| Vohin (15) |

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Italics: (Na'vi language, or Metkayina sign language, and Jake's inner thoughts)

A/N: This chapter felt like a rollercoaster of emotions lmao. I cannot believe this whole chapter is only like 5 minutes of the movie and it's at 7k words- I'm still so surprised shsj

Don't forget to comment and vote <3 I love reading and replying to all of your comments and they truly make my day 🤍 Without further ado, I hope you guys like this chapter!

Ao'nung gulped as he let his eyes trail over everyone who had his eyes on him. Your glowering eyes, Jake's expectant look, Neteyam's glare, and Kiri's suspicious expression. Everyone was waiting for him to start talking and nobody would be happy the moment that he opened his mouth and confessed. Even if he told the truth now, it wouldn't stop there. His parents would find out because this time, you wouldn't cover for him.

"Ao'ung. What happened?" Jake said as he approached the boy, who was really trying to find the right words. It was really starting to settle in now the severness of what he did. Ao'nung looked at everyone that was expecting his answer. In retrospect, he was really starting to come to his senses and the realization came to him. He shouldn't have done that to Lo'ak and now he was about to face the consequences of what he did. Leaving Lo'ak out there by himself to territory that not even the Na'vi themselves dare to venture to was too much.

When you noticed his hesitance, you nudged Ao'nung's back. The boy turned back to look at you and that was when his resolve started to diminish and he was finally going to speak. "Okay, fine. After the fight, when Lo'ak came to apologize, me and my friends took him outside the reef to get back at him. When he was distracted, we left him there and got back to the village by ourselves" Ao'nung explained, and as the boy explained, Jake's face filled with panic and fear over his son's safety. His blood ran cold and he couldn't function. Is that why he wasn't back and he hasn't seen him yet?

Jake's eyes widened and he started to let his eyes trail over to you. You had that same concerned look on your face. He was grateful that you brought Ao'nung here as soon as you found out. He was certain that you wouldn't keep it from him and let his son stay out there any more than he needed to. You treat his children as if they were your own, and now, he was forever grateful you got Ao'nung to confess to what did. Now, the search could begin.

Jake's face soon hardened and decided not to waste any time. "Neteyam, take Kiri and Ao'nung," Jake started, and the kids nodded. Jake then turned to you, and you focused on what he had to say "Y/n, come with me. We have to alert Ronal and Tonowari, start a search party" Jake started, and you nodded. You noticed Ao'nung winced at Jake's words about telling his parents. There was just no escaping that, was it? It'd be too good to be true to let himself off the hook so easily.

As everyone dispersed, which meant that the kids went off until Lo'ak was found and you and Jake rushed to tell Ronal and Tonowari, you and Jake had the exact same thoughts running through your head. You hoped and prayed that the boy came back unscathed. Long story short, the moment that Ronal and Tonowari found out, only reprimanding yells could be heard as Ao'nung was being scolded over his irresponsible and reckless behavior.

You and Jake already knew how dangerous it was out there, but when Tonowari finished scolding Ao'nung, the Olo'eyktan informed Jake about the biggest threat Lo'ak could face out there. The Akula. You dreaded and feared the creature, and because you were told that the creature had to do with your parent's death, you didn't want to imagine what Lo'ak is facing out there by himself. It was reckless to be outside the reef, and that's why no one dared to leave it unless experienced warriors had tasks and missions outside of it. The reef was only to be left unless dire circumstances.

You knew how dangerous, unprotected, unsafe, and unpredictable it was and how not many Metkayina did not dare to cross. You had emotions that were mingled with anger at Lo'ak for making you and Jake worry so much, and anxiousness waiting for his safe return to the village. You looked over to Jake and saw how unreadable his expression his, and you couldn't imagine what he was feeling. He only knew that his son was out there, but he had no true sense of what awaited anyone outside those barriers around the entire village.

"I'll gather nearby warriors to search one section, you and Y/n cover the other half. If he left in the afternoon and is lucky enough to find his way back, he shouldn't be far" Tonowari explained, prompting for you and Jake to nod and then turn to at one another. At least if either of you found him, you had enough trust in one another to immediately notify the other if there was any sign of Lo'ak at all, or even better, if he's found and can be brought back.

