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Chapter Five: Family Reunion In My Palace~


The next morning:

"Uhm..." A sleepy female groaned as she turned her face away from the sun rays pouring in the room. She was about to fall back asleep again but suddenly sat up with a start.

"Why am I back here?! I clearly remember I was in the forest last night!"

She exclaimed to herself and then looked around, sweatdropping at the windows. The windows were messily covered up with wooden stacks, seemingly to avoid them from being opened again.

But that was not why (Y/N) hurriedly got out of the bed. She ran to the door and tried to open it but it won't budge.

"Open the door! Let me out!"

The girl screamed in vain as two maids outside, who were guarding the door responded indifferently,

"Miss (L/N), this is a room, which is specially arranged by Master Shu for you."

"It's better for you to go back to your bed and rest in order to recuperate."

'What?...A room arranged by him? Why?'
She thought as she tried to control herself from breaking down and crying.

"Already so lousy in the morning?"

"Master Shu!"

The maids immediately bowed down to him and stepped aside as he opened the door harshly. This made the female standing behind the door almost fall in his arms.


Before she could say anything, the albino dragged her by her wrist and pushed her on the bed as he stared at her with disgust in his eyes.

"Let me out of here!"

(Y/N) screamed angrily as he pinned her down on his bed and stared at her. His eyes were now starting to glow red which indicated that he was hungry.

"When will you learn to be an obedient blood servant?"
He asked and waited for the squirming girl's response.

"Last night-"

"Last night? What do you want to talk about last night? That how you ran away and fell into the mud, looking all filthy? Or how because of you this prince got injured?"

'I knew it! I knew it that I got out of Shu's room last night.'

"Why can't I recall anything other than being bitten by you?"

"It is because of the miasma."


"The forest you ran into was not an ordinary one. It was the enchanted Dark Forest. If humans run in there, the miasma enchants them and they begin to see distorted hallucinations until they eventually die. You refused to take my hand and ran away. That's why you got that as a punishment."

He explained with a smirk on his face as the flashes of last night began to run through the girl's mind. Before she could process everything completely-


The red eyed vampire bit into her neck and ruthlessly sucked her blood out which made her cry and scream helplessly in pain.

He pulled away and wiped the remains from his lips as (Y/N) pushed him away from herself and exclaimed,


"You're talking about me or yourself?"

Shu asked indifferently as his eyes had turned back to normal by now. He got up from the bed and turned around to walk away.

"Tut. (Y/N) (L/N) you can't escape from me in this lifetime. Mark my words."
And with that, he slammed the door shut and left.

As for the (h/c) haired girl, she laid there on the bed, covering her eyes with her arm and letting tears of dispair roll down her cheeks.
A while later:

Shu opened the doors of the room and walked in angrily, only to find his blood servant huddled up under the blanket. He snatched the blanket away harshly from her and scolded,

"How long are you going to keep up your display of hunger strike?! The maids told me you're not eating anything at all! Stop this nuisance and get up and eat something! I order you to do so right now!"

The (e/c) eyed girl looked at him and retorted back immediately,

"Then let me and Alisa go home! I will eat something once I'm back home with her!"

"She's right here in my palace! Why the hell do you still want to go back to that mediocre home of yours?!"

"My house is not mediocre! And if you can't allow us to leave then keep dreaming! I won't eat or drink anything!"

She argued and turned her face away again as the albino sighed and ruffled his hair.

"Why do you want to go home so badly?"


Before she could explain to him, a butler came in and informed,

"Young master, the other human you rescued along with Ms. (L/N) is insisting on meeting you. She won't stay in the chambers you've designated for her and is showing a strong resistance. It's getting hard for the guards to control her without hurting her."


(Y/N)'s eyes widened in shock and Shu's lips curved up into a devilish smirk before he replied to the butler,

"Very well then. Bring her into the main hall. I'll gladly meet her."

He turned to look at (Y/N) and said,

"Looks like we're gonna have a little family reunion in my palace~"
A little bit later:

"You can watch from behind the curtain. Butler Wei, make sure she doesn't make a sound."

