010 | π‡πž 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚π₯ 𝐒𝐭?!

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Chapter Ten: He Wants Me To Steal It?!


As (Y/N) was running back to the room Shu had given her to stay, she happened to run in the garden of the castle.

The garden had a fountain in its centre and four neat pathways emerging out from it. The girl being tired, stopped and panted as she admired the beautiful fountain. As she caught on to her breath,

'He actually asked me to attend a party that's full of vampires?! Why?!'

The image of him when she saw him for the first time, appeared in her mind. Sitting on the piano and having glowing red eyes...

'What he has been doing is always beyond understanding! Hmph! So...this time...'

'...What is it that he wants?'

She thought and frowned as a presence made its way behind her.

"What are you doing here?"

The deep voice of the person asked as the girl quickly turned around to face the person.


She thought it was the young red-eyed albino but her eyes widened in shock when instead of him, his elder brother was standing behind her.

"Who allows you to wander in here?"

'Chancellor Phi?!'

(Y/N) staggered back as the albino vampire reached his hand out to her hair and harshly pulled a strand out. The girl lost her balance as she fell into the fountain water.


"You do resemble that worthless blood servant from before."

He spoke as he held her strand up in the air and looked at it in the moonlight.

"Especially this silky (h/c) hair."

"W-What are y-you talking about?"

"Kristina Kuroda. She was Shu's favourite blood servant."

Phi said, ignoring her questions as a sinister smile appeared on his face and continued further,

"Shu is interested in you- simply because you look like her. So, you mustn't have any expectations."

'Expectations? What a joke! Why would I expect anything from a vampire?'

"But in the end, that blood servant betrayed Shu."

He said as his eyebrows furrowed and (Y/N) looked up at him, her hand clutching her uniform's shirt, near her heart.

"So, he's only treating you..."

"PHI! Don't make irresponsible remarks behind my back!"

The young red-eyed vampire said angrily as his eyes were glowing a deathly red and his glistening white fangs were visible as he spoke.

The other one looked at him from the corner of his sapphire blue eye as his little brother continued,

"Besides, my blood servant doesn't need your lecture!"

Shu then turned his eyes to the girl in the water as he walked past his elder brother and extended his hand out to her.

"You idiot! Get up! It's an order."

He demanded, his eyes glowing brighter by the second. (Y/N) hesitantly reached her hand out to him and was about to grab his but before she could do that, he took hold of her wrist and pulled her out.

"Let's go."

The albino said as he tossed his jacket over the girl's shoulders and put his hand on her shoulder before leaving with her.

'Why? Why do I feel upset at a moment like this? Shu, you jerk! What the hell did you do to me?!'


"Stop wandering around and stay away from my brother."


(Y/N) nodded as Shu led her back to her designated room which was being guarded by two female guards.

"Your dance steps are still not good enough. Practice it in your room and don't go anywhere after school these days. I don't want to be embarrassed at the party because of you."

The prince said as he looked at her from the corner of his eye, expecting to see the annoyed face of the female. But much to his surprise, the (h/c) haired girl not only didn't show any emotion but also remained silent the whole time.

The albino's lips straightened like a line as he said,

"Get yourself cleaned up quickly. If you catch a cold, I'll punish you."

"I...got it.."

A while later:

"Mom..dad...do we have a guest?..."

A child-like voice asked as three figures, standing at the main door turned their attention towards the kid.

Two of them were her parents. But one was a strange lady, that she couldn't remember about.

"Oh my. Is it (Y/N)? You've grown up a bit."

The blurry figure of the woman said as she smiled and caressed the girl's cheek.

"Hello? Who are you? Do I know you?"

The girl asked the woman as she giggled a little and nodded before replying,

"Of course. You know me. I'm your-"

Everything went from a coloured blur to a dark black as the woman faded away and the child raised her hands out as she called out,

"Hello? Can you say it again?"

No response.

"Hello? I can't hear you. Where are you?"

No response.


The (e/c) eyes of the girl fluttered open as she heard a maid knock on her door,

"Ms. (L/N), it's time for college now. Please get ready soon."


