⸻ nineteen.

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season 7, episode 18 - song beneath the song

⋅──⊱༺  🩺🫀💋 ༻⊰──⋅

   CALLIE AND ARIZONA were supposed to be on their way to spend some quality time together before the baby came when a truck hit them. Arizona was pretty beat up, cuts and bruises covering her body, but she was conscious and could walk. Callie and the baby weren't so lucky. The impact and the fact that she hadn't been wearing a seatbelt had sent Callie through the windshield.

"What the hell happened?" Mark shouted, running to the group of doctors waiting in the ambulance bay. April finished tying on Sage's yellow trauma gown as Owen spoke up.

"Car versus truck. That's all we know," Owen told the plastic surgeon.

And her injuries?" Mark asked frantically, turning from Owen to Derek. "What—the baby?"

"We don't know yet," Derek told his best friend.

"Well, why the—why the hell don't you know?" Mark snapped, his eyes wide, "Someone get me a trauma gown."

"Mark—" Sage began but Webber beat her to it.

"Mark, you need to sit this one out."

"I'm not sitting this one out. That's Callie. That's my kid," Mark insisted, turning to the other doctors.

"Which is why you can't," Webber explained, "I'm sorry, you can't be a doctor on this one."

"Screw you." His eyes scanned over all the doctors, his face bright red.

"Mark—" Owen began but Mark would have none of it.

"Screw all of you." Mark began to put on a trauma gown but Webber stopped him.

"Look at me, Sloan, look at me," Webber said, placing his hands on Mark's shoulders, "Maybe I don't understand what you two have, how you have it, but I understand this, she is your family. Callie Torres and that baby are your family, and the best way to help your family is to step back and let the rest of us do what you can't rationally—save their lives. Okay?"

"Mark," Derek urged.

"I'm in the room, you hear me?" Mark demanded. It wasn't the most ideal thing, but it was better than someone having to restrain him from helping. "I'm in the room."

"Okay," Webber agreed as the ambulance pulled in.

⋅──⊱༺  🩺🫀💋 ༻⊰──⋅

   "YESTERDAY WE WERE AT HER STUPID BABY SHOWER," Cristina sighed, shaking her head. The Yang girl was standing in the hallway, along with Sage, Alex and Meredith. The attendings were in another room, arguing about how to best take care of Callie.

They were all on edge and worried sick about both Callie and her unborn baby. But thankfully, they had the world-class neonatal surgeon Addison Montgomery there to help, which made them all feel a little better. But only a little.

"She's gonna be fine," Sage insisted, trying to comfort them all even though she knew it was useless. She took a sip of her coffee, anxiously tapping her fingers against the paper cup. "She's gonna be fine, right?"

"I take it back," Meredith said to Cristina, "You can be Callie's baby's godmother."

"If there's a baby to godmother," Alex muttered, earning himself a smack on the back of the head from Sage, "Ow! And we all know the only way to save the baby is to save Callie, and the only way to save Callie might end up killing the baby."

"You've got a hickey on your neck," Meredith pointed out. Sage's eyes traveled up Alex's neck to find that he did indeed have a hickey on the side of his neck.

"What?" Cristina moved so she could see the left side of his neck as Alex tried to maneuver himself away from her, "Oh, Karev's turned all red. Are you in love? Are you a lover?"

Sage snorted as Alex rolled his eyes, though they could all tell he was biting back a smile.

"Shut up," he chuckled, shaking his head.

"Lover," Cristina teased.

"Well, Lucy is the first girl that he's really liked since—" Sage began but Alex cut her off.

"Big deal," Alex shrugged, rolling his eyes, "She works here at Seattle Grace Mercy Death, so I'm sure she's pretty much gonna go crazy or get cancer or get shot by a gunman or hit by a truck. So don't get your hopes up for Karev's big happily ever after."

"Seattle Grace Mercy Death." Cristina shook her head.

"We really have seen it all," Sage sighed as all the memories of all the crazy things that had happened to them came rushing back to her. "A bomb, George, Izzie, a shooter...What's next? A plane crash?"

The group all laughed quietly, nodding their heads. They had been through unimaginable things during their time as interns and now residents at 'Seattle Grace Mercy Death'.

But little did they know, that joke would be coming back to bite them in the ass very soon.

⋅──⊱༺  🩺🫀💋 ༻⊰──⋅

   "YOU WANNA SLEEP HERE OR GO HOME?" Jackson asked, placing his hands on Sage's shoulders, rubbing them. She closed her eyes, leaning back into him.