Shu instructed the butler and (Y/N) before going to sit on his majestic couch to meet with the brunette. The butler took the unwilling (h/c) haired girl behind the curtain to watch.

After they were set, a guard came in with Alisa who had a look of displeasure on her face.

"Prince Shu."

She spoke as the albino sat in an extravagant way and had a smirk on his face.

"How may I help you Ms. Alisa?"

"You have my gratitude for saving me and (Y/N) from those cheapskates that day. But, I need you to do me one more favour."

"And what would that be?"

"Let (Y/N) go home."

The red eyed male smirked as he knew this was coming.

"What makes you think I'll let her go so easily, young lady?"

"If she's irritated you or displeased you in any way then I apologise on her behalf..."

As the girl spoke, she fell on her knees, taking everyone else by surprise in there. Shu too for a second had a surprised expression on his face but it was quickly replaced by his smirk.

"What do I get in return if I grant you this favour?"

Little did they know, the brunette was not kneeling because she was helpless but because something was wrong with her.

"I-I w-will do a-anything i-if y-you l-let...et her g-go... a-anything..."

Her voice suddenly became shaky as (Y/N) immediately realised what was wrong with her.

'Alisa's body is...Oh no!"

She struggled to get herself free from the butler's grasp as it was the albino's turn now to become worried. A sweat bead rested on his cheek as he looked at the girl's now trembling body.

'Something is not right with her...'

"Hey, you can get up!"

But Alisa's body gave out and she fell unconscious on the floor. (Y/N) broke free from the butler's grasp and ran to the unconscious girl.


"Quickly call the royal doctor of the family!"

Shu ordered as his guards bowed down and left and he rushed to the two girls.

(Y/N) was holding her friend's body in her arms and desparately shaking her in an attempt to get her to wake up. But she didn't.

Alisa's body didn't budge at all. The (e/c) eyes of the girl went blank as the albino sat beside her and shook her shoulders hard.

"Pull yourself together! Damn it! Where's the doctor?!"

Just at the right moment, two guards came running in with the doctor as one of them told,

"Young master, the doctor is here!"

"Save this girl right now!"

He ordered and the doctor nodded before getting down to work.
Few moments later:

The doctor injected a syringe in the brown eyed girl's arm who still lay unconscious and looked at Shu.

"So? What had happened to her? And how is she now?"

Behind the albino, the (h/c) haired girl stood with her hands clasped together, as if she was praying and a worried look in her eyes.

"She had a heart attack. But thanks to your quick thinking, her body is temporarily stabilised for now. Had it been late by just one more second, we could've lost her."

"I see."

The doctor stood up and explained further,

"With this child's condition, it's best if she stays in the hospital more and take time to recuperate. I hope you get what I'm trying to say young master."

"Yes, I do."

Then he turned to one of his guards and ordered him,

"Go and arrange the girl's in-patient procedure."

The guard bowed respectfully and so did the doctor before leaving.

'I just wanted to teach that wretch a lesson, so that she could understand her place. I didn't expect this much trouble.'

The vampire prince thought to himself but got snapped out from his thoughts when he saw (Y/N)'s body swaying from the corner of his eye.

Luckily he was fast enough to catch the passed out girl in his arms before she could hit the floor.

"Hey! What's wrong with you now?"


Oof- Now I gotta run and finish some drafts in my one shot book. *sighs* So much work. ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ

But don't worry, I can give you a short spoiler for the next chapter. It'll be much more nicer than this one. And maybe you'll get to see different side of Shu? ๐Ÿ˜—

Please support this book and my other book titled 'Crimson Love Sparks Shu Kurenai x Reader'. I'd really appreciate if y'all will do so. ๐Ÿค—

And please vote, comment, share and maybe....follow me too? All the characters (other than the reader) belong to Hiro Morita, only the story plot is mine.

Stay safe and have a nice day/noon/evening/night.

Sayonara, bug out.

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