โ โ‰–โ‰–โœฟโ โ‰–โ‰– โChapter 15

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When Min Entertainment's CEO returned to Seoul, his heart felt constricted. He couldn't shake off the memory of Yeonra's shocked expression as she realized that the man she had fallen for was none other than the elusive CEO of their struggling company, recently taken over. Throughout the helicopter flight, he remained unusually silent.

He and his executives opted to extend their stay by an extra day at one of Busan's prestigious five-star hotels, allowing Selena time for a secret mission.

He found himself perplexed by his strong determination to recruit Yeonra. His heart felt torn in two, as he grappled with his true feelings for her. Denying his affection for Yeonra had become a habit, yet she was the only one who could stir such emotions within him. The mere thought of her hating him was unbearable. He feared both losing her and having her close. Her presence grounded him with her pure heart, strong work ethic, and resilience in the face of adversity.

That evening, during a private meeting in his presidential suite, Selena arrived and wore a smug expression as she revealed the details of her mission.

""Well, Mr. Min, our mission is complete," Selena smirked. "Ms. Park will consider our offer."

Pausing for a moment, Selena continued, "Initially, she was hesitant. However, she's decided to attend the scheduled interviews to explore different interview styles."

Yoongi furrowed his brows, his tone perplexed. "We offer more than Pledis and Cube combined."

Giving a soft smile, Selena explained, "She's quite conflicted, sir. I sensed she had feelings for Suga. It'll be challenging for her to see you as the CEO rather than the one she's drawn to. I feel sorry for her. Her affection for you may be in vain since you won't reciprocate Suga's feelings." Selena felt empathy for Yeonra. Her boss wasn't ready for commitment, but she knew he cared for Yeonra.

Yoongi sighed deeply, his heartbeat racing. "I regret causing her pain. I knew this show would complicate things. It's turned my life upside down. Perhaps I can make it up to my friends with a meaningful gesture. Yeonra is... something special," he added, wiping his brow nervously.

"Sir, may I offer my honest opinion?" chuckled Selena. She could see her boss strugglingย  with his emotions for Yeonra, and she knew she had to help him.

With a wry grin, Yoongi smirked and shook his head. "I wouldn't dream of silencing you," he retorted. "You're going to share it anyway, right?" He blinked, awaiting her response.

Selena took a sip of the red wine he offered her before speaking. "Well, I think you have deeper feelings for Ms. Park than you realize. The fact that you bribed me with a condo suggests that you don't want her out of your life, and her talent is remarkable. She's brilliant, but I sense she's a bit apprehensive about working with you due to your history and the fact that she can't be with you for real, even though Suga confessed his feelings for her. Why not give it a chance?"

Yoongi seemed to tense up. "Sel, Yeonra has a pure soul. I won't deny that she stirs something in me. But the idea of being in a committed relationship, caring for someone else's quirks, likes, and dislikes, and adjusting my life to accommodate theirsโ€”no, it's not for me. Suzy is already a nuisance, and revealing my 'feelings' for a certain mahogany-haired girl will only make her more dangerous. She's already unpredictable." Shivers ran down his spine as he imagined Suzy's reaction upon discovering someone else had caught his eye. He recalled how Suzy had tormented a girl he liked in high school, and he didn't want to put Yeonra in harm's way.

Selena lifted her gaze. "Suzy is obsessed with you. She's been fixated on marrying you for years, always making sure the tabloids knew she was the one in your life. Park Yeonra will have to say goodbye to 'Suga.' Suzy will make sure of that. But, sir, Yeonra is remarkable, warm, and caring. We have plenty of eager, single producers here at Min Entertainment, and she'll attract their attention quickly. If these guys make a move and ask her out, she might not stay single for long. She might come to terms with the idea of moving on from you."

Yoongi let out a loud sneeze. "Are you alright, sir?" Selena asked, puzzled and concerned.

A sudden wave of dread and fear washed over him. The thought of Yeonra in another man's arms, especially the eligible bachelors in his company, unsettled him.

Yoongi nodded, but before he could respond to Selena, another sneeze escaped him. He had caught Yeonra's cold, likely from the kiss they shared the day before. He hoped his mother wouldn't find out about his condition; otherwise, she'd send Suzy to nurse him back to health. He'd rather stay in a private hospital room than have that psycho anywhere near him.

Selena was taken aback. "Where did you catch that, Sir? You sound like you're coming down with a cold," she said, furrowing her brows.

Yoongi dabbed his nose with his handkerchief. He could feel the unease in his body and mind. He might need to take some time off to recover, leaving Selena in charge of his office once again.

