it rained cats and dogs, and I got soaked." You explain softly. Trying not to break down in tears as you remember Suga.

Your mother sighed, "Oh, you drank some antibiotics, didn't you? Consume ginger tea with lemon or chicken soup. Your uncle will come to look at the house on Friday. We've left the furniture for him. I believe he would prefer to live at our mother's house. So, our family legacy will be preserved... but how did things go at work? You met with the CEO?"

"Yeah, we were actually on a secret program, a reality series called "The Undercover Ceo'you just can't tell your dear mother that Suga was Mr. Min. She'll go crazy over your feelings for the guy. So you kept that information hidden. Let her find out later if she happens to watch the new show that will air in two weeks." The CEO was very generous—- "You told your mother about the gifts that all of the janitors received. When your mom found out you didn't have any student debt, she burst out cheering. She was ecstatic for you. You just grimace at her joy. She will pass out if she discovers that your  SUGA is the famed CEO of Seoul.

"Yeah, I'm overjoyed as well, Eomma, and I can't wait to see your dear friend again. I've already packed enough boxes, but I'm tired and my body is aching, so I think I'll rest or go to bed early...oh, and we're taking the house in Ulsan. Can Eomma send me some pictures?" You quickly wondered out loud.

"Okay, my friend Meg and I are going to Six Flags with her daughter and husband. So don't be surprised if you don't hear from me soon. I'll be having a good time." Your mother sounds so lively that you almost feel envious of the simple life she will lead now. There are no financial issues. She is now settled for life, and she can relax and enjoy the best that life has to offer. She is deserving of everything and more. She worked so hard to look after and care for you.

But you know your mother would like to see you married to the right man, but that is not in the cards for you right now. Your heart is shattered. You'll never be able to trust a man again. You're always disappointed. Perhaps you are unsuitable for anyone's love. The one you thought was "it" for you, even though he was also taken, doesn't even exist. And his other persona...the standards are too high, and you'll never live up to them. . But Mr. Min's kiss left you reeling and wanting more. However, that is a book that must be closed and placed in the archives.

"Take care of yourself, baby...go rest. I'll be releasing bonuses to employees on Friday or Saturday. My sister-in-law will take over the wonton shop so that they do not suffer losses. So, if you get the job, please notify me so that our agent can find you a suitable apartment." She appeared to be in a huge rush.

You laughed "Okay, eomma. I understand. You're preoccupied with getting ready for your girly day out. Have a good time, but stay safe. And return in one piece. On Friday, I'll pick you up."

You and your mother say your final goodbyes and hang up the phone. You give a wary smile and lock all the doors before entering your room. You started with a refreshing shower, then made yourself ginger soup with lemon and honey and returned to your bedroom. You were wearing fluffy pajamas and thick socks. Although your throat felt better, you still had a slight headache.

You noticed you received notifications from your janitors' friends asking if you were okay because you told them you'd be leaving earlier. They informed you that the executives will be attending a team-building camp with the workers. To foster team understanding and synergy.Soo-Wook was on the hunt for you. Mr. Min, according to Po-Seok, instructed him to apologize to you. You sigh. You do not want him anywhere near you. You're glad you left before he had a chance to apologize. He kept his job, however. Ms. Hwan has been assigned to a different department. She will no longer be a janitor's supervisor; instead, she will work in administration. This position appears to be open. You make a snort. No thanks. Even if Mr. Min can turn it around, you're done with Busan and that company. The new Managing Director will be from Seoul and will begin work the following Monday.

Your eyes widen as you see your new Ulsan home. Wow. An improvement from Milwaukee  and here in Busan. You take a step upmarket this time. Your mother stated that it is already furnished because the owner was forced to sell it and relocate to Australia. You surely were pleasantly surprised.

You're overjoyed for your mother, and you won't have to worry about anything. You smile contently because you can't wait to move and start over in another town nearly three hours away from Seoul, but you'll buy a new car and travel.

After finishing the last of the ginger soup, you slipped into bed and sighed contentedly, forgetting about the strange day you had just had.

The next day.

When you woke up the next day, you were overjoyed at the prospect of not having to work. You are set free.

You ate a light breakfast and went to the wonton shop to check on the workers and inform them of your mother's impending arrival on Friday.

You were relaxing with a hot cup of Yuja tea when you noticed something stunning. You squinted in surprise as you noticed someone enter the shop.

What is Ms. Selena doing here? She looked carefree in a dark dress suit and her hair was straightened, and she smiled vibrantly as one of your staff members motioned to her where you were seated.

You were astounded to see Mr. Min's trusted PA in your tiny restaurant. You stop for a moment as nervous butterflies erupt in your stomach. You're not sure what to make of this unexpected visit. 

You stood up and looked at Ms. Selena with wide eyes, bowing in greeting. She returns the customary greeting with a wide smile.

"Ms. what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" you softy inquires.

"Oh, Ms. Park, please accept my apologies for the untimely and unexpected visitation. But I'd like to talk to you." She smiled and glanced around, "Wow, it smells great in here...are you a pastry restaurant?"

You nod and motion for her to take a seat across from you.

"Would you like to try some of our most popular dumplings with hot sauce...along with a cup of tea or a cold beverage?" You offered as you motioned for a waitress to come over to you.