Tonowari quickly organized a search party, dividing into groups and shortly after, mounting his Skimwing along with some other head warriors of the village. Since Tonowari was off on the other side of the village supervising the other group, you and Jake were now at the base of the village, about to call over the Tsurak's that you two would mount.

As you fixed your weapons by your side, to use them if necessary, you noticed that Jake was in a bit of a trance as he fixed his earpieces. He'd given you one too, to call in anything if there were any news. You were new to this kind of technology, but its pretty handy in a situation like this one. Your heart dampened with concern and you placed a hand over Jake's shoulder. Upon contact, he tensed a bit and then turned his head to look at you.

"We'll find him. He's a smart boy, and Eywa is protecting him. I know it" You said gently, and Jake sighed shakily, really hoping you were right. He can't help but think that if he had been more attentive, Lo'ak would be home by now, or even better, not in this situation at all. Your words calmed him down, and even if it was just the tiniest bit, every little bit helped.

"You'll tell me if you see anything, right?" Jake asked with hesitance, but you smiled at his inquiry. You wouldn't do anything else but call in Jake and update him if there was anything that you saw that indicated signs of Lo'ak. He didn't even have to ask at all. "Of course" You smiled, dropping your hand from his shoulder and adjusting your holster around your hips.

You had your dagger with you in its holster attached to your hip, and every time you looked at it, you remembered when you were little and your dad gave it to you as a present. It inspired you to be a warrior when you grew up, and perhaps that was his goal, but you keep with you at all times, and you'd keep it with you now while trying to find Lo'ak. It never failed to give you luck when you needed it, and now was the time to have it. More than ever.

After a bit or reassurance, you and Jake managed to smile at each other one last time before calling over the Skimwings. Jake's came around the corner in the water, followed by bioluminescent currents that announced it's arrival. You yipped and Pua arrived shortly after, circling around you. After you and Jake mounted your ilu's gave one another one last look that had 'good luck' painted all over, the two of you took off in separate ways to find the missing boy. Hope was starting to diminish inside of Jake, but he wouldn't let it fade. He couldn't lose anyone else, much less his son, that was too much like him for his own good. Lo'ak was alive, and his son would be found.

As you started to cruise around the reef and heading over to the barriers that separated the safety of the village from the open ocean, you kept your eyes peeled. Your only source of light, since it was almost pitch black and nighttime, were the bioluminescent reefs below you and the streaks of currents that lit up. You could see Jake in the distance searching over another area, while you stayed on the opposite side. Lo'ak wasn't your biological kid, and maybe you didn't like the reminder, but you held a soft spot for him and cared for him as if he was one of your own. He was Jake's literal carbon copy and so much alike in many ways.

He was okay, you were sure of it. His siblings were worried about him, Tsireya was worried about him, you and Jake worried about him, and whether he admitted it or not, you knew Ao'nung was worried too and hoped he came back alright. Whether it was you, Jake, or one of the other warriors that ended up finding him, you'll thank Eywa for the rest of your life. It was hard not to notice how caring and sweet he is, but he's just incredibly misunderstood. As you cruised through the reefs, you continued to look for any sign of his presence, not missing a single thing that passed you by.

In fact, your hunches couldn't have been more correct, because Lo'ak was arriving on Payakan just outside the reef barriers. As the Tulkun got the boy closer to the village, Lo'ak was standing on the Tulkun's fin as the creature brought him back to his home. Since it was nighttime, the bioluminescence was at high levels in the water, so each stroke of the Tulkun's fins created a trail of glowing streaks. Lo'ak noticed how the Tulkun's eyes were gazing straight upwards towards the sky littered with stars. The sentient creature was just as curious as he was, showing just how intelligent Tulkuns are.

"Do you like looking at stars?" Lo'ak asked, noticing the attentive gaze that the Tulkun had on the bright starry sky. His question received a small whistle from the Tulkun in return. "You know, my dad came from a star," Lo'ak said with a soft smile and remembering his dad's stories from back on Earth, his home planet.

