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Italics: (Na'vi language, or Metkayina sign language, and Jake's inner thoughts)

A/N: The very last happy chapter for a while shsj Its the longest one ive ever written I think  lmao so I hope you guys enjoy it! It's been a nice time up until now, but angst is coming now that the climax of the movie is coming :,) that's why I tried to make this chapter extra long and wholesome to make up for it lmao

Also, huge thanks to -tHeCoNfUsEdSiMp for helping me out with this chapter! I love you so much and it wouldn't have been possible without you! :,) 🤍

As always, don't forget to comment and vote <3 I love reading and replying to all of your comments and they truly make my day 🤍 Without further ado, I hope you guys like it!

The moment that you and Jake were able to leave the hut, neither of you could stop laughing as the two of you ran through the woven paths. That was definitely one of the most anxiety inducing moments that you've had in a while, but even so, it was exhilarating and exciting. Ever since you and him have solidified things between you two, it has all been so great and so freeing, even if it was just the night before. The moment that you had confessed and he said he felt the same, a huge weight was completely lifted off and you have been able to feel more honest with yourself and the way you felt. It felt like you had nothing to hidea anymore, and it felt so surreal. Well, almost. You and Jake still had to reveal that you were officially together, in a relationship.

You were consistently thinking about who to tell or how they'll even react. Vokan, the kids, Tonowari and Ronal, and so on. You knew that Tonowari still wanted to speak with you, so it wouldn't be long until this happiness and carefree journey became short-lived. With all that happened, there has been a big part of you began to slowly realize that the first people you needed to tell would be mainly Tonowari and Ronal, for many and various reasons. One, because you'd never forget how Tonowari gave you the choice to pick who you wanted to be with and you'd always be grateful for that. He gave you the chance to find someone who you truly loved, and now that you have, both Ronal and Tonowari deserved to know. By the time lunch rolled around, you'd tell the kids, too.

You had a feeling that most of the revealing of the situation between you and Jake would happen sometime today. It didn't make sense to hide it for so long, especially since there was nothing wrong with your relationship and bond with Jake. You hoped that the next time that Tonowari comes looking for you, you'd take that opportunity to tell them and not leave anything behind. You wouldn't beat around the bush, and no matter what their opinion was, you wouldn't give up on what you had with Jake. You were an aduly, perfectly capable of making your own decisions, just like Tonowari had stressed to you many weeks ago. You'd hold onto him for that, and remember it.

As you and Jake slowly let your laughter die down, you stopped at another end of the woven paths with him and stopped running so that both of you could catch your breaths. It would not very long until Tonowari found you again, so you'd take this time to compose yourselves. At least he wouldn't find Jake in your hut this time, so at least that was out of the way. You had already decided you'd at least tell Ronal and Tonowari today, so you wouldn't put it off, no matter what came in the way. As for Jake, he had been thinking all this time about taking you out on a date like he's been wanting to do since before you mated. He already had an idea and hoped you liked what he had in mind.

For now, before Tonowari could find either of you, while also you and Jake tried to catch your breath after laughing, you grabbed both of Jakems hands and caught his attention. "That was really fun. Though, the shove was a bit unnecessary," He laughed, remembering how you were just about to leave the hut but you pushed him back behind the curtain in the heat of the moment. You smiled bashfully, looking away. "Sorry, I panicked," You said as you look to turn to look at him again. It doesn't seem like it bothered him that much, so neither of you dwelled on it that much. Now, your only thoughts were exclusively about telling the others who had yet to know about your situation with Jake. It had to be today.

"Jake," You said, suddenly turning to him, and your tone immediately told him that you were serious and were not kidding around anymore. "We have to tell Tonowari and Ronal today. The kids, too" You said, and at your words, Jake nodded slowly as he exhaled softly. He really wanted to tell everyone how things were between you two, not only because he didn't want to keep it a secret, but because he wants to be able to tell everyone you're his, and he's yours. That he can be openly romantic with you, and it's everything he's ever wanted from
the moment he realized he loved you and really wanted to be with you. He wants to kiss you, show you off, openly hold you, and be proud that you were his mate. He really wants that.

And don't even get him started on his kids. He knew that the moment he told them, his family would be completely once again. He would be able to wake up next to you and have warm, joyful and loving mornings with you and him and the kids, come home to you, eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner alongside of you, raising Tuk, Lo'ak, Kiri, and Neteyam with you, be able to get to hold you and cuddle you in the first morning light, and just have you in the home that was now yours as well. All of that would happen once you told the kids and everything would come together so beautifully that he couldn't wait at all. But, first came the most important people in your life. The ones that welcomed Jake into the village and gave them a home. The ones who raised you without any questions asked and took you in. The ones who opened their home to you and Jake when you needed it. Tonowari and Ronal deserve to know first. They deserved at least that much.

"You're right. The next time we see them, we'll tell them" Jake said as he nodded in agreement with you. You let a relieved sigh escape you and nodded once you heard what he had said. You were glad that him and you were on the same page, especially on most things, and this was one of those times. "Okay, let's do it" You said, your grip on his hands tightening a little, showing how happy it made you that you had him and you were in agreement. It was happening. And it would happen sooner than you think, and that was because Jake's eyes trailed from your to lock on something, or someone, behind the two of you. You slowly turned around to see who Jake was looking at and you felt your heary start to accelerate.

Tonowari was approaching, he had his eyes on you and Jake as he walked towards the two of you with even steps on the woven paths. You moved to stand next to Jake, and looked up at him with nervousness clear in your face. His eyes softened and he discreetly locked his pinky with yours, tightening the grip for a second and then letting go so that Tonowari couldn't quite see yet. He smiled down at you with comfort, slowly helping you feel more at ease. You both then looked back towards the Olo'eyktan, and soon enough, Tonowari stood in front of you and Jake, and you knew by the look on his face that what he had to say before was really important. He was confused as to why you left, but he'd eventually understand.

Tonowari stood before you and Jake, not saying anything for a couple seconds, but was still monitoring your body language. He had no idea what happened before, but aside from
he wanted to talk to you about, he had a feelinh that what he was seeing had something to do with that. That was when he finally spoke. "Jake," Tonowari started, nodding once at your mate; and when Jake reciprocated it, Tonowari turned to look at you. "Y/n," He said, and you nodded once at him like he had done to Jake, closing your eyes briefly, and returning your gaze towards the Olo'eyktan once more.

"I think there's some things we need to talk about. Both of you," Tonowari said, making you and Jake tense almost visibly. Did he already know about you and Jake? What could he want to talk about that involve both of you? The Olo'eyktan noticed how you and Jake continued to stay silent, approving his previous thoughts and his hypothesis "Follow me," He said, and walked around you and Jake, starting to make his way through the paths and leaving both of you stunned. You looked at each other and communicated through your eyes, simplu agreeing wordlessly that this was the perfect opportunity to tell him if Tonowari and Ronal didn't already know. If he did and already suspected it, it'd make things a lot easier.

After a few seconds, you and Jake turned around and began walking behind Tonowari. He was walking in front of both of you without a single work, making you even more anxious. You had a feeling that Ronal would be there too and that Tonowari was leading both you and Jake back to their hut. Still, you didn't let fear consume you, even if it wasn't fear per se. You have never done something without telling Tonowari, and by mating with Jake in secret with someone you didn't know if he approved of was something that made you nervous. Jake and Tonowari did know each other from a long time ago, when Toruk Makto called upon the clans, but that doesn't necessarily mean he approved. It was a matter of time before you knew if he did, and either way, you'd stick by Jake no matter what. And most of all, you hoped Tonowari would see things how you do.

Eventually, you and Jake walked and trailed after Tonowari for a bit until your suspicions were correct and were met with the entrance of his hut. You tensed when you spotted Ronal waiting as well, proving that what you thought was really correct. Once Tonowari stepped inside, you and Jake took hesitant steps after him, standing side by side right in front of the Tsahik and Olo'eyktan. The air around the room felt tense. Too tense. There was definitely something more to this than what you thought. Did Tonowari really know what was really happening? Did he have clues as to what it is? Your mind was racing. You held youe hands  together in front of you, trying not to let your anxiety show through your body language.