The girl responded from inside as she went into the bathroom to take a shower. She thought to herself,

'What a strange dream...Who exactly was that person? Have I met them before?'

At the college:

The day was almost over and it was twilight now. Students were packing their things and getting ready to go home. The teachers had already left.

As (Y/N) put her books back in her bag, a female student walked up to her and told her,

"(Y/N), you've got a call from the communications room. Hurry on."

"Ah! Alright."

The girl said as she took her bag and headed towards the room.

'Someone is calling me? Who exactly could they be?'

She thought as she picked up the telephone receiver and spoke,

"Hello? This is (Y/N) (L/N). Who am I talking to?"

"Ms. (L/N), this is a doctor treating Alisa. The patient's condition suddenly worsened. Please come to the hospital quickly."

A masculine voice said from the other side as the girl's eyes widened in shock and she quickly hung up before running straight out of the building and to the main gates.

'How could it suddenly happen?! I'm coming, Alisa! Please be safe and sound!'

She thought as she reached the gates and was about to run out but two students stopped her.

"We're sorry but we can't let you go outside without a pass or approval from a teacher."

One of them said which made the girl panic as she hastily explained them,

"Please let me go! My sister is critically ill in the hospital! I need to go and see her."

"We're sorry but we can't. You need to have an approval or a pass."

The second student said as (Y/N) retorted,

"But how can I get an approval? There are no teachers in the school now. Please let me go right now! I promise to hand in my approval letter tomorrow at the earliest!"

"Sorry, you can't-"

"(Y/N)? What's going on here?"

Gwyn's voice asked as the discipline commissioner came from inside the school and held the girl's shoulders.

"Gwyn. This student said she needs to go to the hospital because her sister is critically ill. But she doesn't have a pass or an approval from a teacher."

"There's nothing we can do for her right now."

The two students told him and stood like guards, guarding the gateway.

"Gwyn! You're a discipline commissioner, right? Why don't you-"

"The rules are strict here. Even I am helpless."

The albino explained his helplessness as the girl looked down in disappointment.

"But there is one more way by which students can go out even without a pass or approval. Do you know about it?"

He said as the (e/c) eyed girl looked up at him with hopeful eyes before she shook her head.

"If students have the crests of the high noble families then they can come and go as they please."

"But I'm not a vampire, how can I-"

"Shu must have one. Considering your current relationship, it should be a piece of cake for you to take it secretly."

Gwyn said in a surprisingly stern tone as (Y/N) stared at him with her mouth hung open in shock.

'He wants me to steal it from Shu?!'

She decided to stand her ground as she asserted,

"No. I'd better ask him if he can lend it to me, or take me out. After all, he'd helped me with her things before. Maybe this time, he can also..."

"The crest is special for the blood clan. Are you willing to gamble your sister's life with Shu's heart? If he refuses, you won't have a chance at all."

Gwyn argued. He did have a valid point. (Y/N) had a sweat bead on her cheek as she took a deep breath before asking,

"Gwyn Reynolds...why are you willing to do such a favour to me?"

She looked up at the taller boy, only to find him frowning as he shifted his gaze to the ground before he began,

"Because...in the past, due to my weakness, I ignored the call for help from a girl who'd been getting bullied by the blood clan. In the end..having been overwhelmed...she chose to end her life..."

His magenta eyes glistened up as he ended his explanation,

"...I was indirectly responsible for her death."

"I se-"

"It's because of what happened in the past, I won't ever allow my weakness to let something like that ever happen again."

Gwyn said with a hint of guilt and determination in his voice, making the (e/c) eyes of the girl widen in surprise as she took a sharp breath and said,

"I'm sorry Gwyn. I made you recall your sadness."

"It's alright. Now the key point is how to solve your dilemma."

Gwyn said as he held up his fist and looked at her with a small smile which quickly changed into a look of determination as he continued,

"It's said that the blood clan is preparing for their family party this year and Shu is no exception. While he'll be busy with that, you'll have the perfect opportunity to obtain the crest."