Lo'ak gazed up at the sky, wondering which one of them could be his father's home. It could be any of them. After searching, he pointed up and turned to look at the Tulkun's eyes. "That one, right there," Lo'ak pointed, remembering when his dad taught him what star in the night was where his home resided, feeling himself getting lost in stargazing. It really and truly was a beautiful sight. He missed when he would climb up on the top of the Hallelujah Mountains, or more specifically the mountain where the Omaticaya Camp cave was in, and just wondered what was beyond Pandora.

All of a sudden, coming around the corner and seeing the village in the distance, warriors could be seen on their Skimwings circling the area. Lo'ak could hear yips and calls from the warriors including his father. "Lo'ak!" Jake yelled in the distance, making the boy's eyes widen. Shortly after, he heard your voice too. "Lo'ak! Where are you?" You yelled, and by the comparison of your voice to the others and his dad, you were definitely closer in proximity. Even if the Tulkun asked for you, Lo'ak had to introduce you to him some other time.

"That's Y/n" Lo'ak said, and the Tulkun wailed, catching the boy's attention, as if asking Lo'ak not to forget to bring you to him soon. He looked down to let his eyes lock onto the Tulkun's. "Right. I'll bring her to you, I promise. You can count on me" Lo'ak smiled as he let his eyes quickly and briefly look over the barrier and then crouched back down on the creature's fin, trying not to be seen just yet.

After hearing his dad's voice again with much more urgency, Lo'ak groaned to himself. "Oh man, I'm in trouble," He said beginning to lower himself down to say a few last things to the Tulkun. As Lo'ak looked at the Tulkun's eyes again for the last time, for the meantime, the creature wailed, opening and closing its eyes. He knew that Lo'ak had to go now. Bug the day was fun, and the Tulkun would never forget the times he spent with the boy that day, that was until the next time they met again.

"Go. I will see you again," Lo'ak said, signing along with every word. The Tulkun slowly blinked and then turned its gaze forward, starting to swim further and leaving Lo'ak to swim back to the edge of the barriers. The boy watched as the sentient creature swam further into the depths of the sea, already missing his new friend. Focusing on the matter at hand, Lo'ak began to swim to an area where he could be spotted. As he thought, you were already circling the area and this time, Lo'ak made his presence a lot more known and obvious.

As you continued to cruise through the edge of the barriers, a familiar figure stood on one of the pools that portruded on the rocky barriers of the reef. Your heart jumped at the feeling that it could be Lo'ak and you hoped it wasn't your mind playing tricks on you because of the darkness of the night and your desperation to find him and bring him back. Not taking a chance, you immediately started to guide your Tsurak over to the figure and as you got closer, you realized that it was in indeed Lo'ak. He really was okay. You smiled and laughed with relief. He was waving over to you and calling your name so you could come and approach him a lot easier than just going in blindly.

"Y/n" He called for you, and you smiled at the confirmation that you needed to know that it really was him. You sped up your Tsurak and quickly approached the pool in the barrier that he was standing on. "Lo'ak! You're okay" You said, getting closer and then leaping off of your Skimwing, landing right in front of him. You immediately pulled him into a hug, and he was surprised at first at your suddenness, but then he hugged you back a couple seconds after.

You hugged him tightly, but you realized you were going too far when he started laughing in labored breaths. "Y/n, that's too tight," The boy said, and your eyes widened. You immediately pulled away, but settled on placing your hands on his shoulders, beginning to scan his body for injuries. Even if it was a long shot to think he'd come back unscathed, you were proven right to see dried blood on his arms and his back. You sighed dejectedly, but also with pure and utter relief that he was standing in front of you. Jake would be so happy to see him alive.

"Lo'ak, you're hurt" You murmured but the boy could still hear you. It made him happy to know how much you cared about him, showing concern as if you were his own kid. He let it slip to the Tulkun the word 'mom' when referring to you, but it didn't feel wrong. The title suited you, and it did a whole lot more when it came to his family. Like he's talked about to Neteyam and Kiri, you're the piece of the puzzle missing.

