My brothers keeper

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You know, she played the fiddle in an Irish band
But she fell in love with an English man
Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand
Said, "Baby, I just want to dance"
With my pretty little Galway Girl
You're my pretty little Galway Girl
Galway girl

28 hours had past

Selena fluttered her eyes open slowly to see Klaus was holding her hands. She let out a soft moan causing him to lift his head up quickly to see her waking up

"Hey!" She whispered with a small smile causing him to sit up

"You did it" breathed out and hugged her tightly "You're awake"

"I did it" she said as tears welled up in her eyes "I killed them"

"Never leave me again" he whispered as he hugged her once again "Promise me"

"I won't" she whispered back as they pulled apart

"No promise me" his voice cracked "Promise me you won't leave ever again"

"I promise. I'm not going anywhere, Nik" she pulled him closer to her as she resed her forehead against his "Always and forever"

"I love you" he said as she sensed his body shaking against hers. She cupped his face and kissed him and it took him a moment to respond to the kiss. He froze for a second before melting into the kiss. The sort of kiss they both needed, gentle and soft

They pulled apart and he chuckled causing her to smile as he rested his forehead against hers. He stood and she sat up with his help

"I'll call the doctor" he told her and she nodded as he started to walk away

"I heard you. You know" she said causing him to stop "Telling me to stay and don't leave"

They looked at each other in silence for what was probably moments but felt like hours to Selena. He smiled and kissed her forehead before walking away

"How are you feeling?" Dr. Fell entered and Selena nodded

"I feel fine" she replied and Dr. Fell looked at Klaus

"I'll run some tests. Do you mind waiting outside"

"Ye I do mind" he retorted causing Selena to glare at him pleadingly

"Nik, please" she pleaded and he sighed before walking away

"Honestly how are you feeling?" The doctor asked and Selena looked at her injuries

"I'm fine honestly" she told her "A little bit dizzy and drained but fine"

She lifted her her clothes up as she winced in pain causing the doctor to sigh when she saw the many different injuries in her body. Selena tried to raise herself to her feet but the her knees buckled causing the doctor to rush towards her quickly helping her as she noticed her hands were shaking

"You lost a lot of blood... it's normal. I couldn't use vampire blood on you. You walked inside this hospital injured very badly and if you walk outside without a scratch... they'll get suspicious" Meredith explained "Selena I'm not gonna lie. I still think your condition isn't stable. You have a bad concussion, you can pass out any moment. You should be very careful"

"I'm a werewolf. I'll be fine" Selena stated and Meredith gave her a look before sighing

"Yeah? You forgot to mention that you had been on drugs for months... that could mess you up" she retorted and Selena took a deep breath "You're not clean yet, Selena"

"I will be fine"

"He was worried about you" she said referring to Klaus "He loves you, you know"

"I love him too" Selena smiled proudly "You know, you can do me a favor and let me out?"

"I don't know..."

"Please. I'll stay home I swear... My boyfriend will give me some of his blood I will be fine please" Selena pleaded and the doctor sighed

"Okay fine. You just have to sign some paper and we will let you out"

"Thank you" Selena smiled and the doctor nodded before walking away

Klaus entered with Theo causing Selena to squeal as she higged her brother tightly "You're awake" he whispered and she nodded

"Careful, she's still injured" Klaus warned Theo as they pulled apart

"I'm awake" she said "Where's the others?"

"Well... we're the only one who knows you're awake" Theo said and she giggled

"Okay... I'll be discharged in few minutes" Selena told them and they nodded "And I can finally go home. I hate hospitals with passion"

"You're not leaving my sight" Klaus told her firmly and she pouted "Don't give me that look"

"Is it working?"


While Selena was talking to her brother Dr. Fell motioned for Klaus to follow her discreetly and he nodded briefly before he obliged when he his girlfriend was busy talking

"What is it?" He asked her in concern when they entered her office "Something is wrong with her?"

"You have a stubborn girlfriend, I'll give you that" she joked and he chuckled with a nod "But she need your help"

"My blood?"

