Chapter 34- She Will Founder

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The deadly silence inside the room was tensing. It took a moment for everyone to come back to their senses and start discussing the matter. There was a long hush between the four men before Captain Smith started conversing again, trying to get a grip on the situation. 

"She seems like she has been scrapped on her starboard and the right side. Can't see her from the deck, I assume that it's underwater..." he said with a quiet voice. His voice was quiet yet it echoed in the room that was filled with jitter.

Jungkook breathed fast, running his fingers through his smooth Ebony bangs nervously.

He warned them, he tried to stop them, Jungkook presumed that this might happen if we weren't alert enough.

But he didn't utter a word out of his pride, trying to brag about his accuracy.  Rather than that, he was just as agitated as the rest of the crew and acted like he was still part of it. His devotion toward his crew and the ship was so strong that he didn't back off even after they conflicted with him. 

"Mr. Andrews,"  Jungkook talked to the disturbed male whose face was clouding with gloominess and apprehension. He didn't seem like he was in the right mindset.

However,  Andrews was stable enough to respond. He slightly turned his head towards us, acquiescing to Jungkook.

"Will she be able to handle it?" Jungkook queried with a doubt. But Andrews stood as he was still stunned by the bombshell he had a while ago.

Jungkook paced towards him, gripping both his shoulders and shooting a sharp gaze at him. Andrews who was half-zoned out, looked at him with the same agitated face.

"Mr.  Andrews! Please I need you to be strong! We need your help right now more than any time..." The younger male tried to bring the man back to his proper mindset which seemed like a bit of a challenge at that moment. 

All through this, I worriedly stood without talking, submerged in various dark thoughts that my mind couldn't handle.

"Mr. Andrews! Please come back to your senses, we need you!" Jungkook's desperate voice snapped the man. He looked at Jungkook and then switched his glance to us.

"Right," Andrews rushed towards the racks full of scrolls and maps. He quickly grabbed a few blueprints and scattered them on the table.

It was the original design of the Titanic.

We all gathered around him. I stood behind Jungkook and traced my eyes along the drawn plan with the white ink in the blueprint.

"Did you shut the watertight doors?" he shot his question at Edwards Smith who was diving into deep thoughts. He promptly nodded, answering his question.

Andrews rolled the map and traced his index finger along the drawn sketches of the compartments.

"The Titanic will stay on the surface if the vessel is filled with four compartments. That's the maximum. What's her status so far?"

His next question was answered by Murdoch. He was sweating even though it was a very cold night. He was sweating out of fear and anxiety. 

"We reduced her speed and reversed the propellers, sir but she hit in the starboard and scrapped. We managed to close up before filling the fourth compartment,  but I'm not sure how long she would hold, sir..."

The fact that the Titanic sailed at twenty knots speed made the ship impossible to turn or reverse within the time. Whilst, her size and length exceeded eight hundred feet, making things even more difficult. 

"Her central propeller isn't designed to work in the reverse, which is a real disfavor for us-" Andrews was bothered by the entrance sound of a cracking door which made us turn our heads that way.

"What the bloody hell is going on Andrews? I felt a vibration... " It was Bruce Ismay, dressed in a long thick brown coat on top of his pajamas. The fear and confused expressions were passing over his usual arrogant royalty looks at that moment. His bloodless face had turned paper white.

"She scrapped,"

"Well, there's certainly something that you can do about it," Ismay was panicking, his words were almost a stutter.

"Sir! We just found out that five of her compartments blast opened!" an anxious voice raised from behind.

It was the second officer Lightoller. A gasp released from Thomas Andrews, making him flop on his chair. He glanced back at the blueprint, hopelessly.

"She will stay floating only up to the first four compartments filled... Only the first four not five," he gazed at Jungkook and Captain Edwards Smith.

"Now the water level will keep rising to the other ten compartments, invading the E deck, getting to them one by one. She will get filled in the head then slowly drown" 

"The pumps-" Smith's sentence was ceased by the agitated voice.

"It will buy us time only by minutes, not for hours" Everyone stood silent.

