pt. dos

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Episode : Bobos and Mamitas

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The Cuban-Mexican girl was shocked by Lydia's statement.
She wanted to know what is could possibly be going through the woman's mind that would make her day that.

"Yo no entiendo cómo these men and women all want to be the same. We should celebrate our differences." Abuelita clarifies.
"I would never trade this for that." She then gestures for her breast then to Schneider's... area.

"Mami." Penelope scolded.

The handyman gets up, "No, no, I agree with her. Everybody wants to see those. Nobody wants to see this." He motioned like the elder did.

The two pre-teen were confused, disgusted, and weirded out by the adults.

"Okay, everyone stop gesturing." The single mom says to them all.

As the woman walks to the dining table, Elena follows, "Mom, I'm not talking about old-people sexism. It's such more subtle now. Men assert their power through micro-aggression and mansplaining."

Lydia got interested for the wrong reason, "Oh, mansplaining. Is that like manscaping? I just learned it and I love it."

"No." Elena answers, "Mansplaining is when a-"

"It's when a man explains something to a woman," Schneider interrupts, "that she already knows, but he acts like he's teaching her. Does that make sense?"

Everyone looked at the man, while he was totally confused as to why.

"What? I was just explaining what mansplaining- Oh, wow!" He finally caught on, even to mimic an explosion to the mind blowing discovery he made.

Penelope turns to her daughter, "Elena, micro-aggression and all this little crap... If I got bent out of shape every time a man said something stupid, you wouldn't be here."

"Mom!" Elena said, "This is a real problem. The sexism I'm talking about is all the little thing disrespectful things that men do that-"

"That they don't even realize." Schneider interrupts again, and he noticed, "Sorry, I cut you off. Talk as long as you want. Not that you need my permission. I'm just- You know what? I'd like to hear from the ladies. Women. Females. You guys- Not guys, humans."

The handyman to his hands on his mouth to shut him up, the two kids snicker slightly at the man.

Andrea comments, "Wow. You broke Schneider."

Elena ignores her and turns back to the topic, "Mom... this stuff might not seem like a big deal, but it chips away at you. You gotta call Scott out."

"Why would I waste my time?" Penelope asked.

"That's right!" Lydia agreed, "You will never win men over by confronting them. Take notes, Bicho."

Andrea simply put on a confusing look, which the elder didn't see as she was talking, "You flirt with them. You hypnotize them. And then you do whatever the hell you want. And then... they will think they are the boss, but really, you are the boss."

"Y-You're not really gonna flirt with Marvin or Jesse, right?" Alex nervously asked Andrea, who just shakes her head 'no' and giggles.

"Why can't they just know you're the boss?" Elena asked.

"Oh, no, they would be so upset."
"That is horrifying."
"Oh, . Well, nobody ever threw a hamburger in my face."


Everybody went there own ways, Andrea and Alex were in his room.

Alex looked at his best friend, who had a blank expression on her face as they watched a movie on his laptop.

He knew that Andrea was just bottling her feelings. He knew that the sexist remarks that Marvin and Jesse said had got to her, and he knew she needs to talk about it before it gets ugly.

The Alvarez boy closed the computer, which Andrea whines to, "Hey! We were watching that."

"Look, you should talk about what happened with Marvin and Jesse." Alex says.

The girl crosses her arms, "No, it's fine-"

"Andrea! I know that stuff bothers you. Why won't you just talk about it-"

"Alex, I'm... I'm embarrassed!" The girl confessed.

"What? What do you mean?"

"Everyone in school sees me as this person who doesn't take care about anyone's opinions, or doesn't take crap from no one. With Marvin and Jesse... I feel, I don't know, ashamed, that I didn't stand up for myself-"

The Cuban boy sighs, "It's okay, Drea. Marvin and Jesse are jerks, they've always been jerks! I mean, honestly, no matter how much you tried to make you play, they wouldn't let you."

Hinojosa knew he was right. It didn't matter how many times she fought the two mean boys, they would see her as a wimpy kid that can't defend themself... but not until she proved herself.

