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- The Lord's Prayer

Abby was sat in the middle of Bjorn and Lagertha as Ragnar had wanted the blonde beauty there alongside Athelstan as they were eating together with King Horik and his son Erlendur discussing the plan for when they next travel back to England, "Next summer, I say we should return to Wessex, claim our land from King Ecbert" Bjorn called out as he glanced around the room, "Those who wish to farm should do so, and divide the land between them"

"What should the rest of us do, hmm?" Horik questioned raising his brows as he stared at Bjorn in disbelief, "Those who do not wish to be farmers." Abby let out a heavy sigh rolling her eyes in annoyance as she shared a look with Lagertha as Bjorn replied, "Those can join King Ecbert and Princess Kwenthrith in the battle for Mercia. I am sure they will be rewarded well."

King Horik had a thoughtful expression on his face as he nodded his head in agreement earning confused looks from Abigail, Ragnar and Lagertha, "I agree with you. I think we should claim the land, but I do not like the idea of being Ecbert's handmaiden. I still have a score to settle with him and unlike Ragnar, I do not trust him. He reminds me of the giantess Hel. You remember, hmm? Her face, her neck, her arms, her breast, all pink, but beneath her waist, every inch of her flesh was decayed and rotten and greenish back"

"Yes, that might be true, father, But isn't it best to test him to see if he is honest?" Erlendur asked with a curious look on his face glancing over at Abigail who was glaring at him from across the table as Athelstan looked around at the group and added in, "I believe he is telling the truth" everyone turned their attention to the priest as Lagertha raised her brows and stated, " then you are still innocent. It does not seem to matter how many experiences you have, Athelstan. In the end, you're still like the young Monk I first met"

"So you agree with me?" Horik questioned Lagertha as he placed his mug of ale down as Lagretha shook her head sending him a look and corrected, " No. I agree that those who wish to farm should do so and also ask for King Ecbert's protection but for some of us, those of us who still want to raid, we will go elsewhere, explore and discover new places."


Abby sighs as she runs her hands through her hair, as she was stood in the market near one of the fabric stalls looking over at the different material trying to keep her mind off things as Ragnar had told her there is going to be a war against King Horik since he wanted Ragnar and his family dead due to the power that they have.

The blonde understood that Ragnar and Bjorn wanted to protect her as it was clear that King Horik despised her because she was born a Christian and the fact her father had caused a lot of deaths of their people when they first came to invade England and didn't want anything happen to her as there is many of people who liked and cared for the blonde beauty and if anything were to happen to her it was cause war with England.

"You really are so beautiful" a voice called out from behind her, Abby turned around only to see the same blonde girl she saw when she first arrived at Kattegat causing her to furrow her brows in confusion as she hasn't met the girl but has heard about her from both Lagertha and Bjorn. " Uh, thank you?" Abby trailed off not knowing why her husbands ex girlfriend was suddenly talking to her.

Porunn frown as she stared at the England princess trying to find something to say about her but she's heard nothing but nice things off the people of Kattegat who had liked the girl even if she is a Christian, " I wanted to see what it is about you that caught his attention" Abby folded her arms across her chest raising her brows at the girl standing in front of her, " I know who you are. Your name is Porunn isn't it?"

Porunn eyes widened in shock as her face softened slightly at Abigail's words, " He told you about me?" She questioned with a hopeful expression on her face thinking that Bjorn still had feelings for her.Β  Abby turned her attention back to the fabrics in front of her feeling the different materials, " No, not really. Lagertha was the one who told me about you. Bjorn only told me that you used to be together and that it ended badly"

"You know, I didn't see Bjorn falling for a Princess nonetheless a Christian at that" Porunn tilted her head to the side as she walked around Abigail trying to figure out what is it about this girl that had caught Bjorn attention. " It just kind of happened I guess. I got lucky" Porunn shook her head in denial narrowing her eyes at the blonde beauty, " No, I don't think so. Bjorn had been obsessed with me since he arrived back in Kattegat but then he met you, and now he's married. How is that fair?"

Abby raised her brows at the bitterness in her tone as she was clearly jealously that Bjorn is now married and isn't available any more, " will you get over yourself he dumped you. It's time to move on with your life, it's what me and Bjorn are trying to do but it's kind of hard when you're doing everything in your power to break us apart" Porunn scoffed in disbelief shaking her head and replied, " you don't understand. We were in love and then I find out that he's married to another girl in that short amount of time we had been together"

"I trust Bjorn and if he wants to throw away our entire relationship to someone like you, I won't stop him but he knows if anything were to happen he will loose me and I don't think that he wants that" Abigail stated sending the blonde girl an apologetic look knowing it was probably hard for her to accept that Bjorn had moved on and is no longer in love with her anymore.

Porunn moved closer to Abby with a smirk on her lips, " did you know that I kissed him?" Abby let out a heavy sigh not even bothered in the slightest as she knew that the girl was trying to a rise out of her but she wasn't that shocked that she would try something like that as Lagertha had told her all she needed to know about the women how she is obsessed and won't let go off the past, " and did he kiss you back?" She curiously questioned causing the Porunn to stay quiet giving Abigail her answer as if Bjorn did kiss her back then this would be a complete different conversation.

