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Italics: (Na'vi language, or Metkayina sign language, and Jake's inner thoughts)

A/N: Things are starting to change! Y/n is getting closer to the Sully kids, feelings are being discovered, and many more things :,) Hopefully chapter 12 isn't too early for the realization of feelings for the other person but I'm trying :,) Im already so excited to write everything in my notes app lmao SHSJS

Before we move onto the chapter, I know Ive been saying this a lot recently but just a small reminder; don't forget to comment <3 I love reading and replying to all of your comments and they make my day. 🤍 I hope you guys like this chapter!

The fight had just dispersed and everyone had taken their separate ways. Before leaving with Ao'nung, you noticed how tense Kiri looked. It seems that everything that transpired was beginning to settle in her head and she was deep in thought. Hesitantly, you had approached her and placed a hand on her shoulder. The girl looked at you sullenly, crossing her arms over her chest. You suggested that she meet up with Tsireya and Tuk to get her mind off of what happened.

With a deep exhale, Kiri nodded and smiled weakly. You had grown a relationship with her to the point that she was able to trust you and come to you for many things. You were the only person that knew about her secret abilities, one of the only people who was able to get and understand her temperament, and she was beginning to feel a bond form with you after the two weeks of having arrived at the village. "I'll join you later, okay?" You smiled, and Kiri nodded . "Thanks, Y/n" She said as she walked off and you watched her go, concerned for her and how she was feeling.

After that, you had dragged Ao'nung somewhere else to talk, and now, he was just completely silent as you waited for him to talk. He was probably mulling over in his head what he wanted to say but none of it seemed right. He knew that if Tonowari and Ronal found out about this, then he'd be in even more trouble. His parents didn't mess around when they expressed disappointment, you would know.

You waited for a few seconds as you waited for Ao'nung to begin to speak. He must've been a part of something like that for a reason, but he probably wouldn't admit it out loud just like that. He was too prideful and could be arrogant at times, and it was just who he was at times, but underneath all of that, he was still a sweet boy who needed a reality check from time to time and there wasn't shame in it at all.

"What's going on with you lately, Ao'nung? Those kids are already having a hard time as it is. Why are you making it harder for them? Alienating them like that and making them feel like outsiders" You said in a softer tone, not wanting him to feel like you were scolding him but rather just trying to get him to realize on his own what he's doing. Coercing him to talk won't work and it'll only make him resent you since he probably doesn't want to talk about it. Talking him through it was the best way.

"I don't know why. It just happened," Ao'nung mumbled and you sighed, knowing that it was much deeper than that. He wouldn't talk now no matter how much you tried to reason with him. Ao'nung was stubborn and you wouldn't get some reason into him right away.

Lo'ak and Neteyam had no reason to start a brawl like that all of a sudden, and up until now, they probably didn't have anything against Ao'nung. The boy himself has been taking constant jabs at them behind the Sully's back and it made more sense that he initiated it. Right now, he was not the boy you've known since he was born. You hoped he would be able to realize his actions on his own and see that just because the Sully's have human genes, that they were just as much of a Na'vi as he was.

"Look, you may not want to admit it, but I do know that you have more of a conscience than you let on deep down inside. I will not tell your your mother or your father, and I will not pressure you to talk, but I hope you have enough conscience to make the right decision" You said, sighing and beginning to walk away from him. You patted his shoulder as you passed him by, leaving him to stand there in silence, hopefully to reflect on himself for a bit.

Judging by how Jake had walked back with his sons, he was probably lecturing them. Your goal wasn't to intrude but you hoped you got there at the end of the talk between the boys so you could help Lo'ak and Neteyam feel better and give them words of encouragement. They've only been taken jabs over and over by people here, and on top of that, Jake scolding them would not help that. It wasn't their fault that the fight began, and you didn't know why it initiated in the first place, but they deserved at least one good thing to come out of today.

While you headed back to the village, Jake was with Lo'ak and Neteyam, scolding them behind closed doors. Nobody needed more humiliation today than they already had, so Jake kept it private. He just didn't understand why or how this happened, considering that he had been very clear with his sons about their behavior here. Jake knew deep down that they were probably defending themselves, but he just wished that things hadn't gone the way they had today. He was still trying to help his family fit in and make good impressions. This didn't help their case at all. And this was Ao'nung they were talking about, Tonowari's son. Jake just wanted to avoid more problems before they turned and escalated into more.

Intially, when Jake arrived back at the Sully's hut with his sons in front of him, the two boys stopped walking, stood side by side, and waited for their father's words. Jake was exasperated and full of frustration built up on the way there and he wanted an explanation. This situation just spiraled out of control unnecessarily to the point a physical fight came to happen. The best way to handle it now was doing some damage control and talk about how to make it better.

