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chapter eleven. confidential.

Jay walks into the computer room inside the roll up where Voight was just talking with Al, exhausted and says, "Sarg, you got a minute?"

"Uh-huh" Hank says, sitting on the edge of the desk.

"Um...I just wanted to apologize for what happened with Camila. I put the team in a bad situation. I messed up my marriage with...with an amazing person, which tore my family apart. I, um," Jay says, and clears his throat, "It won't happen again. You have my word"

"Regarding the team, you're on desk duty until further notice, and you've got an appointment with the psychologist at 1. You're lucky I don't get rid of you right now. And with Sam, that's on you to fix, how ever long it takes"

"I know. Have you um, talked to her? It's been a few days and I've seen Gracie once, on facetime"

"I have" Hank says and walks away.


Brayden walks onto the unit and instantly hears, "Hey, look who's back" from Kevin, who goes over to him and gives him a bro hug.

"Hey guys" Brayden says, shrugging off his jacket and placing it on the back of his chair.

"Welcome back, man" Hank says, holding out his hand for a shake. Brayden accepts it and says, "Thanks, Sarg. Where's Sam?" making everyone look at their sergeant.

"Yeah, she hasn't been around in the last few days" Kevin says. Hank looks at Jay who looks down at the ground and says, "After the case we worked with the homicide of the DEA agent, Sam decided to take some time off with her furlough"

"Wait, what?" Adam says.

"How long will she be gone for?" Kim asks.

Voight sighs and says, "A few months maybe more"

"This is insane" Adam says.

"Let's not stress about that right now. Hailey?"

"Right, um, our victim is a Jane Doe. We ran her prints. They're not in the system" Hailey speaks up.

"And my CI doesn't know her name either, but her friend's name is Isabel Perez" Burgess says, pointing at the picture on the board, "And she's dating the same guy that looks good for this murder"

"What do we know about her?" Adam asks.



"Uh, Latina, 21, used to work on and off at a strip club on the west side. A place called Alibi"

"Okay, so we think her boyfriend killed Jane Doe?" Kevin asks.

"Yeah, yeah and maybe Isabel, too because she's been missing three weeks, I tried tracking her phone, it's dead"

"Alright, well, talk to your CI again. See what you can find out. Meanwhile, let's dig into this Jane Doe. What's her name? What's her story? Porter, my office" Hank says, walking towards his office when Jay catches his attention and says. "Let me know if you want me to jump in."

"No, we're good. Your appointment's in 10 minutes. If I were you, I'd be on time"

Brayden follows Voight into his office and closes the door who says, "How's everything? How's your mom?"

"She's uh, doing better then we'd all hoped, but the doctor still hasn't changed his diagnosis"

"I'm sorry to hear that. If you need anything.."

"Thanks Sarg. I appreciate that. If you don't mind me asking" Brayden says, sitting down in front of the sergeant's desk, "What happened, while I was gone? I guess what I'm trying to ask is, why did Sam take her furlough?"

"She just needed some time away"

"Sarg, come on. I'm her partner"

"I know. I'll I can say for now is that she just needed some time alone"

"Yeah, alright" Brayden says, getting up from the chair and walked to his desk.


Jay walks into the psychiatrist's office and takes a seat on the couch who says, "I'm doctor Rebecca Solan. Have you ever been in therapy before?"

"Um, I talked to someone a while back, yeah. After a shooting"

"Right, it's mandatory" the doctor says, taking a seat in her chair.

"So, uh, so you ask me questions, and, um, and I talk right?"

"This is your time. If you have something you want to talk about, I'll listen"

"And if I don't?" Jay asks and she shrugs, indicating that she can't force him to talk.


"Good news" Kevin says, as he and Adam walk onto the unit, where Brayden, Al, Hank and Antonio are, "We got a positive ID on our Jane Doe. She goes by the name of Sylvia Castro"

"We stopped by the strip club that Isabel used to work at. It turns out, Sylvia worked there, too" Adam says, as he and Kevin take off their jackets, "Boss ID'd the crime scene photo, but he did not know anything about a boyfriend"

"Okay, what else do we know?" Voight asks.