"Beside that" she stated and he frowned "Selena's condition isn't stable and I'm not just talking about her physical state, I saw her shaking but I played it off. You need to help her get through her traumas and I'm sure she will. She's a strong girl... after everything she had been through, she never complained. You've got a true fighter"

"I know" he smiled proudly

"Her blood pressure is high and she has a bad concussion" she informed him and he nodded "I know she's a werewolf but she lost a lot if blood so she needs yours and get her to quit smoking and using drugs, please. I know she's a teenager, a reckless one may I add but you might be able to convince her... Klaus, she's not clean yet"


Selena was laying on Klaus' bed slightly bored. Jenna, Caroline and Bonnie entered causing her to sit up excitedly as they were holding cookies in their hands

"I love you guys so much" she told them as they hugged her

"Sure you do" Caroline sassed and she chuckled

"Where's Elena?" She asked them and they shared a look "What?"

"You know... she still kind of have problems with Klaus" Bonnie said with a sheepish smile and Selena nodded in understanding

"It's okay. I'll see her later"

"You're good as new" Jenna remarked and she scoffed

"Vampire blood?" She shrugged and they laughed "Is Nik downstairs?"

"No, he's out" Jenna told her and Selena gave them a look

"Let me guess. You're here for babysitting duty?" She asked with an annoyed tone, she was completely healed, there was no a single scratch in her body and her concussion was getting better. It was almost completely healed but she couldn't help but feel like he was doing this because she wasn't clean from the weed and drugs she had been using

"That and for gossip" Caroline said "Elena and Stefan broke up"

"What? When? I honestly feel like a terrible sister. I know nothing about my sister's life anymore" Selena stated

"You almost died" Bonnie stated "You had a lot going on. She doesn't blame you"

"I still can't understand why could she dump Stefan?" Caroline thre her hands in the air

"I don't know. I mean... she knows better I guess. It's her choice we should accept it" Selena said and Caroline glared at her

"Jenna back me up!" Caroline said and Jenna laughed "Stefan is her epic love"

"What about you. I like Mr. Dylan but we're just friends?" Selena teased her aunt "I mean he's cute and charming and hot in some ways"

"We kissed" Jenna said and Selena dropped her cookie

"What!" She exclaimed "When? Where? How? Don't answer the last question"

"It just happened. It was yesterday" Jenna replied "We didn't talk about it"

"I'm sure he'll call you" Caroline said and Bonnie nodded

"Yeah plus you're super hot. He can't resist" Selena stated chewing her cookies "If you weren't my aunt. I'd marry you"

"Honestly Selena. Are you straight?" Bonnie asked and Selena laughed

"Jeez relax. I was joking"

"I need your help" Caroline said "Miss Mystic is in two days"

"Okay. I'll help" Selena said

"Yeah... good luck convincing Klaus" Bonnie said

"And Theo and Jeremy" Jenna added causing her to scoff

"I'm less worried about my brothers than me about Klaus"


When the girls left Selena entered the art room to see Klaus painting, she wrapped her arms around his waist causing him to turn around

"Nik" she smiled and he leaned down kissing her, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back

"So" she said breathlessly when they pulled apart "Tomorrow I have to help Caroline with the pageant"

"No" he shook his head in denial "You're not going anywhere. You're staying home"

"Nik I'm safe. I know that you're worried but the twins are dead" she told him softly "And you can come and check on me"

"Selena... I almost lost you" he stated and she sighed "I can't go through that again"

"I'm not going anywhere. I promise" she said softly and he looked hesitant "Is this about me not being clean yet? I know that I messed up, pretty badly, I really do and I'm so sorry for putting you through what I did but I won't ever get high, I promise. I won't even smoke"

"I trust you, little wolf" he told her sincerely and she smiled in relief "But it may not be easy, you had been using them since you were young- sixteen just so you could feel numb for couple of hours. Quitting may be difficult but I will help you"

"Thank you" she said as tears glistening her eyes, she truly didn't know what she did to deserve him

"Okay" he nodded and she sighed in relief "But don't exhaust yourself. You can go tomorrow"

"I won't" she said "Have I mentioned that I love you so much?"