Neteyam wiped some blood off his nose as Lo'ak wiped some of the sand he had on his forehead. Jake sighed, turning around to make sure that they had some space to talk about the issue that just happened. Just when he thought his kids were making efforts to blend in with the other Metkayina kids their own age. They were already on thin ice in this village, they couldn't have things like this happen.

"What was the one thing I asked? The one thing," Jake said, and the boys immediately knew the answer. They had been told the same thing many times since they got to the village.

"Stay out of trouble," Lo'ak muttered loudly enough for his father to hear. "Stay out of trouble. Right," Jake said, his tail swishing with frustration and exasperation. This wasn't how he imagined the day going. As he always did, Neteyam stepped and raised an arm in front of Lo'ak to take the blame, like always.

"It was my fault, dad" Neteyam intervened, but Jake shook his head. "No. I don't think so. You've gotta stop taking the heat for this knucklehead," Jake said through gritted teeth, turning to Lo'ak with his ears flattened and nose slightly scrunched. He was angry, and his sons could definitely see that from a mile away.

Right as the conversation between the boys continued, you had made it just in time to hear what Lo'ak was saying. His words made your heart sink and it made sense now why Kiri looked so shaken up. "Look, dad. Ao'nung was picking on Kiri. He called her a freak," Lo'ak said, making your eyes widen at your son's statement. Suddenly it made sense. You stood outside the hut and leaned against the outside of it. Kiri had already expressed to you how different she felt, and this fight probably made it much, much worse. She was probably running Ao'nung's head through her head over and over, but truth is, she didn't deserve that. None of these kids did. It was just cruel.

Lo'ak, Neteyam and Kiri were just protecting each other but it just took a wrong turn and ended up in a physical brawl that never should have happened. Jake sighed, looking away from his sons. It broke his heart to hear Kiri was being picked on for something she had no control over, and if Ao'nung and his friends thought so too and acted on it, who knows how many feel the same way about his kids but keep their thoughts to themselves. They were just children and it was uncalled for. This was exactly the opposite of what he wanted to happen. He knew everything up until now was feeling too good to be true, but there was still time to salvage the situation somewhat.

Thinking about what could be done to make things somewhat better, Jake said the only thing that came to mind. "Go apologize to Ao'nung," Jake said, and Lo'ak's eyes widened. You heard this and sighed, closing your eyes shut. If only Jake knew that having Lo'ak do that would be pointless and ultimately, would do more harm than good. Ao'nung was a tough nut to crack and a simple apology won't do much, especially after you had with him. "What?" Lo'ak said in disbelief that his dad could ask him that, even when knowing what happened. Neteyam exhaled and turned his head away, the whole situation stressing him out and it was never supposed to be like this.

"He's the Chief's son. Do you understand?" Jake started, but his sons stayed quiet. You stood outside and wished you could tell Jake in that moment that you understood where he was coming from thinking that if his sons apologized to Ao'nung, relations would get better especially since he is Tonowari's son, but that wasn't the case at all. "I don't care how you do it. Just go make peace. Just go," Jake said, moving to the side to let his youngest son go by as Jake continued to speak to Neteyam alone. Lo'ak shook his head in absolute disbelief, not believing that he was the one that had to apologize first when Ao'nung started it. It wasn't fair, not in any concievable way.

Once Lo'ak walked out of the hut, he noticed your presence against the side of their hut. "Oh. Hey, y/n" Lo'ak said simply, not in the best mood (and you didn't blame him) but you immediately straightened up, and started walking over to him. "Lo'ak, come here" You said, and the boy begrudgingly complied and when he came close enough, you placed your hands on his shoulders and it prompted for him to finally raise his head and look at you.

"Lo'ak, listen to me. You and Neteyam did the right thing by defending your sister like that, and it may not mean much coming from me, but I am proud of you both. You're a good kid, okay?" You said, knowing that these boys needed all the support they could get. They've been yelled at, fought with, and talked down to.

Lo'ak's features seemed to soften just a bit after you said that but he simply shrugged and look away. "My dad doesn't seem to think so" He said, looking down. You sighed through your nose and patted the top of his head. He was a good kid, but he was misunderstood.

"He will come around, Lo'ak. It will get better. I know a thing or two about parenting and your dad is like that because he cares, and he wants you to live a long and happy life. You're allowed to make mistakes, that's part of life. But the moment you and your dad come to an understanding, everything will fall into place" You said, dropping your hand from his head and onto his shoulder with a smile.