Andrea then painted a smirk on her face, "I think I know what to do."

"You do?"
"Yeah... definitely."

"You ain't gonna kill them, right?"
"Alex, why on earth would I kille them?"
"I don't know. You, like, sounded like a some villain in a movie."
"Shut up!"

The two pre-teens laughed the whole thing off.
Andrea did have a plan, she just hoped she could pull it off.


"Thanks for sticking up for some at gym. That... That was really cool." The girl said sweetly.

The young boy couldn't help but blush a bit from it, "N-No problem.


Deep in the dead of night, Lydia comes into Elena's room, holding a makeup kit in hand.

The woman sets the kit up, silently as possible, grabbing a brush and blush.
She walks up to the sleeping teenager, "Mi amor, wake up-"

Suddenly, Elena screams at Lydia, and Lydia screams at Elena.

"What are you doing?" Elena questing the grandmother, in totally confusion and irritation.

The elder says, "I was thinking that if you would wear a little makeup, you would look presentable... and maybe the people in school would listen to your garbage ideas."

Elena wasn't really having it, "How would that help?"

"Lawyers would love to wear sweatpants, but they wear suits so the judge will take them seriously."

"Go on."

Lydia further explains, "So... makeup makes you beautiful. Beauty gives you power, and that is why I never let anyone see me without it."

Elena was shocked, "I just realized, my whole life I've never seen you without makeup."

"Yes, you have. My baby pictures."
"Even in those you had your ears pierced."
"Oh, without earrings I look ridiculous. But mija, por favor... won't you just try it my way, huh?"

Elena replies, "I like what you said about power, so... alright, I'll give it a try."

"Ah! Gracias!" The grandmother shouts in excitement.

She wasn't hesitant to put on the makeup right away, which Elena wasn't so happy about, being it was almost 4 am.


Morning came. Penelope, Alex, and Andrea sat in the dinning table, eating breakfast.

Lydia comes on, "Wonderful news. Elena can be in the Christmas card this year."

They all turned to see Elena with makeup on and hair done, brushed and touched up curls.

"Oh, you look very nice." Penelope gushed.

"Thank you." Lydia smiles.

"I meant her."
"What? She didn't do anything."

"Wow, you look great." Andrea compliments.

Alex got up and examined his sister closely.

"What?" Elena asked.
"Nothing. Just, if you get hit with a hamburger today, it's gonna stick."

The teenager got fed up and walked to her bag, Penelope got up, "Oh, come on, Elena, it looks nice. You just look different. What is this? Wear-Your-Grandma-To- Work day?"

The mother laughs at her own joke, "I'm kidding! You look great. And whatever this is, good luck with it."

"Well, what are you gonna do about Scott, the bobo?" Elena asked.

"Nothing, because he doesn't matter. I'm going straight to Dr. Berkowitz. Then I'll accomplish my goal, and Scott's burgundy-red Buick Regal, license plate 374 PCE will remain unharmed."

"Just a little more rouge." Lydia stops her daughter, holding a makeup brush in hand.

"Ay, Mami, no." Penelope says. When looking herself in a mirror, she sighs, "Damn it, you're right."

The single mom added the rouge to her cheeks, and when giving the brush back to her mother, she lightly brushed the elders cheeks.

"Oh, gracias." Lydia thanked her in a serious tone, before everyone left the house.


In Penelope's work, she was finishing up on organizing files and stopped when seeing her boss.

"Hey, I wanted to talk to you about my waiting room ideas from the meeting yesterday." She tells Berkowitz.

She was though interrupted further by Scott coming in, "Hey, we have a waiting room full of patients out there who are very unhappy."

"Sounds like there's a problem that a badass spreadsheet could've fixed." Penelope comments.

Lori then jumps in, "When my dogs are upset, I rub there bellies. Should I...?"

It was obvious that no one wanted to go with Lori's plan.

"There's gotta be something we could do." Scott says, "Blue Sky, what if we stagger the appointments by just 5 minutes? People would wait less, and be so much happier when they see your handsome mug?"

"Smart way to go!" Berkowitz compliments the idea.

