๐“ฒ. it's world cup day!

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OLIVE GROANED AS SHE FELT THE INSISTENT shake of someone trying to wake her, "Five more minutes." She muttered drowsily, pulling her blanket tighter around her as if it could shield her from the reality of morning.

"I've given you an extra thirty minutes, Olive." The familiar voice of George penetrated the fog of her sleepiness, causing Olive to reluctantly open her eyes. "Now, if you please would detach yourself from me. I'm afraid I really need to use the bathroom."

Olive gave him a shy smile, her cheeks flushing a little before releasing George from her vice-like grip. "Sorry," She mumbled, her voice still thick with sleep as she let her eyes droop once again, letting the comforting allure of sleep pull her back in.

"Nope! Get up!" The commanding voice of Fred sliced through her sleep-induced stupor, making Olive groan loudly in protest. "It's World Cup day!" At this, Olive's eyes snapped open, her heart pounding in sudden excitement.

"Oh shit!" Olive's voice echoed through the quiet home, causing a few birds outside to take flight. "Why didn't you just say that?" Olive glared at Fred, her eyes wide and alert now as she quickly grabbed her bag before rushing out of the room in a flurry of excitement.

Olive darted towards the bathroom, her heart pounding in her chest before slamming her fist on the door impatiently. "Georgie, hurry up! I need to shower!" Olive banged on the door once again, her heart sinking as she heard the sound of the shower starting. "Don't you dare, George Weasley!"

"Sorry! Can't hear you over the water!" George's voice filtered through the door, and Olive could practically visualise the shit-eating grin on his face.

Frustrated, Olive yelled as she sprinted down the stairs, her bag still in hand. "Mum!" The word echoed through the house. "Mum!"

"What's with all the yelling?" Molly questioned, her eyebrows furrowed in concern as she watched Olive rush into the living room. "What's wrong, dear?"

"George is hogging the shower!" Olive whined, her voice on the edge of desperation. "And he showered last night!"

"Well, that won't do will it?" Molly questioned with a soft, amused laugh. "George Gideon Weasley! Let Olive shower!" The volume of her voice made Olive wince, but she felt a surge of gratitude towards Molly.

"Thanks!" Olive beamed at her mother-figure before she turned on her heel and rushed back up the stairs.

"You're such a snitch," George grumbled under his breath as he walked out of the bathroom, his hair still suspiciously dry.

"Yeah, well," Olive shrugged, trying to mask her excitement. "I have to look good. What if I meet a cute boy? Or a cute girl?" Olive questioned, her eyes sparkling with possibility making George scoff.

"Yeah right." George shook his head dismissively. "You're too in love with Neville to meet a cute person." At this, Olive reeled her arm back, before punching George's arm with all her might.

"Ow!" George winced, rubbing his arm. "Mum! Olive punched me!" George cried out in a tone that made Olive roll her eyes.

"You're such a snitch." Olive mocked George before Molly's voice cut through the air.

"I'm sure you deserved it!" Olive let out a cackle of laughter as George scoffed, his cheeks flushing slightly.

"Make it stop!" The two teens heard Ron's voice coming from his room, his tone full of annoyance making them both dissolve into fits of laughter.

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Olive let out a long sigh of relief as she stepped out of the bathroom, the cold air enveloping her warmly and making her skin tingle with the sudden change in temperature. The coolness felt invigorating against her skin, a stark contrast to the steamy warmth of the bathroom.

As she walked into the room that Fred and George shared, she observed the twins moving around in a flurry of action, shoving different things into a bag haphazardly. Their movements were chaotic but synchronized, typical of their usual antics. She couldn't help but interrupt their packing, "Is this cute, or should I change?"

The two twins turned around, their faces lighting up with amusement. They chuckled lightly, their laughter echoing in the room as they took in Olive's outfit. She was wearing a green and white sweater that proudly displayed a Bulgarian flag pin over her heart, indicating her support for the Quidditch team. The sweater was paired with a pair of jeans that were doodled on every inch with various sketches and scribbles, and her iconic Converse. "You look great, Liv." George reassured her with a smile, making Olive sigh in relief.

Suddenly, Fred, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, asked, "Do you have any face paint?" His question brought a wide grin to Olive's face. She was always ready to support one of her favourite teams in every way possible.

"Of course!" Olive's grin widened as she strolled over to where her bags were sitting on the ground. She rummaged through her bag for a moment before locating a small makeup bag. "Here." Olive said, tossing it to Fred with a flourish.

"You're a lifesaver!" Fred exclaimed with a grin, before quickly shoving the bag of face paint into his own bag.

Suddenly, the voice of Molly Weasley cut through the air, her tone indicating that breakfast was ready. "Breakfast!" Her voice echoed, making the three of them pause in their actions.

"I call dibs on the toast!" Olive yelled, laughing as she bolted out of the room, with the twins hot on her tail, chasing her down the stairs towards the delicious smell of breakfast.

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Olive, George, and Fred rushed into the kitchen, all diving for their seats at the table. "Get your hands off my toast!" Olive's death gripped Fred's hand, stopping his hand from reaching for the toast. "No!" Olive's other hand reached out to grab George's hand.

"What are you gonna do now, Liv?" George smirked.

"You've got no hands left." Fred also smirked.

Both twins' smirks dropped as they watched Ginny walk into the kitchen. "Ginny!" Olive yelled making the younger girl jump. "Grab me some toast!" Ginny turned to stare at the scene in front of her with an amused expression.

"Don't do it, Ginny!" Fred and George yelled at the same time. "Don't listen to her!"

