011 | π–π‘πžπ«πž 𝐃𝐒𝐝 𝐈𝐭 𝐆𝐨 𝐖𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠?

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Chapter 11: Where Did It Go Wrong?


"What call are you talking about?"

Alisa asked as she blinked in confusion and pulled away from the embrace. (Y/N) was confused as well before she told her about the phone call she'd received at the college.

"Huh? But the doctor hasn't even visited me today. After the nurse checked up on me, I've been reading all day in here."

The brunette told the (h/c) haired girl who now had her eyes wide open and her mouth hung open in shock.

'Where exactly did it go wrong then? C-could it be that someone-'

"Is something the matter, (Y/N)? You're sweating."

Alisa's voice snapped the (e/c) eyed girl out of her thoughts as she looked at her and put up a nervous smile before lying,

"Y-yes. Everything's alright. It's just that I brought some candies for you but now I can't find them. I think I misplaced them."

"What?! How can you be so careless, (Y/N)?! You know how much I love candies!"

(Y/N) only smiled sheepishly as she rubbed her nape and thought,

'In any case, I can't worry Alisa about this. I need to go and find the crest myself.'

"I'm sorry. I'll bring you candies next time. Right now, I gotta head back and finish my homework. So...take care!"

"Alrighty! You too!"

'I shouldn't panic at a time like this. I need to stay calm. Maybe...I dropped it on the way here.'

The (h/c) haired girl thought as she looked carefully at every corner of the road under the light of the lamp she held. Her hands were shaking slightly - out of fear.

'But...who could be that person who faked the call saying Alisa's condition was worsening? Did someone want to lure me out of the college so they could aim at Shu's crest? If that's the case then why did Gwyn-'

The train of thought of the girl was brought to a stop when she heard the sound of a car horn behind her.

Turning to look, she found the young vampire prince clad in his cloak, standing behind her. Behind him, was his car, the driver and the butler.

"Why are you here? Who took you out?"

Shu asked as he frowned at her and (Y/N) just stood there, completely perplexed for a good two minutes as she contemplated on what she should do.

'What should I do now? If I fool him and head back to the college, should I go and ask Gwyn about the whole thing that happened? But...for some reason, I can't bring myself to trust Gwyn anymore.'

'At this rate, things may become more complicated and it would do no good to anybody if I try to conceal it. Even though I hate vampires, there's no point in getting him into trouble by lying. Might as well tell him the truth...'

Taking a deep breath, the girl raised her (e/c) eyes up to look at him as she said in a low voice,

"I'm...sorry...I got overly worried about Alisa, so I took your crest and ran out. But...it seems like I've lost it now-"

"That's not the kind of thing you can do with your intellect! Did someone tell you to do so?"

The vampire cut her off in the middle as his crimson eyes began to glow a bright red. (Y/N) gulped nervously but no words came out of her mouth.

Gritting his teeth, Shu turned to his butler and ordered,

"Wei! You have heard that! Go and find my crest at all costs! And investigate Gwyn Reynolds, that commissioner of discipline as well!"

"Yes, master!"

The butler bowed before he left. The albino then turned his attention back to his blood servant as he harshly gripped her wrist and dragged her with him.

"As for you...Come here!"


The girl winced in pain as he roughly slammed her against a tree and trapped her between his arms.

"W-What are you going to do?"

"Punish you certainly."

Shu smirked, revealing his fangs as his pupils glowed a deathly red, indicating his thirst.


Before she could even begin her sentence, he sharply bit into her neck causing thin but quick streams of blood to ooze out and stain the white collar of her uniform.


(Y/N) screamed in pain as the vampire used one hand to unbutton her shirt while he wrapped his other arm around her back to keep her steady.


The girl placed her hand on his shoulder in an attempt to try and push him away but he just smirked more as he held her wrist and bit her there as well.

"P-please stop!"


Shu mocked as he smirked at her and thought for a moment before saying,

"Call me 'Master' then~ Maybe I'll even be gentler."

Hearing that, (Y/N) frowned as she clenched her fists and stared at him with disgust in her eyes.

"Is it that difficult for you to call me 'Master'?...How ungrateful! Aren't you afraid that I'll suck up your blood and abandon you?"