Your inviting smile gave much more comfort to Lo'ak than he'd like to admit. He has been wanting to hear those words coming from someone else for ages, and he instantly felt a lot better now after hearing your words. In these last couple of weeks, your presence has somehow made his stay here at the village a lot better and bearable. He hasn't been very open with you, but he can see you're really trying to make him and his family happy. You're friends with his dad and that made Lo'ak realize he could make more of an effort. His siblings are already so fond of you, so it wouldn't hurt for him to try and do the same.

Before you could register it, Lo'ak threw his arms around you in an embrace, trapping you in a hug and nuzzled his head against you. You were stunned for a few seconds before you came back to your senses and wrapped your arms around him. You lay your head on top of his and muttered encouraging words. That's all Lo'ak has ever wanted to hear, and he was glad he could come to you for that. "You'll be okay," You said as you both simultaneously pulled away from the warm embrace.

"Now, if Ao'nung gives you any trouble, let me know and I'll knock some sense into him. I know that kid since was a baby so if you want any embarrassing stories about him, I have it all" You said, nudging Lo'ak with your arm. He laughed slightly, feeling a lot better than he was a few minutes ago. "Now, I know it sucks but do as your dad says. Go apologize to Ao'nung and who knows, maybe you could be friends" You said, but Lo'ak grimaced visibly. Looks like they were far from that for now, but taking the first step of apologizing was good.

"I don't see that happening, but thanks, y/n" He said, beginning to walk the other way. You patted his head before he was out of reach and watched as he headed towards the other end of the village in search of Ao'nung, which hopefully didn't end in another fight. You sighed internally as you watched Lo'ak disappeared into the distance. Some boys really did need more help than others, and sometimes, its important to let them know that they're still loved and cared for.

It wasn't a few seconds later that you couldn't hear voices coming out of the hut anymore, and there were steps approaching to the entrance of the hut. Neteyam and Jake had just finished talking so you figured it'd be okay if you stepped in now. When you came around the corner and came inside the hut, Jake and Neteyam turned to look at you. The ex-marine's face visibly softened at the sight of you, and Neteyam gave you a toothless smile as a silent greeting even if he was heading out.

You walked further into the hut to the point where you were standing right next to Jake and watched as Neteyam started to step out. The conversation was over but it seems that Jake had something else to say because he spoke up and got Neteyam's attention effectively.

"Hey," Jake started, getting his son's attention, Neteyam stopped in his tracks and turned around to face his dad for whatever it is that he had to say. But nothing could've prepared him for what he was about to say. "So what did the other guys look like?" Jake asked, curiosity getting the best of him. Neteyam was silent for a couple of seconds, but a ghost of a smile appeared on the young boy's lips.

"Worse," He said, making Jake wait for a beat to answer, not trying to encourage it. You looked at the two with an amused expression. From hearing the two boys being scolded to this shows how strong of a relationship as father and son they had. They could be mad at one another one moment but in the end, they were still there and their bond neve faded.

"That's good," Jake said, letting a ghost of a smile penetrate the stern aura he had just a few minutes ago. You smiled at the interaction, stepping back a bit to give them space in the hut. Deep down, he did feel pride for his sons. Even if it wasn't in the most moral way, situation, or scenario possible.

"A lot worse," Neteyam admitted bashfully as he lowered his head and a smile threatened to come on his face. A chuckle threatened to leave your lips after hearing Neteyam's words. He was a good boy and along with his siblings, he deserved the best. "Get outta here," Jake said, not wanting Neteyam to see the smile coming onto his father's face. The oldest Sully sibling eventually walked away and it was just you and Jake in the hut. The said man sighed and ran his hand through his hair exasperatedly.

Jake sighed and pressed his hand against the roof of his nose, turning to you with a tired smile. You returned it, slowly left your spot by the entrance of the hut, and walked closer to him. You stood before him and put your hand against his arm. Your touch seemingly helped him de-stress a bit and be less tense, but he still had a million thought's running through his mind. "Tough day, huh?" You said, and Jake breathed out a tired laugh.

"You have no idea" Jake admitted crossing his arms over his chest, prompting for you to drop your hand from his bicep and keep your arms at your sides. This was clearly eating away at him and it worried you that he might be shouldering all of this on his own. You had an idea of what he was thinking, and no matter how hard he tried, trouble kept following him.

You two stood in front of one another in silence, and you were trying to rack your brain trying to think of what to do. Before you could stop yourself, your body acted for you and you moved forward, wrapping your arms around Jake's shoulders and his neck. You could feel him tense at your sudden gesture, but you felt his body ease into yours and he wrapped his arms around your waist. He needed this more than he'd like to admit, and he wishes he could have the courage to tell you how much of an impact you've had on his life in such a short period of time. Even he couldn't believe it.