"I have to tell your dad, he's not far" You said, beginning to press on the button of the coms that Jake gave you. As you waited for a response, Lo'ak nodded and prepared himself for the scolding that he was sure he'd recieve, even if this wasn't his fault. As usual. As you spoke to his dad, Lo'ak let his eyes trail over to the sea beyond the reef. His Tulkun friend was out there somewhere, and he had a task to deliver now. "Jake. I found him. We're at one of the pools by the barriers" You said into the coms, and Lo'ak could somehow manage to make out what his dad was saying. Thanking you and saying that he would be right over.

After the conversation was done, you turned back to look at Lo'ak with so much fondness and relief that it truly felt like everything would be okay. He was glad he was found by you first and not by his dad, which meant that at least the scolding could be put off even for a moment. Don't get him wrong, he knew that the moment that his dad came and saw him in the flesh, he'd be relieved. But it's the yelling at that he was used to at this point that he was dreading this day has just been too much.

Soon enough, Jake arrived on his own Skimwing and hopped off of the creature as soon as he was close enough. You stepped back slightly to give Jake and his son some space as they talked and reunited. He wouldn't get into that right now, because that wouldn't solve anything. You couldn't imagine how happy and relieved Jake was to see his son alive and well, even if neither you or him knew that the Tulkun that Lo'ak met was to thank for his safe return to the village with nothing more than a couple of easily treatable scratches.

"You okay, boy?" Jake asked, putting his hands on Lo'ak's shoulders, forcing him to look at his dad and nod wordlessly. You stood back and watched their reunion with a fond smile. What you didn't expect is for Jake to turn away from Lo'ak and suddenly embrace you. You had stumbled back a bit and looked over Jake's shoulder over to Lo'ak, who had crossed his arms and watched his dad and you with a smile. You looked at the boy quizzically but then put your attention back on Jake as he had his arms wrapped around your waist and his face buried in your hair. He was breathing shakily. "Thank you, so much" He muttered, and you smiled softly as you returned the hug and put the same amount affection as he was.

"Happy to help" You said simply, and Jake pulled away from the hug and kept his hand on the back of your head, rubbing your hair with his thumb. You felt yourself melt at the way he was looking at you, completely forgetting that Lo'ak was there. Jake didn't say anything until he turned back to Lo'ak and had his son ride with him while you stayed on Pua and rode by their side on their way back to the village.

Upon reaching the village, along when once the Skimwings landed in the water and tucked their wings on their sides, the paths that connected all of the tents and huts came closer. So, when Lo'ak was near enough, he stepped off of the Tsurak his dad was riding in and stepped onto the same platform Kiri and Jake were speaking in earlier and everyone was watching him with concern. Horns were sounding at the appearance of Lo'ak, alerting everyone that he was back safe and sound.

After Lo'ak got off, Jake hopped off his Skimwing and stood next to his son. You arrived a few seconds later and got off of your Tsurak too, moving to stand on Lo'ak's other side. Tonowari and Ronal let their eyes trail over everyone present, and they were happy to see Lo'ak, but when they saw you standing next to the boy seemingly ready to defend him, the eyes of the Tsahik and Olo'eyktan softened.

"The boy has returned!" A woman called out as horns blared, continuing to resonate through the village, making many villagers gather around to see. "It is the Sully boy! They found the boy. They found him!" Another person called out, alerting the whole village. Tonowari, Ronal, Ao'nung, and the Sully siblings were all at the front watching the arrival of Lo'ak.

When stepping onto the platform, Lo'ak turned around and gestured an 'I see you' to Tonowari and Ronal out of respect. The boy turned his head and was immediately met with the intimidating stare of everyone who was looking at him silently, especially Ao'nung, who still had nothing to say. As soon as Lo'ak's gaze landed on Ao'nung, anger brewed inside him.

Noticing as Lo'ak started to walk forward in anger, you placed a hand on his shoulder. His gaze softened a bit, but there was nothing yiu could say to make his emotions vanish like that. He was angry, and rightfully so. You gestured with your head to Jake, and Lo'ak got the hint. The boy turned around and faced his dad, who now got to look at his scratches and injuries in a bit more light than before.

