Chapter 42- Final Resting Place

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With the loud bombastic sound, the Queen Titanic, the ship of dreams, the so-called unsinkable ship ripped into two pieces. She couldn't hold the weight of her own. Exceeding almost twenty-five thousand tons, her rare end was high up in the sky while her nose end was sunken underwater.

The moment that weight suppressed her limit, she cracked apart.

The broken part of the ship started jerking back down again. The people on board started yelping, screeching at the top of their lungs as the part we were in cut through the wind and landed on the ocean surface once again. It was like a horrifying Ferris wheel ride.

I held tightly onto Jungkook's torso. His strong manly arms were wrapped around me, not letting me slide away from his embrace. With a hefty bounce, we landed on the floor. The ship was horizontal again but it was only a matter of time until this half of the ship was going to perish.

"Hurry the fuck up! lower the boats!" A man rasped out panicked by the fact that we didn't have much time left in our hands.

"Ladies, to the boats!" Men hurriedly started helping the women get into the boat we were supposed to get in.

Taehyung and Jungkook stood by the ropes as other men helped each other get in. They were almost done, the only remaining females were me and Madam Colette. Madam Colette took one last glance at the broken ship.

"Farewell," Taehyung held her hand and carefully led her to the boat. Even if it was dark, I was able to see the agony that was twitching her face.

"Taehyung?" she called his name. The young masculine gazed at her, giving her a reassuring smile of promise.

"I'll be right behind you, I need to cut these ropes," she nodded as he said.

Finally,  it was my time to step in.

I heaved a heavy sigh and turned to Jungkook who was lending his hand at me. I took his hand with a throbbing heart. My heart clenched with apprehension.  My eyes gazed at him as my heart pounded fast.

"Don't worry love, you'll be alright"  His words wrecked my heart. I wasn't ready to let go of him even for a minute.

"Jungkook, you'll be right next to me right?"  he nodded with a smile.

"I promise"

I pulled him into a kiss before letting his hand go, climbing myself into the boat as Jungkook stood near it till others got in. His eyes closed, and his face was looking emotional as he kissed me. I didn't want to let him go.

I had to. For this one moment. 

But I never dreamt that it would be our last goodbye.

Men jumped onto the boat and everyone was in a haste to get away. The remaining part of the ship was starting to tilt again. It was going to get sucked into the deep ocean.

"Everyone got in?" as others replied a yes, both Jungkook and Taehyung stepped into the boat to my relief. 

They both started lowering the ropes, sitting near the edge of the boat.

"Lower the behind first, she's slanting" Jungkook ordered the men. He was a professional of course.  He knew what he was doing. 

We all were going down from the ship, our boat was launching.  I released the breath I was holding till that time. The ship started slanting even more. I could hear the screams of the people who were dragged down. I closed my ears from my palms to avoid hearing the cries that felt like hollers digging into my brain.

The boat we were in was halfway down until the ropes that were taking us down got stuck, leaving us hanging in mid-air. The women started panicking. They hugged each other,  closing their eyes as if it were their last moment. Because of the slant, the ropes were stuck in the wheels, not being able to slide down.

"Shit!" Men cursed under their breaths.

"Jungkook, we have no other option but to cut the ropes." Taehyung glanced at Jungkook who was at the other end.

"It might destroy the boat,"

"We'll end up dying if we get pulled with the ship," Jungkook clenched his jaws. He had no option but to agree at that point.

"I'll climb up the rope and cut it-"

"I'll help" Before even Jungkook could reply he started climbing with the knife between his teeth. Jungkook followed him, climbing up the other rope.

The males near the edges started cutting the ropes away as they understood that if they did not do it, it was going to be the end of them, the end of all of us.

I watched Jungkook with a thumping heart. He gazed at me and smiled before climbing up, gesturing that he'd be alright. He climbed up higher and started cutting the ropes in a rush.

The next few minutes were the most horrifying moments of my life.

As the ropes were cut off one by one, the boat started swinging, losing its balance. The ship started elevating with another creak, giving a hefty bump, out boat swung. I held in tightly,  praying that I wouldn't be flying away to the dark black ocean.

Almost all the ropes were cut when the most unfortunate thing happened. The most unexpected thing happened.  The last person I wanted to see alive appeared on the deck, in the level we were in, aiming a gun.