"Are you okay?" You whispered suddenly, and Jake froze at your words. Was he? He couldn't tell. Needing a bit more of your comfort, he couldn't ask for it, but he did the next best thing. He tightened his grip around your waist, tucking his face in your neck and burying his nose against your soft curly hair. For a moment he forgot where he was and he allowed himself to bask in this feeling.

For the first time in months, Jake answered truthfully. "No" He shook his head. Your heart dropped at his words and hugged him tighter. It hurts you that he was doing this to himself. He owed it to himself to be happy, and you vowed to be there for his family more than ever. They bring you so much comfort, and the kids are the exact representation of the children you've always wanted to have. You'll protect Jake and his family, even if it meant laying down your lives. You refused to lose anybody else, and you'd fight to prevent it.

As much as you didn't want to, you began to pull away from the hug and you could feel Jake's arms around you hesitating to let go of you. Eventually, he did let go of you and you stood in front of him normally again but this time you had your hands on his shoulders as he towered over you and you looked up at him.

"Your kids will find their way, Jake. Even if they make mistakes, try to trust that they will make the right choices, even if they seem hard to understand, try to see the world through their eyes. You're doing a great job as a father, and you don't have to go through it alone. I'll shoulder your burdens with you and you won't ever have to be alone" You promised as a teary smile  came upon your lips and Jake kept his eyes trained on you, completely speechless.

Jake was allowing himself to be vulnerable, and to nobody else but you. There was no one around and it was as if you two were the only people in the world. As much as he'd like to ignore it, Quaritch was still hunting down his family, the kids were motherless, and he felt like he was crashing and burning trying to fill in Neytiri's shoes. Your words made him realize that even with all of that going on, if he had you with him, then he'd get through it. You'd become an important part of his life in such a short amount of time, and the fact that you haven't given up on him and were still standing here in front of him gave him courage.

"And you'll be here?" Jake muttered in an almost inaudible tone, but you heard it. Your features visibly softened, and you didn't hesitate to nod. "And I'll be here" You assured him truthfully. You could tell he didn't enjoy being so harsh with Neteyam and Lo'ak, and no sane person would. He did it to keep them in line and protect them, but his resolve was slowly deteriorating and coming down. That just meant he had a good heart, a strong one.

You knew that the silence between you two meant more than a thousand words ever could. He was mulling things over, but even if you didn't know, he kept repeating your words over and over like a mantra. Sometimes all he needed was a hug, some comfort, reassuring words, and most times, and calming touch to bring him back to reality. That's what you were there for now. Jake knew very well that he couldn't possibly protect them from everything, and as much as he wanted to, it scared him to no end that he wasn't able to.

In a way, you were beginning to understand him. Those kids have wormed themselves into your heart and you worried for them as well. The world beyond these reefs, or even outside of the forest where they are from, is much bigger than they'll ever know. You'd do everything you could to try and find a way to keep them safe, especially if the Sky People were back and could attack whenever they pleased and felt like it. Jake escaped the forest to give his family safety, but you wished he knew that nowhere in the world was safe.


The day passed by pretty quickly and it was soon approaching lunchtime. Neteyam was off practicing his hunting skills on the vicinity of the reef, Tuk was with her newfound friends that are her same age in the village, and (you hoped) that Lo'ak was off trying to make amends with Ao'nung. Kiri was the only one who had stayed behind and was in the hut with you, while Jake stayed right outside working on one of his weapons, sharpening his knives.

You had offered to help cook lunch, and convinced Kiri to help you so that the process will go faster. Since she hadn't been doing anything else, Kiri agreed to help get the preparations ready and that is what you were doing now; getting the food all set. She has been really silent, more than usual, ever since the incident earlier that day so it was clear that there was something bothering her. From the small time you've known her and gotten to know her temperament, she wasn't too big on opening up about what she was feeling, and rather just sweep it under the rug. An idea was soon coming up inside your head about how to help her feel better, but stayed quiet for now.

While you two worked in silence, you briefly turned back to look at Jake to see if he was preoccupied, and he was. That was good. At least Kiri would have some privacy since he was outside of the hut while you and Kiri were inside. She could speak about what she was feeling without feeling bombarded with concern. If you've learned anything about wanting to talk about what you're feeling, its always better to do it with someone you really trust and in a safe space. You just hoped Kiri trusted you by now as much as you trusted her.