After a few seconds of silence, Ronal ended up being the first one to speak up. "My daughter," She started, and your breath visibly hitched. Her tone of voice was almost impossible to read, but you knew she was talking to you. "Yes?" You questioned softly, moving your gaze to keep eye-contact with Tonowari and Ronal, out of respect. "Is there something you want to tell us?" Ronal started, and your mind started to go into a frenzy. They really did know, didn't they? Technically, you didn't lie, right? It's not like you've kept it a secret since it happened just last night. How could they possibly know?

You tried to find the words to respond to her question, but nothing came out. Your words were getting stuck in your throat, painfully trying to come out and quickly let yourself explain what happened. How could you met yourself be so nervous? You were fine and so assertive and sure of yourself earlier about telling them, but this felt like an interrogation. Well, that was obviously before you thought that they didn't know but they obviously know something. You hoped that if they did know, that they didn't think you hid it from them. They've always been the first to know about everything going on in your life and you've never lied. This felt like a punch in the gut.

"This is what I wanted to talk to you about earlier, y/n. But you disappeared" Tonowari said as he crossed his arms, staring you down intimidatingly, and you just gulped nervously, which Jake obviously noticed it. Jake's gaze softened when he noticed how anxious and out of sorts you seemed. "Yeah, I had to go," You said simply, not wanting to prolong the lie of wanting to hide Jake. Lying wouldn't get you anywhere at this point. You kept the thought in the back of your mind that Tonowari had given you the choice to pick who you wanted to be with, and you already had an inkling that he knew it was Jake. You could never be too sure.

"I had to ask you one thing. Where did you run off to last night?" Tonowari asked, and your eyes widened a fraction as your breath seemed to get caught up in your throat. As for Jake, he had a calm yet calculating expression on his face, trying to decipher what Tonowari meant by that. It sounded rhetorical almost, as if he already knew the answer but wanted to know what you had to say. "Why do you want to know?" You asked, wanting to know yourself where he was going with this. What was he trying to imply. Did he see you and Jake leave? If he did, this conversation would make more sense. You sucked in a silent breath when he inhaled and began to speak shortly after.

"I was told you left the party a bit early. That's not like you. Vokan actually notified me that you left with none other than Jake, here" He said, and Jake's eyes hardened once he heard this, not believing that everything you and Jake were working up to reveal was outed by Vokan before your night with Jake even started. You sighed in disappointment, realizing that there was no way around this anymore, was there? "Then yes, I did leave the party early. I left with Jake," You admitted, not being scared anymore to show it or talk about it. You inhaled sharply and reached a hand down to intertwine it with Jake's. He seemed to be completely on board with you, because he gripped onto your firmly.

Your words just confirmed what Tonowari had been thinking of the entire time. And it wasn't a surprise to him. This was something that he had been speculating even weeks before last night where it seems that you and Jake finally took the final step into being bonded for life. Since it happened the night before and it was probably something you weren't exactly having had planned, but it just happened. "Just as I thought. I can't say I'm surprised," Tonowari said as s ghost of a smile appeared on his lips, followed by Ronal who's expression eased.

He couldn't exactly say he was not concerned for your future. With Jake having war on his horizon, he didn't want you to be dragged into it and get hurt in more ways than one. You taught Tonowari and Ronal what it was like to be real parents, giving him those early and heartwarming experiences that he would treasure in his hesrt forever. If you ended up getting hurt along the way for being dragged into conflict that wasn't yours, neither him or Ronal would know what to do. Both hoped you were being smart about who you chose, and that you knew what you were doing, knowing what would await you eventually. But they didn't know you weren't scared at all. Being bonded to someone meant shouldering their sins, their burdens, and everything with you. You'd be there for Jake and never leave his side. You would definitely be willing to fight if it was necessary, for him, as well as the kids, and every single person you cared about.

"So, you're okay with it? You're not upset? I was worried that...you wouldn't approve" You said, really hoping that what he was saying is what you were hoping for. If what he was leading up to was what you thought it was, then all of your nerves and emotions would settle down. There was also someone else who you wanted to hear from, but knowing her, she would speak with her eyes that said a thousand words more. You looked over to Ronal looking at you fondly. With approval. You could have cried. This is all you were hoping for. It was incredibly important for you that they could approve of the person that made you the happiest that you've ever been in a long time. The fact that theyre indicating that they do makes your heart burst with contentment.

Tonowari has always insisted that you had to find someone honorable, a man who can really appreciate everything you have to give, and never leave you in the dust when you need it the most, and most importantly, love you even in the most dire of circumstances. Tonowari could see that Jake was more than all of those things and more, having not only been able to get to know him during his stay in the village, but also through his leadership in the battle against the Sky People. Tonowari really thought you were both lucky to have found each other. He hated that you thought he'd be mad at you for choosing Jake, but in reality, he was just concerned you'd be dragged to a fight that wasn't yours and that knowing you, you would head straight into it either way to aid and protect. It was just who you were. He was afraid your loyalty would bring you to your inevitable demise. He wanted you to be careful.

"Y/n, I meant what I said all those weeks ago. Me and Ronal have known you since you were just baby and only want the best for you. I do not want you to be in the arms of a man who doesn't appreciate you for you who are and treat you as such. But I have been observing and seeing over the last few weeks that it is not the case for Jake. He seems to care about you in a way that anyone can see from a mile away that its more than a whim or a phase. Like I said, live without regrets and live for yourself like you deserve to do," Tonowari said and you smiled as you remembered all of those words that your adoptive father said to you all those weeks ago. Those words are exactly as to why you finally took the leap and told Jake how you felt. No regrets. You didn't regret it for a single second. Your heart beamed with just so much happiness at what he was implying, and deep down you knew he approved even if he didn't say it word for word. You knew that he really did approve and trusted your choices.

"I'm sorry you felt like you couldn't come to me even before you mated, but I hope you know you can trust me for anything," Tonowari continued and you couldn't help but show him a teary smile and immediately rushed to embrace him, wrapping your arms around his midsection while Ronal and Jake watched fondly and quietly, letting father and daughter have this moment. All of those other worries that had plagued your mind about him not being able to approve, being mad about who you chose, or worried that he would be disappointed just wafted up into the air and stayed there. You should have remembered that he had said that you shouldn't worry about disappointing him, but worrying about what you wanted for a change. He supported you and everything that you chose to do, with reason. You couldn't have imagined a much better father figure to have grown up with all of these years after feeling so alone.

You pulled away from the embrace and looked up at him tearfully. Tonowari raised a hand and wiped away stray tears from your eyes that had no business being there. In reality, this was supposed to be a happy occasion, for however long it lasted. Either way, you'd bask in it as much as you possibly could. "Don't cry, my daughter," He said and you nodded with a soft smile as you let out a small bashful laugh.

He was so understanding that you almost felt like you didn't deserve them. They were amazing people to look up to, and you had thought that they were so set in rules that they'd disapprove, but they were always willing to bend them for those they loved so dearly. They smiled at you even you didn't deserve it. You were quick to turn to your side and saw Ronal smiling at you. You didn't spare any hesitation in rushing into her suddenly open arms. She was such a wise woman that has taught you so much and you could not have asked for a better role model than her. They both just wanted the best for you and you interpreted the exact opposite way.

"Be happy, my sweet daughter, alright? You have bright future in front of you and you have an honorable man by your side, so take care of each other," Ronal started to say as she pulled away from the hug and then looked at her mate in the corner of her eye. "Trust me, I know," She concluded, and you quickly caught on to what she meant. Couples like Tonowari and Ronal were hard to come by, and you hoped that you and Jake hoped to grow up into the leaders that they have become for their people. Ronal really has come around on Jake since the moment they arrived on the village. You really did not want anything to change.

And there was just one person left to get to. You immediately turned around to face Jake and he knew quickly what you were about to do. You beamed at him while laughing with pure glee and happiness as you ran into his arms, wrapped your arms around his shoulders and he laughed as he began spinning you and twirling you in place, eliciting more giggles from you as you tucked your face in his neck. Ronal and Tonowari slowly inched their way to each other and wrapped an arm around each other's waists as they watched you and Jake beam with so much joy that it was hard not to smile. They truly believed that you and Jake were meant for each other and prayed to Eywa that nothing ever cruelly pulled you apart.