"We know she's 19, originally from Cleveland, and she's been missing from work for about three months" Kevin says.

"Alright, track down the family and let them know what happened" Hank tells Brayden, "Alright, talk to Sylvia's friends, co workers, roommates. Someone's gotta know who this boyfriend was"


Kelly walks into his apartment to see his best friend, cooking on the stove and his god daughter sitting in her high chair, eating some Cheerios who looks at him and smiles.

"Hi pretty girl" Kelly says, kissing the top of his god daughter's head, setting his duffle bag on the ground then looks at Sam, "You got your haircut"

"I did" Sam says, draining the pot into a strainer, "Thought it was time for a change"

"Well, it looks good on you" Kelly smiles, then frowns when he sees their bags packed on the couch, "You going somewhere?"

"Gracie and I decided to take a trip"


"I'm not sure" Sam says, putting the pasta back into the pot and dumping the tomato sauce in it, "I have three months worth of furlough and Voight gave me some extra cash, so I'll figure it out"

A few days ago..

Sam knocks on the door of her best friend's apartment, tears stained on her face and Gracie held on her hip, when the door opens, revealing a shirtless Kelly Severide, who says, "Sammy?"

Sam sniffles and says, "Can we stay here for a while?"

"Yeah" Kelly says, moving to the side so his best friend can walk in, "What's going on?" then takes Gracie from her mother, who is holding her stuffed bumblebee that he had gotten her for her 1st birthday.

"Jay cheated on me"

"What? I'll kill him"

"Kells, please, just..."

Kelly pulls Sam into a side hug, still holding Gracie and kisses the top of her head, who is crying into his chest, "I'm so sorry, Sammy" Gracie's lip trembles and starts crying as well, making him sigh, "It's gonna be okay, you two. I promise"


"Hey, Sarg, just talked to our DOA's sister" Brayden says, hanging up his desk phone, "Right before she met this mystery boyfriend, she was living in a shelter called Jenny's Haven"

"Wait" Burgess says, as she and Hailey stand at her desk, "You said Jenny's Haven?"


"That's the same place Isabel stayed at"

"That's now two things Isabel and our DOA have in common. They both got plastic surgery at the same underground clinic" Hailey says.

"Paid for by the same guy, Damien Soto"

"Yeah, I got him right here" Adam says, as the group walks over to his desk, "Uh, two priors. One for assault and battery, one for pandering"

"Oh, so he's a pimp" Burgess says.

"We got a photo for this prick?" Hank asks.

"Yeah, give me one sec" Adam says, tapping his mouse, then the picture finally pops up.

"That's Juan. From Jenny's Haven" Kim says.

"You're telling me this guy works at the shelter?" Hank asks.

"No, he's the founder" Upton says.

"That's a fox guarding the henhouse" Dawson says.

"Alright, grab this son of a bitch now" Hank says.


Jay leans back in his chair at his desk, holding up a newspaper with Hank and Al surrounding him and says, "So I figured I'd check out the Latino papers, see if this pimp was advertising. And look what I found" pointing to a picture on the page, "That is definitely Isabel"

"So call them, we'll go grab her up" Al says.

"I already did. The phone's been disconnected. The website's down too"

"So, he's smart. Staying under the radar until the heat dies down" Hank says.

Brayden and Antonio walk over to the group and the brunette says, "I talked to three current residents and seven past residents of Jenny's Haven. One of the girls is 16. Damien buys her jewelry, takes her out to dinner. What he does is he treats them like gold, then turns them out to the highest bidder"

"Yeah and if they get out of line he just beats them to death with a tire iron" Jay says.

"Crime lab pulled eight sets of prints from Damien's house, but the only match is to Damien" Adam says.

"And we also managed to pick up Damien's vehicle information" Kevin says.