"Thank you for your kind advice. I'll keep it in mind."

(Y/N) said in a low tone as she clasped her hands together and stared at the ground before turning around to leave.

A little while later:
In the Elite residential part of the college:

'Shu...It looks like he's going somewhere. I better hurry...'

The (h/c) haired girl thought as she watched the albino take his overcoat from a maid. Before she could say something, he noticed her and was already making his way towards her.


"What is it? You seem to be looking for a favor. It's the first time you've been this eager. Besides, address me as 'My Lord' when you speak to me. Or..."

Shu smirked as he stopped when he was right in front of her before grabbing her jaw to make her look at him as he finished his words,

"...just call me 'Master'~"

'He only thinks of me as a servant who's easy to molest. Will he...agree to a servant's request? It's worth giving a try...'

The girl thought as she took a deep breath and said,

"I-I'm worried about Alisa..."

"Alisa? She's fine in the hospital so don't worry."

"Young master, it's getting late. We'll be late if we don't leave now."

The maid who gave him his overcoat interrupted their conversation as she bowed and the crimson eyes of the vampire prince reflected a look of boredom as he nodded,


With that, he turned around to walk away with the maid as his words trailed off,

"Be good and practice the dance in your room. Don't wander around."

By the time he was out of sight, (Y/N) was almost trembling as she thought,

'I couldn't ask him! I just don't have the courage to! Looks like...I can only take Gwyn's advice now...'

It wasn't a very difficult task for the (e/c) eyed girl to steal the crest from the room where every hereditary item was kept.

Due to Shu's orders, she was free to roam around in the mansion. She just had to avoid Phi.

All the servants in the house were too busy to notice her and since the room got cleaned every day, getting the key wasn't too difficult either.

(Y/N) almost immediately ran out of the college as soon as she'd got the crest. And this time, no one dared to stop her.

'I need to stop overthinking! The immediate priority is Alisa right now!'

She thought as she ran as fast as her legs could carry her. It wasn't long before a voice called out to her, stopping her.



"Did you get it?"

The discipline commissioner questioned as he ran up to her, completely ignoring the look of shock and question on the girl's face.


"Good! I'll also accompany you so I can support you."

He said with a face that said 'And I'm not taking no for an answer'. (Y/N)'s eyes widened slightly before she nodded and they both rushed to the direction of the hospital.

When they'd crossed half of the way, Gwyn who was running ahead of the girl suddenly stopped, causing her to bump into his back as she quickly asked,

"What's wrong Gwyn? Why did you stop?"

"..We're being followed..."


"I guess these people must've sensed that the crest is missing but they dare not do anything because of your relationship with Shu."

"S-So what should we do n-now?"

"You go ahead. I'll take care of them."


(Y/N) exclaimed as she looked at him with worry but his face didn't show any hint of fear at all. He held her shoulders and said sternly,

"Trust me. Now go!"

"O-okay. Take care, Gwyn!"

She quickly bid goodbye to him before running off to the hospital's direction.

At the hospital:


(Y/N) yelled as she burst into the brunette's ward. The said girl nearly jumped in surprise as she dropped the book she was reading before looking at the worried (e/c)-eyed girl.

"(Y/N)...? What are you-"

Before she could complete her sentence, the other girl cut her off as she engulfed her in a tight hug and asked,

"How are you? Are you alright now?"

"Yes...I'm alright. What could've happened to me...?"

Alisa responded as a sweat bead of confusion rested on her cheek as she returned the gesture.

"I-I received a call from the doctor that something happened t-to you."

"Call? What call?"

This chapter was kinda long, wasn't it? πŸ˜…

But the previous one was short so this had to make up for it. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this. ^^

I apologise for the lack of updates; I was down with fever for almost a week and had full body pain. πŸ€’

I'll update again as soon as I get better. Hope my readers will be patient. β€οΈβ€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή

Vote, comment, share and maybe...follow me too? All the characters belong to Hiro Morita (except the reader), only the story plot is mine.

Stay safe and have a nice day/noon/evening/night.

Sayonara, bug out.

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