Jake and you could only help but jump into each other's arms after hearing that they were just one step closer to being together with nothing holding either of you knew. No secrets, barriers, or anyone that could say otherwise. That reaction was a pure fruition of just that, and Tonowari and Ronal could see that. It was clear that despite not necessarily needing approval, knowing that the most important people in both of your lives knew of the other person that made you as happy as you and Jake made each other made it that much better. That being Tonowari and Ronal on your side and then came the kids on Jake's end.

When Jake let you down onto the ground, he was still keeeping one of his arms around your waist and had a big smile on his face, much like you do. Both of you turn to look at Tonowari and now that they knew and fully supported it, things were slowly starting to clear up. Now, all Jake wanted to do was go and surprise his kids and tell them the news. But, judging by earlier that morning, it seems that Neteyam might actually already have an idea but doesn't know for sure or just doesn't want to say anything else, saving his reaction for when he's with his siblings. The young Sully brother already knew his siblings would have the same reaction as him, and be just beyond elated by the news. If was all that they've been waiting to hear.

"You two should go and tell your family. The kids, I'm sure they'll be more than happy to know" Tonowari said as he slightly pulled Ronal closer subconsciously, really taking into consideration everything they just talked about. Having the right person by your side can make any bad situation so much more easier to get through, and after Tonowari has known Ronal for so long, so that must be how you have to be feeling. He couldn't take that away from you, or Jake. Knowing you and Jake had similar and difficult pasts, Tonowari knew that you owes it to yourselves to be happy.

"We'll go tell them right now. They should be up," You said, noticing that it was nearing late morning and the kids were probably ready to head out to the reef like they usually do. You looked up at Jake and saw that he had a very similar expression to yours, so you knew that you had very similar ideas on what to do. Both you and Jake turned to look at Tonowari and Ronal at the same time, and they smiled at the two of you, giving you and Jake the go-ahead to go back to your hut and reveal the news to the kids. This day was already shaping up to be pretty good, and you didn't want anything to ruin ir or come in the way of any of it. "Also, should I expect you to be moving out of your tent soon, y/n?" Tonowari asked with a teasing smile on his face, and couldn't help but chicka bit before nodding and looking up at Jake.

After that, Jake moved his hand from your waist and trailed it down to grasp your hand in his, intertwining your fingers together. Before you knew it, he was pulling you out of the hut of Ronal and Tonowari, eliciting excited laughs from you as he pulled you along the woven paths. You had been running behind him since he was pulling you along, but you were able to eventually catch up and run right by his side. Your runs soon enough turned into leveled sprints, with just a bit of some pep in your step. You two could not wipe the smiles that were on your faces, but as if fate had somehow gotten ahold of your thoughts, all of that was over when you heard a voice behind you and Jake.

Jake hadn't recognized it at first, and probably didn't even notice it, but you did and you began to slow down. When Jake noticed that you had began to slow down in your steps, he turned around to look at you in confusion, but when he saw where you were looking at, he turned his head to look behind him and his eyes just narrowed and hardened. Vokan was jogging a bit up until the moment he reached you and Jake, standing in front of you both.

Jake stood tall in front of the warrior, while silently yet with so much intimidation. Jake hooked his arm around your waist and let his hand settle on your hip as he pulled you closer to him. You were now pressed up against him as Jake dangerously glared at Vokan. He didn't like the warrior, and much less when he knew that Vokan deliberately tried to take you away when he knew that Jake liked you. Truth is, Jake never liked Vokan, but he didn't mind you being just friends with him, just as long as this man didn't act out of his strong desire and longing to be the next Olo'eyktan. Not only that, but he revealed that you and Jake were involved, but the reasons were still unknown, although Jake did have some suspicions.

"Hey, y/n," Vokan said as he smiled at you, and you simply nodded at him once, acknowledging his words. Vokan turned to look at Jake and the tension returned tenfold. "Jake Sully," He said, and your mate's glare only furthered and almost felt the need to scoff. Its like this man forgot what happened the night before as if it never occurred at all. You let your eyes trail between the two men in front of you before sighing and crossing your arms and beginning to speak. "What is it, Vokan?" You asked, knowing that he must have had something to say, whether it was to speak to you or Jake.

"I was hoping I could speak with you," Vokan said casually, looking from you over to Jake. "Alone," The warrior said, and Jake really wanted to scoff in disbelief at this man. Jake trusted you, but who he didn't trust, was him. The last time Jake handed you off to Vokan, he almost didn't see what he was about to lose. Not only did he reveal something that Jake and you had not discussed about revealing yet, and told Tonowari about your whereabouts, but he didn't know whether this man had genuine and innocent intentions with you. Whether it was because he still wanted to be with you or just wanted desperately wanted to be Olo'eyktan.

"What for?" You asked, keeping your composure because these two looked like they would get into a brawl the moment that a pin dropped. Jake really didn't want to leave you alone with him. You and him were supposed to go and tell the kids and now that conversation felt further and further away. "It's something that I've been thinking about. It won't take very long," Vokan added and you narrowed your eyes with suspicion. What could he possibly want to talk about that couldn't have Jake there? Although, a part of you considered that it may be good to have some closure with him and just let him know that things can never happen and that there is definitely someone else out there waiting for him. It just was not you who he was meant to be with.

You sighed and looked up at Jake, and he, in turn, looked down at you. The look you gave him, expressing that you were willing to talk to Vokan like he wanted, but you knew Jake wasn't so on board. But, as upset and angry as Vokan made him, Jake really did understand and was beginning to comprehend what you were thinking. Vokan has known you much longer than him, and if Vokan's feelings were true since long before Jake arrived to the village, then it would probably be best for you and him to talk it out and settle things once and for all. Maybe then, it could be the start of a friendship between Jake and Vokan, slowly but surely. As for telling the kids, it was still morning hours so there was definitely time. The day barely begun and was far from being over. Jake sighed and gripped your waist once before nodding silently, and you smiled.

You turned back to look at Vokan and you nodded in approval to what he asked. The warrior had watched your exchange with Jake and suddenly felt sullen. The way that you and hin could just communicate without any words at all, as if reading each other minds and be able to know what the other was. There was a connection there, one that Vokan and you never had no matter how long you've known each other. As much as he hated to admit, you and Jake were meant for each other and there was no separating both of you. You were meant for each other and found one another on different sides of the sea. Meant to be.

Vokan sucked it up and pretended that what he was seeing didn't hurt him. He just looked somewhere else and waited to hear your answer. He'd slowly begin to accept that him and you would only be friends, but he still wanted to know why. Where he went wrong. Maybe he didn't ho wrong and things just didn't work out because it meant to. It's true he really wanted to be Olo'eyktan and mating with you would make that happen, but beyond that, he did feel something and it wasn't fake at all.

"Okay, we can talk," You said smiling warmly and in a friendly way, looking at Vokan and agreeing to speak with him. You saw him send you a soft smile in relief that you agreed to speak with him. After a few seconds, you felt Jake slightly grip your hip once and then let go. You and Vokan would stay where you are, and Jake would head back to his hut and meet you back there when you're done. When he gripped your hip, you turned to look up at him and smiled, which he reciprocated almost in a completely unnoticeable way. "I'll see you back home, okay?" Jake muttered, and you nodded silently. He briefly bid goodbye to Vokan, and began to walk back to his hut. Aside from Neteyam, the rest of the kids must be awake by now so they must be wondering where he is. He hoped you could come back home soon.

When you and Vokan were finally alone, there was only silence for a few seconds. You were the one waiting who was waiting to hear what he had to say sincd he wanted to talk, so you stood before him and waited patiently and quietly for him to start talking. It was clear that whatever he was thinking about and wanted to say didn't exactly come easy so you'd give him time. After a couple of seconds, he finally spoke, and by what he said, it seems like he wasn't beating around the bush. "Y/n. Are you and Jake Sully together? Is it true?" He asked, and you were taken aback by how forward he was, you weren't expecting him to get right into it. But, you really owed it to him to be honest.

You sighed and replied, looking up at him with nothing but sincerity. "Yes, it's true. We are," You said, but frowned a bit at how he visibly deflated at your words. It seems like part of him hoped that despite you running off with Jake the night before, nothing happened, but his last ditch hope came crashing down. There was still something nagging at his head that he couldn't quite place, and he wanted to know so he could get some sort of closure and move on.