"Maybe" he teased between her lips causing her to chuckle "But I love you too"


"What do you mean you're not coming? Need I remind you that your Miss Mystic falls attendance record sucks?" Selena asked Stefan over the phone as she walked down with Caroline on the Lockwood mansion

"Beside you're a founding Family member, by definition. You have to be here" Caroline told him and he sighed

"Elena and I broke up by definition, I don't need to be anywhere" Stefan told them as Selena was redecorating the table with flowers

"Honestly do we have to do everything by ourselves" she muttered angrily

"Did that sound as depressing to you as it did to me?" Selena teased the Salvatore brother

"Oh I'm not depressed. I just want to rip someone's artery and feed until I can't breath anymore" Stefan retorted causing Selena to chuckle

"Well you can't" Caroline said sternly "As sober your sponsors. We're not gonna let that happen"

"Try and sublimate" Selena added with a smile "We're not gonna let that happen"

"She said she has feelings for Damon" he spoke after a long pause

"What?" Caroline's mouth to drop open in shock "She can't have feelings for Damon! He's... Damon and you're... you. And I'm revolted"

"I'm not really that surprised" Selena said with a bored tone

"You're not?" Caroline frowned as Selena continued to decorate the tables "Anyways we're going to talk to her. We're gonna shake some sense into her clearly diseased brain"

"Yeah I don't know what good that'll do. Being a vampire has really changed her" Stefan said

"All the more reasons you need to cure her" the blonde said

"Sorry but we gotta go Stef, please be careful and don't feed on anyone. There's sublimating and there is insanity" Selena said in a warning tone "We love you"

"I'll be fine bye and love you too" he said before hanging up just as Elena came and stopped in front of them

"Hey El" Selena greeted pulling her into a hug "How are you feeling? You know being vampire and... all"

"Well I'm getting used to it but I should be asking you that... sorry I couldn't come with them yesterday it's just-"

"It's fine really" Selena smiled at her sister "It's understandable"

"Look. I'm your bestfriend and I
would never pick sides. But are you sure this is what you want? Because Stefan is your soulmate" Caroline rushed out and Selena sighed "Sorry picking sides"

"It's not like I don't love Stefan anymore, but I can't deny that ever since I turned, my feelings for Damon have become more intense" Elena explained

"Yeah we know" Selena scoffed harshly "Stefan filled us in all the gory Damon details"

"He did? Is he okay?" Elena asked hesitantly

"What do you think?" Caroline asked in disbelief "He's heartbroken"

"Well what was I supposed to do? Lie to him?" Elena retorted back

"No but you weren't supposed to let Damon weasel his way into your confused newbie vampire heart" The blonde argued and Selena sighed

"Look El. I'm your sister and I will support you on whatever you choose because you can't help who you fall in love with but you know why I'm being judgy?" Selena asked rhetorically "Because they're brothers... this could be bad for them"

"Well he did and that's what exactly I am. Confused. I need to figure out these feelings actually mean" Elena told Caroline and a man approached them as they snapped their attention to him

"Excuse me. I'm a little lost. I'm here to interview the contestants" he said and glared specifically at Selena

"You're professor Shane" Caroline said and Selena eyed him warily

"Hey" Selena smiled at him and he offered his hand and she shook it "You're helping Bonnie right?"

"Yes and apparently I'm professor by day and pageant judge by other day. And in spite of being absurdly unqualified I'm apparently rewarding a scholarship" He said and he chuckled causing the girls to chuckle nervously

"It's in the parlour" Selena pointed towards the door

"Alright. I'll just follow the scent of hairspray and world domination" he joked earning a small laugh from the girls and a fake smile from Selena before he walked away

"He's the one who told Damon how to break the hunter's mark" Elena informed them and Selena frowned

"He's also the one that has Bonnie so obsessed with practicing magic that she bailed on pageant preparations" Caroline pouted and Selena's frown deepened

"Wait he's the weird hot professor you told me about?" the Enchantress asked her sister causing the girls to glare at her "He's cute though... but definitely not funny"

"I honestly feel sorry for Klaus" Elena stated and Selena rolled her eyes

"Am I supposed to lie?" she asked and Caroline slapped her arm

"And now he's judging Miss Mystic falls? Weird right?" Selena said and they nodded


