05. wolves and hotheads

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          FEBRUARY WAS JUST AROUND THE CORNER AND WASHINGTON WAS STILL FREEZING, though the snow wouldn't stick to the soil like it had in December. Ruelle was ambling through the woods, twirling around thin trees as Jacob and Quil bickered somewhere behind her. The beach had been too cold, so they had decided to call it a day and take the long route back to Jacob's house. It would be dark soon, the sky turning gray. The forest at night wasn't unfamiliar to her so it wasn't unnerving.

When she was younger she'd often go to the forest behind her home, pretending she was being chased by bad guys as she ran. It was silly, but the feel of the forest ground beneath her boots and the trees around her were a good coping mechanism for having lost her mother at such a young age. Jacob and Ruelle liked to play hide and seek too, or see who could find the biggest tree within a time limit. It were good memories.

The brunette glanced back and her eyes fell onto Jacob, who's clothing seemed to get a bit too small for him. It was odd and it worried her. It had started like that with Embry as well. He had grown inches overnight, like Jacob seemed to have done too. He still seemed like himself to her, so she brushed it off. It wasn't strange for teenage boys to grow quickly.

Behind her, Quil let out a howling laugh as Jacob tackled him to the ground, getting his jeans dirty from the mud. Ruelle turned in her step and slowly kept walking backwards while watching the two in amusement.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Ruelle shrieked as she bumped into someone's hard chest. The girl turned quickly, stumbling backwards and away from the figure. Sam Uley stood before her, unreadable expression on his face. Jared Cameron and Paul Lahote at his side, sporting the same expression. Ruelle had never actually met them or seen them from this close but they were more intimidating than she had initially thought.

Quil and Jacob rushed to her side, glaring at the three men. Ruelle had taken a hold of Jacob's sleeve, breathing deeply at the fright she had gotten. The girl didn't like them, because her friends didn't and because Sam had taken Embry away from them for whatever reason. But she couldn't shake the feeling that they meant no harm, though they might have looked like it.

"It is dangerous out here." he continued. "Go home, it's dark."

Sam kept his focus on Jacob, which was unnerving to say the least. Jacob almost squirmed under it, feeling uncomfortable.

"Leave him alone." Ruelle found herself saying.

The oldest of the three turned to her while one of them let out a snarl. Sam furrowed his eyebrows just a smidge but she caught it. He wasn't frightening, just authoritative.

"Come on, Rue." Quil muttered, taking her hand. "Let's just go."

"Listen to him, girl." Jared grinned. "He's smart."

If it were someone else, Ruelle would comment with a witty remark, but they had a reputation and she didn't want to get caught up in something she couldn't handle.

"Fine." she said quietly with a nod.

Ruelle squeezed Quil's hand and they were about to turn around when she met the eyes of Paul Lahote, who had been silent the entire time. The girl stopped in her tracks, mouth agape ever so slightly. The cold had left her body and she was suddenly filled with warmth. She was frozen, couldn't even move if she wanted to. A strange sense of calmness spread through her, but she could still feel Quil's tug on her hand.

The brunette blinked a few times before tearing her gaze from the boy and towards Quil, who was frowning. Ruelle decided not to glance back towards the three men and swallowed as she started to pull Quil away from them and back down the path with a determined pace.

"Jacob, come on." Quil called.

Jacob still stood there, glaring at Sam. He made no move to follow his two friends and Rue and Quil halted a few feet away from them. Jacob clenched his teeth and eventually turned to his friends, passing them with his quick strides.

Behind them, Ruelle could hear some whispered arguing, it sounded heated. Ruelle wanted to glance back for some reason and she did, meeting his eyes once more as she was being pulled away by Quil. His eyes were so dark that she was sure she could see his soul if she looked hard enough. He had a strong jaw, broad shoulders and beautiful skin, a tribal tattoo just like the others.

Paul clenched his jaw tightly, tearing his gaze away from her and taking off angrily into the other direction. It made her frown.

Eventually, the three friends reached Jacob's house. He hadn't said a word the entire time they walked. He was breathing heavily. Quil and Ruelle couldn't see his face but they were sure he wasn't happy. The teen didn't turn to them as he slammed his front door shut, leaving the two of them stranded outside.

"Do you think Sam got to him in some way?" Ruelle wondered, frowning.

"He didn't even say anything to him." Quil shrugged, leaning against the porch.

"But he looked at him." Ruelle pondered. "I know I probably sound crazy, but it was weird. It was like he was looking into his soul or something."

Quil stayed silent, not knowing what to say, because he noticed too.

The front door opened, Billy wheeled out, solemn look on his face. "I think it's best if the two of you head home for the night. Jacob isn't feeling very well. I think he's got mono."

Ruelle wrapped her arms around each other, chewing on the inside of her cheek. The brunette nodded reluctantly. Quil furrowed his brows but agreed. The two said their goodbyes to Billy as he went back inside.

"Jake drove me." Ruelle sighed.

"I'll take you home."

"Thank you."

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