"Ginny! Please! Help a fellow girl out!" Olive yelled as she struggled to continue wrestling with Fred and George. "Ginny, I can't hold them off much longer!"

Fred and George watched as Ginny approached the table, reaching for a few pieces of toast. "Ginny..." Fred warned as he watched Ginny's hand inch towards Olive's plate. "Don't. You. Dare."

"Come on, Ginny!" Olive encouraged. "Come on! Put it on my plate!" Olive watched in triumph as Ginny dropped the pieces of toast onto her plate. "Yes!"

"No!" Both twins yelled.

"Suck on that, bitches!" Olive cheered as she reached for the butter, ready to butter her toast.

"Olive! Language!" Arthur walked into the kitchen.

"Sorry," Olive smiled shyly.

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"Hey, Dad! Where are we going?" Ron called out, his voice echoing in the quietness, to Arthur who was leading the way.

"Haven't the foggiest!" Arthur replied, his voice filled with mirth. "Keep up!"

"My feet are beginning to hurt," Olive grumbled, her voice barely audible as she trudged along, sandwiched between Fred and George.

Fred let out a hearty laugh, "We've been walking for five minutes, Liv."

Olive scoffed at his comment, "And to think I was contemplating giving you the exclusive privilege of giving me a piggyback ride," she said, rolling her eyes dramatically.

"There's nothing exclusive or privileged about you nearly strangling me with your hold," Fred retorted, rolling his eyes in unison with Olive.

"And not to mention your bony heels leaving imprints on my stomach," George chimed in, earning a glare from Olive.

"Sod off," Olive scoffed before she strode ahead of the twins, not paying heed to their laughter. "Hello, boys. I'm here to grace you with my astonishing presence." Olive grinned at Harry and Ron.

"What do you want?" Ron questioned, a teasing lilt to his voice. It made Olive slap a hand over her chest in mock offense.

"What makes you think I want something?" Olive questioned, her eyebrows raised in feigned innocence. This made Ron and Harry share an amused look. "Alright, alright, fine. You've figured me out." Olive shook her head, giving in. "Harry, you know how we're god siblings?"

Harry chuckled lightly, "I'm aware of our family connection, yes."

"Well, would you mind giving your favorite god sister a piggyback ride?" Olive questioned, making sure to emphasize the term 'god sister'.

"You're my only god sister." Harry pointed out making Olive give him a pointed look. Harry let out a resigned sigh, "Fine." This made Olive cheer lightly. "Ron, could you hold my bag?"

"Why do I have to hold it?" Ron questioned, a hint of petulance in his voice, as Harry handed him his backpack.

"Because Ronald, I already have a backpack, and Harry is about to acquire a new one in the form of me," Olive said with a cheeky grin. She paused, letting Harry walk ahead a bit. "Three, two, one!" Olive counted down before sprinting towards Harry, who braced himself for impact. "Yeah!" Olive cheered as she successfully landed on Harry's back, wrapping her arms securely around his neck and her legs around his waist.

"You should have let her walk," Fred called out, his comment sparking laughter among the group.

"Shut up!" Olive called back, her voice carrying the warmth of their camaraderie.

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As they continued their journey, Olive found herself succumbing to the lull of peaceful exhaustion. She allowed her eyelids to gently close and her head, heavy with fatigue, fell limply onto Harry's shoulder. Her momentary tranquility was abruptly interrupted by a sudden yell, "Arthur!" Startled, Olive jerked awake, her hold around Harry's neck instinctively tightening as she felt herself momentarily losing balance.

"Sorry," Olive quickly apologized to Harry, her voice soft with regret. She carefully loosened her grip around his neck, even as he adjusted his hold, hiking her further up his back to ensure her safety.

"It's about time, son," The voice of the man who had roused Olive from her brief slumber echoed through the quiet.

"Sorry, Amos," Arthur responded, his voice apologetic as he glanced back at Ron, "Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start." As if to punctuate his father's statement, Ron let out a loud, lingering yawn which elicited a soft laugh from Olive.

"This is Amos Diggory, everyone. He's a colleague of mine at the Ministry," Arthur introduced, extending his hand towards Amos as the group paused their walk to exchange pleasantries.

Suddenly, Olive let out a startled yelp as a boy leaped down from an overhead tree. The unexpected action sent a ripple of laughter through the group, even as Olive's cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?" Arthur questioned, extending his hand towards the boy.

"Yes, sir," Cedric responded politely, shaking Arthur's hand before gesturing towards the path leading to the portkey, "This way."

"Merlin's beard! You must be Harry Potter," Amos expressed his excitement as Harry and Olive walked past him.

"Yes, sir," Harry responded, nodding his head in affirmation. Amos extended his hand for a handshake, which turned out somewhat awkward due to Olive still nestled on Harry's back.

"Great, great pleasure," Amos expressed warmly, his grin widening.

"Pleasure to meet you too, sir," Harry reciprocated the sentiment, nodding respectfully as they resumed walking, trailing after the rest of the group.

"I'm Olive!" Olive introduced herself, her voice filled with vivacious enthusiasm. "Olive Lupin!" She unwrapped one of her arms from Harry's neck, extending it towards Amos.

"Hello, there Olive," Amos greeted her, smiling as he accepted her handshake. "I like your pants." He chuckled lightly, his gaze falling on the doodles adorning her jeans.

"Oh, thank you! I drew them myself!" Olive responded, her grin widening with pride. "I like your cap."

"Why, thank you," Amos responded, tipping his hat in a gesture of appreciation.

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