You watched as Kiri folded some food that was now ready to be boiled into the water you're heating in front of you both, wrapping it in some long palm tree leaves that you collected by yourself right before starting on lunch. The more you looked at her, the more the frown in her lips and crease on her eyebrows became more evident. She was definitely upset.

After a while, you finally decided to speak up. You sighed and moved closer to the girl. "What is wrong, Kiri?" You asked, knowing it would take a little more than that to penetrate Kiri's barricades that she was holding up. The girl closed her eyes briefly before opening them up again and exhaling deeply.

At your question, Jake's attention was caught from outside by what you and Kiri were talking about. You hadn't noticed that he had caught on to what you two we're talking about, and he was her dad. If it was necessary, and if anyone could help her feel better, it was her dad.

Kiri continued folding like she was before, only with a bit more force now. Her emotions were beginning to penetrate her exterior. "Nothing. I'm fine. Why should I not be fine?" Kiri replied sullenly, and her tone already told you everything you needed to know. You watched as she sighed and slammed the food she had just wrapped onto the pile between you too.

You sighed and dropped the folded leaves in your hand onto the floor of the hut, standing up. Kiri noticed your sudden action and looked up at you with confusion. She was even more confused when you stretched out your hand out to her. What were you trying to do?

"Come" You said softly, gesturing with your hand for her to take it. You had an idea that can get her to feel more at ease and feel better. You didn't want her to open up to you if she didn't want to, but this was a way for her to get a distraction at least for a little while. "Where?" Kiri asked, dropping the leaf she was holding.

You smiled at the fact that she was at least willing to go somewhere. "You'll see. Trust me, okay?" You assured her, and she seemed hesitant for a moment but then, she finally gave in and took your outstretched hand with hers. You helped her stand up, pulling her to her feet. You still had conjoined hands together, and when she was standing up fully, you smiled again and begin to pull her along behind you and out of the Sully's hut.

Noticing that you and Kiri were leaving, Jake looked at the two of you with confusion. The food was still yet to be ready so he didn't know where you could be going now. "Hey, where are you headed?" Jake asked, dropping his knife and putting it down. You both turned to look at him, and you were quick to answer. "Don't worry, i'll bring her back soon" You said, and Jake nodded. But there was still the issue of the food cooking with no supervision at all.

"But what about the food?" Jake asked, gesturing with his hand over to the boiling pot in the middle of the hut. You looked over and turned back to look at him. "We won't be long so the food'll be fine. Just keep an eye out for it for a bit" You replied, earning a wordless nod from Jake. He could supervise the food from here, and even if his specialty wasn't cooking, he could surely keep an eye on a pot of water.

"Yeah, sure" Jake said simply, earning a soft smile from you. Then, you turned to look at Kiri to see that the girl's spirits were already improving. She had a much more relaxed expression and maybe all she needed was to leave the confines of the hut. "Okay, let's go" You said while you and Kiri still held hands, and shortly after, you two were off.

Jake watched fondly as you and Kiri left together. His heart softened at how easily you could get his kids to feel more comfortable instantly simply by your presence. He has been struggling to get the kids to be more open but you do it effortlessly, and he was glad that you we're beginning to have such a strong bond and connection with them in such a short amount of time. You could be the motherly figure that the kids needed. Neteyam was so eager to learn hunting from you to become a warrior, you've been there for Lo'ak recently to calm him down after an argument with Jake, Kiri has slowly started to shown trust in you that Jake has tried so hard to build up after Neytiri passed, and don't even get Jake started on Tuk. The youngest Sully already adored you infinitely.

Jake smiled to himself as he went back to what he was doing and started to let his mind wander into how it would be if you could be his kids mother. Call him delusional, but he has struggled to admit that you have been the perfect addition to his life and if he let you go, who knows when someone like you would come along? Even so, he knew there was nobody like you, and you were the final piece of the puzzle that his family needed. It was much clearer to Jake now, and he would not  ignore it much longer. He was sure that Neytiri would have loved you. In many ways, you reminded him of her a lot when he first met her. He failed in expressing how he felt the first time around, and he wouldn't make the same mistake again.

As for you and Kiri, you were now taking her to a secluded spot that you have never shown anyone. It was deep within the forest behind the village, but it was still a safe vicinity of the homes below. Seeing how connected Kiri was with nature, you were hoping she would like this trek. And you were right. On your walk there, she was completely entranced. In a way she was feeling nostalgic to her own life in the forest just a few weeks ago. It was sweet to see in a state of such contentment and serenity.