Selena was outside the mansion with a clipboard in her hands as she groaned when she saw the wrong flowers in the box

"Hey! Stop" she told the girls causing them to stop "Those flowers go in the back as indicated by the floral chart that you guys had plenty of time to memorize" she scolded and they rolled their eyes

"Yeah thank you" she smiled sarcastically as they turned around and began to walk "And be careful"

"Now how did I know I'd find you in the helm of this ship?" Klaus spoke and she didn't lift her eyes up from the clipboard

"Go away I'm busy" she sternly said "Miss Mystic pageant is tomorrow and I have a lot of work"

"Nik" She finally looked at him when she received no answer only he was giving her the puppy eyes "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see my beautiful girl" He spoke worryingly as be wrapped his arms around her waist kissing her cheek as he let the kiss linger for a moment

"God. They'll be the death of me" she groaned when she saw the wrong flowers in the wrong place "Those flowers aren't for the tables guys!"

Klaus watched her amusingly "Your bosiness is a real turn on, little wolf" he said seductively and she glared at him

"You do realise this is a public place, Nik" she remarked and he laughed softly causing her to smile

"I missed you" he said leaning down capturing her lips as she wrapped her arms around his nech with the clipboard in her hand

"I was gone for two hours. Literally" she stated and he chuckled

"I was wondering what time should I pick you up?" He asked and she shook her head

"No I'll be spending the day with Care and Elena and then I'll check on Jeremy and Jenna" she said and he nodded

"Okay but you're coming home tonight right?" He asked and she nodded "And tomorrow what time should I be here?"

"Surely the reigning Miss Mystic falls won't be hosting a party alone" Klaus joked and she grinned mischievously

"Oh I'm actually coming here as Damon's date" she taunted and he snarled

"Excuse me?" Klaus asked angrily and she giggled

"Relax I'm only joking" she said and he glared at her "Of course you'll be my date"

"Selena Mae Gilbert!" Caroline scolded and Selena sighed

"Don't call me by my full name!"

"Stop flirting with your boyfriend and go back to work! Klaus go away she's busy"

"Coming" Selena called before kissing Klaus' cheek "I should go"

"Meet me here. Tomorrow. 2 pm. Black tie optional... actually it's not an option. It's an order. You look hot in suits"

Klaus nodded with a proud smile as she walked up the stairs "I love you" he said and she smirked

"I love you too" she called walking away


"Oh hey Aunt Jen-" Selena trailed off when she entered her house and saw Dylan and Jenna talking "Na"

"Selena" Jenna greeted and Dylan smiled at her

"Oh hey Selena. How are you feeling?" He asked her and she smiled

"Great" she said "Sorry didn't mean to interrupt"

"You didn't" Jenna said and Selena nodded teasingly

"I just came for the cookies and Jeremy" she told her aunt and Dylan

"No I was just leaving" the wolf said and walked away "See you later"

"So?" Selena asked when Dylan left the house "Spill"

"Honestly Selena you're excited more than I am" Jenna stated and Selena chuckled


"He understands that I'm still grieving Ric and we want to take things slow" Jenna said and Selena smiled

"That's so adorable"

"Yeah" Jenna smiled "You and Klaus?"

"We're good" she said and Jenna scoffed

"Good? That's what I get?" She asked in disbelief "You practically live with him"

"I know... I mean I love him so much and these past couple of months were hard on both of us but we made it through the hardships together. That what matters" Selena said and Jenna nodded

"You know at the hospital... he was so scared to lose you. You have no idea how scared he was" Jenna said and Selena smiled

"Actually I do... you know I didn't want him to be there. At the woods I mean. I thought that at least if I'm gonna die, I didn't want it to be in front of him... because I know how it feels" Selena stated "I thought about all of you there and when I saw him all I wanted to do was fight"

"I love you" Jenna said and hugged her niece "So much never forget that"

"I won't" she said as Jenna received a message "Is everything okay?"

"Klaus sent me a message... he said to keep an eye on you"

"Seriously?" Selena asked in disbelief

"Can you blame him?" Jenna asked

"Are you seriously taking his side? I'm your niece" Selena stated and Jenna shrugged "Where's Jer?"