"Hey, hey," Jake said, getting his son's attention since he noticed the boy was glaring at Ao'nung intensely, and full of anger. "Let's have a look at you. Okay..." Jake sighed, stepping around to check if his son had any bodily injuries, but all Lo'ak could do was glare at Ao'nung silently while his dad inspected his body for anything he might've missed. Ao'nung looked down in shame, not meeting Lo'ak's eyes out of fear for worsening the situation.

Tonowari kneeled on one knee on the edge of the platform, silently looking over Lo'ak too. "He's fine. He's fine. Yeah, it's just a few scratches, don't worry" Jake said to everyone who was crowded around that area, whether they were concerned for the boy or just curious. He seemed okay on the outside, but Lo'ak was trying to keep himself together.

Neteyam, Kiri and Tuk quickly came through the crowd of people too, and once Lo'ak came into eye contact with his siblings, they all visibly relaxed and sent his brother soft smiles. He was okay after all, and Neteyam knew that Lo'ak would come back. They had this ongoing banter about who was the most mighty warrior between the two brothers, but Neteyam really thought that Lo'ak came into his own and was able to get himself out of a situation like that.

Kiri caught sight of you and her look of sudden urgency made you fill with concern. She was so worried about Lo'ak, and Kiri already had an inkling that you had something to do with Lo'ak being able to come back. You sent her smile, which was a message that told Kiri that he is completely fine. She visibly sighed with relief and sent you a thank you in return.

You have gone to incredible lengths for her family, and you had already done so much by not hesitating to drop everything and look for her younger brother. Kiri stayed near Neteyam and Tuk, but she exchanged glances with you every so often as the conversation began

You placed a hand on Lo'ak's shoulder, rubbing it slightly and trying to ease the tension he was most likely facing inside and outside. You didn't know quite yet, and maybe it's because you'd gotten so attached to this family already, but you had too many emotions circling through your heart and mind right now, and you would have an understanding talk with him later. After what Ao'nung told you, it was crystal clear that it wasn't Lo'ak's intention to put himself in that position. It wasn't his fault. He just wanted to be understood, is all.

"Jake," Tonowari started, seeing Jake tense from a mile away, and wanting to make sure that he knew that Lo'ak wasn't to blame. The Olo'eyktan's sudden words made everyone turn to look at him. "It's not his fault. My son knows better than to take him outside the reef," Tonowari said, looking over to Ao'nung and putting a hand on the back of his neck, pushing him down to kneel on one knee as his arm rested over his leg. Ao'nung had his eyes trained somewhere else. Being publicly put on the spot like this, even if he deserved it, was even worse than getting yelled at. "The blame is his," Tonowari concluded, not wanting Lo'ak to take the blame for his son's actions.

Jake nodded and exhaled, not wanting to prolong this problem anymore, putting a hand on his son's back to bring him back to their hut. "Okay. Let's go," Jake said, and you turned your head to look at Lo'ak. He was thinking about something and he wasn't beginning to walk away like Jake was. He felt drained and tired, and this day just spiraled out of control for himz He turned to look at you and you sent him an understanding smile, knowing that he would have you to talk to afterward, and Lo'ak knew that you would understand, no doubt.

"No" Lo'ak suddenly said and your eyes widened while Jake stopped in his tracks and turned back to look at his son. Tonowari looked at Lo'ak quizzically on what he meant by 'no'. "Lo'ak?" You whispered, and the boy nodded at you signaling to you that he knew what he was doing. Jake looked over to you and he was just as confused as you were. "This is not Ao'nung's fault," Lo'ak began, and your head snapped to look at him with wide eyes. Why was he doing this and shouldering the blame? Ao'nung's eyes narrowed with suspicion and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as to why Lo'ak was taking the blame for this whole situation.

Your eyes trailed from Lo'ak to Ao'nung, and given by how the Metkayina prince was looking at Lo'ak, he didn't know why he was doing this either. Ao'nung had accepted punishment and being scolded, so why was Lo'ak covering for him? He wasn't even sure that that anyone would believe it, and knowing that you know Ao'nung a lot more, you didn't believe what Lo'ak was saying for a second. It just couldn't be true and it didn't make sense either.

"It was my idea. Ao'nung tried to talk me out of it. Really," Your son said, making Jake shake his head as he stepped up to the pathway of the huts. "Come on," Jake ushered. You placed a hand on the back of Lo'ak's head, making the boy turn to look at you briefly. You silently asked with your eyes what was that all about.