"If I may ask, is there something that chased you away? Did I ever have a chance? I've known you for years, we went through warrior training together, and even if we only started to get to know each other earlier this year, I was hoping you'd give me a shot," Vokan said as he took one step closer to you, but you stayed locked on your spot, looking up at him with so much conflict, not knowing how to break it down to him. You didn't want to hurt him, but hiding the truth wouldn't help him at all. He needed to know where he stood and now was the chance to tell him everything. You'd hate it if he continued to have false hope if you told him something that could remotely lead him to believe that he could still have a chance. You sighed and looked up at him with sincerity and continued to speak. "Because, Vokan...I'm sorry, but, nothing chased me away. I need to be honest with you, and Ive never seen you as anything more than a friend to me, and it has nothing to do with you, but truth is, Ive never seen myself that way with you," You answered, and it saddened you to see him visibly deflate at your words. That wasn't the answer he was expecting. In his mind, at least he could start to move on now, and not live off of false hope.

He continued to stay silent, and think about what to say next, but nothing was coming up in his mind. His innate silence was killing you, though. It was really worrying you that what he was showing you on the outside didn't compare to what he was feeling on the inside. Because of that, you decided to speak. There were more things that you wanted to let him know that would hopefully help him understand. "I didn't want to lead you on, okay? It wouldn't feel right because I just...don't feel that way about you, but I do care for you as my friend," You said, and he quickly nodded in understanding of your words. Vokan did know what you meant, and he always admired your sincerity and genuineness. Its one of the things he likes the most about you, which is what makes it so hard to accept what you were telling him. "I get it. I do. I appreciate your honesty" He said with a pained smile, but it only made your sadness and guilt intensify. You were the last person to make him feel like this. It was saddening.

"Vokan, I never really knew if your interest in me was for the right reasons. You never gave me another reason to believe otherwise. Wasn't what you wanted was to be Olo'eyktan? Isn't that why you wanted to mate? It's what your father wants, but I just always assumed its what you wanted" You guiltily admitted, feeling ashamed about assumed that Vokan and his father wanted the same things. He must have felt pressured to be Olo'eyktan and to mate with you to get to that position, but things could've been entirely different in reality. "I did. I mean, I do. But I don't just want to be with you for the sake of being the Chief. About a year ago, I started to see you differently in a way I didn't see you in when we were young," He admitted and paused, so you stayed quiet and waited for him to continue. "and, I don't know, I hoped that maybe that we'd have a chance. I didn't know you'd fall for someone you met in such a small amount of time," He said, and you completely understood that.

You didn't expect to fall for Jake in the way you did, much less in such a small fraction of time, but it did, now, you couldn't have imagined it any differently. You crossed your arms in front of you, and sighed, preparing your next couple of words. "I didn't expect to, either. Trust me. But, Vokan, listen to me," You said, uncrossing your arms and placing both of your hands on both of his shoulders to get his full attention on you. You really wanted him to hear this. "Look, I know that we were supposed to be mated but I am sure that there is someone else out there waiting for you. You will have a chance at love, other opportunities will come to be Olo'eyktan, but it just isn't with me." You said, but he could not help but look awat at your words, unable to face you. But, when he got the courage to look at you once again, his eyes softened and he spoke up in an almost inaudible tone. "That could've been you," He said, but you could only feel more guilt settle in. This wasn't getting any better and you felt like you weren't getting through to him, but you suddenly realized that he might not accept it in one conversation, but it'll happen over the course of time. You hoped he didn't have to live with that for too long.

"I'm not the one you're looking for, Vokan. It may seem like that, but I guarantee that there is someone waiting for you out there. Maybe in this clan, or maybe in another, but you'll know when that person comes into your life and you immediately know that they're the one you want to spend the rest of your life with. What you feel with me was probably something that sprouted and grew from an obligation to fulfill and you believed it was love, and maybe it was, but I just hope this doesn't ruin our friendship. I value that more than you know, okay?" You smiled gently, and it looks like Vokan was taking in your words with a grain of salt, really understand what you were trying to tell him. You watched as he breathed in deeply while you dropped your hands from his shoulders.

"Y/n, as hard as it is to admit it's okay if you don't feel the same way. I love you, both as my friend and as someone I could have possibly had something more with, so truthfully, all I really want for you is to be happy. I'd like to be a part of that happiness, but it's okay if im not" He said, and you mentally awed at his words. Beneath that warrior exterior, Vokan was really just a bit softie. He knew he couldn't replace what you and Jake had, and if anything that he's seen between you and him, he knew that Jake cared for you more than himself, willing to do anything for you.

There were some things that Jake could give you that Vokan couldn't, and that was one of the reasons he had to let go. The fact that the relationship that was supposed to happen between you and him had an underlying reason of being mated simply for ceremonial positions like Tsahik or Olo'eyktan wasn't healthy at all, and being mated for life wouldn't do anything good. With Jake, neither of you had to worry about that, and just be happy together with no pressure or worry about having to present yourselves and feelings that weren't there. That would've been a problem to come if you and Vokan had gotten through with it. Vokan was really starting to understand that this was for the best in the end, and some love just had to be unrequited for a reason. No way around it.

None of you said anything more, and there was nothing more to say. Despite how Vokan felt and the lengths he went to make sure that he and you could somehow have a future together, you wanted to be his friend. All of those dates he took you on, those small attempts at making a conversation and a connection, and also even trying to sway you sway from Jake, you truly wanted nothing more than to be his friend like you've always been. You and him seemed to be on the same wavelength because once you opened your arms for him, he understood and began inchinh towards you. Soon, you two were embracing in a warm hug. You smiled and leaned your head against his while he had his arms around your midsection, and you had yours around his neck. He was really relishing in the fact that you weren't upset, and that you still wanted to be friends. Anyone would be lucky to have someone as reliable as you by their side, and he counted himself as one of those very lucky and fortunate people.

After a few seconds, you and him pulled away from your embrace and moved to stand right in front of one another like you were before. Now that things were a whole lot better between you two and the tension was starting to dissipate, something else was bothering you that you wanted to hear directly from him. "Hey, um- there's something else I wanted to ask you" You said, looking up at him expectantly, and Vokan nodded as he showed that you had his attention to speak. "Also, Vokan...why did you tell Tonowari about me and Jake? About us leaving the party early?" You said, and saw how at your words, he visibly tensed and awkwardly looked away. Its clear that he didn't think it through when he did it. "I...I don't why. I was clouded by anger when I saw Jake take you away like that, and it just happened. Don't know what I was expecting to come out of it" He said truthfully and you nodded. Judging by his body language, it was clear that he didn't know where his behavior came from, but still, he regretted it and wished he had conducted himself in a different way. Still, it didn't excuse it, but you were sure he would learn from it. His jeslousy and anger acted for him, and had also clouded his judgement in that moment.

"But, either way, I hope he's good to you, y/n. You deserve to be happy" He said, and you just couldn't help but feel your entire heart soften at his words. Before this conversation began, you were hoping to end it in a way that showed that you could still be friends, and you couldn't express how happy it made you to know that it is exactly what it ended up as. Whoever was his mate in the future would be lucky to have him by his side, someone who's loyal and genuine and sticks by what he believes in. What Vokan never knew is that there are many women who would love to be his mate. You used to attend meetings with some women of the village and he was one of the most talked about men that came up in conversation, well, at least that was before Jake arrived and he became the talk of the whole village. In any case, he already had many women interested and once he opened his eyes to that, everything would change for him, and you were certain that amongst those women, he would find his ideal match. Your friends talk about him all the time, so maybe, who knows? You could be his wingwoman. In any case, he had many chances at love that not even he was aware of. He'd know soon enough.

There was only one more thing to say for this conversation to have the end that it should and finally allow the two you to let everything and all you've talked about so far fall into place. "What do you say? Friends?" You said with a warm smile and held out your hand to him. You've already suggested this before earlier on in the conversation, but nothing was ever really established, but this question would solidify the fact that you two could continue to be close friends even after everything and continue to be there for one another, supporting each other and just accepting that things can continue on live they've always had. Nothing has to be any different, really. For Vokan, itll take time for him to see you as anything other than someone who he's wished to be with, but still, he's able to smile and say; "Friends," He smiled, putting his hand in yours in a gentle handshake.