"It started after I got caught in the rain on Saturday after Po-Seok's party," he explained. He didn't want to mention that he and Yeonra had been dancing and kissing in the rain for a few minutes. But that day spent with the girl who had captured his heart would remain etched in his memory forever. He couldn't forget her, and deep down, he didn't want to. He wanted her near him for reasons he wasn't quite ready to admit.

""Sir, let me quickly fetch something from the hotel management to help with your cold," Selena said, her brow furrowed with concern. "When we get back, please take at least two days off to rest. These past few days have been incredibly stressful for you. Oh, by the way, Mr. Kim Seokjin is hosting a small gathering for the Bangtan Club on his yacht, and he's wondering if you'll be able to make it?"

Yoongi let out a deep exhale. "Yeah, okay, I'll take a few days off." He smirked as he met Selena's amused gaze. "Your mission will be considered successful when Ms. Park walks into my office and signs the contract." He glanced at her with a twinkle in his eyes. "The condo paperwork is all set and ready for ownership. Thank you, Sel."

"Aww, Yoongiโ€”" Selena pouted, already imagining herself enjoying her new condo.

"So it's Yoongi now, not Sir?" His eyes sparkled as Selena simply shrugged.

"Okay, sir, it's just out of respect," Selena joked, clicking her tongue.

"Don't think I don't know you call me Yoongles behind my back when you and Hoseok are together," he teased, pointing his finger at her. Selena's face flushed as she pressed her lips together tightly, trying to hold back a laugh. She hoped Yeonra didn't remember her calling her little boss Yoongles. He'd be furious, especially if she knew the girl he "liked" knew his nickname.

Selena smiled and sprang up from her chair. "That was a long time ago... and it was just to ruffle your feathers, kitty." She chuckled. "Don't worry, nobody knows about that endearing name your dear Eomma gave you." With a wave, she headed towards the door to bid him goodbye.

Yoongi shook his head, amused, and headed for the showers. He was in desperate need of a hot shower right now. They had to fly back to Seoul the next day.

The next day

Yoongi felt even worse the next day during the flight, wearing his mask to prevent spreading the cold. He knew he needed rest at home as his chest felt tight, but he dreaded telling his mother. The thought of her deputizing Suzy to care for him or, worse, babysitting himself was too much to bear. He anticipated her nagging about needing a wife to look after him.

Selena prepared a lemon and ginger concoction for him, but all he could think about was returning home.

As they approached Seoul, Yoongi's personal driver awaited them, along with two black SUVs. One would transport him, his executive assistant, and Selena, while the other carried his bodyguards.

Within minutes, Yoongi was back home. Selena, his trusted friend and assistant, ensured he had a warm bath drawn, complete with Epsom salts, ginger, eucalyptus, and other essential oils. Seeing her little boss shivering, she urged him to take it easy and rest.

Yoongi leaned against the bathroom doorway, a hint of amusement in his eyes as he watched Selena fuss over him. Coughing at regular intervals, he was desperate for a hot bath and felt grateful for his dear friend's care.

Selena smiled gently as she turned off the water. "Sir, you should soak for at least an hour; it will help relax your body and calm your cough. Then go straight to bed. Don't worry; I've informed your housekeeper about your situation, and the rest of the staff is already taking care of everything. I've also asked Chef Chien-hung to prepare something light for you to eat."

"Thanks, Sel, but I don't think I can eat right now," Yoongi replied, shivering slightly. "I'll definitely take these few days off... and thank you for everything. I don't know what I'd do without my reliable assistant."

Heading towards his walk-in closet in his massive bedroom, Yoongi removed his suit jacket.

As she neared the door, Selena smirked. "I wonder that every day. Who else will keep Suzy away from you and run around fetching your treats and coffees? But seriously, sir, just relax and stop worrying. We still have the American Awards Show coming up in a few weeks, so focus on resting and recovering. I'll handle the office and ensure our 'new employee' settles in smoothly. I'll show her the ropes, and hopefully, she'll enjoy working with our new debut idols."

"I hope so too," Yoongi said, turning to smile. "TXT is still a group of teenage boys who will benefit from having a 'little' manager to look after them. I'm confident she can handle the energetic bunch."

"She'll do just fine," Selena assured him with a nod. "Let's keep our fingers crossed. Now, Mr. Min Yoongi, I'll bid you farewell. Remember to take it easy. Your medication is on the side table."