"What do you think then?" Jungkook finally asked the question that everyone was tempted to ask yet no one was willing to hear out the tragic answer.

"At this moment, no matter what we do the Titanic will founder... "

Those were some of the most horrible words I heard in my life.  My heart paused for a moment at the tragic news that was a bombshell. With the jaw-dropping news, my whole body stood numb for a few minutes. It felt like my whole life flashed before my eyes.

The Titanic will sink...

Everyone was stunned by his words. But Thomas Andrew's words were certain. He knew what was going to happen, he built her. And now she is going to meet the deep ocean bed. Sooner or later.

Jungkook stared blankly at the map that was spread on the stable. His deep emotions were undetectable. He was hurt, he was frustrated. Jeon Jungkook is after all the Captain of the ship, even though it's only nominally. Edwards Smith was no different,  yet I saw the guilt and the regression that was clouding him. The disappointment he had in himself was legible through his sulky face.

"This is absurd, she's unsinkable, it's impossible for her to sink " Ismay stuttered out. He did not seem like he was in the right mind at that time. He was one of the people who were responsible for this wreck. So it was natural for him to feel so uneasy.

Andrews threw a sore look at him, his words were coated with utter dismay. 

"Oh she is, she is unsinkable Ismay, she's made of iron, she can sink and she will. All of this will be meeting the bottom of the Atlantic in a few hours. " his words struck like thunder, loud and clear which gave me goosebumps 

"How long?" Edwards Smith raised his voice after a very long time. His voice was stern, and his face was filled with determination.  Captain looked like he was ready to face the bitter  truth

"An hour...two the most," Andrews said with a soft sigh.

Jungkook's jaw clenched together. He nervously wobbled his cheek with his tongue. I slid my hand and intertwined my fingers with his to comfort him. I gave his hand a light squeeze of consoling. His eyes gazed at me with worry.

My heart felt heavy with the anticipation. 

"This can't be...this can't be true..." Ismay started mumbling to himself.

Captain Smith drifted his gaze toward the horizon over the starboard, diving into millions of dwelling thoughts.

He turned to his younger co-captain. He was trying his best to stop himself from breaking down. Even today I remember how he stood courageously, carrying the burden of two thousand souls. His wrinkled wise face looked like a soldier fighting for his country. 

"Captain Jeon, will you do one last honor as the captain of the ship? "  Jungkook stood dumbfounded by his words nonetheless he agreed. 

"Yes Captain, what shall we proceed?" he sounded like a real leader. I've seen Jungkook working with his crew, but not like any other time, At that moment he looked like a fighter, like the alfa that leads the pack.

"I suggest that we should use that thing we discussed very back then when we held our foremost meeting as the crew of the Titanic," he said with clear words. The younger male's eyes widened for a second but then again he acquiesced to the fact.

"I understand,"

Captain Smith turned to the first and second command of officers. Giving his orders to gather the crew. The lack of lifeboats was the major issue that occurred. It barely could carry half of the passengers. As Jungkook had told me earlier, the boats were made to ferry passengers to nearby vessels, not to hold them simultaneously.

The crew continued to man their duties even though they knew that it was somewhat hopeless. They weren't direct orders given by the seniors, it was what their hearts told them. They were aware of the lifeboat situation. 

That night so many brave souls sacrificed themselves to save the passengers, not by a given order from the higher, but by their hearts filled with devotion and dedication. 

"How many passengers onboard Mr. Murdoch?" Captain's words echoed in the room. Murdoch reluctantly responded.

"Two thousand souls onboard sir," his voice was filled with shame, and disappointment. Captain Smith nodded as he understood the situation. 

He turned to Bruce Ismay before heading back to report to his duty.

"Well, I believe you may get your headlines, Mr. Ismay"

Is anyone getting nostalgia? Lol, I elaborated on some scenes of the movie twisting them with some more facts I found in my research.

I use this moment to memorize the brave souls who died that day, R.I.P to the crew members who perished on 1912 April 14th 🤍 this chapter is dedicated to show the respect to all who fought till the end for the sake of the passengers.

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