"I dunno," she mumbled, yawning.

The plan was for Callie to go back into the O.R. the next day, so now they were just waiting for Mark and Arizona to decide whether or not they wanted to deliver the baby. 

It had been a long day for everyone, between operating on Callie and waiting for the attendings to decide how they were going to treat her. The plan was for Callie to go back into the O.R. the next day, so now they were just waiting for Mark and Arizona to decide whether or not they wanted to deliver the baby.

"You hungry?" he asked, continuing to rub her shoulders.

She shrugged, "Not really."

"Ok." He turned her around and took her hand, leading her towards an on-call room. "Come on, let's go lay down."

They reached the on-call room, and luckily, no one was inside. Sage kicked her shoes off and laid down on the bed, her head falling onto the pillow. Jackson closed the door behind them and took his own shoes off before joining her on the bed. He laid beside her, pulling her close to him. She rested her head on his shoulder and sighed, closing her eyes.

"Are you ok?" he asked, looking down at her.

"Yeah," she mumbled, nuzzling her face into his shoulder. "Just tired."

He nodded, and the two stayed like that, wrapped up in each other's arms. 

⋅──⊱༺  🩺🫀💋 ༻⊰──⋅

   THE O.R. WAS filled with what seemed like every resident and every attending to try and save Callie. She was taken into emergency surgery after it was discovered that her lungs were full of fluid and she was bleeding out.

"Definitely got some new bleeding," Owen announced.

"Remove the abdominal packs carefully," Bailey instructed, "They may be stuck."

"Irrigation. I'm starting to cannulate. Slowly push the heparin," Teddy nodded.

Sage, who had been standing close to the IV, glanced over at it to find that blood started to fill the small tube, "We've got blood!"

"Damn it." Derek quickly got up with Meredith and rushed to Callie's head, "We gotta get back in."

"It's the heparin," Cristina said, looking to Teddy. Earlier, she'd proposed what Sage thought to be a good plan based on some of Preston Burke's old techniques, but Teddy and Owen shot it down, "Dr. Altman, we can still do the percutaneous repair. It'll work. I know it will."

"Dr. Yang, the decision's already made," Teddy snapped.

"Get me more lap pads. Got a lot of bleeding down here."

"The baby's having decels," Addison told the group of doctors that filled the O.R.

"This is not working," Owen sighed. He looked to his wife and nodded, "Yang is right. We need to reverse the heparin and try the percutaneous repair."

"Get me a percutaneous catheter kit," Cristina ordered, preparing to conduct the procedure, "Flip on the echo," she ordered, moving next to Sage, "I am going up through the groin."

"No," Teddy insisted, glaring at her, "I said I've got this."

"Chang, can you assist?" Cristina asked her friend. Sage nodded, and got ready to help.

"Dr. Altman, stabilize the heart and step back" Owen ordered, but Teddy wouldn't listen.

"No. I can get it, I just need to—damn it."

"Dr. Altman," Dr. Webber spoke up, getting Teddy's attention, "Dr. Altman, step away."

Teddy glared at the Chief for a few long moments before throwing her surgical instruments down on a tray and finally stepped away from Callie.

"You can do this," Owen encouraged Cristina, "One step at a time."

"One step at a time," Cristina repeated before beginning the procedure, "Removing the needle over the guide wire. Catheter.""Forceps. Suction to Dr. Grey," Derek announced.

"It's going in easy," Cristina sighed, smiling a little under her mask. "Get the T.E.E. ready."

"Still got some active bleeding coming from somewhere," Derek announced when the monitors started beeping again. They managed to control the brain bleed a few minutes later, and then the baby was taken out.

April rushed the baby to Lucy while the rest of them kept working on Callie. Mark and Arizona burst into the room not long after as they intubated the baby to try and get her breathing.

Arizona got a heartbeat for the baby and the rest of them got Callie's heart strong. Sage sighed in relief, looking over at Mark. He looked close to tears, and she couldn't blame him. But Callie and the baby were alive, now they just had to hope they both stayed that way.

notes from lottie,

this sucks ass lmao

rewatching the musical episode was TRAUMATIZING

and ik we have a LONGGGGG way to go but idk what to do abt the whole wedding thing like i have an idea but it also doesn't really work but i don't think it's fun to make is exactly the same as japril so haha

anywaysss, hope u enjoyed!

comment and vote!

love ya,

- lottie.

published: 8/25/24

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