"Him and Matt are helping Caroline"


The next day Selena, Caroline and Elena were helping April choose a dress for the pageant

"Red" Selena said when April showed them the two dresses

"Blue" Caroline and Elena said

"Really? The blue seems a little safe" April told the blonde and the doppelganger causing Selena to smile proudly

"Safe is good when it comes to the judges" Elena said

"Look red is a good one and it's sexy. You need to show off" Selena stated "Red is hot and you are hot... equal hotter"

"Thank you" April amiled at the Enchantress

"No problem, darling"

"She's right. Gracie Lockwood had a three-foot slit her year and practically got laughed off the court" Caroline told them and they laughed remembering the event

"She got my vote" Damon said causing the three girls to turn their heads to his direction

"Get out lurker!" Caroline threw a shoe at him and Selena chuckled

"Ouch" The elder Salvatore muttered sarcastically and Selena walked over to him and gave him a hug as he kissed her cheek

"Sexy wolfie. Hot as ever" He said and she smiled as Theo entered and she hugged him as well

"Where's professor Shane?" Theo asked and Selena shrugged

"Check the judges table" Caroline told them before shutting the door in their face. Damon pushed on the door back causing to open

"Red one definitely" Damon said and he high fived Selena

"Yeah the red one is good" Theo said and Selena smiled

"Three votes" Selena smiled proudly "The red one is perfect"

"You wore blue and you won" Caroline told Selena causing her to shrug

"First of all she's not me and second I'm not Elena" she stated

"We've already agreed that the red one's a little bit too showy" Caroline stated and Selena rolled her eyes

"It's a pageant. That's the whole point" Damon said in a 'duh' tone

"Exactly" Selena nodded

"I don't care about any of this. So I'll be downstairs" Theo stated walking away

"Did you win Miss Mystic last year? No I don't think you did" Caroline sassed the elder Salvatore

"Neither did Elena and she wore blue" Damon argued

"Nobody care what you think" Caroline rolled her eyes

"I care" April held her hand up

"Leenie wore blue and she won" Caroline retorted causing Selena to glare at her

"Once again April is not me"

"See April cares. Red, right Elena?" Damon asked and they all turned to the doppelganger waiting for her answer

"The red is pretty" She answered causing Selena and Caroline's mouth to drop in surprise

"And my work here is done" Damon said before walking out

"It's not that I'm not happy that you chose the red one but what happened to safe is good?" Selena asked in disbelief

"And what happened to thirty seconds ago when you hated the red one? And yeah what happened to safe is good?" Caroline countered

"Elena you might have feelings for him but doesn't mean you have to agree with him on everything" Selena stated causing Caroline to nod

"Which ever one you want to wear, April" Elena said before walking away

"What just happened?" Selena asked rhetorically as she noticed Elena's strange behaviour

"The red one definitely" Selena smiled at April before walking away


"Hey why am I the one bussing tables?" Selena snapped at the waiters "I don't want to see empty glasses"

She walked over to the orchestra with a scowl "Will you pick up the tempo? This is a pageant not a funeral" she snapped her fingers at them "Caroline I'm going to kill you!"

"And how am I doing?" Klaus spoke up causing her to stop and stare at him lovingly

"You're... perfect. Careful I might just get jealous. Girls will be staring at you" she breathed out causing the Original hybrid to smile as he caught something over her shoulder causing her to turn around

"They didn't waste anytime. Did they?" He teased when he spotted Tyler with Hayley causing Selena to glare harshly at them

"He's a dick" Selena hissed "I don't want Caroline to see them"

He wrapped his arms around her waist as she did the same around his neck. She kissed his cheek letting the kiss linger for a moment

"You look ravishing, little wolf" he complimented and she chuckled "And you are the only one for me"

"And you are the only one for me" she smirked as he was about to kiss her Caroline interrupted them

"Sorry but Leenie we need to go" She said and Selena rolled her eyes. Klaus groaned in frustration causing the blonde to giggle

"I'll be back in five" she said and Klaus kissed her cheek and she fixed the end of her dress