Beom Hyeon

Everything happened in the blink of an eye.

I could see the cruel grin of satisfaction in the corner of his lips. He was bloodthirsty, It didn't matter the fact that we were in the middle of a disaster, all he cared about was succeeding on his only mission, which was to take his revenge on behalf of his dead brother.

"Park Y/n!" I heard his raspy voice calling my name. He started laughing like a maniac. He laughed like a mindless psychopath. His gun aimed at us. Everyone stood frozen as they saw that.

But the sudden force of the ship made him unable to let him do what he desired. He lost his balance but his hand was quick enough to pull the trigger which aimed directly at Jungkook instead of me. I saw the monstrous smirk in him as he fell from the deck, getting sucked by the merciless ocean, finding his final resting place at the deep Atlantic.

But he succeeded...He won in the end.

He won by making my life a living hell just like he promised.

It was worse than dying...

I took what was precious to him and he took the perfect revenge by taking away the love of my life, making me suffer to death.

Jungkook was able to cut loose the last rope, letting the boat fall free to the ocean. The bullet flew towards him. I shrieked at the top of my lungs.

"Jungkook! No!"

My voice was subdued by the screaming of the people and the creaking sound of the ship. My eyes widened with horror as I saw Jungkook's body falling from the boat. I was so shocked that I couldn't believe what just happened.

Did he...did he just get shot?

Our boat landed on the ocean with a splash, because of the unbalance, the boat rolled to a side, making us fall to the cold water. The boat was turning upside down. People were swimming here and there to save their lives, it was like a big school of dying fish that were trying to catch their last breath.

The cold water was like a thousand daggers piercing my skin. My vessels were constricting, making it difficult to breathe.

"Come on! push!" With the strength of the men around, they were able to stabilise the boat once again. The remaining people quickly got in the boat.

But that was my least concern at that moment. 

"Jungkook...Jungkook!" tears were streaming down my cheeks, I tried to find him, screaming like an insane person. 

"Y/n, you have to get in," Taehyung swam near me, trying to get me to the boat.

I shrugged his hand away and tried to swim, splashing water. I had to find him, I was not going to leave him, I was not going to leave Jungkook.

"Jungkook where are you!"

One of the four funnels collapsed, causing a big wave. People screamed, terrified by the death they were facing.

"We have to get this boat rowing before we all get sucked in!" one of the men in the boat shouted at us.

But I wasn't ready to go, how could I go?

"Y/n," Taehyung was trying his best to drag me along with him but I was making it difficult for him because my arms were swinging, struggling to get rid of his grasp.

"No, Let me go! We have to find him!" I broke into tears.

Taehyng's strong iron-like arms glided around my waist, making sure that I wasn't able to get away from his grasp, he swam with me towards the boat.

"Take her in" he called a man in the boat.

"No! Jungkook is still there, we can't leave him!" No matter how much I struggled, I was trapped between the strong arms. They pulled me on board. Taehyung climbed himself up on the boat.

"Start rowing! Use all your strength men!"

The rows were starting to clatter the water. The remaining part of the ship was coming down, she was coming down fast.

"Hurry up!"

Taehyung was holding me back from jumping off the boat. I was crying, wailing I tried to push him away and go back to the ocean to find Jungkook.

"Let me go! I can't leave Jungkook!.... Jungkook...please he's still in there..." I cried loudly.

"He's gone Y/n, I'm so sorry..." Taehyung's face was withered with a sulky look. He was clenching his jaws with agony. I could say he was in pain too.

"No, it can't be" My voice was broken to pieces, and so was my heart.

The boat was rowing away from the ship as I was crying,  Taehyung was holding me, looking at the ship that was sinking in front of us.

We were the last boat to leave the ship before she completely went underwater.

As we rowed away the Titanic sank in the dark cold Atlantic.  With a big gushing sound, she was sucked in. Around 2.30 a.m. on 15th April, The unsinkable queen went to her resting place 13,000 feet underwater at the bottom of the Atlantic, taking away the lives of about one thousand and five hundred souls with her, making the cold Atlantic their graveyard.

Including Jungkook...

I'm so sorry 💔  No don't come at me pointing daggers lmao... (sorry I'm broke too 🥲🤧)

But did he actually die though? 🤔 hmm 👽

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