The two men fist bump at the idea, while Penelope was enraged with her idea being stolen, especially by Scott.

"Okay," She chuckles, "I am not trying to turn this into an argument, but I said the same thing yesterday and nobody listened."

"I don't think that's exactly what you said." The young man brushes off.

"No, that's exactly what I said, Scott. But maybe you didn't hear, because you were on your phone like now."

Scott pulled his head away from his phone, and didn't listen to the single mother, "Uh, what?"

Penelope bit her tongue, "Yo voy a matar este hombre."

"Uh? What does that mean?" Lori asked.
"I'm just thinking about lunch. I'm hungry."

Berkowitz stepped in, "When it comes to ideas, no one's keeping score, but today, Scott wins!"

The two men gave each other finger guns and laughed at each other, Alvarez wasn't having it.

"Oh, alright, I need to say something. I do. Okay, uh, Scott," The woman tries to confront him, "Sometimes I've noticed, when I'm talking, you don't listen. I've let it go, but now I'm saying something professional... in a professional manner... professionally."

Scott didn't know how to react, "I think what Penelope's trying to say-"

"Oh, my god!" Penelope shouts, "Stop saying what I am trying to say, you mansplaining, micro-aggressive, bobo carbón!"

Everyone was shocked of what she was saying, yet still didn't understand a word she said.

"You're sexist, and I'm tired of telling it go! Does that make sense?"

"Okay, lot of big feelings..." The doctor tries to help out, "and a fertile area for what is now our biannual staff meeting."

Scott response to the other nurse, "Hold up, Doc. You think I'm sexist? That's crazy. I love women."

"It's got nothing to do with love. It's the way you act. You dismiss everything I say!"

Scoff scoffs at her correct assumption by waving it off, which made her scoff into proving her point.

"Yeah, you better be waving at someone you know."

Berkowitz tries to break the fight up, "Guys, guys! Let's keep our anger where it belongs, with the patients!"

Despite the doctor's "help" they kept going at it.

"I don't know what you're complaining about. If anything, I'm the victim of reverse sexism."
"I'm in a traditionally female-dominated profession, and I had to diagnose what's happened, you're jealous because I'm killing it."
"Oh, my god! That's insane!"

"Okay, don't get hysterical."
"Okay, you see that! That right there, that is sexist. You would never say that to Dr. Berkowitz."
"That's cause Dr. B's cool as a cuke."

"I'm about to cry." The Jewish man comments.

Penelope sighs, "I do everything around here, okay? I order office supplies, I call insurance companies, I even make the stupid coffee because yours sucks and Lori always burns herself."

"It never looks hot." The ditz blonde mutters to herself.

"How about all the times you take off early for your kid's appointments and I'm left to pick up the slack, because moms are special?"

Penelope was appalled by Scott's words, "What did you say?"

"Uh-oh!" Berkowitz throws his pen for his last attempt to stop the fighting, "I dropped my pen. Scott, could you go get that for me?"

Before the young man could say anything, Alvarez fires, "Moms are special! Because we have to work twice as hard."

"We really do!" Lori agrees.

"Dogs are not children, Lori!" Penelope had to control her bottled up emotions.

"Look, sometimes I do have to take time off because braces needed tightening or because my kid's head is a, quote, "lice carnival". But I always make it up and it is just as valid as you leaving early for Shark Week."

Scott replies, "All I'm saying is that we're equal. We all work hard. We all make the same $30 an hour."

The single mother was taken back by this, deep down it really did bother her, disgusted and triggered her.

"30 dollars an hour? He makes more than me?"


Meanwhile, Andrea was at gym, with anger in her eyes. She was glaring at the two sexist boys from yesterday, with Alex and Finn standing on her side.

"Do we just let this happen or should we join her on this fight." Finn asked his friend.

"What? No, Andrea isn't gonna fight anyone." Alex dismisses.

"You sure?"
"Then why is she stomping her way to Marvin and Jesse with two very angry fist?"

The boys looked as Finn was correct about Andrea, she did make her way to the two boys, but for a different reason than what her friends think.