After a while of walking and climbing, you and Kiri reached your destination and when coming across a clearing, you tell her to keep her eyes peeled because this is something she was going to want to see. When coming around a corner and seeing the sight before her, you chuckled lightly at Kiri's expression of awe and shock. This place was beautiful. It was a cliff that overlooked the village and the horizon of the Pandoran ocean. Kiri turned to look at you and saw your nonchalant expression, confused at how you weren't gaping at the sight like she was. But then the thought that you came here a lot occurred to her and it made a lot more sense. It certainly didn't mean you did not find this place beautiful because it was, and even now, you have never gotten tired of it.

"How did- How did you find this place?" Kiri said as she stepped forward and stopped when her feet landed on the rocks of the cliff, preparing to sit down. As hung her legs over the edge while she sat down, you came closer and sat right next to her. Both of you swung your legs back and forth, looking at the horizon with so much awe and amazement that you could barely believe this was your home.

"I found it when I was trying to find a place to clear my thoughts. I haven't shown anyone, so you're one of the first ones here, Kiri" You said, and the girl turned to look at you with surprise, which later melted into fondness. "Why did you decide to show me? What about my siblings?" She asked, and you pondered for a bit. You knew all of them were struggling.

"Because I know that you need it. Eventually i'll bring Neteyam, Lo'ak and Tuk up here too but for now, this is about you. Everything we say here, stays here" You said, placing a hand on her shoulder. At your words, Kiri shuddered and turned away from you. So, you had noticed. She knew she could trust you, but knowing is easier than actually coming out and saying what you feel. You were the only one who knew of her newfound abilities, and even if it seemed unexplicable and bizarre, you kept it a secret like she asked with no judgment.

"What is it? Is it because of what Ao'nung and his friends said?" You prompted, and the way Kiri stayed silent and looked away, you knew you had hit a nerve. Her having human gene's didn't make her any less than other Na'vi. It made her and Lo'ak unique. You'd said this before to her but people fear what they can't understand, and Ao'nung is a perfect example of that. "So it is that, isn't it?" You said, and you saw Kiri give you the faintest of nods.

"Why can't I just be like everyone else?" Kiri blurted out and your heart shattered. She didn't need to be like everyone else, but its hard to ignore thoughts that are voiced out by other people. She's always felt different. Kiri kept her gaze downward. Your gaze softened at her words, not realizing that this is how she felt. You should have seen it coming after everything that Ao'nung and his friends said to her. The words of being a 'demon blood', 'freak', or 'alien', were taking a toll on the kids. More than you and Jake originally thought.

"You shouldn't listen to Ao'nung, Kiri. The kid is an skxawng and his pride doesn't let him see who he hurts" You said with a small chuckle at the beginning of your sentence. Kiri chuckled a bit, obviously agreeing with your sentiment.

"I shouldn't let it affect me so much, but it's not just Ao'nung. Everything is changing. We had to leave our home, we lost our friend Spider, I can't help but feel different because of my human genes, I miss my mom and I don't even know what these abilities I have are. It's just...too much" Kiri confessed and you couldn't help but feel so much compassion for her. There are many things that stood out to you that she said, including the fact that she said that she missed her mother.

What happened to her? That simple sentence sparked so many questions, but it also answered so many that you already had. You never knew for sure if Jake had a mate, but if they arrived to the village alone, then you had assumed he was widowed. Like you. Your heart dampened with sadness at the realization. You wouldn't bring it up unless any of the Sully's entrusted it with you first, out of respect. It wasn't your place to pry into something that ran so deep and painfully. But in a way, it made you feel closer to them, knowing that you have been in their shoes. You know that you would like to be given time to be ready instead of being coerced.

Instead of asking Kiri what she meant, you opted for another question that you had. "Who's Spider?" You asked, not ever hearing the name come up with the kids. Kiri looked at you and the question seemed to be very hard for her, but you didn't rush her. She didn't even have to answer if she didn't wish to do so. "He is our human friend, like our brother. He was captured by the Sky People before he fled the forest and we haven't seen him since" Kiri said in a tone that was almost inaudible, but you listened to every single word she said.

As wary of the Sky People as you were, if this boy was so dear to the Sully's, then you had no reason not to trust him. "Kiri, I'm sure he will be okay. Believe me when I say that Eywa will protect him and will bring him back to you" You said, and even if your words weren't law and it wasn't set in stone, that was all Kiri needed to hear. She sniffled and threw her arms around your neck, and you immediately cradled the back of your head with your hand while wrapping an arm around her back.