Suddenly, Vokan remembered that a certain someone was waiting for you. He wouldn't take much more of your time. "Jake is probably waiting for you. You should go," Vokan said with a gentle smile and you realized he was right. You cursed at yourself when your heart started to melt at even the mention of him. You couldn't wait to get back. Not only that, but you were extremely happy that you and Vokan were able to clear a hurdle today and things would be much better from here on out. You smiled at Vokan and nodded at what he had  said, and then you began to walk backwards as you wave goodbye to him. "I'll see you later okay?" You called out, slowly turning around as he nodded wordlessly with a smile. Once he did that, you began to jog lightly over to yours and Jake's tent where he said you could meet up with him again. You couldn't help but smile to yourself at how everything was coming into place today. You had already told Tonowari and Ronal, talk to Vokan about everything that happened, and now, the last thing left to do was tell the kids.

As you rushed back to the hut, you passed your own tent and reached the one where the Sully's resided, and soon enough, you will be too. You were filled with excitement the moment that you began to see the hut in your eyeline. There was so much happiness and joy inside you to see Jake again. The kids were probably out with Tsireya, Ao'nung, and Rotxo at this time like they usually are, so it will just be you and him for the rest of the morning and hopefully the rest of the day too. Unbeknownst to you, Jake already had plans for today for the two of you. Your first date as a mated couple, and he already had an idea on what to do but it has been a surprise for you. He really hopes you like it, and it'll give you a taste of his life back in the forest. He couldn't wait another second.

Eventually, you reached Jake's hut and stepped inside his tent, but confusion suddenly began to fill your entire body. It was empty, and you knew the kids wouldn't have to be there, but Jake told you that he would meet you here and he isn't. The tent was completely empty and there was nobody inside. You peeked your head inside and looked around inside the tent for a few seconds before hesitantly making your way further inside his tent. The more you made your way inside, the more that you let your eyea trail over every corner to see if there was anybody around, but there really wasn't any.

You sighed and stood in place, letting your back face the entrance as you placed both your hands on your hips. Maybe you had misheard where Jake had told you to meet up again after you finished speaking with Vokan and you got it wrong. You sighed and began to turn back around, but you didn't get very far, because when you did, hands suddenly came around your waist and your hips, lifted you off the ground, and threw you over his shoulder. You squealed and laughed as you realized that it was Jake as he began to spin you around as he let out laughs of his own, holding onto your thighs and waist. As he twirled and spun you around, you held onto the back of his head. He scared the life out of you, but the moment you were having now with him made it all worth it.

Eventually he put you down,a smile never left his lips and his hands not leaving your waist as he caressed your skin softly with his thumb. When your feet landed back on the ground, your giggles and laughs slowly began to die down as you looked up at him with a bright smile. He gazed at you with so much love that it was hard to imagine what was going on in his head. He was so dazed as he tucked a strand of disheveled hair behind your ear. "I thought I got the place wrong. I was worried" You said as you smiled gently with a small laugh, and Jake hummed with a soft grin coming upon his lips. "I wanted to surprise you. Did it work?" He said, and you deadpanned at him with a ghost of a smile appearing on your face. That was enough of an answer for him because he began laughing and He lifted one of his hands from your waist and used it to caress your chin while he practically had hearts in his eyes.

The hand that was on your chin slithered from there onto your jaw with a touch that was so featherlight that it sent shivers down your spine. Silently, he began to lean down and bring you to him at the same time, and soon enough, your eyes fluttered closed and your lips connected with his in a slow and steady kiss, making you sigh into it and smile against his lips once his lips parted from yours for a second but then reconnected once more. His mouth opened slightly the moment the moment that he connected his lips to yours again. He tilted his head to the side and began to deepen the kiss even further, taking your breath away. Once you began to feel like you were running out of air and you were lightly gasping for breath after kissing for so long, Jake noticed and pulled away from the kiss.

You opened your eyes and looked up at him with a dazed and soft smile, and from how he was looking at you, he didn't look at out of it as you did, but he was still completely entranced. "What was that for?" You asked, watching as Jake shrugged with a sheepish expression came upon his face. "No reason. Can't I kiss my wife?" He said nonchalantly, but it was really hard to hide how flustered you got with his choice of words. You looked away and began to laugh bashfully, not knowing if you're ever going to really get used to hearing him call you that. There was a part of you that still couldn't believe everything had worked out how it had.

Jake smiled at your reaction but what he wanted to ask you was still racking his mind and he didn't forget it. Now that he had you here, all to himself, he wanted to ask you out on that date which was still long overdue from even before the two of you got together. "I have a surprise for you, y/n. I've been meaning to tell you about it" He said, moving his hand back to land on your waist and caressing it softly. His intriguing words suddenly caught your attention and it peaked your interest. "What is it?" You said, not being able to hide your curiosity. He chuckled and then moved one of his hands to drop from your waist and another one to grab onto one of your hands.

"You'll have to wait and see. Come with me" He smiled, and before you knew it, he was lacing his fingers with yours and pulling you along out of the hut. After planning this for so long, he wanted nothing to come in the way of it. He was desperate to put a smile on your face and hear that laugh full of joy that he loves and jjst adores so deeply. There was no hiding how much his love for you had blossomed and he was only getting more excited for it to grow.

When Jake pulled you along and brought out of the hut to head outside, he lead you along the woven paths of the village without another word and leaving you with so much curiosity that it was hard not to want to ask questions. Your eyes stayed glued on him as you tried to figure out by his facial expressions and body language what it is that had him like that and what it could possibly be. By the path that he was leading you through, you could see that you and him were nearing a beach of the village nearby that sat on the other end of Awa'atlu. Now, your curiosity was replaced by confusion. You and him were moving further away from civilization and other people with every step, so this was clearly an emptier beach, secluded.

"Jake, why are we here?" You asked as Jake suddenly stopped in his tracks, prompting you to stop walking too, as he turned to look at you. You continued to look around and there was nobody around. What could possibly be his surprise without nobody around? Practically deserted. The only other presence was the sound of the waves crashing up on the shore and the whistle of the gentle wind and breeze.

"It's part of my surprise," Jake said as he grabbed your other hand, too. He noticed your hesitance and began to caress your knuckles with his thumb softly. "Well, can I have a hint? Anything?" You asked, letting your eyes trail over the area you and Jake were in to get any sort of clue, but there was nothing. Just big trees above and a shore with crystal clear waters washing up on it. Nothing out of the ordinary. "That won't be necessary. I'll show you, but don't freak out, okay? Stay where you are" Jake said as he let go of your hands and began to walk across the beach, leaving you even more confused than before. What could he possibly have to show you that indicated that you couldn't freak out? You were getting a bit nervous now, too. It was too suspenseful.

"Okay..." You said as you let your word trail off and you watched as Jake began to make yips and bird-like calls and trills. Okay, now you were really confused. Jake smiled when he noticed he had gotten what he wanted and moved back to you, getting ahold of one of your hands, knowing you'll need the support when his surprise appeared. He had a feeling you would need a bit of time to get used to it.

He held tightly onto your hand, and a smug smile came upon his lips until a loud and almost ear-shattering screech came from above the trees above. You flinched in place and your grip on Jake's hand only tightened, gaping at the treeline above you and Jake, looking for the source of the sound. The rustling of the leaves and branches definitely told you there was something up there. You turned youe head to look at Jake and saw that his expression was opposite to yours. What could possibly be up there that made him as excited as he was?

Out of instinct after hearing yet another screech, you tucked yourself further into Jake's body and he lightly laughed at how scared you were when you haven't even seen what was up there. He wrapped an arm around your waist and brought you closer, only after making yet another yip that was finally the last cue for the creature up there to come down. Before you knew it, Jake's Ikran came down from the shadows of the trees above and descended down to land on the white sand beneath your feet. You felt yourself freeze and tense up on the spot, immediately feeling the need to back up from such an intimidating and ferocious creature like an Ikran. You've never seen one this up close before. The first time you saw one was when the Sully's first arrived and they had come to the village flying on those creatures.