Selena was taken aback by your kind gesture "Oh wow...I'd love to try it out. Thank you." She seemed overjoyed by your open and friendly demeanor. Especially after what happened the day before with her boss.

"Yes, it's a—-" you smirk. You're sipping your tea, raising your eyes.

Ms. Selena inhaled softly, "Er...I was just deputized to follow up on your decision to come work for Min Ent. Seoul." Have you considered it?"

"Ms. Selena...Given what I've gone through with  Gwan Suga. I don't think it's a wise decision...It's a little difficult for me to quickly adjust and see him as the boss—-"you bit your lip as you tried hard not to shed tears, thinking about your encounter."

"Mr. Min believes in your abilities," Ms. Selena nods. "You were the most qualified member of the Custodian team. Please take it into account." She implores.

You scoff a little, "Ms. Selena, what's in it for you if you came all this way just to persuade me?" you raise your eyes, noticing a slight flush on her cheeks. You smirked as she began to smile widely.

"Oh my on to me. Well, there is a lot at stake. Mr. Min is not only my boss, but we are best friends, and he...he cares for you and even if he hurt you by not telling you about his undercover role, he cares for you,...I know you still care about him and that you got to know a side of him that nobody knows. He was liked him as a person not as rich Ceo. You were open about your feelings," she says passionately.

The waiter brought her food and her mouth opened wide at the aroma. She smiled as she began to nibble on her steaming dumplings and thanked the waiter.

You bite your lower lip as you stare at her, slightly wary, "I'm not sure if I'll be able to work alongside Mr. Min.  It will be too painful to remember that...I lost Suga."

"Ms. Park...please call me Selena...because I admire you for getting Mr. Min to be his true self," Selena took your hand in hers." He requires the presence of someone like you in his life. I think he needs someone like you in his life. Please come and work with us. You are not required to see the boss daily. However, you can play a role in the entertainment industry. As part of the dynamic team of Min Ent, you will have the most glorious job. You will be able to help in the songwriting department and manage one of our most successful bands. Going on World Tours with them and enjoying the life that was stolen from you—-" she adds all the perks and lucrative salary that await you if you accept the offer.

"I'll consider Selena...but if I take your offer, will you make sure that I don't work with Mr. Min in one department?" you say with uneasiness. "It will be torturous for me...please."

Selena smiles broadly, "Oh yes. I can arrange that, but I can't decide for him. He might also want to see you. Ms. Park, you had a huge impact on him, and I believe you can also save him." She laughed as she stuffed another dumpling into her mouth.  Her mouth was smirking as you furrowed your brows at her amusement.

"Oh, these dumplings are so divine," Selena moaned, wiping her mouth. You wonder why she looks suddenly so smug.

"Why are you suddenly looking so smug, please call me Yeonra...and what does he need rescuing from?"You furrowed your brows.

"Well, our Min Yoongi is currently under a lot of pressure to get married," Selena grinned, her eyes filled with delight."His parents want to arrange a marriage for him with a particularly obnoxious heiress. Suzy is her name. She is a pain in the neck, and she always just shows up at work and gives me chills always accusing me of having an affair with my boss as if...I adore Yoongles, but his mood swings drive me insane. So, if you're there—-he might think about marrying someone other than Suzy—-"

"Oh no, my episode with Mr. Min is over. We shut the door and threw away the key. I'm not going there... I had a forbidden affair with Gwan Suga, and in my opinion, he and Mr. Min are poles apart. You can count me out and this Suzy sounds nasty to me—-" you dismissively shook your hands. You don't want or need drama in your life.

"All right, just come and work for us. I see us having a great friendship. He even offered me a bribe to persuade you to come work for us... He does seem to have feelings for you. He never went out of his way to hire anyone...he never does that...ever, but are different...he genuinely wants you around him, Yeonra. Please be that person for him he seems to need. He is still struggling with his feelings, and you know he doesn't reveal what's going on inside his head...please." She looked pleadingly into your nervous eyes. You don't want to hope. You're not in Min Yoongis' league, and Suga is no longer in the picture.

"Can I answer back by Friday? I want to experience the interviews first. Is that all right" You inquire on a serious note.

"We are one of the leading entertainment companies in Seoul. Our artists are well-cared for, and our staff is dynamic. We have the best working conditions. Please consider this."

"OK, but give me some time to adjust to the idea," you breathe deeply.

You don't know if it's in your best interests to work for the man that killed off Suga. Working alongside the boss will make you yearn for him, wanting something you will never have.

'I'll take that as a the meantime,' says Selena brightly.

You still look at her with dread.

Selena smirk. Mr. Min will be overjoyed to have the girl he so obviously wants, and Suzy will now have serious competition.

A/n Another update for Yoongi fans. Will Y/n accept the offer?

Thank you for all the reads, comments, votes, and adding to their readers' lists.

shout out to lunarorey  sanneba2 Alenesuga   hellbluefirefly yukii127 DamienMadocAnTine

1. Do you believe Yeonra should accept the offer?

2. Do you believe Mr. Min will make certain she works near him?

3. Do you think he'll consider marriage if Yeonra is constantly present?

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