"Alright, but out a bolo right away. In the meantime, hit the streets. Get his picture out there" Hank says, walking into his office.


Sam walks through the airport rolling her suitcase behind her, along with her duffle bag on her shoulder and her 18 month in a baby carrier then she hears her phone ring and answers it, "Hey"

"Hey. How are you?" Brayden asks.

"Um, you know. What about you?"

"I just got back into town"

"How's your mom?"

"Worse then what she's telling us"

"I'm sorry, Bray. So, um, what's up?"

"Well, today was my first day back and Voight said you took some furlough?"

"Yeah, uh, needed to get away for a little bit"

"What happened?"

"Nothing good" Sam says, holding her phone to her shoulder, as she gives the lady hers and Gracie's plane tickets.

"Sam, I'm your partner"

"Yeah, I know. I just can't, I'm sorry" Sam hangs up the phone, putting it back in her pocket and walks down the tunnel to get to the plane, "You ready baby?" then she kisses the top of her head, who looks up at her and smiles.


Brayden puts his phone back into his pocket and walks over to Jay who is sitting at his desk and says, "How you doin', man?"

"I'm fine, why?"

"Because Sam took her furlough. Did something happen on the case?"

"It's none of your business, alright?" Jay says, staring back at his computer when Hailey, Kim and Adam walk onto the unit.

"Damien took two to the shoulder" Hailey states.

"He's in surgery right now. He's going to live" Adam says.

"Alright, where's Isabel?" Hank asks.

"Antonio took her to a clinic. She's in bad shape. Between the withdrawals and seeing Damien get shot, she's a mess" Kim says.

"Okay, well, what about the phone call? We got a location?" Hank asks, turning to Jay.

"Yeah, pinged off a cell tower on the south side, near a bar named Vinnie's. The waitress there confirmed he was there from 10 to 11" Jay says.

"I dumped his phone, but I got nothing" Adam says.

"Checked his car, too, no navigation system" Kim adds.

"So we still have no idea where this bastard's living?" Hank says and Hailey shakes her head, "Well, Pilsen isn't that big, guys. I want boots on the ground. Circulate photos of Damien and Isabel. I mean, you've got CI's in the area, get on the phone, call in a favor. We need to find these girls, soon"

As everyone departs, Hailey goes to Jay and says, "How's everything going? How's therapy?"

"Not really my thing"

"Have you talked with Sam?"

"No. She's hasn't been answering my calls or texts"

"Have you been trying? Because what you-"

Jay interrupts his partner and says, "I know what I put her though, okay? I'm trying, but I can't do much if she won't talk to me"

Hailey leans in closer to her partner and says, "You told another woman you liked her, while your wife was listening to you over the wire. Try harder" then she walks away.

Jay sighs and drags his hands down his face.


After arresting Daimen with murder, Jay goes to drop Wyatt and Denise off at their friends, then he heads to the therepists office and heads over to sit on the couch and says, "Thanks for seeing me, so last minute"

"Seems like you're ready to talk" the doctor says, sitting in her chair. Jay nods his head and says, "I am"


Brayden walks into Molly's to see Kelly Severide sitting at the bar and having a drink, so the detective sits next to him, orders a beer and says, "Hey"

"Porter, hey" Kelly says, taking a sip of his beer, "What's up?"

"Tough case. Need to drink it off. So, um, have you heard from Sam?"

"Yeah. Jay really screwed the pooch"

"What do you mean?"

Kelly sighs looking at his best friend's partner and says, "Jay cheated on her"


"I've been waiting to see him around to show him to never mess with my best friend, but I haven't seen him"

Brayden takes a sip of his beer, Otis just set in front of him and says, "I'll join you"


Where is Sam and Gracie going? Any ideas?
So at this point the only people who know what Jay did are Hank, Hailey, Kelly and Brayden, who totally have her back no matter what โค๏ธ
I really feel like Sam and Hailey could be a new bropt? ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿผ

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