𝐜𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐞𝐧.

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black and blue

Kevin and Adam sit in an unmarked van, watching a couple teens that are apart of a crew runned by Kenny Armstrong, as Adam says, "You think there's a kid in Kenny's crew that's over the age of 17?"

"More like 15" Kevin says, then takes out his walkie, "Yo, we got eyes on our boys on the block, if y'all are ready"

"Copy. shutting down now" Sam says, as she and Jay drive down the small dirt road to meet up with one of the young dealers, "What's up, Malik?"

"What's up, girl? Looking fine, as usual" Malik says, leaning on the passenger side of the car door the two detectives are in. Jay smiles and says, "You know she's with me, right?"

"Yeah, for now, son. For now"

Sam laughs and says, "Alright, alright"

"Alright, so what you all need? The usual?"

"Actually, we need a little extra today. We got friends up in Lakeview that had a taste of the good stuff, want a little more"

Malik looks over the top of the car to the other boy who nods his head then looks back at Sam and Jay and says, "How much extra weight we talking?"

"Hundred grams" Jay says

"I don't usually carry that much product on me, so I'mma need to do a little wheelin' and dealin'. We talking straight packed or powder?"

"Packed up for sure"

"Okay, I can make that happen. Meet me at the Division street one stop parking lot, at 4 p.m."


Sam laughs and says, "Alright, we can make that happen"

"And look, feel free to come solo, baby" Malik smirks. Sam leans her head back on the head rest and smiles as Jay says, "Hey, I heard that"

"Yeah, it was meant for you to hear"

"Watch yourself. We'll see you later" Jay says, before driving off.


Sam and Jay are parked at the meet up spot, where Malik told them to go and Jay sighs, resting his head on the headrest and looks over at his wife, who looks like she's in a daze, and asks, "You okay, babe?"

"Huh. Yeah, I'm good. I don't feel good"

Jay takes ahold of Sam's hand and kisses the top of it, making the brunette smile. Jay then looks at his watch and shakes his head, "It's five o'clock"

"For a dealer, being an hour late is actually considered early" Sam states. Jay takes out his walkie and asks, "You guys got anything?"

"Nothing so far" Kevin answers. Adam then takes out his walkie and says, "Should've had Sammy do the deal alone. Kid's got eyes for her" making the brunette laugh and Jay playfully roll his eyes.

"Units in the 21, we're getting multiple calls of shots fired at 3852 South on Wells" Dispatch says.

"Jay did you hear that?" Kevin asks, "We just got a call over the zone. Shots fired two blocks away. We're gonna take it"


Sam and Jay meet up with Kevin and Adam at the location of where the shots were being fired at. Then one by one they walk down an alley, where some shipping containers are being held with their guns drawn and Kevin says, "How we look, Ruz?"

"We're good" Adam says, as they turn the corner, then he points at Jay and Sam to go the opposite way as him and Kevin to clear out the area.

"Body!" Kevin calls out, rushing over to Malik who was the one that had been shot, "Call it in!"

"50-21 Ida. Roll an ambulance to 3852 south on Wells.." Adam says over the radio.

"Malik, hold on. Malik!" Kevin says, as Malik passes away in his arms. Sam and Jay round the corner to where Adam and Kevin are to see Malik in Atwater's arms who says, "I ain't got a pulse. He's dead"

Sam and Jay look at each other and sigh.


As Kevin and Adam explain to Voight what happened, Sam and Jay walked over to them as he says, "Alright, so the kid asks for more weight. Kenny gets spooked that he might be snitching, so he shoots him"

"We have two witnesses that saw a boy running away from the construction site moments after the shots were fired" Sam explains.

"And the physical description matches Nathan, Malik's sidekick" Jay says.

"Well, maybe he's the shooter" Adam suggests.

"Or he's a friend that saw the shooter and he ran like hell" Kevin states.

"Well, either way, he's our only lead, so let's find him fast" Voight says, as they walk back to their cars to head to the district.


"Nathan Hawkins, 15 years old" Burgess states, pointing to the teenagers picture on the whiteboard, "Dropped out of school a year ago to start slinging dope for Kenny Armstrong"

"Yeah, he has one arrest on his record. It's for a delivery charge three months ago" Brayden says, holding his file in his hand.

"Any idea where he might be hanging out?" Hank asks as Jay and Sam walked onto the bullpen who says. "His last known address was his mom's apartment in Austin. But she OD'd a year ago, around the time he started dealing"

"Okay, father?"