Jake was about to start walking forward but you tugged him back to you, making him stumble. He looked down at you and almost laughed at how adorably scared you looked. He raised a hand a cradled your cheek, forcing you to look at him. "It's okay, y/n. He's harmless. It's my Ikran" Jake said as he reassured you that his banshee was no threat to you at all. Suddenly you began to piece together why Jake brought you here. This was really one heck of a surprise, wasn't it? It looked so big and scary, but Jake really loved his Ikran so you'd take a chance at getting to know it. As much as you were afraid he'd bite your head off at any given possible chance that he got, you'd give it a try.

"Are you ready?" Jake asked, and you looked back up at him hesitantly and after a couple seconds, you nodded shakily and he smiled. He wished you knew that how you reacted to his Ikran was very similar to how he felt on the inside when seeing a Skimwing for the first time. Just like you helped him through it, he would do the same for you. Jake continued to hold onto your waist as he began to lead you over to the Ikran that was looking around curiously and perched its claws in the sand.

Upon reaching closer to the Ikran, your steps halted every couple seconds as you carefully and cautiously followed Jake's lead. You watched as his Ikran closed its eyes and trilled when Jake ran his hand across the top of his head and greeted him. With his free hand, Jake held onto his queue so that it met the one of his Ikran and lowered it to let it connect to the tendrils of the creature, and when it did, the Ikran chirped and visibly shivered with delight at feeling the presence of his longtime rider. The Ikran flapped its wings happily and Jake began to pat the top of its head affectionately.

"What's his name?" You asked, slowly inching yourself closer to the Ikran and feeling your nerves start to dissipate more and more. Jake looked back at you and smiled, hoping you that you didn't think it was silly. "His name's Bob" He said, and you quirked your head to the side as you heard his response. You've never heard of a name like that before in your life, it really was different. "What an unusual name," You said as you settled for running your fingertips slowly through the edges of the Ikran's wings.

"Do you want to pet his head? He really likes it there" Jake said, noticing you were keeping your distance by just petting his Ikran's wings. You looked up at Jake and hesitantly nodded with a smile, ready to take the next step. You felt as Jake let go of your waist and moved that hand to grab onto yours, and soon, he began to lead you over to the front of his Ikran. With your conjoined hands, with your hand on the bottom and Jake's hand on top, you raised your hand and began running the palm of your hand over his Ikran's snout, which he seemed to like, because he chirped and closed his eyes briefly.

Jake's Ikran's suddenly felt playful and stuck out its tongue to lick the palm of your hand gently, and the sensation made you giggle and slightly pull your hand back. For an animal you've onlh heard violent things from, it was so gentle and tame. Sensing you were beginning to feel more comfortable, Jake removed his hand from yours and allowed you to pet Bob by yourself. You seemed to be pretty comfortable with that because you raised your hand again and began running your hand under its mouth, right on its chin and scratching it softly. The creature seemed to love it because it flapped its wings and trilled happily at your loving actions.

Jake placed a hand at the small of your back and rubbed his thumb against your skin as he smiled at the interaction. "He really likes you," He said, and you looked back at him with a smile, and then back to the Ikran. "He does, doesn't he?" You said as you stepped closer to the Ikran and pulled its head and jaw closer to you. You pressed your cheek against the side of Bob's head, and the Ikran chirped and trilled in response, leaning its head towards you, too. Jake could even feel through the bond that his Ikran was really loving the attention you were giving him as you continued to pat its head and running your head over the places he loved to be pat in. Jake gave you his cheat code, and now, you had his Ikran at the palm of your hand. He crossed his arms and watched fondly, seeing you interact with his Ikran as if you've known it your entire life. It was surprising how well you adjusted to the presence of the Ikran.

His Ikran has never been fond with strangers before, but now, he was perfectly fine with your presence after only meeting you only a few minutes ago. It was incredible. It usually took a long time for his Ikran to not be so wary of people it didn't know, but Jake could already feel through the bond that his Ikran had a soft spot for you already and loved you and your  presence more than he would have expected. It was a really wholesome and loving exchange. Now, Jake was wary of how you would react to the reason as to why he introduced you to Bob, not just because he wanted you to meet him.

Jake stepped closer to you and to his Ikran, right as you continued fawn over the creature. It was comical to compare how you were in front of the Ikran just a few minutes ago up until now. He put his arms on your hip and had you take a couple steps back, but he knew you wanted to stau close to the Ikran so he didn't take you too far away. "Okay, so...I didn't bring you here just to meet him" Jake said, and you tilted your head to the side as you tried to figure out what other motive there could be for him bringing you here. But then, it clicked. You immediately shook your head and chuckled nervously. "No, no, no...no, thank you. If you mean what I think you mean, then..." You said, not ready to do what he was thinking about.

"Come on, it's not that scary once you're up there. Trust me," He said, noticing how your hesitance was back and you looked up at him. He could understand why you'd be scared. You've never been on a creature like that before and the most you've flown was on a Skimwing, and even those creatures don't go as high as Ikran's do. "I'm just fine being down here, safely, on the ground where my feet can touch the floor" You said, pointing down at the ground and shrugging at his proposal. He could tell how scared you were, but he hoped you knew that you wouldn't be flying alone. He'd obviously be there too to hold you and be there to help if anything were to go wrong, but the chances of that happening were very slim.

"I won't let go of you or let you fall, y/n. Trust me. Flying is the best feeling, and I promise you won't regret it" He said, and his pleading eyes msde it impossible for him to say no to. You sighed and groaned softly to yourself, shooting Jake a defeated expression as a smile came up on your face. Now, Jake finally had his answer and his smiled from ear to ear. Jake grinned happily, threw a fist up in the air as he cheered and quickly kissed your cheek. "Okay, I'm doing this but please be careful up there" You pleaded with a defeated smile, not being able you actually gave in and agreed to this.

"I promise I won't," He said, but you looked at him skeptically but still went along with this. He moved his hand from your hip and grabbed onto your hand again, and leading you over to his Ikran's other side. When you two reached it, he let go of your hand and grabbed onto your waist, lifting you into his Ikran's back, letting you get settled with one leg on each side before he got on as well and placed himself behind you and wrapped an arm around your waist securely. "Are you comfortable? Settled in?" He asked, and you turned your head back to look up at him. You nodded and hummed, making Jake smile toothlessly, leaning down to you briefly to peck your lips for a second.

You both turned back around to look forward and you adjusted yourself on the saddle while Jake kept a strong hold on your waist. The way that Jake pulled himself forward made even more contact of his bare skin against yours, along with the feeling of his chest and toned abdomen against your back made you smile to yourself as you felt shivers go down your spine. As for Jake, he loved the feeling of your back against his front pressing into him. It was those small and almost unnoticeable moments with you that he loved so much. Now, another one of those moments was about to happen. He couldn't wait to make another memory with you, because he'd remember it forever.

"Ready?" He asked, and you hummed with a nod as he smirked, feeling a smug grin come up on his lips. Leaving that aside for a moment, he put his attention back to what was happening and through the bond, he commanded Bob to take off and start flying. Jake held on tightly to your waist as you felt yourself start to slowly be lifted off of the ground and mutter a small 'woah' out of shock when the Ikran started to flap its wings and get further away from the ground. You were definitely nervous in a way you couldn't describe, but it wasn't like you thought it was going to be. It feels different.

Now, it wasn't as scary as she thought it was going to be. You didn't know why you didn't close your eyes, considering how scared you were, but you didn't let them close and just kept them open to look at everything that was opening up to you. When the Ikran got further off the ground and began to fly higher over the water and the village, your eyes widened and you gaped at the sight before you. The wind was blowing gently on your face and you began to realize and take into account what Jake was telling you about flying. Jake was absolutely right. This was really incredible. He was hoping you'd love it just as much as he did, and you already did. You couldn't get enough of all that you were seeing from an entirely different perspective that you've never had access to. "Do you like it?" Jake whispered as he leaned down to you and spoke right next to your ear.

You felt so serene and tranquil that you almost didn't hear what he was saying. Though, his voice never failed to make you feel like you were melting. With the wind blowing gently in your face, your hair, and everything else, you nodded and turned back for a second to look at Jake. "I love it, I don't know what to say" You said back to him, already feeling so immersed in being up in the sky, feeling so free and liberated. No wonder he loves it so much. The bright colors from blue and white of the sky contrasted the colors of the village and the forest behind your home below you two.