The albino vampire impatiently asked as he got no response from her. He tightened his hold on her wrist before biting into her neck again, earning another painful scream from her.

'He's right. In the end...I might just become an unwanted toy...but...being thrown away without any proper reasons...? That's not what I want! I don't want...I don't want to be controlled all the time!'

(Y/N) thought as she gathered her strength and pushed Shu away from herself as she said,

"Shu...I'm just your blood servant. You'll get tired of me and then abandon me. It's just...a matter of time..."

Her (e/c) eyes stared at the ground the entire time as her hand clutched onto his shirt. His glowing eyes widened at her words but he chose to remain silent and let her continue.

"...but...at least before that...let me help you find your crest! After all...it was my fault! I don't want to...owe...you..."

The girl's voice became shaky as her vision became blurry and it wasn't long before she completely passed out - due to getting a large amount of her blood drawn out in a short amount of time.

But the vampire prince was quick to catch her in his arms and pull her back to himself. He let out a soft sigh and rested his head on top of hers as he mumbled,

"Do you think you can tempt me...by saying such words at this moment?"

A light blush rested on his cheeks as he hugged his blood servant and stared up at the moon in the sky.

In the Kurenai palace:


The (h/c) haired girl opened her eyes slightly, trying to adjust her vision to the surroundings. She moved her hands a little, surprised to find softness and warmth surrounding her.


She sat up quickly and looked around, finding herself in a familiar room. As she looked at her wrist and touched her neck, she found both of them bandaged neatly. Her eyes soon fell out of the window as she noticed that the sun had almost set.

'How did I get here? It's already evening. How long have I been sleeping for?'

Slowly she got out of the bed and put on a cardigan that was kept on the chair beside the bed before going to the door and slowly opening it. Upon peeking outside, she found a maid standing there so she asked,

"Excuse me. What time is it?"

"Ms. (L/N). You've been asleep for 2 days. Master Shu told us to bring you something to eat as soon as you're awake. Please give us a minute."

The maid bowed respectfully as she informed the girl about everything before leaving as (Y/N) gave her the nod of approval.

"..Thank you.."

'I've slept for two days...that means...the party is being held tonight?! Didn't Shu say that he would take me along? Did he change his mind or something? I should ask someone.'

She thought and walked in the large hallway outside her assigned room as she saw two maids who were cleaning and gossiping in a low yet audible voice.

"Psst. What's the big deal with that woman? Why does the master dote on her so much?"

"Isn't she a jinx? Since being with her, the master has been picked on by other families. Now she lost the crest unexpectedly, it will be problematic for the master to attend the party..."

"It's said that one cannot get through the gate of the party without a crest."

Both of them turned around when they heard a soft gasp but dismissed it quickly as their hallucination when they saw no one.

(Y/N) was quick to take cover behind a wall as she put a hand over her mouth to not make any sound while thinking,

'Shu has already gone to the party?! It was my fault his crest was lost...I shouldn't be hiding in here...I must go and help him!'

She sneaked away from the hallway and out of the palace, sprinting away towards the main gates when suddenly she heard a loud honk behind her.

Turning around, she nearly froze on the spot when a car stopped right in front of her. The driver of the car peeked out from the window as he asked with a little smirk on his face,

"Oh? Aren't you the poor little thing of Shu? What's the hurry? Are you going to escape when Shu is in trouble?"

"No! I'm not!"

(Y/N) quickly retorted as she clutched the cardigan tightly, amusing the driver.

"Then where are you going? Would you like a lift?"

"Who are you?"

"You're vigilant. I'm Valt, Shu's best friend."

Cliffhanger here because I'm planning to make the next chapter really long. 😁

And hopefully, Shu will be able to find his crest. Who do you think is the thief?

I also noticed that my Oneshots book is close to 4k votes. Guess I'm gonna hurry up and finish that half-written draft of Part 2 of Yandere Shu Kurenai. πŸ˜™

And a quick question: Is it just me or are the push notifications of Wattpad really not working? Because I'm not able to get any new notifications unless I open the app and check my feed. It's troublesome. πŸ₯²

Anyways vote, comment, share and maybe....follow me too? All the characters (except the reader), belong to Hiro Morita, only the story plot is mine.

Stay safe and have a nice day/noon/evening/night.

Sayonara, bug out.

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