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chapter fifteen. always.

Sam looks up to see the light had turned green and as soon as she's half way through the intersection, a car almost hits her and Sam swerves, and when she turned her head to look back at the road in front of her, she ends up colliding with a telephone pole, knocking her out.

A couple minutes later, a man runs up to the car and says, "Ma'am" then he notices her unconscious, "Oh god" then he gets out his phone and calls 911.

"911, what is your emergency?"

"Yes, um, there's been a car accident and the lady is unconscious"

"Where are you sir, so I can send an ambulance?"

"On the corner of, uh" The man says, looking at the street signs, "Wabash and Camdin"

"Alright sir, the ambulance is on its way. Can you check to see if the woman has a pulse?"

The civilian puts his two fingers on Sam's neck to feel her pulse and says, "It's there, but barley"

"Okay, stay there and don't move, I've got the ambulance and police on it's way"


"What do we got?" Maggie says, rushing over to the paramedics.

As one paramedic does chest compressions on Sam the other paramedic holds the oxygen mask over her mouth and says, "Car crash. Car wrapped around a telephone pole. Female. We didn't find an ID on her. We barely got a pulse. Multiple rib fractures and an old wound she has opened up. There's internal bleeding. She's losing a lot of blood, Maggie"

"Oh, my god" Maggie gasps.

"You know her?"

"Yeah. Get her into surgery. Now!" Maggie demands then turns around, "Will!"

"What's going on?" Will says, passing by the paramedics who are wheeling Sam to surgery, "is that Sam?"

"I want you and Nataile working on her, call Rhodes and Deveraux, as well. I'll call Jay" Maggie says, as Will rushes after the paramedics and Maggie rushes to the nurses station and puts the phone to her ear and dials a number, "Jay, it's Maggie. You need to get down to Med, right now"


Will assists Connor and Gianna during the surgery, who says, "We need to find the source of all the bleeding before we do anything" before poking around Sam's organs to stop the bleeding, who is hooked up to breathing machines.

As they continue to work on the brunette, the monitor starts flatlining and a nurse says, "Doctor, we're losing her"

"Get the defibrillator" Rhodes says. The nurse turns on the machine and rubs the two metal pads together and says, "Clear" before pressing the pads to Sam's chest, which sends an electric shock through her system.

"Again" Rhodes says.

The nurse turns up the voltage to 150 and rubs the pads together and says, "Clear" then places the pads on the detective's chest, sending another wave of electric shock through her system, the monitor still flatlining.

"Come on, Sam. Stay with us" Will says.

"Again" Rhodes says. The nurse turns the voltage up to 200, rubbing the pads together and says, "Clear" then places the pads back on Sam's chest, giving her yet another wave of electric shock.


the inbetween

Sam sits up, where she looks around to see nothing but pure white everything. As the burnette stands up she says, "Hello? Is anyone here?"


At the sound of her name, she turns around and her mouth drops and her eyes water and says, "Justin?"

"Hi beautiful" Justin smiles, walking over to the love of his life and pulls her into a tight hug.

"Oh, my god. Is it really you?" Sam asks, still hugging the father of her son. Justin nods his head and says, "Yeah"

"But...but how?" Sam asks, detaching from the hug.

"I was gonna ask you the same thing" Justin says, tucking her short brunette hair behind her ear.

"I, um, can't remember. I remember seeing the light turn green, then nothing"

"You can't be here, sammy"

"But I want to stay here with you. I can't go back" Sam says, with tears gathering in her eyes.

"What about Wyatt, Gracie, Jay.."

"Me and Jay are not doing to good right now" Sam says, looking down at the white ground. Justin lifts her chin up with his fingertips and says, "What happened, baby?"

"It's not important right now. What is important is that I'm here, with you" Sam says, "I've missed you so much, J. I've been a mess. Wyatt is...he's been having a tough time"

"I know, I wish I could come back to you two and pops"

"He misses you like crazy too"

"How is it possible, that you've gotten more gorgeous, since I've left?"

Sam looks down at the ground and smiles, "Stop it, J. You're making me blush"


Chicago Med

The intelligence unit, and firehouse 51 is gathered in the waiting room, waiting on news about how Sam is doing. Jay sits in a chair, knee bouncing uncontrollably, and tears staining his face, with Denise and Wyatt sitting beside him with tears streaming their faces as well. Kelly sits opposite of them, with Gracie in his lap and anger and sadness all mixed into one expression on his face.

"Man, this can't be happening again" Adam huffs. Jay looks at the officer and says, "This wouldn't be happening, if you hadn't let her go on her own"

"Excuse me? She was only crying because you cheated on her!" Adam shouts, getting up from his chair. Jay stands up as well and says, "What?" before pushing on Adam's chest, making him stumble backwards.

Adam pushes Jay back and everyone rushes to them to break them apart and Voight says, "That's enough!"

Nataile walks into the waiting room and Hailey says, "Anything?"

"Not yet. She's still in surgery"

Jay sits back down in his chair and puts his face into his hands.


the inbetween

"Wow, the last couple years has been rough, huh?" Justin says, as he and Sam sit on the white floor and talk and said brunette sits with her head against Justin's chest, who is leaning on his hands. Sam sighs and says, "Yeah"

"I'm sorry, I wasn't there for you" Justin says, kissing the top of Sam's head.

"It's not your fault" Sam says, looking up at the chocolate brown eyes she used to be in love with, then when she looked down in front of her, she squints her eyes, "Is that..?"


Sam stands up and walks closer to the woman and says, "Mom?"

The lady turns around and gasps, "Samantha?"

Sam immediately hugs her and says, "Oh my god" and cries into the woman's shoulder. Grace pats the back on her daughter's head and says, "Sweetheart, is it really you?"