"Listen, you don't need to be like everyone else, Kiri. Those kids out there don't know what they're missing out on by just focusing on the fact that you have an extra finger. You're special. Spider will be okay. Your mom is watching you with so much pride, and I'm sure you will return to the forest one day. Everything will be alright, trust me. It will all work out" You said with as much love as you could, tucking her loose hair strands behind her ear as she pulled away from the embrace.

Kiri smiled weakly and let out a gentle laugh, feeling happy tears pooling in her eyelids. She had learned that she was alright feeling vulnerable, and she should probably be more open, especially with her dad. "Thanks, y/n" Kiri said, leaning into the touch of your hand on her cheek. Your felt so comforting and motherly that it reminded Kiri so much of her memories with her mother, Neytiri. You haven't judged Kiri at all or made her feel like less, and she didn't want to admit it, but she hesitated to tell you because she thought you wouldn't understand, just like every other person she has tried to tell. Except for Spider. Kiri closed her eyes and relished the moment. "You should try to express this with your father. He should know how you're feeling, and knowing him, he'll be there for you. He loves you so much" You reasoned, not doubting for a moment that Jake would stop everything to help her.

"I will. I didn't see it before, but I can now. Thank you" Kiri smiled, and placing the palms of her hands on her kneecaps, leaning forward to admire the view. You have noticed how at ease she's been ever since she's gotten here, and you didn't have a problem sharing this spot with her. In fact, you already couldn't wait to show it to Neteyam, Lo'ak and Tuk. They 'd love it here, you were sure of it. "You can come here anytime you'd like. This place is yours now, too" You said, and Kiri turned to you with disbelief. Were you really willing to share this spot with her? You said it helped you clear your head so Kiri wouldn't want to be the one to crowd it.

"Are you sure?" She asked and you nodded, and even if she tried to hide it, Kiri smiled from ear to ear. This was truly the perfect spot. Close to the village, beautiful view, and yet still so secluded from everything else. You'd really hit the jackpot if no one else has found this spot yet. "Yes, I'm sure. You are just as deserving of it as anybody else. If I had to share it with anyone, it'd be with you and the others" You said, but Kiri started to wonder still why it is that she was the first of anyone you knew to show her this place. Naively and oblivious to your reaction to her words, Kiri spoke up again. "If anything, I thought you'd bring my dad here first" Kiri said, swinging her legs back and forth on the edge of the cliff.

At Kiri's words, you couldn't help but almost begin to sputter denial and practically choke on air after her assumption. As much as you wanted to deny it, it was beginning to feel physically uncomfortable to prove it otherwise. Were other people catching on? You didn't even know yourself if you were ready, but there were so many factors that came into even considering getting closer to Jake in the way that Kiri was implying. Or maybe she just meant that since you and her dad have become good friends and she thought you would show Jake this place first because of it. Thie simple assumption was sending you into a spiral of turmoil and anxiety. Kiri could have meant anything else and you were acting like a lovestruck fool, proving exactly what she was talking about and implying.

Trying to compose yourself and answer without giving away your inner distress, you shook your head with a nervous smile and looked away. "Why would you think that?" You asked rhetorically, but Kiri wasn't fooled. She looked at you with a deadpan expression, but it was comical how obvious you and her dad were making this whole situation. Her, Neteyam, and Lo'ak were talking about it the other day, just talking about how oblivious you two were being. The boys were already beginning to see you as a mother figure, and even if you weren't their biological mother, they've taken a liking to you and would love to have you as part of their lives. You probably had the fear that you'd breaking up their family, but it was the opposite. You were exactly what they'd been looking for. And they had the same thought as their dad, which was that you were the final piece of the puzzle. They knee you would never try to replace their mother, because as impossible as that was, you had different intentions and put the feelings of the Sully's first. At one point in the night, they even tried to think of ways of bringing you and Jake closer, but they turned the idea down when Lo'ak pointed out that you were set to be mated with someone else, (given that he overheard it from you) but what they didn't know is that you still had a chance to choose someone else.

"Please, I don't think you guys are as discreet as you think. Have you seen the way he looks at you? Or the way you look at him?" Kiri said teasingly as a smile cane upon her face. Your face heated up at what she said, and as much as you tried to believe her words, it was hard to acknowledge it when there was so much turmoil in your heart. Kiri was right. You hadn't even noticed yourself how you looked or regarded Jake. It was then when the question started nagging at you. Are you capable of caring about somebody like that again? Putting yourself in the position to open your heart to someone? You were scared, you really were.

"No, he doesn't. You're mistaken" You said, looking away from Kiri. But she wasn't convinced. The girl liked you, and she liked you and her dad together. You were so oblivious that it was painful. I mean, you thought that Kiri implied that Jake felt something for you by the looks he gave you and how he couldn't take his eyes off you. But in reality, it was so much more. Her siblings could tell too. From the moment he met you, Jake couldn't stop talking about you, asking where you were for "training", even asking Ronal and Tonowari things about you knowing how close you are with them. The list was endless.