"Marvin, Jesse!" She calls out.

Everyone in the court stopped, the two boys make there way toward her.

"What do you want, you're stopping a game?" Marvin asked.

"I want to go one-on-one, right here, right now." Andrea tells them.

Everyone started to crowd around them, with Alex and Finn upfront to see what's gonna happen.

"You ain't gonna win."
"Wanna bet?"

Jesse smirks, "Fine, you and me. One-on-one. If you win-"
"I get to play basketball whenever and you two have to apologize to me."
"But if I win, you're not gonna play and stop bothering us, and maybe we can arrange a little "get-together"."

The crowd of boys laughed, except for Alex. If looks could kill, Jesse would be dead as a doorknob.
Andrea groans at this behavior and thought about her plan for a few short seconds, and then stuck her hand out, "Deal."
"Deal." Jesses says, shaking her hand in the process.

All the boys that saw this hooted and hollered at the deal, stepping back to get the two of them all the court.
Alex was nervous for Andrea. He didn't want her to get hurt, especially if it's against a kid like Jesse. He was also angry at Jesse, he had no idea why, but that "get-together" thing he said made his blood boil, for many reasons.
Andrea, though, had adrenaline pumping. She was ready and had wanted to dominate this boy on the court, in front of his friends just to prove a point.

The buzz of a whistle echoed and the two jumped for it, Jesse had caught to it.

At first, everyone thought the Hinojosa girl was toast, but she surprised everyone. She managed to steal the ball and score 3 points.

The boys were going wild from this, Jesse had growled, Alex looked at the girl in total admiration, which Finn had noticed and smirked to himself at.

The game was a constant back and forth one, it was tight and insane. Andrea was though in the lead with one point in front.
The two players were tired yet had full determination.

Andrea scores and scores, the crowd was going wild, Jesse and Marvin were filled with regret and embarrassment.

"Stop, stop, stop!" Jesse shouts. "You win, Andrea. Fair and square, you win."

The girl smiles and cheers through the sweat. She knew she was gonna make it, she knew she had shown the boys how a girl could play a "boy's" sport.

Alex hugs the girl in a proud type of way. He knew she could to this, he had faith in her all along. Andrea blushes from the Alvarez boy, but everyone couldn't tell from how red her face was from the heat.


She turns around to see the coach, with the two boys on his side. The three looking quite guilty.

"I-I wanted to formally say my apologies, for doubting and disrespecting you. It was wrong for me to think like that. I'm sorry."

Andrea smiles, "It's okay, coach. I forgive you."

The coach smiles and walks off, having Marvin and Jesse to full exposure.

"H-Hey, Andrea." They say.

The girl rose an eyebrow at that, waiting for the apology she deserved.

"Look, we're sorry." Marvin spoke.

"It was wrong for us to do that to you, we know. We were just being stupid." Jesse adds on.

"Trust us, it won't happen again. We won't bother you, we swear."

It looked genuine. The boys could barley even met eye contact with her. The nervous posture gave it away as well.

"That's all you had to say." The girl smiles at them, "I accept your apology."

Alex's jaw dropped to the floor when hearing this. He couldn't believe what Andrea had said.

As the two boys walk off, Alex pulled Andrea to the side, "What the heck?! You just forgave them? They literally-"

"Yeah, but its okay though. They learned their listen and that's all that matters. I mean, what's the point of me getting mad at something that won't matter in 5 years? You just gotta let it go sometimes, you know?"

She smiles at the Alvarez boy and skipped to the locker room to change, leaving Alex with good advise that he just couldn't understand.

But hey, that's Andrea. And he fully values her words of wisdom, even though sometimes it makes no sense and others are just too hard for people to do.

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Translation/ Meaning

"yo no entiendo cómo..." - "i don't understand how..."
bicho - a nickname to give someone who is small in a cute way/bug
- yes
mi amor - my love
mija - my daughter
por favor - please
gracias - thanks
bobo - silly/stupid (clown)
"Yo voy a matar este hombre." - "I'm going to kill this man."
bobo carbón - silly/stupid dumbass

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