Group Project

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"Is he coming?" Jungkook fiddles with his fingers as he asks hesitantly.

"Yep, he said he will be a bit late but he will be coming."

As soon as I reply Jungkook's hesitant eyes light up with happiness as I chuckle at his sudden excitement.

"Really? He doesn't mind staying with us!?"

Jungkook's voice holds pure excitement in them as I quickly nod to his question. His expression now brimming with happiness as his eyes glimmers with joy.

"You sure are happy baby boy~"

His eyes turn soft as he timidly looks down on the table while starting to fiddle with his fingers again.

"I'm just happy that he isn't scared of me any longer. I'm greatly disappointed in myself for being as bad of a person I was in the past but... I want to change. I want to be a better person and I really see this as an accomplishment. So I'm really happy that I was accepted by someone whom I never expected to be... "

His features now hold a relaxed sense to them as he said the words with absolute sincerity. I slowly extend my hand to rest atop his right hand.

Jungkook has a sling on to restrict the movements of his left shoulder. The doctor has adviced him to keep it on for a week and then go get it checked again. Luckily his right hand is not hurt and he can still write and work.

"Letting go of the past is difficult and I'm not telling you to forget about it. Learn from it instead and you'll greatly benefit from it."

Jungkook looks surprised by my words but soon a smile forms on his lips as he nods his head.

The door bell rang soon and I get up to open the door for Jimin.

We were having a night stay at my place for working on our science project and also having a bit fun at the same time. It was a Friday night so we didn't have school the next morning.

"Jimin! You're finally here!" Just as I welcome Jimin inside I notice a taller boy following behind him. "And I see Taehyung tagged along!" I exclaim happily.

"I-It's not like I came to visit you or anything! I just couldn't leave Jimin alone after what happened yesterday night..." Taehyung quickly says as he sets down his bag on the table and sits down beside Jimin.

"Yeah yeah. I didn't say anything regarding you coming to visit us." I chuckle as I close the door and walk up to the table to sit beside Jungkook.

"How's your injury Jungkook? Does it hurt?" Jimin asks Jungkook with worried eyes when he notices a sling across his chest in which his left arm rests.

"It's okay. There is no need to worry." Jungkook smiles softly as Jimin just nods to his words.

"But what were you even doing there in that alley at night?" My curiosity gets the better of me as I ask Jimin his reason as to why he was there at that time of the night.

"Well... I work at a convenience store and that day my shift lasted a bit longer. Taehyung would be worried if I got back home too late so I took the alleyway as it was a shortcut."

"Dumbo. If you are safe, that's all I want." Taehyung folds his arm across his chest as he grumbles.

"I know... I'm sorry." Jimin lowers his head to his lap as he apologises.

"Let's not cry over spilled milk! Jimin is safe now and that's all that matters!" I clap my hands together to stop the gloomy atmosphere from taking over us. "I'll go get some snacks for u-"

"Oh! As a thank you I bought you some cupcakes!" Jimin takes out a large box of cupcakes from his bag as he hands it to Jungkook.

"Thank you Jimin." Jungkook accepts the box of cupcakes happily as he thanks a smiling Jimin and I notice Taehyung silently squirming in his seat.

"I brought some stuff for you too..." Taehyung trails off as he takes out a huge packet of chips and various kinds of snacks on top of the table. "I just happen to have a lot and this was the perfect opportunity to give them away. I'm not giving it to you as any form of apology for what I did yesterday, got it!?"

I slightly giggle at Taehyung's shy apology but decide not to poke him too much about it. Jungkook nods happily as he accepts the gifts from both Taehyung and Jimin with open arms.

"Looks like we have plenty to eat for tonight!" I say happily as everyone nods. "So Taehyung, are you staying over tonight or not?"



Two different answers come from two different boys as they turn to stare at one another in confusion.

"But you said you wanted to come over and stay here for the night!" Jimin chimes.

"But won't it be troublesome for Y/N to have another guest just pop out of nowhere?" Taehyung argues back as he scratches the back of his neck in uncertainty.

"Of course it won't be troublesome Taehyung. You're my friend and I assure you that I don't have any problem with you staying over~" I give him an okay sign with my fingers as I place my hand on his shoulder.

Taehyung nods his head timidly as he looks down at the table with his ears turning slightly red.

"By the way, did you bring your pajamas and things that you will need at night?" Jungkook asks as Taehyung nods his head again. "Well then I see no problem with you saying over."

Taehyung's head raises a bit as he looks at Jungkook with a slightly surprised look painting his expression but he quickly looks down again.

"You can go into my room and play some video games while we work on our science project then."

Both Jungkook's and Taehyung's eyes light up when I mention video games as they turn to look at me with an unknown fire in their eyes.

"YOU HAVE VIDEO GAMES!?" They yell out in unison in excitement as I cover my ears to save my poor ears from going deaf.

"Yes yes I have them. But Jungkook, you ain't gonna play now. You're going to work on the project with me and Jimin."

"Okay... But can I play with them after we are done?" Jungkook tilts his head to the side as he pleads me with his eyes.

"Sure... Only if you work hard." Jungkook nods his head vigorously as all of us laugh at his eagerness. "Oh! Taehyung, you can go play with them now."

"Y/N?" Taehyung calls my name as I immediately turn to look at him. "Will it be okay if I help you out with your project instead of playing?"

"Of course!" Jimin exclaims happily.

"Don't wanna play?" I raise my eyebrow questioningly to tease Taehyung.

"I just thought that it'll be rude to just go and play while you guys work here and I don't mind helping either. Anyways, playing is way better with others than being all alone." Taehyung smiles at the end of his words as we happily agree to his proposal.

"Well then! Let's get to work shall we?"

"Yes!" All of them yell as we raise our arms in the air in unison.

Our friendship with one another was just starting. We are different people with different personalities but we are fitting with one another quite well. Enjoying our time as we diverged from our project and started talking about various other topics.

Our interest are different but we found each other's hobbies interesting as we merrily chat away. Time passing with no notice with just enjoying each other's presence.

Time flew by and an invisible bond formed between us all without our notice.

But maybe it is things that happen without our notice that make our relationship so very special.

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