Sam detaches from the hug and says, "It is. I can't believe it's you. I've missed you so much, mama"

Grace wipes the tears from her daughter's eyes and says, "I've missed you too, baby"

Sam tries to calm her breathing down and says, "I found out who really killed you and they're in jail now"

"Who was it?"

"Nathan Lancaster and Dad"

"Wow. Didn't expect that"

"I finally got you justice, mama" Sam smiles. Grace pulls her daughter into another hug and says, "Thank you, baby. You've always been the best child, someone could ask for. And look at you all grown up"

Sam smiles and says, "I've only made it this far, because I wanted to make you proud"

"I'll always be proud of you sweetheart" Grace smiles, pushing some of her daughter's hair behind her ear, "So, tell me everything. Good and bad"


Chicago Med

Will, Gianna and Connor walk into the waiting room, where the intelligence team and firehouse 51 have been waiting patiently for the last 4 hours. Jay stands up, making everyone look towards the two doctors and says, "What's happening?"

"We finally stopped the bleeding, after a couple hours" Will says.

"And we lost Sam for a little bit..." Connor starts and everyone gasps, "But we got her back in stable condition, but she's still unconscious. She has several broken ribs and the wound on her shoulder from when she was shot opened up, but we were able to repair that. She's in a coma right now"

"Can we see her?" Jay asks. Gianna nods and says, "Immediate family for now"

"I'm coming too" Kelly says, getting up, holding his god daughter on his hip, following after Jay, the kids and Voight to go see Sam.

Hank, Jay, Kelly, Wyatt and Denise walk into Sam's room to see her unconscious and several wires hooking her up to monitors and hooked up to a breathing tube. Jay takes a deep breath and walks over to sit next to his wife and grabs her hand and says, "Hi gorgeous. Please come back to us"

Gracie leans her head on her god father's chest and starts crying. Kelly pats her head and says, "Shh. It's gonna be okay princess"

Wyatt punches a whole into the drywall of the room and walks out.

"I got it" Voight says, walking after his grandson, "Wyatt"


"Hey, look at me"

Wyatt turns around with tears in his eyes and says, "I already lost my dad. I can't lose my mom too"

"You are not gonna lose your mom. She'll wake up soon...she has too"


the inbetween

"Why can't I stay here?" Sam whines.

"Because you don't belong here, sweetheart" Grace says.

"But you and Justin do? That makes no sense. You guys were both murdered"

"Sweetheart. Let it be. You still have a chance"

"But...but I can't leave you. Please, mama. Don't make me leave you" Sam says, hugging her mom again and crying into her shoulder. Grace pats the back of Sam's head and says, "Shh. Everythings going to be okay. You will always have a part of me with you, okay, always"

Sam looks up at her mother with puffy red eyes and says, "I love you, mama. And I'm gonna miss you so much. There's not one day that goes by where I don't think about you"

"Me too, sweetheart. And I will always love you no matter what, okay. But you have to go back. Be with your family. Justin and I will be right here, when you come back to us one day" Grace says, as Justin walks over to them, "But there's one more person that wants to see you"


The blonde girl appears out of nowhere and walks over to them and says, "Hi Sammy"

"Emma?" Sam says, crying even harder, and hugging her best friend from high school, "Oh my god. I can't believe...I've missed you so much, Em"

"I've missed you too, Sammy"

"I'm so sorry, Em. The accident was supposed to get me killed. Not you. I shouldn't have let you drive" Sam says, detaching from the hug.

"So, you can be here instead of me? I don't think so"

"You really expect me to leave you three?"

Grace nods her head and says, "Yes"

Sam looks at the white floor and says, "I love you guys" then looks back up at them with more tears in her eyes.

"We love you too beautiful" Justin smiles, pulling the brunette into his side and kissing her temple, "And don't ever forget that"


Chicago Med

Sam's eyes widen and gasps choking on the breathing tube. Jay runs to the nurses station to get his brother and as they rush back in with a couple nurses the older Halstead says, "It's okay, Sam" as he carefully takes the breathing tube out, "Now take easy breaths"

"Where am I?" Sam questions.

"You're at Chicago Med" Will says, as the nurses look at her vitals to make sure she's okay.ย 

"What happened?"

"You got into a car accident and have been in a coma"

"For how long?"

"Two weeks"

Sam rests her head back on the pillow and takes a couple deep breaths, then looks to her left to see Jay and looks away. Jay grabbed ahold of his wife's hand and says, "Baby, please look at me" Sam turns her head towards her husband with tears in her eyes, "I'm so sorry, Sam. Please, now is not the time to be fighting"

"Will, can you leave us be?" Sam asks.

"Yeah" The older Halstead says, leaving the room with the nurses behind him.

"I don't want to fight with you either, Jay, I really don't. But you don't understand the damage you've done" Sam states.

"I know and I'm sorry. Can we please work through this? I'm begging you"

"I'll think about it"

"That's all I ask"


The next day...

"So, you're going to need a lot of physical therapy" Will says. Sam slowly sits up, holding onto her stomach in pain with her ribs still being broken, along with her arm, now being back in a sling and sarcastically says, "Can't wait. When can I go home?"

"In a few days. And you're gonna be out of work for a while, plus you might need someone to help you around the house"

"Okay, I'll have Lucy.."

"Sam, it should be Jay"

The brunette sighs and says, "I know. I want to forgive him, Will. I do, but he hurt me so badly, I don't know where to go from here"

"It's gonna take time and a lot of healing, mentally and psychically"

"Thanks Doc. And say thank you to, Connor And Gianna for me. You guys saved my life"

"its our job" Will says, before leaving the hospital room. Sam sighed, resting her head on the pillow and whispers, "I miss you guys already"


I'm glad Sam is awake but I actually cried when writing the scenes with her Justin and her mom ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜”

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