"If my mother asks about my absence, just tell her I'm resting. And keep Suzy away from the executive suites... thankfully, she's busy with modeling shoots in Jeju," Yoongi sighed.

Selena chuckled softly. "Thank goodness for small mercies," she said, waving a final goodbye before disappearing from view.

Yoongi stepped into his luxurious bath, allowing the warm water to relax his stiff muscles and ease his shivers. It had been quite a week! As he soaked, his mind drifted to a certain mahogany-haired beauty, bringing him inner joy and contentment.

He knew having Yeonra by his side would bring him immense happiness, yet he couldn't shake his apprehension about long-term commitment or marriage. Despite his doubts, he found solace in the thought of her, knowing she was his haven in a world of uncertainty.


You were too preoccupied with recovering from the flu to start packing the rest of your boxes. Most of your kitchen items were already packed, and your bedroom looked empty and cleared out. You assured your mother that you'd only take one plant with you, leaving the rest for your uncle to move in after you left Ulsan. Your mother entrusted you with the keys to the new house so you could add your touch before moving in. To your surprise, the previous owners left their maid in your care, which filled you with joy. Now, all you had to do was wait for the new interior decorations you ordered online.

Your mother went all out to acquire the most exquisite upmarket furnishings to spruce up the new house. She even bought three new bedroom sets, which thrilled you beyond words.

Amidst all the packing, you hadn't had time to contemplate Mr. Min's offer. Joining Min Entertainment had always been your dream, especially since two of your former intern "friends" were now junior managers in Seoul. Initially, you had hoped to work at Min Entertainment's Ulsan branch, where you could collaborate with record producers and songwriters, rather than directly with Kpop idols in Seoul. But after your recent encounter with the enigmatic boss, you realized that Min Yoongi wanted you closer to him.

You couldn't help but wonder why he wanted you nearby. The thought left you confused, especially considering his reputation as both feared and highly respected.

From the beginning, 'Suga' had always stood out to you. Quiet, strong, and intimidating, he commanded respect even from Sook-wook. Now, you struggled to reconcile your feelings for the "bad boy" with the reality of your encounters with the CEO.

You weren't sure how you felt anymore. After the unexpected kiss with the CEO, you realized you were falling for him, despite knowing he wasn't ready for anything long-term. And after losing your innocence, you felt disillusioned with love, doubting your ability to convince someone to love you forever.

Tears welled up in your eyes as you battled with these conflicting emotions. Shaking your head, you tried to push away the gloomy thoughts, opting instead to make yourself a cup of tea in the kitchen, hoping to distract yourself from your love life turmoil.

As you reached for your phone, which vibrated on the kitchen counter, you saw that it was Dae-Seong calling.

"Hello, Yeonra...I almost thought you'd already moved."Dae breathes it out. You smiled softly.

"Hi Dae-Seong, no, we got our new house in Ulsan. We'd be moving on Friday or Saturday at the latest. My mother will return on Friday. So, how are things going with your Eomma visit?"

"I'm fine," Dae said, smiling."ย  She is great, and she is curious about you. You know how much my Eomma adores you."

You shook your head because Dae's mother made her intentions clear to the two of them. She wants you to date Dae. But you're not ready... but if he wasย Suga. You'd say yes right away. Suga is now Min Yoongi, and he is way out of your league. You aren't interested in dating right now. Yourย heart is crushed by the realization that the man you haveย grown to love is not who he claims to be. You missed Suga.

You quietly chuckled "I like your Eomma as well. Nevertheless, congrats on your promotion."

Dae grins, "Oh, being the head security guard was my dream. Min Yoongi was extremely kind to us. I can't wait to see myself on the show. We're going to be extremely famous. Your beauty would have dominated the screens. Can I take you out for a Korean-ย barbecue... Yeonra I'm dying to see you."

You sigh heavily "I'm not ready to start a relationship right now, Dae. We can, however, go out as friends. That will be fantastic."

You don't want to lead Daeย on because you know he has a long-time crush on you. But after you've begun to fall for 'Suga,' you'll start comparing him to all the other guys who want to date you.

And that will be unfair to any guy who likes you now.

A/n . another special update for my Yoongi-stans. I hope you'll like this chapter.

A huge shout out to all new readers, voters, commenters,s and those who added the book to their reader's list. Thank you.

Princess_Taeheeย ย Unknown1Armyย 

1. Do you think she must move on with Dae-Seong? Or wait for Yoongi to realize his feelings for her?

2. Do you think Selena will be a future matchmaker?

3. What do you think about Selena and her boss's relationship?

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