Kiri never thought his dad would fall for someone ever again, especially for how broken he was when Neytiri passed. She didn't know much about love, but if her father's actions recently told her anything, he definitely felt something. Not necessarily something big yet, but he definitely felt something. Kiri would be more than okay if you were the one her dad courted and mated with. You are a gift from Eywa to him, especially after everything he's been through and done for his family.

You and her dad was so clueless, but you hoped you two would figure it out before it was too late. This peace wouldn't last forever, and life was unpredictable. If life taught Kiri anything, especially with how suddenly her mother was taken away from them, is that you and her dad had no idea what would happen if you waited too long and hesitated. You make her dad happy, and she wanted you around.

Other women would take interest in Jake and not even acknowledge the kids that came with him, ignoring their presence and not even trying to get to know Kiri and her siblings. It's happened before back at the forest, but you weren't like that. You were treating Kiri and her siblings like one of your own, believing in them when almost no one in the village has because of whether the fact that they're from the forest or that they have human genes. You didn't care about any of that, and you saw themfor who they really are.

"Whatever you say, but don't wait too long" Kiri said, leaving you silent and thinking. You didn't want to mate with Vokan, you really didn't. But if what Kiri was saying was true, then that would change everything.

She started to feel somber when remembering her situation. Almost all women in the village were mated and happily married with children while you didn't have any of that. Even with Hahona, you wanted your own family and he did too, and it was your fault for waiting too long. You wanted children so much. You had always imagined spoiling them with love and waking up to your husband and have the hut be filled with happy laughter of her children.

Aside from Vokan, you've turned down multiple suitors that have either approached you by free will or others arranged by Ronal and Tonowari. Even from neighbor Metkayina islands who were looking for the honor to have a warrior be Olo'eyktan. After Hahona, it seemed trivial to even attempt to find someone but you were trying to fill your role as future Tsahik for your people. That was all.

This conversation with Kiri made you see things for what they are, and there was no denying it anymore. You liked Jake, and you wanted to be his mate. You had denied it all this time thinking that you wouldn't be able to feel like this for someone again, but you are, and Kiri was right. You couldn't wait too long, and time could run out. Someone else could sweep him under his feet, peace could be disrupted, and the future was unpredictable.

Something that still wracked your mind is that whether he felt the same way or if he was even emotionally available. Just like you, Hahona's death still feels like a void in your heart and you were sure that Jake felt similarly.

Losing the love of your life is something that can never truly stop hurting. You didn't want to rush him or pressure him into it, and you didn't want to make it feel like you'd be each other's replacement for the loss of those we love. And you would never stop loving Hahona, and Im sure Jake will never stop loving his late wife, but you did know one thing. You felt something, and you didn't want it to go away.

You came to the conclusion that you would try and confess at some point. Whenever it felt right, and if Jake felt the same way and he was beginning to be more comfortable being with someone, then you'd be all for it. In fact, you'd be over the moon to be with him like you've been hoping for. But if he doesn't, mating with Vokan is all you have left.

You didn't have much time to choose, like Tonowari pointed out, so a big part of you hoped he realized what he felt and quickly. The ball was in his court. Jake had more of an option to act out on what he felt. But still, both of you were running out of time.

"Let's start heading down," You said to Kiri. She nodded and studied your expression. You had stayed silent for a while, and she somehow knew exactly how you felt. Her dad was clueless in many things, so just as you were thinking, he needed to look at his situation in a new way. Kiri hoped his dad realized what he felt soon enough. The smile on his face whenever he spoke about you wasn't a sign of a simple friendship, but of love that she hoped his dad would be able to find again.


Hello! Okay so the realization of feelings by part of y/n has happened and its only chapter 12 lmao A LOT of things came out into the open in this chapter shsj

Now we need for Jake to do it too! <3 We are moving slowly but surely :,) I have a scenario all planned for them to confess and I'm so excited to write it.

As i've said before, regular updates are coming back! I am so excited! I don't know if you have noticed but Im not taking as long to post chapters anymore!

I am trying to figure out an updating schedule btw! I have much more free time now so things are opening up! I don't know if you've all noticed but updates are coming a lot faster and Im super excited about it!

As usual, there's not much I have to say now, but as always, I'll add other news in future chapters if there are any at all or if anything changes. Anyway, I'll see you all in the next one! 🤍 Have a good rest of your week everyone!


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