"Hello everyone I'm Caroline Forbes and this is Selena Gilbert. As the reigning Miss Mystic falls, it's our honour to introduce this year Miss Mystic Court" Caroline announced as the crowd cheered

"We begin the procession with Valerie Fell accompanied by Dylan Clark" The blonde continued

"Next we have Amber Wolverton accompanied by Hector Linsey" Selena continued the list with a smile in her face

"And finally we have last minute entry... April Young accompanied by Jeremy Gilbert" Caroline said

"See she looks amazing" Selena whispered to Caroline as they looked for Jeremy who was nowhere to be found

Matt came and took Jeremy's
place as Selena left the stage looking for her younger brother

"Where's Stefan Salvatore 2.0" Selena asked Elena sarcastically "Where the hell is our brother?"

"I don't know I'm calling him right now" Elena rang him but he didn't pick up "He's not picking up"

"Do the Math. Emo teen, open bar. It's fine" Damon approached them from behind

"No Jeremy will not just abandon her like that" Selena defended the younger Gilbert as Theo approached them

"I'm sure he's fine" Damon said and Selena shook her head

"Look I know my brother. He's not like that"

"Matt said he's been having nightmares about killing vampires and he's been hinding it from me" Elena revealed causing Selena to frown

"What? You're just making me feel like terrible sister" Selena said as Jenna approached them

"What happened? Where's Jer?" She asked them

"Relax. I'm sure he's fine. If I'm not worried, you shouldn't be worried. Let it go, Theo and I will go look for him" Damon told the doppelganger and she nodded before he walked away

"Okay you go home. Leenie and I will start asking around" Caroline told the doppelganger

"Maybe Damon is right. Maybe he grabbed a bottle from the bar and snuck off the woods" Elena said earning a disbelief look from both girls

"He might be my friend but Damon is never right" Selena stated and Caroline nodded "And do you really think Jer would do that?"

"Yes he's sneaky and manipulative and rude, but he's never right. How can you not see that?" Caroline blurted out causing Selena to sigh

"I don't know but why do I think you won't hesitate to tell me?" Elena asked them both and her sister took a deep breath

"Fine I'll tell you. Your so called feelings for Damon are really starting to cloud your judgement and we both don't like it" Selena truthfully and angrily said causing Elena to gasp quietly in shock

"And the thought of two of you together really makes me want to barf" Caroline added in a disgust tone

"Feelings? This has nothing to do with feelings! Why are you suddenly taking his side on everything?" Selena snapped and Klaus approached them as he placed his hand on her lower back

"Easy love, you're making a scene" He told her rubbing her back

"Wow guys. Thank you for making this very difficult time so much easier" Elena spat sarcastically causing her sister to stare at her in disbelief as she walked away

"And suddenly I'm the bad guy?" Selena asked them in incredulity

"Let's get you a drink. I'll tell you all about being a bad guy" Klaus smirked as he grabbed her hands walking away


"I mean as her sister who loves her so much. It's my duty to warn her when she's making a giant mistake" Selena defended herself "I mean I love Damon yes... and don't give me that look I love him as my friend but doesn't make him right on everything he does or says. He's reckless and impulsive. And he acts before he thinks so yes it doesn't make him right on everything"

"So being a vampire has changed her" he said and she nodded

"But being a vampire only amplifies who you already are. It doesn't turn you into a completely different person" she stated and he hummed

"Very peculiar" he mused and she stared at him

"What's that look?" She asked and he smirked smugly "Seriously?"

"It will make sense eventually" He said and she sighed

"Just hurry up and find this stupid cure so things can go back to normal" she sat on the stone bench beside him

"I'm working on it" he said and she stared at him lovingly

"You look handsome by the way" she told him and he chuckled

"And you look gorgeous"

"Would you ever take it? The cure?" She randomly asked and he smirked

"Why would I want to cure myself of being the most powerful creature on the planet?" He said smugly as he opened the champagne bottle

"But there's not one single moment in your whole life that you wanted to be human?" She asked curiously and he poured her a glass handing it to her

"Life used to be a lot easier" he said and stood up pulling a letter from his pocket and stood up