The village, Awa'atlu, looked so small yet so simple and vibrant from this angle that it made you appreciate your home even more seeing it from this point of you. The reef just looked so colorful and bright, as well as the small figures of the other Metkayina swimming in the ocean, engaging and interacting together in the ocean was so fulfilling. Everything looked absolutely stunning and gorgeous that you could not believe this was your home and wondered how you've never even dared to see it from this point. Don't even get y/n started on the ocean. The horizon of the sea looked never ending and as if it went on forever, so vast and eternal but you knew that there was more on the other side of the sea. Including Jake's home. The forest.

"Can I show you something? You have to hold on tight" Jake asked, and you looked back at him with confusion as you tried to figure out what he meant by that. Whatever it was, by now, you'd be ready for what he had in mind. You thought you were scared but it was just the opposite. You would love any ideas he had. "What are you going to do?" You asked, and he smirked lightly before Jake muttered a small 'hold on tight' and lead his Ikran to dive down. He clutched onto your waist tighter and you held onto the saddle as you let out a laugh mixed with a squeal as Jake lead Bob straight down to the area above the reef. You continued to laugh out of pure joy and soon realized you loved the adrenaline that flying brought. At your reaction, Jake chuckled and suddenly had another idea to take things up a notch a little.

Jake began to command Bob through the bond to make all sorts of tricks, flying sideways, upside down, taking short spins, and even at a steep angle so that you could reach your hand down and let your hand run across the water, sprinkling water on the two of you, which only elicited more laughs from both you and Jake. This was an incredible feeling and neither of you wanted it to end. Every time that Jake heard you laugh when he pulled a stunt, or squeal and giggle when he sprinkled water on you, he felt himself only falling deeper in love with you. He enjoyed every second with you by his side and now, you had a taste of his home and how special it is to him. He loved you so much that it could compare to the vastness of the ocean just in front of the two of you.

Before heading back, Jake had another idea. Noticing a pod of ilu's not too far away, he lead his Ikran down to the reef and let the banshee fly just above the water, and soon, the ilu's started leaping in and out of the water to follow the Ikran you and Jake were riding. The ilu's swam and lept out of the water as they followed you and Jake on the banshee, reminding Jake of what dolphins did back on Earth. It was eerily similar, but either way, just as beautiful. You let out laughs of pure exhilaration and put a hand on Jake's thigh briefly as you pointed over to the leaping ilu's next to the two of you. His heart warmed at how happy you looked, and he wanted to never see that smile fade.

Eventually, you and Jake had to go back. Not after you and Jake circled the forest and the village up in the sky on his Ikran and saw everything that the eye could see. It was an amazing experience and once you got off of Jake's Ikran, you already wanted to get back on and go fly a bit more. But, Jake noticed your longing for it and promised you and him could fly more often together as much as you wanted, which made you inexplicably happy. When he said that, you really could not help but throw your arms around his shoulders and tuck your head in his neck while he wrapped his arms around the small of your back as you thanked him infinitely, telling him how much you loved flying. Those words made everything you and him did all worth it, and he'd do it a million times over if he could just to hear those words.

Once you and Jake disembarked Bob on that same beach you found him in, the Ikran went back to the trees above, and you and Jake were already making your way back to the village hand in hand. You had some pep in your step and were lightly skipping happily on your way back, and Jake could not help but laugh as you had your conjoined hands swing back and forth. You were so full of joy, and he liked to think that he had something to do with that. Now, all that they really had to do today was tell the kids about the two of you, and Jake had a the perfect idea. You'd join them for dinner tonight, then, you and Jake would tell them together. You've already spent the night over at their hut to have dinner or to be with the kids plenty of time, so hopefully they wouldn't notice the news you and Jake had prepared. All that was really left to do was hope for the best.


After the beautiful ikran ride, you two decided to head home. Home. It was strange that you now associate that word with Jake and your kids. The entire day had passed and it was now the evening once again, so as you and Jake had planned, you were staying over for dinner and telling the kids sometime during the night. Over the last course of the few times you've been over the Sully's hut, you had already taken up the role of cooking dinner, after all, you knew so many recipes of the Metkayina that the Sully's had yet to discover but you took the liberty to teach to them. It would give them even more of a chance to learn about the place they'd be staying in until further notice.

When nighttime was nearing, you and were the first ones to arrive home and began to set up everything for dinner. While Jake lit up the torches around their home to give the hut some light, you began to look around for what kind of ingredients that they had laying around and to see what you could make. After some time of having had gathered ingredients and supplies, you sat in front of the small fire you created in the designated spot that every hut had, and soon enough, the kids all came into the hut at the same time, knowing it that was dinner time. When they saw you, they weren't really surprised since they were accustomed to seeing you for dinner time at their home. Neteyam and Lo'ak said 'hey, y/n' at the same time as they walked over to their designated spots and sat in front of the fire, waiting for their food.

Kiri smiled when she saw you, quickly walking over to you and sitting next to you. You smiled back at her and began to make conversation with the young teenage girl. She offered to help you cutting the ingredients while Tuk clung to you happily on your other side. Speaking of Tuk, when she first came into the hut, the little girl was extremely giddy that you were there. She ran over to you when she saw you, and once she came into the tent entrance, she gasped and excitedly called out to you.

The young Sully also wanted to help, so because she didn't have the knowledge yet of how to cut fish just yet, you gave her the task of peeling off some nuts that Jake told you that the kids loved. Tuk was more than happy to help, so she immediately got to work and the two boys just made conversation right across from you and the girls. The order of spots was Kiri, you, Tuk, Jake, Lo'ak ans Neteyam so you were all sat in a circle around the warm and gentle flames. As for Jake, you two continued to steal glances at one another, some were a bit mischievous, but others were because the time to tell the kids was approaching very soon.

But, for many, that love you and Jake shared was overflowing and almost impossible not to notice. At least not for the older Sully siblings. The glances you and Jake kept sending each other, whether it was because of the worries of telling the kids or simply because neither of you could hide how much you couldn't get enough of the other by simple glances, it did not go unnoticed. Neteyam had become the first to notice the not-so-secret glances and touches you and his dad shared while everyone else was distracted doing their own thing. He glanced at Kiri and she sent a grin his way. She, too, had noticed how you and her dad were being too obvious and weren't being as careful as you thought you were. She and Neteyam really wanted a way to confirm at last if you and their dad were finally together like she and Neteyam have been hoping for this entire time. But, soon, her prayers were heard and her questions would be answered in no time.

Unfortunately, the last person who anyone thought would speak up about the topic, finally asked the question everyone was thinking and made everyone freeze on the spot. Tuk wasn't as oblivious as you thought and casually asked the question they were all wondering. "Are you two together?" Tuk piped up, and you turned to look at the young Sully sister, noticing how hopeful her eyes were. Wanting your answer to be exactly what you and Jake were already planning to tell them anyway at some point during the dinner. But this was very sudden.

You had failed to realize how observant Tuk really was, and it was hard to ignore how much she really wanted the answer to be 'yes. we are together'. When she asked that question, Everyone paused at her seemingly innocent question. Nobody expected that to be what Tuk would ask. Our of anything she could've said. At her question, you and Jake locked eyes at the same time, and suddenly realized what you had to do. After a silent conversation that lasted only a few seconds, you decided to take the lead and just tell them everything.

Placing a hand in top of Tuk's head, you ran a hand through her braids and smiled at the thought that she literally took the words out of your head. She wasn't as naive as everyone thought she was for being so young. You sighed and turned to look at the kids one by one. "Um, yes we're officially together. I was going to tell you kids after dinner but now is a good time as well." You said, and looked at each and every one of them. Kiri was smiling from ear to ear and she had a hand placed over her mouth in disbelief, Neteyam was showing you a soft and gentle smile as he already had a feeling about it after what happened that same morning, and Lo'ak looked completely at a loss as he gaped at you and his dad, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but a huge bomb was dropped on them and you'd be patient with them to hear what they thought. This was all about them after all.