Tonowari turned to look at his son, not knowing what to do with Lo'ak's sudden declaration. It didn't add up with the situation today, so he found hard to believe Lo'ak's words. The chief turned to his wife and she looked at her husband with pitiful and conflicted eyes, not understanding why the boy has to go through this any longer, especially now that decided to take the blame for this when he had no reason to go outside the reef by himself. It was strange, it really was.

"I'm sorry," Lo'ak continued, and soon after, Jake was gesturing with his hand for his son to climb up to the base of the huts. You followed after the boy, and looking back briefly at Jake and Tonowari. "Come on," Jake said once more, and this time, Lo'ak complied. When the boy started walking ahead, with you by his side, Jake looked at Tonowari and gave him a silent apologetic look, but then spoke up. "I got this," He said, assuring the Olo'eyktan that he would handle Lo'ak for now. He could promise that there would be no more problems, but that promise would be in vain in that moment on.

Jake didn't mind you coming along, in fact, he needed you there to bring him back to reality when the conversation got too far with Lo'ak. Besides, this was a family issue and it wouldn't feel complete without you there. Jake also had to talk to Neteyam and you served as a middle ground to keep everything under control. The kids had accepted you by now as someone important to the family, and now, they didn't have to deal with such problems alone.

After you, Lo'ak, and Jake were on their way to their hut, Tonowari turned to Ao'nung, who was looking down in shame and still refused to make eye-contact. "Is this true?" Tonowari asked lowly, still not receiving an answer from his son. Ronal was next to speak. She couldn't believe her son had put Lo'ak in such danger, and what was it worth? It was a miracle that the boy came back alive. It's inexcusable. "Ao'nung, what were you thinking?" Ronal whispered, but the prince stayed silent.

When arriving back at a more secluded place to have the conversation to straighten everything out, Lo'ak was walking with Jake, you, and Neteyam in tow. You and the oldest Sully exchanged worried glances, and the tension was palpable. Kiri and Tuk were close behind, but they knew this conversation could get ugly so they stayed far ways back from the group. Eventually, Lo'ak stopped walking and looked to face his father as you stopped to stand next to him, with Neteyam standing beside you.

"Dad. You told me to make friends with these kids. That's all I was trying to do-" Lo'ak started, trying to explain himself but Jake was too angry and irritated to even try and listen. You sighed inwardly, already sensing that this would take a turn quickly based on Jake's reaction to Lo'ak even try to explain himself.

"I don't want to hear it," Jake pauses in his words, refusing to look his son in the eye. You and Neteyam looked at each other once again. Lo'ak gave you small glance, and you sent him  a small smile, not letting Jake's words discourage him. You believed him and his brother did too, and that was more than enough for now. Jake would understand and believe Lo'ak soon, too. It just wasn't now.

"You've brought shame to this family," Jake said lowly, and you looked at him with surprise, wishing he could see the bigger picture in all of this. Taking a chance to try and ease over Jake's frustration, and with that, help Lo'ak know that his father didn't mean what he was saying, you walked over and placed a hand on Jake's arm. When he noticed your presence and your attention on him, he looked into your eyes and saw the message you were trying to give him. Take it easy on him is what Jake saw, so he sighed deeply and turned back to look at his son. You could tell that Lo'ak was starting to feel better as he understood that his dad didn't mean it and he was just saying things in the heat of the moment and out of frustration.

Lo'ak shouldn't have to feel like this, because it wasn't his fault he was left stranded. Yes, he did worry Jake and his siblings, but in the end, he was safe and that was all that mattered. Lo'ak looked over to you and mouthed a small 'thank you' before deciding to leave for a bit and take a walk to ease his mind. He still didn't forget to mention the message from the Tulkun, but that could wait until the next day.

Lo'ak's eyes and facial expressions visibly dropped at his father's words, but at least the boy knew his anger would pass. His ears tipped back against his head and finally spoke up. "Can I go now?" He asked, but Jake was still not happy at all. "Any more trouble and I jerk a knot in your tail. You read me?" Jake said sternly, but at his words, you crossed your arms and shut your eyes closed as you sighed quietly, not even wanting to see Lo'ak's reaction to his father's words.

