03. embry

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Ruelle sat on a large beach towel, which she shared with Quil and Embry as the latter tried to give the girl his best puppy eyes, which he was very good at. The boy sat on his knees in front of her and had been pestering them for quite some time now.

They were in La Push on First Beach, and all Embry wanted to do was cliff diving. Ruelle wrapped her winter coat tighter around herself as she shook her head once more. They had done it plenty of times, but it was the end of November, which meant the water was below freezing in Washington.

"Come on, Rue." Embry rolled his eyes, he was getting agitated after her fourth turn down, which was completely out of character for her friend. "You're such a buzzkill."

"Em, it is freezing cold." said Quil, sharing a glance with his friend before continuing. "What is going on with you? You're not usually this pushy."

"We never jump during the winter months." frowned Ruelle, raising a brow at him.

"Whatever." he huffed, turning away from them and joining Jacob who was kicking a ball around a bit further down the beach. Though, Embry wished he could be ten feet deep into the cold water right now with how hot his skin was feeling.

"What's up with him?" Quil turned to face her, frown on his face.

"I don't know." she murmured, blowing hot air into her hands. "He's been acting strange all week. Do you think he's coming down with something?"

"I have never seen him like this." said Quil, rubbing his face as he kept his eyes on his friends. "It's like how it was with Jared and Paul. I don't really know them, they're older than us but they started acting strange around school too, well maybe not Paul, he's always been an asshole. They were gone from school for weeks but when they showed again they had doubled in size or something. They stick to themselves."

"I'm sure it's not that bad, Quil." Ruelle tried, her voice reassuring even if she wasn't convinced of it herself. "Em doesn't know them, not really so i'm sure it's not the same. Sam won't get to him, or Jacob or you."

"I think he already has."

Ruelle flinched when Embry screamed across the beach, throwing the ball in Jacob's direction. The latter stood frozen on the dark sand as he frowned at his friend. Embry was livid and his shoulders heaved from the quick breaths he was taking, steam almost coming off his skin when he took off his jacket.

"Why the fuck is it so hot?"

"Em? What's wrong?" Ruelle got up from the towel and took a cautious step toward him.

"Get away from me!" he belted out, startling the brunette teen as Quil took her wrist to pull her back and away from their friend. "Why the fuck do I even hang out with you guys? You're all a bunch of pussies!"

He stalked off toward the tree line and disappeared behind the sea of green. Jacob jogged toward them, confused as he rubbed Ruelle's shoulder in comfort.

"He'll be fine." Jacob sighed. "Just give him some time to blow off some steam."


RUELLE KICKED OFF HER SHOES WHEN SHE STEPPED INTO HER HOME, closing the door behind her and locking it. There was a faint sound of the tv coming from the living room and she peeked around the corner, smiling at her dad who had fallen asleep on the couch.

The brunette made her way to the kitchen, pulling out some left over lasagna. She turned on the microwave and put the bowl into it, setting the alarm.

"I didn't hear you come in."

Her father, Frank, stood in the kitchen doorway, leaning against the wall. He wore a tired smile. He was a hard worker and often worked double shifts at the Hospital, though, he really enjoyed his job as a nurse. Ruelle admired him but wished he'd take some time off every now and then.

"I just got here."

"I'm glad you're home." Frank said, as he gathered some plates and cutlery. "I feel like I barely see you anymore."

"You should take some time off from work then." Ruelle teased. "Maybe I can come visit once your on lunch break every now and then?"

The alarm beeped and Frank told his daughter he would get it as she sat down at the table. Ruelle had always remembered her father worked a lot. It was never an issue, Frank always made time for her when she was younger. Now that she was eighteen, had her own posse of friends and was away often, he picked up extra shifts to keep himself busy.

"How are your friends?" he asked. "Haven't seen them in a while."

"They're great." Ruelle nodded, but a frown soon covered her features. "But Embry is acting a bit weird and I'm worried about him. It's probably just some sickness that will pass. Heard some people got mono there during the summer."

"That's possible." her father said as they ate. "Hospital has been full with cases of mono lately. I'm sure it is nothing to worry about."

Ruelle washed the dishes once they finished while her father dried and put them away. The girl gave him a kiss on the cheek and disappeared towards her bedroom.

Her walls were painted a dark forest green, her floors made from brown wood. There were pictures covering her walls, like in Jacob's room. Ruelle's eyes lingered on Embry's face on the wall. She had tried to call him but he never answered her. It was so out of character for him. He never swore, he never yelled at any of them and he would definitely never storm off and ignore her or his friends.

Ruelle wiggled her toes through her rug and sat down onto her small twin sized bed. Her phone screen lit up but it wasn't Embry so she threw it onto her nightstand, letting herself fall backwards onto her mattress.

"Rue?" Came her fathers voice from downstairs. "Should I make some tea?"

"Yes, please!" she shouted.

The girl moved her head towards her window and saw the full moon through her white curtains. It was almost as if she could hear a wolf howl, but she knew she had imagined it.

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