Sam sighed, sitting at her desk and says, "Been behind bars for the last decade"

"Who bailed him out when he got busted?" Adam questions. Brayden looks at Nathan's file and says, "That would be Sarah Washington, Nathan's aunt"

"Alright, so find an address. Check it out" Voight says walking into his office, taking his jacket off.


After Kevin and Adam find Nathan Hawkins who was with a female that's trying to help him, the two officer's question Nathan in interrogation, while Brayden and Sam question Laila Davis, the woman with Nathan.

"Did Nathan see who killed Malik?" Brayden questions.

"No, but he knows it was Kenny. Hell, my 5 year old niece knows it's Kenny" Laila says.

"Okay, so let me get this straight. You run with Kenny Armstrong, but at the same time, you protect kids from getting shot by him?" Sam asks.

"I don't run with Kenny or anybody else. Now, we used to be a thing, but I've been out of the game for nine years. I haven't gotten as much as a parking ticket, so don't lump me up with Kenny or any other punk ass gangbanger I grew up with"

"Why the change?"

"I grew up. That's why. We all make mistakes when we're young. Even you, detective"


After Kevin goes undercover with Laila to plant a wire in Kenny's basement. Sam and Jay head home for the night. As the couple walked into the house, they see their three year old, sit on her butt and slide down the stairs with lipstick in her hand, laughing, and Denise chasing after her.

Jay goes to pick Gracie up, taking the lipstick from her hand and giving it back to Denise who groans and walks back up the stairs. Sam sighs and says, "I'll go talk to her" then she follows Denise up to her room.

Jay looks at his babygirl and says, "That's not very nice, princess. You shouldn't take things without asking" Gracie sticks her bottom lip out, about to cry when Jay sighs and kisses her cheek, "I'm sorry, babygirl. Don't cry. Do you want some ice cream?"

Gracie smiles, laying her head on her father's shoulder as they go into the kitchen.


After getting a warrant for Kenny's bar and finding a ton load of guns, the team brings him back to the district where Brayden and Voight interrogate him.

"27 firearms, Kenny? We had to put a rush order into Ballistics to go through them" Brayden says, leaning on the blue cement walls with his arms crossed over each other.

"Oh, if it's too much trouble, your boys can give them back to the streets," Kenny says.

"Yeah, I'm guessing there's a good chance one of them nines is gonna come back with a body on it. Maybe even Malik's" Voight states. Kenny shakes his head and says, "Don't know anybody named Malik"

"Yeah, you do. That's the kid you shot for snitching" Brayden says.

"Doesn't ring a bell. I'm sorry. And like I said, those guns aren't mine"

"Then how did they wind up in your bar?"

"Not my bar neither. You know, if you guys are gonna trump up some fake ass charges, go ahead. Or can I go now?"

"You're free to go. Just don't go to far" Voight says.


After finding out that in the bag of guns that was found in Kenny's bar, was a gun that was used in a murder of a store clerk ten years ago, with Laila's finger print on the magazine, she explains her side of the story, about how she didn't see it happen, that Kenny killed the man and she just loaded the gun for him. So, now Hank and Sam are in interrogation talking with her.

"Now, help us get Kenny to confess to murdering that clerk, agree to testify to that effect in court, and you may not do anytime" Voight says.

"All y'all crazy?" Laila says, "Kenny is not stupid. I can't just walk up to the man and say, 'Hey remember the night you murdered that clerk?'"

"Laila, I'm trying to help you, okay? But to do that, you gotta help us. Come on, help us get Kenny off the street once and for all"

"Y'all this is wrong. And mr. undercover too. He knows this is wrong, he's just too afraid to do anything about it. Where is he anyway? Is he hiding in the bathroom like a little punk ass bitch?"

"Officer Atwater's been assigned to another case" Sam says.

"Of course he has. Cause there's nothing left to do, right? He got me to help. He got me into his bed. And then he buries me for something I didn't even do. I saved this punks life, and he does this. For real? I should've let Kenny know he was a cop and let him kill his ass"


Sam and Brayden watch as Laila gets out of the unmarked van where Antonio and Adam are to prep her a bit, in their undercover car at Kenny's bar to try and get him to incriminate himself.

After hearing Laila cry and yells the stress word which was 'Voight'. Sam, Brayden, Adam and Antonio rush into the bar to see Kenny shot in the chest.Β Β 

With Kenny now dead, there's nothing more the team can do, so they tie up any loose ends and move on to the next case.


After finishing up some paperwork, Jay and Sam leave the district and head to their car when someone approaches them and says, "Sam"

Sam turns to look at the male figure and says, "Sawyer?"


GRACE NADIA HALSTEAD IS 100% A DADDY'S GIRL!! πŸ’– #dontchangemymind

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