"Don't you miss the days of being..." he said before looking at the letter

"Chair of the Mystic Falls beautification committee and the director of the policeman yearly raffle" he read and her eyes widened as she realised it was her application

"Is that my Miss Mystic application? Where did you get that?" She stood up trying to snatch the letter from his hand but he moved it away chuckling

"When I am chosen, I intend to redfine the excellence. I'm really enjoying your use 'when' here it's very confident" he mocked giggling

"Oh my God that so embarrassing. I will hate Caroline forever for helping me with this" she put a hand on her forhead in embarrassment

"And above all. I promise to aspire, inspire and perspire. Obviously we found a shortage of words in ending in spire" he teased and she tried to take the letter from his hand

"Yeah it's very funny. Just give- " she said sarcastically and he moved the letter away gaving her a challenging look causing her to chuckle

They sat back on the bench drinking their champagne as she caught him staring at her

"What's wrong?" She asked and he smiled at her

"I just love you" He said and she smiled and pulled him closer to her kissing him

From afar Tyler and Hayley were looking at the couple who was very happy. Tyler turned aroun not wanting to witness anymore

"She's different... Selena" Hayley said and Tyler nodded

"Yeah she's a bit of a bitch but she means well. She was there for me when I first changed" Tyler said "She understood me... you know two years ago you wouldn't have known her. She was a total bitch. You'd consider yourself lucky if she didn't talk trash about you.... and all of sudden she changed, she became nicer and more friendly"

"You mean bitchy nice?" Hayley joked "I'm sure she's has a good heart... she kind of been through a lot so you shouldn't really blame her"

"Yeah... but now she's just ruining her life" he pointed at Klaus causing Hayley to nod, she noticed the Crescent mark on the back of Selena's shoulder but she just kept it to herself


Klaus and Selena were walking their arms looped around each other and the hybrid stopped causing her to stop

"I never answered your question. If I'd ever thought about being human" He said and she stared at him

"Once I was on a trek in the Andies, a hummingbird flew up to me. It just hovered there, staring at me. It's tiny heart,was patterning loke a machine gun" he said as he put a hand on his heart

"And I thought, what a thing, you know to have to work that hard everyday just to stay alive. To be constantly on the verge of death and how satisfying every day you must be that it survived. This was the first time I thought about being human... the second time was when I first saw you in that history class. You were the most beautiful girl I've ever saw. You still are but I just wanted to be you and me... live our life together, I'd change for you. Have our little family" he revealed and she smiled up at him in adoration and surprise

"You don't get it" she said and he frowned "I love you just the way you are. I might have said some awful things in the past but I was just scared and immature... I've never been in love. I am recklessly and madly in love you"

He stared at her, wordless for one of the first times in his life. Before he could answer, she stretched up to kiss him a chaste press of lips to lips at first, but it deepened quickly

"Let's go home" she whispered breathlessly


He closed the door, her back hit the wall as he kissed her frantically. She dug her fingers into his shoulders. She kissed him back with the same desperation

He sped them over to the bedroom and then to bedas he leaned down on top of her as he grabbed her right tigh hoisting it up to his waist. She took off her dress without interrupting the kiss

She moaned softly as she bit her lower lip when he moved to her neck and then collarbone. Their naked bodies pressed against each other.

He sucked at her skin harshly and placed both of his hands on her thighs and squeezed gently before kissing down her stomach. His kisses were gentle and teasing

He moved down to her core causing her to moan lightly as she gripped onto the white sheets tightly. Her chest was heaving and her breath was staggered.

He was flushed, his eyes black with desire, her heart pounding, hardly as she moaned out his name repeatedly

Climbing back over her, he kissed her more passionately as the kiss became more heated, he entered her slowly causing her breath to hitch. She ran her hands all over him

"Nik" she moaned loudly causing his eyes to flush Gold. His closed his eyes and he sucked in a sharp breath

"You are mine..." he said when their eyes met and she nodded as she watched him coming undone

"I'm only... yours.... oh God" she stammered and pulled her against him, gentle now, and kissed the line of her throat again. He groaned in pleasure as they spent the rest of the night making love with passion and desire

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