This would eventually pass, but it still didn't mean that those words could be said. Lo'ak got the message already, and today has been bad enough for him as it is. There was no right or wrong here, just more understanding was needed and that was it. Nothing more.

"Yes, sir. Lima Charlie," Lo'ak said with attitude, keeping his face stoic. It just meant that he heard his father loud and clear. The boy stood there, looking at his father, who was already gazing at his son with a conflicted look on his face. A big part of him knew that he was being harsh, but if that could keep Lo'ak out of any more trouble, he would do it. Jake knew that Lo'ak was like him when he was younger, and he wouldn't let him make the same mistakes and lead him towards a wrong path.

As Lo'ak walked away, he looked at you briefly and he immediately knew he could come to you to talk later. The boy just needed some time for himself to think and forget this day. He could start over tomorrow, but he had biggee things to attend to that couldn't wait. He'd fulfill that promise to the Tulkun he met, no matter what.

You watched as he walked away and you sighed. These poor boys have been through enough already. You turned to look over at the oldest Sully, who heard the whole conversation and knew his reprimand from his father was coming eventually. Before Jake started talking again, Neteyam briefly looked at you and you gave him a small nod. As an older brother, he was used to shouldering everything, and this wouldn't be anything new.

"Where were you, Neteyam? How did this happen? What happened to keeping an eye on your brother?" Jake questioned as he turned to look at his oldest son. He wasn't raising his voice but his tone is clear enough so that he knew he was completely serious about this.

Just because Neteyam took the blame for most of Lo'ak's actions did not mean that he liked it. He did it to protect him, and as much as it sucked, it gave him a chance to unload some of their father's anger on both of them instead of one. He did it for his brother, he always did. Neteyam looked down and guilt flooded him, and it only filled you with concern for how a young boy like him took all of this when he was the one who even brought up the problem of Lo'ak being missing. Nothing about this was fair. Making Neteyam feel like he faulted this would not help at all, or make him feel like it was his responsibility to take care of Lo'ak. He was his brother, not some sort of babysitter.

You decided to actually step in this time, and bring some support somehow. Although this was a family problem, you care for these boys, too. They had a reputation that wasn't fair on them and had unreal expectations. Everyone's eyes were on them since the moment they arrived, so they deserved to feel heard. You walked a few steps and walked to stand in front of Jake, putting Neteyam and behind you and putting one of your hands on his shoulder.

"Jake, I'm sure he tried his best. If he didn't come to tell us that Lo'ak was missing, we would've never noticed he was gone and he would have been out there. He tried his best" You said, smiling compassionately at Jake. You looked back at Neteyam for a second and he was already giving you a grateful expression. He wouldn't have been able to shoulder more scoldings, even if he hid it most of the time.

Jake's eyes trailed over from Neteyam over to you, and when his yellow eyes locked onto your big turquoise and doe ones, he exhaled deeply and nodded. He needed to take a breather. This whole situation has taken a toll on him, as well as on his sons, and everybody involved.

All of it escalated way too quickly and was wrong to blurt out what he had said. He didn't like being as tough as he has been with his sons, but as always, he was acting out of the fear he felt when he thought something had happened to Lo'ak. He couldn't bare it. He was a scared father trying to look out for them. You sighed in relief as Jake looked over your shoulder to Neteyam. "Go take your sisters back to our tent," Jake said, and the boy nodded. He turned around and faced Kiri and Tuk, beginning to walk away back to their home, leaving you and Jake alone.

Jake didn't realize how close you were with his children already. The way you immediately jumped to Neteyam's defense and helped him feel a lot more at ease even at a time like this, you and Kiri growing closer every day; especially today after you spent a few hours together and talked while also reassuring her that Lo'ak was alright, and the fact that you were already so eager to help find the boy and check for his well-being and helped him feel more understood, and you were already inseparable to Tuk; who adored you and has been asking for you ever since that dinner. You have been leaving a significant impact on each and every one of their lives, making them feel like they can move forward after everything.