You felt awkward explaining this whole thing and the situation to them but also relieved to get it off your chest. This was the last hurdle and as of now, there was no more hiding of how you and Jake felt for one another and what it meant for him and you to be together. You watched with a worried expression that maybe they weren't ready for this. Their silence told you that maybe you and Jake should've waited a little more to tell them, but all of those thoughts were discarded when Tuk was the first to move and leaped towards you, wrapped her small arms around your neck, reaching up to your level as much as she could, hugging you tightly with soft and happy giggles escaping her. Your heart melted and you cradled the back of her head as you closed your eyes shut and reveled in this moment. You suddenly felt so much relief, but not all of it was gone. You had to hear what the older kids were thinking.

Tuk didn't say anything for a couple seconds, but you nearly teared up when she spoke uo again. "Does that mean you're really our mom?" She whispered and you looked at Jake briefly, who couldn't take his eyes off of that moment even if he wanted to. You leaned your head against Tuk's and you let out a watery laugh, nodding rapidly, "Y-Yes. Of course, my sweet girl." You said, trying to keep stray tears at bay. This was too much for you to handle.

When Tuk pulled away from the hug, she moved down and instead settled for hugging your waist and pressed her head against your arm. You sensed movement from beside you all of a sudden and you watched as Kiri was the next one to step forward. You almost laughed but you knew why she had She had a smig and mischievous smirk and her eyes were slightly narrowed. This is a conversation you and her had a long time ago and it finally happened. You smiled with tear-filled as she finally spoke.

"It's about time you guys did it. Me and 'Teyam had a bet." She said as she scooted closer to you and leaned her head against your shoulder.
You blushed at her teasing tone but she was ecstatic she was accepting of your new found bond with her dad. You're their mom now and she couldn't imagine anyone better. Jake was definitely a little embarrassed but again, was happy that both his daughters were joyful at the news. That joy overpowered that feeling of embarrassment and he watched the interaction you had with his daughter, taking in every second of it. He didn't want to miss it.

Speaking of which, Neteyam already had an idea that you two had bonded after the whole situation with you trying to sneak his dad out. Especially having found his dad at your hut so early in the morning. He held a wide grin, smiling from ear to ear as he stood up and walked over to Jake, giving his dad a side hug as he kneeled by his side. Jake was quick to smile at Neteyam, appreciating the support from his oldest son. For a moment, every disagreement, scolding and disappointment, was forgotten and left behind. This was a new beginning for the Sully family, and you were the piece of the puzzle the brought it back together. There was only happiness amongst the Sully's and they never wanted it to end.

"I'm happy for you both, although, I have to say, I'm a little surprised dad was able to pull you mom." Neteyam said teasing and you just couldn't help but smile and beam at him calling you mom once again. It just felt so right to have that title, and you would treasure it forever, not taking it for granted for a single moment. As for Neteyam's comment, Jake just scoffed in offense and said; "Hey! My flirting skills are great," He said proudly and full of confidence, so he then turned to you with hopes of backup on what he said, "Right?" He asked you with hope, and you played along, shrugging and hummed in amusement, "I don't know, I think I did most of the work." You said innocently, and Jake deflated in defeat at your response.

Both Kiri and Tuk giggled at your response as they stole glances at each other upon watching your banter with their dad. Neteyam chuckled and patted his dad's shoulder in sympathy, and proceeding to sit down on the spot next to him, so now Neteyam was sitting between his dad and Lo'ak. And speaking of, as everyone just continued to laugh and joke, you frowned when your eyes landed on Lo'ak and noticed that he was a little too quiet and it made you worried. Though, you could really understand why. Lo'ak can tend to be really closed off at times and this wouldn't be any different. He was processing it and couldn't quite comprehend it. You'd give him all the time in the world, because he deserved that. They all did.

You swallowed once and began to think about to say. You have been through so much with the kid since he arrived and you've grown to know what he's like, what he doesn't like, what sets him off, and what really makes him happy. You've grown such a beautiful and deep bond with Lo'ak that you'd do anything to make him feel comfortable. The connection you've grown with him is so deep and emotional that you hoped that he could see you as his mom, or someone who could be his mom, just as you saw him as your son as if he was your own. It would certainly hurt if he didn't, but you would in turn equally understand anyway. Changes like these are never easy, but you hoped that all you and him have grown to know about each other to create a bond that runs so deep, would be a lot stronger. If not, you'd go at the pace that he wants to and wouldn't hold it against him. You and him really understand one another and each other's pains, strengths, weaknesses, and other trait's that people can't comprehend. That's why you said; "Lo'ak? Are you okay?" You muttered softly, yet loudly enough for him to hear from his spot across the room. He looked up at you and his expression was just unreadable, making you uneasy.

The boy seemed to be in really deep thoughts. You were sure that he was happy to have you in his life after the last heart to heart you had and all thay you've been through to get to know one another on a personal level as what you would hope was a mother and son bond. But even so, his silence was unsettling and you could barely take it. What surprised you was how he didn't say anything, but he stood up, he walked over and crouched down in front of you and his siblings, including Kiri and Tuk who were still sitting close to you. All of a sudden, you were surprised when he gently wrapped you into a hug. Your words got caught up in your throat as he wrapped his arms around you and tears began to fill your eyes even more than before.

For Lo'ak, fofr so long, he grieved his mother and felt like no one else understood him. Not his siblings, his dad, Spider, or anyone, but now you were here and he felt like he gained his person again. Someone that he could open up to and share all his adventures. He's never going to forget you coming with him to visit Payakan, you defending him and Neteyam, never doubting what he said for even a second, and always believing in him. What better gift than have you officially as his mom after all of that? He couldn't ask for anything better.

Tears sprang to your eyes once again and you eagerly returned his loving embrace with just as much joy. It wasn't long till his siblings joined in on the hug and your heart swelled. Kiri and Tuk rejoined the hug from either side of you and Neteyam stood up and walked from beside his dad over to you, joining the group hug. These were your children and the love you had for them felt indescribable. Jake stayed in his spot and watched proudly, almost feeling himself get choked up at the feeling of having a complete family again. You made them whole and there was no denying that any longer.

You caught Jake sitting across the room and you smiled with tears in your eyes. "What are you doing? This is a family hug, get over here!" You said to him, and the kids quickly noticed their dad was missing from the hug and began calling him over simultaneously. As they all clamored for him, Jake didn't resist anymore and gave in. Your husband chuckled and shook his head before wrapping his arms around you all. You did let a few tears slip and you sighed in content. You've never felt at peace more than you did in this moment. This is all you've ever wanted and you prayed deeply in your head to Eywa that nothing ever changed that.

Eventually a thought occurred to the youngest Sully, so Tuk peaked her head up from the hug to look aat you, "Mom, will you move in with us now?" She asked, practically bouncing up and down on her spot with hopefulness. You melted at Tuk's words and suddenly heard Lo'ak speak up too. it seems that he has the same idea as his younger sister. Lo'ak nodded in agreement "Yeah, she's right. We need our mom here with us." Lo'ak pointed out, making Neteyam and Kiri hum in agreement. They all wanted you here, and you couldn't possibly deny them that. You couldn't deny you wanted to stay either.

You giggled and smiled at their statements and locked eyes with Jake, who had settled just behind you. You looked back at him and had a conversation with him with just your eyes, just nodding im agreement silently, because you two had the same idea on what to do already. You both had the same idea in mind but would discuss it later. Although, there wasn't much of a chance that you'd go against what the kids were asking. You couldn't wait. This was your family and you would do everything in your power to love and protect it against anything.

Finished this chapter at 4 AM but it was totally worth it lmao. Ive been planning how this chapter would turn out for the longest time, so I hope you guys enjoyed it! It took so long to publish because I had my graduation and then all that came with it, but now, Im totally free so now, the climax of the story is finally coming! I have so much planned since the beginning of the book that I can't wait to get to! Hope you all are too!

The Sully family is finally complete! So now, we can finally move onto the angst and everything that comes with it now that movie is reaching its peak of the conflict. Im so excited :,)

As usual, I put these at the end of every chapter, but there's not much else that I have to say now, but as always, I'll add other news in future chapters if there are any at all or if anything changes. Anyway, I'll see you all in the next one! 🤍 Have a good rest of your week everyone! :,)

Also, remember if you want a dt for the next chapter, let me know! I love doing these because I can really express my gratitude to all of you that way :,) I really want to start doing these more!

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