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Chapter One: First Encounter


A world where humans and vampires are co-existent. They live together but the dominance is in the hands of the vampires.

They control everything. From control over human farmers to the business terms. Everything belongs to them.

And humans have two choices:

A) Live peacefully and submissively under those blood sucking creatures.


B) Stand in rebellion and be dead in mere seconds.

The people who chose option A also hated vampires but they wanted to atleast have a life of peace.

Amongst these people, was living a girl named (Y/N) (L/N).

A New Morning:
In a big house:

"Ay! Wake up! Wake up sleeping beauty! Or I'm gonna have to get a frog to kiss you!"

A certain brunette said as she shook a sleeping figure huddled in a blanket.

"5.....minutes more...." A sleepy voice said from under the blanket.

"We're gonna be late for college!" The brunette screamed in her ear, making her shot up.

"Jesus! Okay! I'm up!" The (h/c) haired girl said as she stood up and went in the bathroom.

The brunette named Alisa sighed in relief and went downstairs to serve the breakfast.

After a while, the other girl named (Y/N) came downstairs, in the school uniform.

"Oh. Good morning sleepy head."

Alisa greeted as (Y/N) sat down on the chair and yawned.

"Morning..." She said sleepily.

Alisa sat down and began,
"So, are we ready to go to the school?"

"Yes...we are...*yawn*" (Y/N) said sleepily.

"Let's count our rules again. Number one: Since we both are introverts, we gotta stick together."

"Number two is that we have to stay away from those blood sucking creatures." (Y/N) chimed in.

"Number three is we've got to come home on time." Alisa finished.

"Mhm..." (Y/N) gave a sleepy nod as the brunette slammed her hand on the table making the (h/c) haired girl jolt up.

"W-wha- What happened?!"

"What happened is that we're gonna be late if you don't finish breakfast on time!" Alisa said pointing at the clock.

"What the- Why didn't you tell me before?!" (Y/N) exclaimed as she quickly finished her breakfast and threw the plates in the sink and ran upstairs to grab her bag.

Alisa just sighed and washed the dishes while watching her best friend run here and there hastily.

At college:

"Woah! Even though this college is run by vampires, it's very well facilitated for humans as well."

Alisa said looking around in awe. (Y/N) hummed in response as she checked both their timetables.

"Shit..." She cursed under her breath.

"What happened?" Her friend asked as the (h/c) haired girl gave her a dissatisfied look.

"Our first class is not together."

"Then what about the rest of the classes?"

"We have them together except this first one." She answered.

"Well then it shouldn't turn out as a problem, provided that we follow our rules." Alisa said as (Y/N) gave a small nod.

"Alright then." (Y/N) looked at the clock in the hallway.

"We better get going now or else we'll be late."

The girl pointed out as the other one nodded and they both went to their respective classes.

In (Y/N)'s class:
Reader's P.O.V.

This class is not like I expected it to be. I've been sitting in the corner near the window for about half an hour now and there's no sign of the teacher yet.

Maybe I could've stayed with Alisa for a while more. But then again...


"Huh? What was that?"

Turning to look at what was that sound, I saw a student picking up a lot of files which seemed to be having...musical notes in it?

Since no one was helping him up, I went up to him with a smile.

"Hey. May I help you?" I asked and he nodded.

"Could you please take these files to music room 2?"

"Sure." I said and helped him in picking up the files.

"Where's room 1 though?" I asked out of plain curiousity.

"In the left." He answered as he turned to that direction.

"And room 2?"

"In the right."

He said but I could've sworn I saw sweat beads on his forehead when he said that. But why though?

I shrugged it off and walked to the room to put the files.

At the music room 2:

In the music room lay many girls on the floor. All of them around the grand piano seemingly passed out with a smug smile on their faces.

And on the grand piano, sat the vampire prince Shu Kurenai himself with a very displeased look on his face as his eyes glowed red in hunger.

The door of the room was slowly opened by (Y/N) who peeked in and immediately closed it with a slam at the first eye contact with the vampire.

She started running in the hallway and thought,

'No way! How could I've been so silly?! That was the reason why that student asked me to go to room 2! How'd I forget that this part of the college is for the elite vampire class?! And I just saw one! Run (Y/N) run! I need to-'

Her train of thoughts were interrupted when suddenly she was shoved on to the wall.

"Wha-" She looked to see the white haired vampire, cornering her.

"What do you want?!"

The girl asked trying to be brave. The red eyed male stared at her and smirked.

"You're the first one who dared to run away from me." He said as he moved closer to her.

"What are you doing?!" She growled.

"Aren't you just like those slutty human girls too? Who craves to be bitten by the prince?" He said with a smug look.

"Just let me go!"

She yelped when suddenly the albino gripped her thighs and said,

"Is this one of your tricks to seduce me? You pretend to run away from me but instead you want to be bitten. Don't worry, just one bite of mine will be enough for you to show off for a while."

He said and attempted to bite her but...


The (h/c) haired girl slapped him and pushed him away and ran away with full speed.

Shu just smirked as he touched the little scratch she did with her slap.

"You've successfully aggravated me."

He mumbled and with his super speed, he caught a hold of her wrist and dragged her to the terrace of the school.

"Let me go!" (Y/N) struggled but he ignored her.

At the terrace, he forcefully dragged her in front of him and began in a loud voice,

"Listen up everyone!"

All the humans and vampires in the campus turned their eyes at them as (Y/N) felt nervousness and fear creep in her at the same time.

"This (h/c) haired girl is my enemy from today. Feel free to do whatever you want to with her."

He smirked as gossips began to be audible and (Y/N) broke down in tears.

Another vampire girl, from a shadow was watching and hearing everything. She smirked,

"Well, I don't have any interest in humans. But since the prince so kindly announced her as his enemy, I might as well toy around with her for a while."


A feminine voice came booming in as a girl pushed through the crowd of students who stared at her and whispered amongst themselves,

"What is she doing?"

"She's barely a human and is bold enough to defy the orders of the prince..."

"She's gonna suffer the same fate as that human girl up there..."

The girl ignored all of them and stood face to face with the prince.


"Huh?" (Y/N) and the prince looked at the bold girl as (Y/N) recognised her immediately.

"Oh no...no...no..." She mumbled as more tears fell down her eyes.

Second chapter will be out soon.

I wanna make a small request to you all, dear readers...

Could you please give support to this book and my other book titled 'Crimson Love Sparks Shu Kurenai x Reader'? Please? I'd appreciate your support on my stories.

Anyways vote, comment, share and maybe....follow me too? All the characters (other than the reader) belong to Hiro Morita, only the story plot is mine.

Stay safe and have a nice day/noon/evening/night.

Sayonara, bug out.

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