And Jake, he didn't know what he felt. He was confused on the inner turmoil stirring inside of him. Every time you were around, whether it was when you were nurturing his children snd showering them with love and understanding, or whether it was just you and him. Something foreign continued to push inside of him that he didn't recognize, and if had to describe it, he could only compare it to what he felt when he first started falling in love with Neytiri.

He didn't know if he should be concerned or happy about it. Would it feel like betrayal if he moved on? Or is it a sign that he was growing and could cherish the love he had with Neytiri still in his heart while also finding mananging to find that final piece of the void that's been consuming him for the past year? He really didn't know. Could he...be falling in love?

You were a person who has turned out to understand more than anybody thought he could. You understand each other to the point that there is no need for words to be spoken, and you comprehended each other's pain. From the very beginning, he has always noticed you and only you. And if that meant what he thinks it meant, then he was in big trouble. His heart was in for yet another blow, and yet, it didn't scared him. It was dangerous how quickly you've become so important to him and how you have managed to worm your way into his heart, with the only desire to see you happy, like you very much deserved.

Today's conversation with you proved just how attached he has become but refuses to admit it. The worst part is that you had to choose someone to mate with very soon so you either pick someone yourself or you have to mate with Vokan like Tonowari and Ronal had arranged and the thought made his stomach churn for reasons that he couldn't fathom.

Every time he thinks he's capable of putting his heart on the line again like that, he remembers all of those sleepless nights he spent fearing of falling asleep because he'd see that same cruel image over and over. Not only that, but he'd constantly kept himself awake if any of his kids needed comfort, and he'd be there, giving them the reassurance and love nobody gave him in that moment. He keeps telling himself its the best solution, but Neytiri told him to live on and find someone, but how could he do that? He didn't think he could, but then you came into the picture and your existence changed everything that has been telling himself.

The chances that it's him who you choose and that you feel this same inner turmoil too was just What was happening to him? He feels drawn to you, but at the same time, he feels like he should get away. Every time you smile he stares at you like a damn idiot, wishing he could cherish that picture in his mind. Though, every time the thought of you mating with someone else crossed his mind, he felt sick to his stomach. What are you doing to him?


When Lo'ak walked away from you, his dad, and the rest of his family. Its been too much and he felt like he needed some time alone. He was looking forward to getting this ssy over with already. He wanted to see that Tulkun again, because all his problems melted away when he was with the creature, forgetting everything and letting himself get distracted even if it was for one afternoon. As he walked across the beach, what Lo'ak didn't know is that Ao'nung was trailing behind him trying to catch up. When walking up to Lo'ak ignoring the way that the Sully brother scowled at his presence, Ao'nung walked by his side.

"Why did you speak for me?" Ao'nung asked, genuinely confused as to why Lo'ak decided to let all the blame fall on him completely. If anything, he thought that Lo'ak wouldn't hesitate in throwing him under the bus and getting the prince into even more trouble, but Lo'ak wasn't like that. He didn't have that kind of conscience, and knew what it was like to have a reputation for being a screw-up.

Ao'nung was already expecting to take even more punishment for what he did, and now, he didn't have to because of what Lo'ak had done. Lo'ak shook his head with a dry laugh, looking downwards. "Because I know what it's like to be one big disappointment," Lo'ak replied, not caring about how much it hurt to admit that. Ao'nung stopped walking after he heard that, watching Lo'ak continue on his way down the beach with confusion. Though, guilt only continued to seep inside of Ao'nung.

Hey! For a slow burn, am I moving too fast with the story? Is the gradual realization of feelings okay so far? I'd love your feedback for the future <3 I'm really excited because y/n and payakan will meet soon and I have so many ideas for this arc. And I also have plenty of ideas for how jake and y/n get together, so I hope you're as excited as I am!

Anyway, daily and regular updates are coming back! I finally have free time now that Im out of school, and just like in January, ill be releasing them almost every day so I'm really happy about that :,) By the way I'm only halfway through the movie so we have a long way to go folks! 🤍

As usual, there's not much I have to say now, but as always, I'll add other news in future chapters if there are any at all or if anything changes. Anyway, I'll see you all in the next one! 🤍 Have a good rest of your week everyone!

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