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Lee Da Hee[Host] Next is Bloodstone Team

Cheers and claps, five girls walk on stage


Bloodstone "Hello /smiles/ We are Bloodstone, We will showcast our strengths /waves and smiles/

Cheers and claps

LuHan(Leader) "My members and I have been working hard so we hope you like our performance /smiles/"

Minjung(Center) "We will show you what we can do /smirks and gives a heart/"

Loud cheers


Lee Da Hee[Host] Let's begin the performance! /walks away/

[0:29 L to R = Mui Kim - Davin - Luna Kim - Yiso - Juju]

Xi LuHan as Juju - Leader, Main Dancer
Chai Eunjin as Luna Kim - Maknae, Main Dancer
Park Minjung as Yiso - Center, Lead Dancer
Kang SooRin as Mui Kim - Oldest, Lead Dancer
Tanaka Akiko as Davin - Sub-Dancer

The girls say there goodbyes and walk into the special room, while they sit the screen changes

All members are so happy about there leader ranking and they cheer up the members that are crying

Lee Da Hee[Host] And last we have Team Celestite

Cheers and claps


Celestite "Hi! /smirks and waves/ We are Celestite! /They do a military greeting/

Cheers and claps

Aria(Leader) "Today we will show our skills /smiles/"

Jiao(Center) "So we hope that you see how far we have gone /charming gaze/

Loud cheers and calps


Lee Da Hee[Host] Let's begin the last performce! /walks away/

Aria Maner as Shirley - Leader, Lead Vocalist
Lee Jiahui as Gia Ge - Maknae, Main Vocalist
Li Jiao as BabyMonster An - Center, Main Dancer, Vocalist
Ivy Claris Hwang as Vicky Wei - Lead Rapper
Bo Lifen as Aria Jin - Vocalist, Dancer
Annabelle Coloniel Midford as Snow Kong - Sub-Rapper
Natalie Walker as Yennis Huang - Main Rapper

They say bye to the audience and walk backstage to the room, when they sit is when the screen changes

There in shock about there results but they cheer each other up

Lee Da Hee[Host] /walk on stage/ Thanks everyone for bein here today and voting. We will see you all next time. bye bye /smiles, waves and leaves/

Cheers and claps

The host continue's walking until she get do a big room where all the trainees are standing and waiting, all in line of what team there in

Lee Da Hee[Host] How is everyone? /smiles/

They responded to her and they smiled

Lee Da Hee[Host] Ok we will start with the Teams voting by winning you get 6,000p

Trainees are happy about getting more so they can survival

Lee Da Hee[Host] /smiles/ Ok, Let's show the results now!

Cheers and shock can be heard from the girls

Lee Da Hee[Host] Congrats! to Diamond Team /smiles/

The trainees that performed High Tension celebrate for there win

Lee Da Hee[Host] /smiles/ Ok, Next we will present the Centers of each group who got the most votes

Lee Da Hee[Host] Congrats! Li Jiao for being the number one Center of today /smiles/

Her label mate SooRin hugs her and even the Celestite team hug her

Lee Da Hee[Host] Now for the eliminated trainees

Some trainees are holding the hand of there close friend or playing in there heads

Lee Da Hee[Host] The first trainee to leave the show today is /looks at paper/

Lee Da Hee[Host] Annabelle!

Annabelle Coloniel Midford
Rap Trainee from America

Ep.0 - (C) Tartarus
Ep. 1 - (=) Tartarus
Now - (=) Tartarus

I want to thank the people who supported me first, the mentors and the staff for taking care of us. I hope I can do better in the future, it has been an awakening moment for me and I wish everyone the best. 

Lee Da Hee[Host] Hope to see you again /small smile/ Next trainee to leave is.......

Lee Da Hee[Host] Hayeon!

Kang Hayeon
All-Rounder Trainee from Korea

Ep.0 - (A) Elysium
Ep.1 - (B) Elysium
Now - (=) Tartarus

It's depressing that I didn't make it into the final lineup and I feel a bit sorry for my company and my family.. but this surely was a great experience and taught me a lot of things I need later. As for my fellow teammates and mentors, I really enjoyed the time with you and I'm thankful for all the support you gave me. a thank you to my fans as well because I couldn't keep going on without you. I'll continue working hard and I wish you guys all the best.

Lee Da Hee[Host] You where one of my favorite, hope I can see you again /small smile/

Her label mates and friends go to confert her and clean her tears

Lee Da Hee[Host] Next trainee leaving the show........

Lee Da Hee[Host] Paige!

Paige Han
Rap Trainee from America

Ep.0 - (B) Elysium
Ep.1 - (C) Elysium
Now - (=) Tartarus

Thank you for this opportunity, I tried my hardest and I'm sad to go home now, but this was an amazing experience and I will continue to support everyone on the show. 

Lee Da Hee[Host] You did your best and worked hard /small smile/

Her label mates and friends go to hug her

Lee Da Hee[Host] Now this trainee, I ddon't think you girls have noticed

Some start looking around

Lee Da Hee[Host] Trainee eunjin left the show just when she did her performance. Sad news is her parents got into a car crash and well she needs to be there more then here

Chai Eunjin
All-Rounder Trainee from Korea

Ep.0 - (B) Elysium
Ep.1 - (A) Tartarus
Now - Left

Lee Da Hee[Host] She left a message and I'll be reading it "I know it's sad that I'm going home but look at the bright side. You have one less competitive girl on your back. I am leaving this show with many visible and invisible scars. I would like to say thank you to everyone who supported me for believing in me and supporting me. I am truly sorry that I have disappointed you."

Some trainees feel sad and others are almost crying

Lee Da Hee[Host] /sad smile/ Well then we must continue do the last supject and is to see what rankings everyone got /smiles by tring to cheer up the mood/


Jiahui | Banana Culture | (B)
SooRin | Gold Typhoon | (B)
Ivy | Aftermath | (B)

Amaya | Kings Records | (A)
Lifen | Banana Culture | (=)
Yujin | Kakao M | (A)


Arianne | Republic Records | (A)
Tanaka | Up-Front | (=)
Meiling | Banana Culture | (B)
Aria | Parkwood | (A)
Jiao | Gold Typhoon | (A)

Sooyoung | Up-Front | (=)
Ichika | Avex Group | (A)
Kojima | Up-Front | (A)
Natalie | Aftermath | (=)


Miyoung | RBW | (=)
Miyu | Avex Group | (=)
Minjung | Kakao M | (C)
Yixuan | Banana Culture | (B)
London | Parkwood | (B)

Hyeonyeon | RBW | (=)
Arisu | Kings Records | (B)
LuHan | Yuehua | (=)
Ariam | Kakao M | (=)

Lee Da Hee[Host] Well this is for today see you all next time /smiles and walks away/

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