Abby let out a sigh as she turned around to face Porunn sending her a pointed look and exclaimed, " Porunn, you can't force someone to love you back it isn't how it works" the blonde beauty rolled her eyes in annoyance as it wasn't that simple you can't just force someone to stay with you it would just lead to hate and resentment and neither of the two would be happy. " I can if you're no longer here" Porunn threatened taking a step forward towards Abby who wasn't scared of her in the slightest.

Abigail just smirked with an amused look on her face causing the smile to disappear from Porunn lips who looked confused, " Please, I can kick you're ass and do my nails at the same time. Just because you've only just started training to be a shield maiden doesn't make you a warrior. You have much to learn and if you carry on the way you are it will get you killed in a real battle"

Porunn frown deepened as she she watched Abigail walk away from her not longer interested in what she had to say only for Abby to gasp in fright when Bjorn appeared in front of her, " what did she say to you?" He questioned looking at her up and down making sure that Porunn hasn't harmed her in any way, " I swear if she's touched you..." Abigail grabbed his hand in her own squeezing it in reassurance and told him, " she didn't touch me. When are you going to realise I can take care of myself. We just talked about you, if anything I feel bad for her"

"There's something that you need to know" Bjorn trailed off causing Abby to raise her brows as she could how nervous he was and knew what he was about to tell her as Porunn already tried to rub it in her face. " that Porunn kissed you. She already told me, she probably thought if she did that it would cause problems between us"

Bjorn frowned in confusion as he eyed his wife carefully with a hesitant expression on his face, " and you're not mad?" Abby shook her head in response with a small smile, " I know you, Bjorn. I know you would never do anything to hurt me. And by the look on your face I know that you didn't kiss her back. There's nothing left to say... I trust you and not even Porunn can break us apart"


Later that night, Abby was laid in her bed reading a book when the sound of warning horns was heard as men and women screamed for their lives causing the blonde to climb out of the bed grabbing Bjorn axe just as two men had entered the room with the intention of killing her on King Horik order. One of the men rushed towards her raising his sword only she blocked his hit, pushing him back and killed him.

The man gasped when she sliced his throat with her axe watching as he fell to the ground dead, turning around as another man went to attack her only she turned around and ducked just in time before kneeing in the groin punching him in the face before stabbing him in the neck pushing his body to the floor. " Abby!" Bjorn called out rushing into the room with a worried look on his face pulling Abigail into his arms, " Thank the God's,Β  you're okay. I was worried when I couldn't find you anywhere"

Bjorn cupped Abby face in her hands before pressing his lips against hers not bothered that she was covered in blood before he pulled away resting his forehead against his, " I'm okay. You really think my father would allow me to leave Wessex if I didn't know how to protect myself" Bjorn chuckled wrapping his arms around Abigail pressing his lips against her head before the two made their way towards the great hall where Horik was with his son and a couple of men eyeing a man who was sat in the middle of the hooded cloak to be sitting in the room with his back facing Horik, "Ragnar Lothbrok," He called out only to see loyal men to Ragnar appear from each doorway.

The hooded man stood up turning around to face Horik as he removed his cloak only to be Torstein who he had thought Floki had killed and while Horik was distracted his men was killed from behind as Abigail , Bjorn and Lagertha entered the great hall killing most of Horik men leaving only him and his son alive. It didn't take long until Floki entered the room as Horik had an anxious look on his face looking around the room knowing there's no way he would be able to kill Ragnar and his family, " Floki, you have betrayed the gods"

"No, King Horik, I only betrayed you," Floki corrected with a shrug of his shoulders as Ragnar and Aslaug entered the room standing beside Floki, " I was always true to the Gods and Ragnar" Horik sighed in defeat as he looked at Ragnar and pleaded, " Ragnar, if you can find it in your heart, spare my son," after a moment he threw his shield on the ground before moving forward as Erlendur tried to follow him but was held back by one of Ragnar men placing a knife against his throat.

Abby walked away from Bjorn as she slashed him in the back causing him to groan loudly in pain, followed by Lagertha and Bjorn who had stabbed him in other parts of his body as Erlendur struggled to get out of the man's grip to help his father but it was no use as all he could do is watch as Torstein stabbed Horik in the stomach before he fell onto his knees in front of Ragnar as Floki walked closer placing his hand of the side of his face before walking away.

Bjorn wrapped his arms around Abby placing his chin on her shoulder as Siggy walked into the room standing beside Ragnar causing Horik eyes to widened in shock as he thought that both Floki and Siggy was on his side but he was proved wrong when they had both betrayed him watching as Siggy handed the dagger he gave her to kill Ragnar children over to the man himself.

Bjorn grabbed Abby's hand pulling her out of the great hall leaving Ragnar alone to kill King Horik due to his betrayal and the fact he had tried to kill all of his children and failed. The blonde beauty had walked into the room where Horik wife and their children was staying knowing that Lagertha had already killed Gunnhild only for her eyes to widened in horror at the sight of all the children dead and the only ones that are still alive are the servant.

"Go" Bjorn told the servants who immediately fled the room before pulling Abby into his side kissing the crown of her head when she pulled away from Bjorn when something had caught her eyes as she grabbed the sword before turning around to face Bjorn, " the Sword of the Kings. It would seem Ragnar is now King" Bjorn walked closer to Abigail grabbing the sword from her as they knew that Ragnar is now King and that everything is all about to change.

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